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Information .

Poteniially Sut>jc~ctto Di~dosurc;

1) AUp~nding cases!im=('stiginions,:t 1.h~

- lime of testimony; t

2) All finding:,;of misconduct that rd1ed truthfulness o-rc,mdor of the offo~('.r
(to indnde cvidt\nce of ..:orruptinn bias):

3) All crimi n.alct,;

:f) Any finding lhn.t1..

~asL~n. serious doubt.upon the acc-w1i1.:
y of evidence that the
pwse~-1:tm intends i(I rely upon a triaL

5) Tnformatk1nthat rdkcts ·1hn:tan oifo:·er's ahilit~'t.opercc:.~1

ve and recall trnlh ma~'be

6) Where defense has made a sptdt'k proft~r, oth~r infommtion that is directly
resp011siv~to H1;;_~proffer.

A non--exhaustive list of cx:.nnple.~ of fimlings !hHt '~dlei.:t upon the truthfulnes~ or cnndo.rof tll('.
y c\msiiime "wm 1ption bias:'·
ofJ.icer"or that ;:irg.uabl

• Judicial n~gativ~ credibility findings;

• False :,t:.i:tementfindings by MPD;
• Orticer lied aboui his status i.ooblain a badg1.~ to which h~ was no(. entitled
• Offic(·r slop_p~dan indivkhrnl for ..:.;?.Hing tickets outside ol'the Vcri:wn ceukr
ilkg ally , l1utag.t~ednot ti) ,trrcst tlw selkr if fhe ~elkr provided him with tickets
to an ~vl!nt;
• O.ifox:r!>to pped a driver of .:1vehick ~driver ·wasin.pos:;ession of drugt;. O.fficer
!()ldthe driv~r 1hathe '1-\
'<nddnm arr~sl.hin-i.jf the driver could lead him to a gun.
Oi-11ccrsdrove'.d,;:fonJ.antt() tl ! MaryLmd and 1m1ctm~da gun. for him.
Officer:, r~wmed to the l)i:,triGt-1d n.~pi)rtcdi.n_pape:r\','\'J:kthat they had
recove red th.0 ~runin DC ;

• Officer Utkesphotos of <1rrt~te0sand p r1sL~i.hemon his open .Facehook ~lC(;.()Unt
• Officer took :,ic.kkave fi\)J11 "i\tPD in order to \">'mkh:is part-1ime positit)n;
• Officer directed. iJiher o:ffic.~:csft) delete BWC footag('.;

• Officer d:inx:lcdother ~)ffic~r~ m,i io complttc 'lJFlR. paperwork ,vhcre the

paperwork w~lS :n:·quiredby MPD pol.icy.
• An officer is late for rnll c:111.,md .bi.fsergeant c;.11lshim. lhc (.)f.fice1· tells the
sergeant t'h,1tbe i:;;stw.~klr: (:<Hirt.. When the uffox·r shows up later an horn: to 90
minutc.s h1tcr, the sertre:::nt ask:: to see hi;; PD ·t 40. At thnt point the officer admits
that he wasn't in court but at home wai1.im1. - from Be:;;tBuv.
,. for a delivery ., The PD
140 accurately n~.llectedhi:stim('.in court. The officer is suspendedfor severa"l

list of cx,-ur,pks ()f"'findings 1hat case a substantial <loubtupon ilia.

BekJ\-Vis a 11011-exh.m.1stive. ::
accuracy of evidence 1hat the prosti}Utorint<:ncl ..;;to rdy t}nat trial.., Nole that whclbe:rthese
findings are disclos;-,:ahkJ·epcnds v,~ry spc,.;if:k -ally on whai the cffic.x:ri::-bt~ingcalled to tc~tify cerwin finding~;may be disclos<:a.hle:in ime case, but rn.1tin another
~tbmtt Tb:.>.i
(pnsing th~ pokatial for inconsisttmcks in disi..~lt)surcs case~:... ): ·

• Where an offic1:Ti.-::.pan ;:,f:1 chah of ct:;stody.~usw:inedfindings that the offox'.r

has mi::handled 1.'videnc<! .in.the past;
• Wher~ an offi~cr hu~ complctc'.d papen vork in a case. and has prior sustained
findings against him for foiling to pro-p~:d y fill out pa_pen;vork;
• Where a detective has r1?.p<:atcd!y violated M.irnnda in the taking of rno.fessions,
and has tah:11 a statement iT,the inst~~ntcase;
• When;' 311offic,,:r obtnincd consent i.o sc,1:rd1 from ,m individnai , and 1he officet
has previ01;s.lybeen.frnmd to .havr.:- impt\iperl.yoblain1::dconse.nt.

.Findingsthat are presumptively not disdo~cabk, absem a spc·.c..

:ifo.~_profferfrom defonse or a
case-specific reason:
• Any failure 10 appt'ar an.y\.v.b;
• .Preveritnbletra.fiic ac.c-idenis ;
• "ivlott:.:hingoff al roll. call, sendmg irm.ppropriak c,rmib ;
• Cau~ing <lamag.t'.to M.PD property;
• Ha.r..=i
• l),)rnC$tic Vit)kn c:c findings('?) ;


• Sustained findings that do not relate to the offic<-r~ste.stimony

• Sustained .finding for c>t'der~!<.Jir~,·,ive
violation where the officer ('.beckedout of
court at 1523 hours~but didn't report to MPD m1tH1900 hours. 011icer found
AWOL for the inic~rv<~11ing. period

Below is a non-exhnostivelist of fi11dingsthat fall within a gray are.a:

• U11iustified lJsc of Force .findingstin a Ci.=tS\~

where the defendant was ir~juredas
pan of1hi:}arrest, prior sust.~ineduse of .forceaHcgilfamzagaimrt ufficers invi)lved
in (he a:nest would arguably be di~doseabJe io defense)
• Losing a priso:11<.~r!noteboo.k;
• ./\ finding in connc~ticmwith oubide cinplt)yment wh~1·ethe detective WJ.s
working in plain clothes,·Uu.~ sklre owners t<,obtain security
services without paying mim.dat<.'ry i.nsurnnce~but when.~MPD had otht~1wisc
approved the <iutsideem_pk1ymem~ so il is n~.'tft fraud case;
• ~'.Misfem~ance,' findings ··· findings that an officercould have doue more, in the
absence of a sped fie tie to an <!il"ker= s role in a case.
• Offker fires pi~foJat a mt,ving whicfo. This i~a "Nol Just.tfied''use of force. He
is reprimanded. Finding ckn}sn~tgive rise to l"iasfveracityor relate to tht~:iccur,u..~y
<)fhi~ tcstimQny in the~Cij:o;c. but nature of the finding is the- sort of 1hint~defense
mighi.want to kno\v. D.isclo~,~ in camera.?
• Su:stainedOPC finding where the offker was argumentative '\villi1he driver and
fin.dings,vere sustaint"d.f:o:rh.arassmt~nt.No truth or veracity issue. Do not lmow
whelht'1'dd:endant intends to claim that she was harassed by police al stop.
• S-a~tainedfindings lhat an (~i:Hcerfailed to t~ivea statement to OPC, whl~reofficer
had a mtion representative p:rt~sentm1d.OPC had failed to rev.iewigctfmm .MPD
the otlker>s PD 119.

... ,I

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