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Republic of the PhiliPPines

Departrnent sf ifhe Interior and Locll Gnvernment

3?1 Sen. Gii Puvat Ave., Makafi CitY




Fursuant tc iReputrlir: Act No. 6975, othen'ise kno*'n as " fhe

!)c.pttrtmt:nt af the lftteri)t iltti !..0cil (,mtarni'nrnt /\ct o.f 19)90",;is

arniencletl by Republic A.ct t'Jo. []511, ther foilowins. iiules of

.i:'roc eriur' e arie herebl' pr r.'scribetj. arr d pt:omttl gate ci.



Section 1. T-itle. - 'lhese iRulcs s;hail be knc..,r,n- .rncl ciied. as the

L[nifornt Rrtlcr-s q,r Prt'tc,:ti'rtv:: hq't:rt tha t\ti;tini:;tro.tirc t.)isciTtlinrtry
,^;r.ithorities ancl tl'rc Interttnl ,'t.fjcirs Scrriic': r;.i tlu: PliiipTtiitc Nt'tional

Police (Philr).

Sec. i', ficl,:;tr ntd i\'pnlical;ior.. - 'Ihese Rfiii:.s sirall aippi.v- ta ail
sctministrative' ca-ses file,:t against rrniformed ulembers of the PIJ I-,

lrr'fore tl..e ciifiel'etrt ariministralive ctiscipJrnary duthorities snti

lnternal .C,ffairs Service {l AS)-


Pagc i of 77
Rules trf Procedure Before Adrninistrative []isciptinaiv Atfthorfties and th€ IAS
Sci:. 3. Coit:;trttctitt't. - These Rulcs sheill be liberallv construcd,

to amain just and expeciitious ,Jispositic;n of administrativc

complaints and cases against PNP mernbers, ensure public
accountabilitv arrri ubmo:.t rliscipline in the police service.

Sec. 4- Nafure oy i.:'roc.eeclings. - I.he investigation "rnc1


before the arl.rninaoonlivr) disciplinarv authoriiies and the ;AS shall

be summary in naturc-: ancl shall not sffictly aclhere to lhe technical
mles of procedure and e'u'idence applicable in judicial proceedings.
'fhe provisions of the Servicc' L,aw, Rules and Regulations as
well as the Rerzised l{uies of Court sha}l be supptetorily applicable.






-iection 1. DeJinititrtt ,$'Tcrns. - As usect in these Rlr/es, Lhe

fcllowing terms shall be u.nderstood to mean ns r'oliows:

a) Anstue,v - ,i pleading in which a respondent or

other advelse party sets forth the. negative and
affir'rnative d.efenses rlpon whicir he relies;

b'; Aytpellat,: Badies - shall t'efer to the Regional

Appellate l3trarcl (RAB) arrd Nafional Appellate

Page 2 et 77
Iiules of Proceduie Before rs.dminisirative Di:icinlinarv Authorities and the lAs
F.ioarr{ (NAII) cf tire Comr:issicrn ; and Sec'retarv
of the Interjor and T.ccal Government (SILG);

c) Breach of internni Drcciplinc an-l/ offerrse

comrnitted b,o a member of the PNP invotrving
rninor offense affecting the order and discipline
vnthin the police organi.zation;

dj Citi.zcn's Ct'tnplttint " a fc,rmal charge initiateri

naturnl or iuridical person or his/its dttly
b'rr ;r

aut]'rorized represrntative or guardian on

account of an injury, clamage or disturbance
sustained as a result of an irregular or illegal act
ar crnission of a PNP mernber,

e) Comnrission - shall refer to the National Police

Cornrnission as constituted pursuant to
Republic Act No. 6975 as amendeci;

tl - a written and sworn statement

regarding a lwong, grievance or iri*y
sustained b)t a person;

g) Conrylainant - one who initiates a complaint

against a uniformed member of the PNP, either
as compia:ning witness or as a concerned
gevernmenf agency or office;

hl Condact Unlrerrrtninc of n Police tlfficer - imy act

or '.behavicr of a poli.ce officer, irrespective oi'

Page 3 of Z7
Rules of Farocedure Befor.-- ACministrsthrc Discipiinarv,{ulhorities and the IAS
railii, r.1ot,t: in hiS official ctr: priv;:io {':'tpa{:ity
u'liicir, '.n rlisiront:ring ot dr.;r-t;;rrcirtg tr;.rnseU a:;

,( F)oltce I'fficer, ser.icLISI'/ conrl?rcirrrising hil

r:hili:a{rter and stanr-ling. rn ttre [NF' rfi :rrjch a

i]-!..]niie;' as tL1 inciicaizc vitiater,r. i:rl' rlot'rill:t .:tate

of rf,iorill charar:ter $iliici? sh,Jr,r's his
unlr.*l:thiri*$S to r'.trnain ;.n the p.:iice .;e'rvic c.;

i) Dt'rtsion the wr-ir':len dispcEiiirlr, of the

discipl ir rui',, ailtlt ori g, r,rr appJl i-,-ro body s tatiir g
r:learir. thr: f.acis iuid tl"rr: iav,, 11p,rn which it is

Ilisdplirrary ;\utkori"des- rhail ret'er t. the city or

;:nurricipal tna:.,1ngs; chrefs 9f police c:::
eqiriva.ient S".rp*rvisors; provincial directors cr
equ'.vale:u; regicnal directors or
Pit',ii:ziiti,:nt supervisors; people's l_aw
En.offsnrent Boarrl (PLEB); Chief of the pNp;
N;itir>nal Peilice Clomrni"ssion Hn Banc

k) Equitla.lent Saperuisors - IrNp Cfficers

occupylltg positions/designations equivalent
to that of Chief of pqrlice, provincial Dirq.ctor
and Regiorrai Director who are vested with
disciplinary authority over personnel of their
resr-*c tiv e'-l f f ices, char ge d with min. r offens es

Ru te* o f pro cecr ure auto.",,1,hili"u?r:itulf ,iil.i prin ury Auth o riti es an d ih e AS
in-rolving breach of internal iliscipline as

prr.'vider-i u.nder Section 41 (d) of R.A. 6975, as


For pulpr:ses of these F,ules, the follnwing

are cor"xsicierecl supervisors equrvalent tn the
Chief of Folir:e, Frtlvincia.i Director ar:il
Regrionaf t)irec hor:, lesptrfivef y :

i. ['he superwisor equivalent to the Chief of

Police shall include:
a. (}roup Director, Prr, ivlobile

zl. ?'he supervisors equivaient to the

Provincial Police L)irectcr shali iircliide the
a. Group Director, Regionai t\krbile Group;
Lr. Chief of the Regionat Unit ,,-tf

Aclministratir,-e anci Opelatir:nal

National Support Units;

.1. 'Ihe supervisors equivalent to the Regionai

Folice Director shall include the follor.ving:

tr. Dirr:ctor, PNP Adnrinistratiyr. l'{ational
Support Unit
b. Di*=tor, PNP ( )perationul National
Support Unib
:- Dirtx:tor, Pr>lice District t*lffir:e l{ational
Capitai Region Police Cl,ffice, .


;age 5 cI 7"i
Rules trf Procedu;a Beforr: r\dr:rinistrallve Drscrpknary ;.rncj the IAS
In case the hcad of the valious levels of
conrmand is an officer-.i-n-charge, he may
ccnduct investigntion anci submit his
recorrunendation to the next iligher disciplinarrr

U Finnlitv of ilecision- there is finality of declsion

when up()n the lapse of ben {L0) days h'om
receipt, or notice of strch cleclsion. no motion
fbr reconsiuieration or appeatr has been filed in
accortLance with these Rules:

rn) F'onncl Cltarge- a complaint initiated before any

of the d:*.iciplinary authorities or IAS after
finding the existence of probable cause;

n) Fontw Slrcpping the filing of several

complaints arising from rfne and the same
caltse crf action involwing the same parties
asking for the sanle relief with the different
administrative disciplinary aqthorities, tlre
Inter:ral Affairs Service an<l the Office clf the

o) furisdiction - the authority ve.sted by lavv to

hear and decide a case;

p) Minor olfiins.c, ' any act or omission not

involving moral turpitude, but atfecting the
intemal di.scipline of the PNP, ana sfr*t inciurJe"

, Page 6 of 7i
Rules o[ Procedure Before Adrninistrative Disciplinary Authorities and the b\l]
but not Limited to sinrple misconduci;
negli.gence; insuborilination; frequeni absences

and tardi:ress; habitual clnrnkerrness; antl

gambling prohibiteti try law;

q-) lvlorql'furpitude - inciudes everything v.-'hich is

di:ne conharv to iu5trigs, hcnesiy, modestlrr, rtr
good rnorals;

r) Nezaly Lrrccrruered Eoillence - that evidence

which cculd not have beelr 'Jiscovered amtJ
prociuced during thc- hearing of tl'u-. case despite

due diligence, antl if presented, would

probably alter the clecision;

s) P<:ntling {' refers to a itffee wheu the

responclent had been form.allv charged befort:
any of the ttisciplinary authorities or IAS; or an
appeal is pending with anv of the appellate

Recidiaist - a person who has been previously

penalized for a gFave offense and is again
chargecl o( another or the same grave offense;

nj Reglementary Pciod - the period required by Inr,r'

or these llules to petfr:rm a sperific act. ln the

cnmputatir:n cf a greriod of time, the first day
shati be exciuded anc{ the last dav shall be
inclltded unless it falis on a Saturclay, Sunday, -w I

)age7'df j7
y' i Ruies of ProceOure Before l.qiln,rlstrative Discrplinary Autlrorities and the iAS
or a legal hoiiday, in which case the last cla1,

shall fall on rjre next working day;

v) Repeatedly Charged - whEn a police olTiceu was

for:nally chrrgecl acirninistratively fo.r at ieast
three {3} times and was founa culpable in any
one of them and nneteti a penai.ty not lor,r"er

than sixtv (60) days suspension;

w) Seious - refers to a complaint invo-tving


an offense where the maxirnum inrposabie

penalty is dismjssal. from the servir:r:;

x) Subpoena Ad Testificanduffi - a process directed

to a person requirin$ him to appear and tqtify
in an investigation or hearing;

y) Subpoena Duces Tecwn - a frrocess directing a

person to appear and bring nrith him books,

docurnents or things under his contro] in an
investigatian or hearing;

z\ Substuntial Eztidence - such reievant evtde*ce as

a reasonable nrind might accept as adequat+-'to
support a conclusion;

aa) Sunrwary flearing OJficer - an officer

designaied by ihe disciplinat'y author:ity or L{5
to conduct the formal hearirigu and to submit a

report of investigation;
n ,


Rures of proceduro Befo.e Admi:is?:ouu3tJloo,,."ry t,utircrritiFrs :-.rd rne tAS

bb) Summary Proct:cdini - an expedititrus
adnr-inistratir,-e condrrcted
ccnsisient u,'ith due process te cietertnine the
cuipa'nility c;r iirnocence of the {i:,-s,g:ondent; *rnrl

cc) Stiwmons - is a lvritten noticc- j.nforming the

respondent that he is charged rvith an offense
and directirrg him to file his Ans*;er.

Sec, 7. Ptincipie oJ iiixclusiuit.y. - rMren rr cornplaint or charge

is filed againsl a FNP rnember, it shall bc heard and tlecideci

exciusively by the clisi:i.plinary authorifE vt-hich filst acquired
*riginal jurisclictrLiu over the case: Prooided, ihat oifenses which
carry a higher or lowcr inrposable penalty shaXl tre referreC to the
appropr:iate discirriinar.r authoritv: Prcwide d further, that any
,Jiscipiinary autiiority or bhe IAS who shall take colSnizance o{ an1,

rermplaint beyond his jurisdiction and renders a decisiorr thereon,

the same shall be void i.rnd sha]} not be a bar to the filing of a
cornpiaint against the PNtrr memhrev lrefore the prr:per riiscipiinarrrz
authority. Any disciplinarrv authority or IAS Cfficer whc vioi.ates
this provision shall be pr-cneederl agaiust atiministrativelv far
:;r:ious irregiaritll in tlrc performance of futtr1.

Sec. 3. Protdhi.tion against Forum Shapping ,tr Ar!,tltirtie Filing tt1

Conrytluints. T o avoid niuitiplicity of €ases fol: the silme cause of

action, thr: compiainant i;hall certifl'under aatir in iris pleatling, or
in a sworn certificafion ,rnnexecl thereto on'l sinrultaneousiy fiieri
iherewith, to the' truth of the following facts ilnii. irneter"taking:.

j pege 9 oi i,7
grl Rutes of Procedu!-e Before Adnilnistrative oisciplinary Authorities and ihe IAS
a) That itre complainant iras not filed or couunenced
anv c.Jrnplaint lnvoiving the same cau.s* of action
in anv other rlisciplinary autfiority, IAS or Cffice
ui the Ombutlsrnan:

b) That tc the best of the con'rplainant's knowlecige,

no such cornplaint is pencling Lrr=fore anv other
disciplinarry i.ruthori{r" IAS ur L)ffice of the


c) T'hat if is any such complaint which is either

pending or may have been terminated, the

cornpl.ainant nrust state the status thereof; and

d)'fhat if the cr.rmpiainant should thereafter l-earn

that ir similar action or proceeding has lreen fiied
or is pending lrefore any 6ih.t pcirce di.rciplinarv
authority, tASi or Office of the Onrbudsrnan, the
ctrmplainant rnust report suc"h fact ranithin five (5)

clays frour know'ledge.

- Violation of the prohibition

Sec. 4. ijJe:t:t cf Forwn ShopTtutg.

against forum shopping r;haii be a ground fcr the dismissal of ttre

case ftioi"u Ttropria or upon inotion 'rf the responclent.

Sec. 5. ApVlictttitt,t,. r:if' tlrc Princ,Tilt: o.f Rts |udicata / lhar hy Prior

ludgrnent. F'or a pri.or iudgmenf irr an ackninisfrative case Lo

canstitute a bar to a subsequent adrninistratirre action, tJ:re follorning
re,qrdsites rru-rst i.otlcur:

a) it must i-re ;r finell iutlgment or order;

Rures of proceilure Bef cr e oo",|,,"'li,ri,ir; tlJ.iprinury nuthoritres anrl ,rh.r
fr\ 'the clisciplinary authority rendering the
same rr.ust ha',rr: j'"rrisdiction over the subjeci

matter ernd over the. rrarlies;

It rnust be a judgment on the rneribs; ald

d) There rnust be between the tr,r'o (2) cases/

identify of parties, subject matter and
ca.use/s,;f actr.on.

Sec. 6. VYhen resp<tnden.t is a Presitler,iittl Appoitttec. - After a

forrnal charge is filed, a respondent who is a appointee
can only be subiected to summary hearing after a clearance i'or:

such puryose is obtaint-''l from the Oifice of the President. 'Ihe

report of investigation tosether rl'ith the complete original records
of the case shall be subnritted to the Oifice of the President through
the (-ommission.




Section 1. VWtre nay fled. - A citizen's comptaint againsi


any member of the municipal poiice station or city police

office/station rnay be filed before the following cliscipiinary

a) Chtefs of Police or Directors of Ci$ irrrlice Qffices,

where the 'cffense is punishable vrritliholding
trrT -

l_ page i.l of 7i
gff Hutes ,rf Piocerrure Eefore A.Jministrat,re Dis,)iplinary Aurhcrrities cnci thc lA$
of priviieges; restriction io specified limits;
suspension or forfeiturre of saiary; or anv
comlrination thereof, lbr ar period not exceeding
fifteen (15i clays;

l>) Mttyors ttf C.ities and., vvhere ihe

offense is punishable l'ty withholding of

privi-teges; restriction to specified limits;
suspensio'r or forfeiturr: tst salaly; or any
combination thereof, for a period of not less
than sixteen (16) days but not exceeciing thirty
(30) days;

c) lleople's Lettt F,r$trcemeut Bonrd- (PLEB), r^rhere

the offen:;r: is punishable bv '*ithholding of

pr{vileges; restriclion to specified limits;
suspension or forfeiture of saiary or any
cornbination thereof, for a perio<l excectling
fhithl (30) tbys; denrotion or b'y disrtissal frorn
the servicr::

d) AII other citizen's r:omplaints against PNF

members, \A'ho are not assigned in the
municipal station or city police r-rffice,/station or
in areas wlrere r:o PI-,EB is organized, sherlL Lre

filed with the provincial or regionai Inte.rnal

A-ffairs Servicc '"t'here the offeruse was
c.ommittecl; Prmtiderl, that the jurisdiction of the
surnmary dismissal authorities shall not be

tluies ci pri:rcednre aero,u ncmP,n?jsrula1,';J'[1J"",""r Aurh<:rilres and tire rAC



Secfion f . i,AlherE :;hall he filed, - A conrplaint for breach of

intetnal discipline shall be brought before the followine disciprlinarir

u) Chie|s of Pc,licc or Equiaalent Su:peftsisors, where

the irnposabie CIenalty is admoniticry
repriman<i.; restriction to specified limits;;
r,rrithholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or
suspension; oi: any combination of the
foreg5oing: Provided" that in atrl cases, the total
pc'rid shall not exceed fifteen (15) clays;

h') Prouincirtl t-.)irec'tors or Eauiitaln.t Suptrvisors,

where imposable penalry is admonition r)r

reprimand restrictive custodv; withholding c:f

privileges; forfei.Lure of salary ilr suspension; or

any combirration of the foregoing; Frutided, that
in all cases, the total period shall not exceed

thirty ( 30) days;

c) Regional Direciors or Equiualent Supen:isors have

jurisdictiorr over offenses punishable by

disnnissal tr:orn the servicr: and those where the
imposable penalties ale admonition or
reprimancl; restrictive custody; withholding of
privileges; suspension or forfeiture of salary;
demotion; or Euxy conbination of the foregoing:, ,

Page 13 ot ?/
flules of Procedure Beiorg.Adminrstrativ-- Disoipiinary Hr.ithorities and the IAS
l:rrt''Lticlcrl, tl'rat in all cases, the toial period shall
n.ol- cxcer-.d i;ixblr (6C) ci;l,irs; anci

i) Chief cf the i)NP has jrrrisctiction over offenses

punrshable by dismissal from the service;

dernotion; suspensioll or l-orfeiture af salar1',

or any cornlrination thereof for a period not
exceeding on€ hundretl eighty (180) clays.
'I'he Chief
of the ['I'JF has the authoiitv to
place personnel under rebtrictive
custody during the pendencv of a grave
administrative or criminal casr: against hirn.




Secfiori 'i. Summe4l L)ismissnl - Summary dlsmissal

case is one where the marinlrnr penalty irnposable is ciismissal
from the service and the offense falls under anir of the following

a) lVhere the cha.rge is serious and evidenr:e of guilt

is strong;

b) Wiren ihe rer;pondent is a recidivist or has been

repeatedly chargeC anll there au€ reasonable
grounds to berlieve t-hat lre is guiity of the chargp,

Page 14 of i7
Rules of Procerlure Befor:. ,\dministi'ative Disciplinary Authorities and the IAS
c) I/Vher i ihe respcltrdent is guilty oi a serious otfense
invoiving conduct unbecoming of a police officer;

ci) trVhen arly rnember or officer has been ahsent

r,rrithoui official ieave for a continuous period of
thfut_y (30) cal,endar days ol arore; Prtntitlctl, tha-t
n'here dropping from tl"le roils is resoi'ted to as a-

mode of separation from the service, dre police

<lfficer can no ltinger be charger{ fcr Sertlrius

Neglect oi- Dtrty arising from absence without

leave (AWOI-} anci vice \rersa.

Sec. 2. Wrcre -ftietl. - The cnmplaint rnay be filed before ttre

fullowing cliscipl inary ar.l thoritir:s :

a) PNP Regional Directors or Directors of the

Nationzrl Supporl Llnits;
b) Chief o{ the PNP; and

'fhe NationaL Police Commission En Banc.



Section 7. Orgax.ization - I'he Inspector General shall establish

the nationai, legional and provincial offices of Internal Affarirs
service (IAS) in crder to effectively ar..r{ eifie:r.:ntly carry, out ih,;
rnandated functir:ns.

,l page 15 of 77
;ff nues of PrGcc'lure Beiore lirlminiJtratir.,e r)ir:ciplinary Authorrtiils and the rAS
Sec. 2-. Pot.orrs nnut Ftit'tctions - IAS shall perform the ftrliowtrtg

Powers and functrons:

a) pro-actively i:onduct inspection ancl auclits

.ern PNP personnel and units;

b) investigate cornplaints ancl gather eviclence

in suppc,rt open investigation;

conduct surrnurry hearings on FNP

members facing administratlve charges;

d) submit rr periodic report on tire assessment

:rnalysis, and evarluation of the character'
and behaviol cf PNP personne1 and units to.

the Clhiel PNP ancl the Crrnmnission-;

e) file appr:opriate crinninal cases against- I'NiP

members before Lhc court as evidence
warrank; and assist in the prosecution of the
case; and

providc assistance to the Office of the

OmbuCsman in cases involving tl'ie
personnel of the I'JNP.

Sec. :1.. Ju.risd.iction.. - 'Ihe IAS shall conduct moh.t. ltroprio

investigation on the foliorving cases: ,


Page 16 of 77
Rules cf Procecir;re Bei'ore ,\drninrstrat'.ve Disciplinarv Authorilies and the tA$
a\ incidents rn'here a oolice personnel discharges a

b) incirlents'v,rirere rleath,' serious phvsical injury,

or .:-nj/ violation of hurnirn righcs occurred in
tl',e -tclr,dnct of police operatiorr;

c) incitlents rt4rere eviclence rvr.rris compromiserl,

iampered n'ith, obiiterated, or lost while in the
custody ot police personnef

d) incidents where a suspect in the custody of the

police r,vas seriouslv injnred;

e) incidents lvhere the established rules ol:

engagement have be'en violater;l.

Sec. 4. lnclusltn of !:hlperctisclr and Saperi.ors in IAS lnaestigatiort:;,

or supervisor of r'he personnel or units
Tihe irnmerliate supericlr'
being investigated under Section 3 hereof shall be automaticallv
included in the investigation of the IAS to exclusirrely determine
lapses in adrmnistration or supervision.

Sec. 5. Disriplinnrry Recommentiations ,J the rAS, (a) Any

tmiformeci PNIr pelsoimel found gullty +f any of the caees
rnentioned in Section l] amtl anv imrnediate srrperior or supe-rvisot
fcund negligent under Section 4 of Rule 6 of tl'rese Rale.s shall be
recouunended autornaticajlrr for dismissal or rjernotion, as the case
mav$e. ,

Rures of procedure Eerore uo*'i?.-%l1".tl'i*1,0,,n"* ouurortres ancr rhe rAS

(b) Reccrnrnend.aficns tlir th.e iAS lc': the inrposition of
tiiscip-tinary meeulfres again^st erring 1JNP ixlr-sonfl.e1, once final,
cann!-it be reviseri, set-aside, or irncluly delaveci bv ar.y disciprlining
t-rnthoritv without just cause. Any PNP dic-ciprlining authority i,vho
tails to ;ic't or *'tro acts with abuse r,f discreiion on ilre
retolnmenitation of the i.,{S shall be macle Jierbie for gro:;..; neglect o_f'

tlttfr1. Ilre of erring ,Jisciplinary authority si1u11 be submittr'ei ttr

the Direct<>r Genelal for proper disposition.

Sec. 'e. A.Ttpcais jitttrt IAS Rcsolu.tion Dismiss.irtg nn Athnini;trutiz,c

(tntty.ti.aint .- I{esclutiot-ls tf the Prr.rsecution L)i.'.risiot'r of the Nafional
IAS Office or Reeional trAS dismissing the adrninistrative cornpiaint
for lack <lf probable cause nray be appealeci to the Inspectrrr
Llerreral. I)ecisions c,f the inspector General affirming the
Rescllubions of thr. Itegrr:rlal IAS may be iri:pealecl to the I\A8..




Section 1. - (a) The idegional Appellate Board

(RAI}) shall be corr'.poserl af a senior officer of tl-rt' NA.PoLC(ix/i
regional office as chairpersorl and orre (-1.) representatiize each flcm
the PNI'], ilnr.I the Reqioi'ral lreart* ald ,.)rrier Cc:uincii (RFOC) as

(b) The RP()C representative shall be riesignatecl by r,r'ar\r of a

resolutit>n of f"ire Council; and the IrNi., representative shall be

"iesignaterl by the PNP Regionai L)irr:ctor. The clesignations shall tre,


Page '18 oi 7'i

Ruies of Procedure Before lr<irrrinistretive Dir;clphnaiv Author.ities ani ihr. iAs
,..cnfilmeti krY the Vice{lhairperson anci Executive C)fficer of the

i.) l'he ternr of office of iire rrremlrers represen"ing the PNtr

anel i<PC.)C shall be tl-rree i-'i) yeals irom ihe rlnte of ccntirrx.ation tri
litcir desiqnaticn unless soone.,.' rr:vcketl brf their respb-ctive

orsaruzation. Such rnembers shal-t tioid office untii l-heir succerisors

shall have been chosen and qualified. The I'IAFOLC:ONI Regional
IJirectclr nmv recornmencl for the re''.rocation of the designatiorr r-if

the members ttr ihe RPL'C oi Plrif'Regional Dire.ctor, as the case

may be, by reason of sickness, non-perfolmance or inabilit,' to
grerfr:rrn their dutfi ancl relquest for their replacements-

5e,:. 2. Q.uttri.ttl - Tiie prese.ncc of th<.: chairpe.rson nncl an'/

nne cf its nnembers constitutes a quorum. It :*re cirairirerscn or an'/
rnember is relaterl to fhe r:omplaining witness Lu respondent withirr
fourth civil clegi:ee by affinity or consanguinity, heishe shall ber
riisqualified from participating in tlre deliberation of the appcai. ln
case of disquaiificiltion of the chairpers()r'i, i1 RAB chairperson from
another NAPOLCOIvI regional office or another senior official c-''f tht
{-ornmi.-ssionsirall be designated by the Vice-Chairprerson anC
iixecutive Llfficer to sit as chairpelson of the lloald in the
disposition of that particular ca-se.

Sec. 3. Wmt are appealable. - ?-lre ftrllorving are aFpearlatrle to

the Regional z\p-pellate Boar:d:

a\ I--recisions of tt're PLEB where the penalty irnposecl

is dernution i_rr dismissal fr"om the senrice;,,

Pege i9 ofJT
Rujes rrf Prc:cedure Befcre Adm;nisi!'iirive ilrisciplinary ,\uthoriiies and the IAS
!:) Decisiarrsoi ilre PllP Regionai L)irector or
eeluivalent s'upervisor, wher:e the penalty
imposecl is clsrnotion rlr dismissal r'roill the

c) Decisii-:.rrs of rity and municipai lv{i?vors in cases

falling rn'ithin their respective jurist-iictions; antl

,j) Disciplinary recommendations of the Regional

iAS r.ryhich \rere not acted uuon bv the PNP
Regionai ilirr::tor or equivalent supervisor r,r'ithin
thirty (;)0) clal's frorn submission bv the Regional
iAS, urhere tlae i'ecomr.nencleti. penalty is denrc'tion
or dismissal frorn the service.

Sec. 4. I<n!fl, of ATtpenlcd Csse:;. - In regions where tJrere are

Fy'or$ (2) or more RAB divisions, a raifle shali be ccnducted

'whenever there isTare ne* 'ly docketed case/s.

Sec. 5. Ddiburatiorts. - Tlle Board shail dcliberate on cirses

appealed to it at least once a month.



Secfion 1. Cttntposii'icn - The Niiticnai Appellate Borrrtt shall be

ccnrposeci rlf the four (4) regulcrr comrnjssioners and slrall be

chaired by the't/i.ce- Chairperson and Executive Officer.

Sec. 2. b'Vhat ara apwalah[c. - The folic*io,g are appealable to

the Nafitlnai Ap'rpeilate []r:arci: ,;
Page 20 of l-l
Rules of Proce<lure Sefore i\cministratir,e {iisciplinary Auihorities and the IAS
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Sectji:n 1. ,tt\rpellate ]u'isdictias nt) thr: tiail Sentiu Cttmrvrfsston.

i)r:;i:rions r;f rire liecretary of the r)eparhnent of the Interior and

L*cai Cove-::rmenl: (S1L(l) in 'che exercise of his appellate jtuisciictlon

anrl ripr:ir';icn$ cf thtl Nr\/:O1-COhrl iln hsnc as summaryt dismissal

arifhoriS, mey be a;i'{ befc;re the Civil Serrzice Contmission in
acrtrrdani'"e vsith its Ru les.


RUIE 1"1





Section 1- {.veetion. - The Sangguniong Panlungsod/baya.n in

t:'lze'ry city arrd rui;;nicipaUty shall create such number of People's
L,a'*' Enfc,rc{.r'rirent Boards {PLEBs) as rn;iy tre necessary: Ptwided,
t:irai t!.rere shar.l be at treast one (1) PLEB for every five hundre'ci (500) or rnunicipal pclice personnel and for each of the leglslatjve
distrcts in a citv.

Sec. 2- Functiarcs, Pouters and Iluties. - The PLEB has the power

hear and deci,Je citizen's complaints withrn ib jurisdiction filed

again-st any member of the municipal police station or cifv pcrlice

Sec- 3" Crsrnposition^ - The FI.EB sha]l be composed of the.

i- Page 22 of T7
nutu" of Procedure Before Adnrinlstrative Disciplinary Authorities and the IAS

a) A m.*'nber ,rf the ,Sangp_lunzan Pan.htngst>ffiayan

choii'en bi'- tds/her respecti'v€ ,ir? itggtntian:

b\ A punon.g-t,arangay of the i:ity or murdcipaliiy

{r(.;rc€rri€d chcxren by the l-iga ng w&tl
!:lanzngnY; and

c) Thre': {3} *ther uter:rbers, who can be removed

oniv tr:r caus€, '-'hosen by the city/municipal
peace and order council from among the
l'e;$pecteci lnrrrnilers of the community i<rrown
fcr their probity antl integritv, one (1) of
nvhom rnugt tle a wcnurn and another, a

rnember lf the Bar, nr in the absence thereot, a

coli"ege graduate, or, the principal of the
central elernentary school in the lcnatitv.

i-he Elhairpesson of the PLEB shail be elected fuom among its


Exc,;:pt as prcvid.ed in this Section or as uray be provided by

la*.r', a prrblic official or employee is diqualified for appointment or
designafion as member oi. the PLEB.

rtpplying the provrsions of Article 152, Chapter IV Title lll,

tsocrk iI of the Revised Fena] Code. the members of the FLEE are
consic*ered persons in autirority.

Sec. 4. Resolution und Exesttizte Order Constitttting tlrc pl-l,ts -

The Sanggrniang Panlungsoffiuyan shall pass a resoiution formalty
organizing the nrernb,rrs of the PLEB, a copy thereof shall
immediately be submitted to the City/Municipal N{ayor who sirall,
Page 23 of 77
Rules of Proeedure Bafore,S.ciminudre'.ive ilisdolinarv Authorities :End the iAS
When a PLEB mem.het, after sulficient notice, tails or refu-ses
to attend the hearings and/or deliberations of the Board w'rthout
any valid and justifiable reason and it could not pr<rceed Sor lack ol
quorurn, the fhairperson or the designated presiding officer rnav
reguest the Sanggwniang Panhmgsod/baysan sr the Li-$l t?g tttgl
Earnngay or the CityiMunicipal Peace and Order Council as the
case rnay be, to designate a temporary representative to enable the
ba,*y to constitute a quorum: Prrc/ided, that such tenrporary
representative shall act as such only for the specific case.

Sec. E. Disqu*tifcation by Reason af Affinity ar Consa'nguinitv. -

The Chai{person or any rnember of the PLEts who is related to the

complainant or respondent by affinity or consanguinity within the

fourth civil degree shall be disquafified from participating in the
prrx-eecling and the case shall be tried by the remaining nrembers:
!?rwidcd, that there is a quorum- In the event that the FI-EB could
not proceed with the hearing for lack of quorum, the Peace and
C)rder Council, the Sangguninng Panf"ungsod/hayan, or the Liga ng wgrt
Rarangay of the cityr/rrunicipafiry concerned shall appoint a

temporary member for that specific case only.




Section 1. Venue. - The adrninistrative cornpi.aints or cases

against any PNP menrber shall [:e filed before the discipiinarv
authcrity or IAS having territorial jurisdiction where the offense

Page ?5 of 17
Rules of Procedure Befora.Adrrinistrative Disciplinary Authoities and the lA*q
within five i5) days from receipt of the sam€, issue the appropriate
execritive order ;rdopting the resolution of the sariggunian
coricerned. A cCIpj/ r:f sai,C Executive Order shall be fumished the
I'JAFCLCu"-M R.egional Ciltice q."ithin ien flO) days fronn issuartce.

Sec. 5. I'erm r1f i-i{:ti:e. - -fhe t*rrm of r:tiice of tlre mearbers of

th* irlEbl shail lre f*r a peri*d cf three (3] -years frorn assur:rpiiot? ,)f
ctfictr i.tnless srlone-a.r trn:nncved fgr cause or:tome other valid groundsi.
Such rnerni:er sjrail. holc{ edfrce until his/her successor shall ha'.r,,:

bcen circsen arutl ctuaiifieC.

The Sentire o{ office of a FLEII member whc has br-rrlli

designateil as such bV vi'rue of his election to drr: Srrnggr inianSl
paniun1sod/hlran or r"ris noernbershi3: with 'fte /\ssoriafion ',.:i

Baraiigay t-lapbains *ylris 1.rpon the expiratic'n oi hit terrn,.rf offir:e ;rs
Sanggu.niang panlangsoti;\ member or as Bara.rgay Uh;;rrv*,r,a:n. [f

reeler:ted, and zui+se;irre$tlf tc th'r, PLFi'rr" he i'aust

take a new oaih of orfice.

Sec- 6" Eudget Allocation - The dnnu'.ri bud.get of rhe cit y or

rnunicipalitX' siull inctruCe an item erfld the co''espondiog
approprktir-tn for the ;naintqrnanco:r anct operatioc of their i'ilcal

Sec. 7- tjuontm. - 'Il,re preilerTcr: of three (3) rnembers ..rf t"he

FI-fiI} shail r:r:nstitute a q'u.oru$t: Prot',rdelt, fustiteoer, a vctie of at

ieast three {3} rrremhi:vs slmll be required in renr.ier{'.rg, a rlecisic>ri.

If .-cr anv reils{vn, the chairperscn is abser-.i ru'is disquaiified

froi:r 'l,artieipatin$ in the he.aring, the riemtrers ltrerrl-l beirrg ,i
quof iim, shnil elect {rom arnrrng therrrsa'i.ves a ternporary
cheirperson fo perfonn t-lre duties of a cnairpe:is..1i;,

Page 24 of 7/
;iUies of ProcedUre Fefore Adrninistrptjvrr Disr.rplinay Authoriijes :rn{ rhe IAS
was comrnitted, except citizen's complaints falling urrder Ru-le -j.
Section 1(d).

Fcr this pu-ryose, when an adnrinist'ative offense fatrting

within the jrerisdiction of ihe Comrnission w,as trllegedlv comneiited

within h,{etro Manila, the conrplaint rnay be fitred before the Central
Office thrclugh its trnspection, Monitoring and Investigafion Service
(IMIS) cr its National Capital Regron Office. In c'rther cases/ the same
shall be fiied with the RelSionai Office having territorial jrrrisdiction
where the offense was comnritted.

The prelinrinary err;duation, the designation of the sumrnary

hearing officer and the conduct of summaly hearing if warranted.,

shall be undertaken by ttre Regicnal Office, and thereafter the

required Repot of fnvestigation, together with the origina] records
of the case, shall be forwarded m the Cornmission en banc

thrcugh hhe legal Affairs Service.

Sec. 2. Transfer o,f Venue. - The NAPOLCOM En Banc, the

Chief, PNP or *re Inspectcr General may upon rnotion of either

Farty, order a change of venue for administrative cases pending

before their respective o#ices on the follo*.ing grorrnds:

a.) When any of the parties is exerting efforts to

harass, intimidate coer€e <.rr unduJy influence the
other partl', his witnesses or imrnediate mernbers
of the farnily to withdraw the ccnnplaint or
retract thejr statements;

b.)When thele is an imsrinent and direct threat t0

Page 26 of .r7
Rules of Procedure gefore Administratle Sisuplinary Authorities anrl the IAS
the life anrl trlrnb of any r:f the parties so as io
frustrate the successful investigation of the

administraiive case;

c.) tr{hen any of the parties ts harrrred +he cause of

which or l,he motive is r:iosely related to the
pending cajle; or

d.) Ttr better serve the ends of justice.



Section 1. How hritiated. - a) An administrative cornplainturay

be initiatetl by fili^g a 'written and sworn statement before an1'

disciplinary authcrity or the IA5, accompanied by affidavits ot

n itnesses, if any, and oth,er evidence in support thereof.

The complaint shall be accompanied by a certifc*tt of non-

foram shoyrpingdtly subxritred and sworn to by the compiainant. trf

the compiaint is not ar:companied by a certificate af nan-fontnr

,;hopping, the complainant shall be requirsd to subrnit the same

",vithin five (5) days froin notice; otherwl"e i:he complaint shall be

b) However, if the c:nmplaint is verl'nllv made with the PNP,

I.\q, CIr NAPOI,COM, the concerned agency shall assist the
complainant in preparing his complaint-affidavit and other
doc'urrrents in suppori itr t:reof*

Page 27 ot 77
Flules of Procedure Beiore ArJminlstrative Disciolinao- Authonti€s ano ihe IAS
c) trn case of a letter^c*rnplaint, which is neither oath
nor based on o{ficial reports, the evaluator shall require the
ct:rrnpiainant and wifrresst:s to atfirm their signatures and ta execr.rte
affirlavits to su'bstrntiate the complaint.

.$uch compla-int shall likewise he ai:companiecl by r certificntt

tsf non- forwm shoyrying.

d) An anonvmous complaint uray be the basis cf a farmai

,:ornplaint prcvidecl that the material allegations contained therein
nray be vaiidated.

Sec. 7. Coutents of a Complaint. * The complaint shall contain

ihe folh:wing:

ai Full narne aed address of the cornplainant;

bi Fuii nameT rimk and station or assipprment of the

respondent/s; and

ci A narration of the rnaterial facts which show- the

act or omissi.<ln constituting the offense allegeelly
cornmitted, the place, date and time of
cornm.r-ssisrt of the offense.

lr receipt of the complaint, ilre

d si.rall clesignate the cfficer rvho
the same io determine n'hether it

\- a., closed or dropp-rg(i outright fr-rr lack

V- of
{., Poge 28 of 7z
nut"" of Fi"ucerJure Fefare.{drnjnist-rative FisuFriinary Authoriiies and the IAS
prnbable cause;

b) refunecl to the appropriab iliscipLinary


Lreated as a grievance/request for assistance

which may be referred ro the concerned
office or government agency; or

d) recoffimenrled for summary hearing.

Any recommendatu>n by the evatruator closing or dropping an

arirninistrative complaint for lack of probable cause shall, in ail
csses, be approved by the concerned disciplinary authority or IAS.

If after pre<harge evaluation probable cause is founcl to exist

which warants the conduct of surruffuy healing, tlre- -

recorrunendation of the evaluator for the condr.lct of lhe sanne shall

When the
authoritv to conduct pte<harge evaluation is deXegated bv the
disciplinary authoritl tco anrg of its tfftice, the approvaL of the said
rec$mrnenclation shall hr: rnade bv the Head thereof.



fuction 1. Pre-chary,e Entaluntian - Pre<harge evaluation j,.i a

p!"ix:ess tcr tleternrine th€ existence of probable cause trased on ihc:
aliegations on ttre comp{aint ancl supporting evidence.

sec. 2- Action on flr: Cowmlnint. - All cornplainG for pre-chargfit,

Page 29 of /I
Ruies of Prccedure Eelbrrr Admiflistratve Disciolinarv Aulhorities and the IAS
pvaluation shall be starnped on its face $rith the date and time of im

receipi and an assigned reference ntrrnbrer, and shali be recorded in

:i docket book exciusively rnaintainecl for that purpose.

Wiihin three (3) d;rys from receipt of the cornplaint or the

referral frorn other cilsciphnary authority or investigative agencies,
the assigned officer studl evalteate the safite and submit his
recorunendation to the concemect di*ipiinary authority for proper




Section 1" Wlwn Deemed. Filed. - Upon rtreipt of the approved

pre+harge evaluation report that the respondent should bt-.

administratively charged together with the complete records of the

riornplaint, the office tasked by the disciplirrary authority to
maintain the records of ,aelministrative cases, shaLl enter the cnse

into its official dorcket u'^g stamping on the face of the report or
complaint the time and date of receipt and assign a case nr.mber to

A docket book shal.l be maintained by the said office and shall

contain, among otfters, the following data of the case: clate and tinre
of receipt fiom the evahrator, the case number, the name of the
parties, the offense charged, the hearing officer to whorn the case
was assigned; the date clecision v,as rendered; the implemenfing
orders; proof of service of decision; date appeal was filect; date the
decision becarne final arrd certificate cf finalifv was issuerl; and
othet relevant and noateriid data"
Page 3U af 77
F.uls of Prccedure Before luirnanrstrative Disciolinery Authorities and the !r\S
The case shail be deemed formally filed and pending upon
receipt and entry' of the sarne in the officiat docket of the
rJisciplinary authoritv i:r IAS. Ttre office tasked to maintaiil the
clocket of adminiskative cases shall hforrn the PNF Directorate for
Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM) of the pending
cases, as well as the PNP irnit where the respondent is assigned.

Sec. 2. Assignment of Heaing Oficers. - Except in cases filed

befcrre the PLEBs, ihe disciplinary authority or the IAS shall w.ithin
five (5) days from rereipt and docketing of the complaint, assign
and transmit the sarne to a trrearing officer.



Sectlon 1. Prnentfuie Suspension of the Respondent hy the

tlisc$linary Authoity and IAS The concerned disciplinary

authority or IAS, upon r:rotion of the complainant ilury, at arty' time
after a case is formalty filed but before the presentation of
complainant's evidence is tenrrinated, place tlre respondent/s orr
preventive suspension frrr a period not exceedirg ninety (90) days
under any of the following circumstances:

a) That the charge is serious or grave and the evidence

of guilt is strong; or

b) There is evidence to show that the respondent is

Page 31 ol 77
Rules of Procedure Before,{drninistrative Disciplinarv Aqthcritiec and the IAS
exerting efform to harass, intirnidate coetrce/ or
unduly influence the complainant or his/her
witnesses into withdrawing his complaint or
retracting his iiworn statement or that of hi-s
witnesses against the responcient or to tarrper with
the evidence.

Sec. 2. Requcst for .Prwentiae Suspension W th" PLEB.- ln the

ftrilowing cases the superior officer shall not deny a request for
preventive suspensiL-)n:

a) lMhen the respondent refises to heed the PLEB's

surnmons or subpoenai

b) When the PNIP personnel have been charged with

offenses involving bodily harrn or grave threats;

c) l{hen the respondent is in a position to famper

with the evid,ence; and

d) Wlren ttre respondent is in a position to unduiy

influence the

Any snperior who fails to act on emv request for

sr:-spension without valid grounds shall be helci.

admjnistratively liable for serious raglect of daty.

Sec. 3. Entitl.emenf fo Ranstatewent and Salan;, A memtrer of

the PNP who rnay have been srrspended from office in acccrd.ance
wittr R. A. No. 6975 as amended, or who shail have been separated
Page 32 of 77
Flufes of Proceduie Before Adminisilrativq Disciplinarv Authorrtt* and the IAS
ftom office, shall upon exoneration from the charges against him, be
entitled to reinstatennent and to prornpt payment of sa.lar-v,

allowances and other benefits withheld from him bv reason of such

suspension or separation.



Sec. L. Sumwons. - Wittdn three (3) days upon receipt of the

ccmpiaint by the Hearing Officer, he shall issue the summons tc be
served upon the respondenf directing him to subrnit' snswer
within five (5) du)" from receipt thereof, toge*rer $rith whatever
docnmentary evidence the respondent may have in support of his

Sec. 2. Ansner. - The finffifier shall be in *riti",& under oath and

rnust contain unaterial facts, which rnay either be a specific denial or
affirrnation of the allegations in dre complai:rt. trt shall be
accompanied by docume$tary or other evidence, iJ there be any. in
support of the defense, copy furnished the complainant. tt shall also
contain a list of witnesses and their individual add-resses, whenevtrr

The answer shall be filed in three (3) copies either personally

ar by registered rnail, rvith proof of appropriate senrice to the
cornplainant. If the crsarcr is sent by registereci mail, it is deenred
filed on the date and hour of stamped by the post ofhce on
the envelope. Sai.d envelope shall lrc kept and made an integral part
of the answer and recorCs of the casp

Page 33 of 77
Fules of Frocedure Before .Admrnistnative Disciplinary Authonties and the IAS
No motion to disraiss, mohon .ior bill of particulars CIr anv

other motion shall be allowed, and the filing of the satne shall ntrt
intenupt the runnir:ng c'f the reglernentary period for filing an


Sec. 3. E_ffect of Failure/Refusal to File Ansurer. - Failure of the

respondent to file an q,ns:uter within the reglenrentary pericrd shall be
considered as a general denial of the charges.

Sec. 4. Effect E Adrnissian by R.esyandent. \r\,tren lhe

respondent in his nnsTDer acimits his culpabilitv to the charge.. the
hearing shall, nonetlreless, proceed in order to deterrnine the clegree
of his responsibilif, arrd the appropriatepenatrty to be irnp*:sed.

Sec. 5. Pre-Heanng Confefew€e. - Wi$in ien (L0) d*yt from

receipt of the answer, the disciplinary authorify or IAS shall conduct
the pre-hearing conference for the purpose of: a) defining and
simpiifying the issues erf the case; b) entering into actrnissions
and/or stipulation of fucts; c) lirniting the number of witnesses to
be presenEd; d) scheduling the dates oi hearing e) nnarking of
exhibits; and f) threshing out other matters relevant tc the case.
Witnesses not included in the pre-hearing stipulations shall in no
case be allowed to testifu

The parties may agree that surnnnary hearing be dispensed

'*{th, instead memorandurn or position papers be subrnitted.

The conference shall be cornpleted within two i2) days and

the proceedings shall be duty recorded and attested by the parties
and/or counsels.
Page 34 of 77
Rules af Procedure Before Adminislralive Disr"rplinary Authonties and the iAS
VVhether the partit)s are represented by counsel or nof they

shall be made to srgn the certificate of readiness to appear at the

scheduled hearings. In the said certi,fication, the date of hearing
agreed upon by the parties shall be strictly followed to avoid
'unRse$sary eleiay in the proceedings.

Sec. 6. Heoring Prtper - Within five (5) days from the pre-
hearing conference, the sururury hearing of the case shall proceed.

Sec. 7. Order af Surnmary Heaing. - The order of the sununary

hearing shali be as follow's:

a.) The complainant shall artrduce evidence vvith proper

identification and marking there.of of itis exhibits;

b.) The respondent shall then present evidence in

supprrrt of his defense with proper identificadon
ancl rnarking thereof of his exhibiLs;

c.) The proceetiings being $unuffuy in nature, direct

examination of witnesses shail be dispensed with
and the sworn statementslaffidavits of witnesses,
after proper identification and affirnnation on the
truth of the contenb thereof, shall take the place of
their oral testimonp except for wihresses who
appeared pursuant to a subpoena;

d.) Clarificattrry questions may be allawe<i, if requested

by either party, but shatrl be ccnfined strictly ro

rnaterial and rr'-levant n'ratters and, insof-ar, as may

be compatible ruith the ends of justice, . ,

Page 35 of 77
Rules of Procedure Elefore Adr,ninistrative Discipiinarv Authorities and the IAS
Sec. 8. Suhmissian
"f Position Papers. - The hearing officer
mav require the parties to subnnit their respective position papers
within ten (10) days trom the ilate the sunrnary hearing is


Sec. 9. Rlgftt tc Counsei - Parties have the righi io avaii of

counsel. If the parties at the start of the proceedings appear wiLhout
ccrunsel, they shall be intorrred of the right to avail of one if they sr:

desire. FTowever, the hearings shall proceed as schecluled even in

the absence of counseL.

If a party is not re-presented by counsel, the Hearing Officer

shall mark the exhibits presenbd during the preliminary cnnference
and rnay propound clarificatory questions, if nrrcessary.

Sec. 10. Postponement. - Postponement of hearing should be

discouraged and shall be allowed only in meritorious cases, such as
iltness of a pafty or his/her counsel and/or other simiiai'
unavoidabie cau-ses. A request for postponement on the ground of
iilness shall be supported by a duly sworn medicai certificate.

Regardless of the ground invoked, not {nore than two (2)

postponements shall be gpanted for either of the parties. Thereafter,

the hearing sha}l prr-reecl as scheduled.

Sec- 11. Pralibitiott of Reassignment of Respandent During the

Pendenql of an Administr'*tiae Case. -A respondent PNP member
shall not be reassigned or transferred to another city/rnuniripal
police station or unit during the pendency of the case, unless the
concerrred disciptinary authority crr IAS certi.fies that the presence of
the respondent is no longer necessary. Any superior who violates
^t Page 36 of 71
Rules of Frocedure Before Admirustrative Disciplinary Author"rties and the IAS
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Sec" i4. Effect of Conryulsory Retirenten.f. - The cornpuiscry
reiirernent of the respondent shall not affect the pendency of iris
administrative case and the award of reti-rement benefits due him
shall be su$ect to its final dispositiorr.

In the event that lhe respondent who has retired is found

guilry and the penaity of suspension is imposed, the corresponding
r*mount reJative to the period of su-spension sha-ll be deducted frorn

ti'rat portion of his retirernent benefib that are allowed by law.

Sec. 15. F.fftct $ Lleath^ - Death of the respondent during the

pendency of the case shall terrninate the administrative
prcceedings and has ttre ,-.ffuct of exoneration.

Upon Fresentation of a certified true coplz of the death

rertificate, a resolution clismissing the case shall be issued by the
concerned diriplinnrv atrthority, appellate body or IAS, rn'here the
case is pending"

Sec- 16. Stenogrrphic Recards of Proceedings. - The entire

proceedings during the conduct of the sumrnarv hearing sirail be
taken in shorthand or stenotype, if there is a stenographer.

The stenographer shall immediately tran"*-ribe the transcript

of stenographic notes taken, but in no case beyond fifteen (15) days
irorn the date of the hearing: Prmtided hotortser, that if the case is
cleenred submitted for report of invesugation/ resolution / decisi<ln,

he shall transcribe ail the stenographic notes . rithirR ten (X0) days.

r\ transcript rf bhe records made and certified tt> as correct bv


Page 38 of 77
Rules of Procedure Before Administ.ative Oisciplinsry Autn+nties and the tAS
the ofiicial stenograph€r {fr sterncl typist sheiltr be apnmn facie correct

-qtatement of the prmeedings.

Sec. 17. l\here Seruices o-f Stenagrapfter hiot Aaailahle. - [n areas

and cases, where the sen.ices of a stenographer are not avaiiable to
fhe d.isciplinary authorif or IAS, a substantial account of the
proceedinpp duly certilied to as correct by the ctlcciplinary
authority or hearing officer sha$ suffice-

Sec. 18. Suhmissicn of Reytort of trwestigation. - The hearing

officer of the disciplinary authority and IAS, whenever applicabla,
shatrl have thitty (30) days to subrnit the report of investigafion
accompanied by the complete original recorrds from the date the
case is subrnifted fior resolutian. The report trf investigation shall
coniain the findings of fucts and the coffesl)CInding

In cases filed before the IAS, the provincial director, regional

direetor and the Inspecttrr Genera-l shall resolve and forward the
recommendatiein to the riiscipiinarry,. authorily, r,vithin thfutv (30)
clays from receipt of the report of investip;ation fronr the hearing

Sec. 19" Peiad to R.ender Decision- - The disciplinary autftority

shall decide the case within thirty (3U) days frorn receipt of the
lteport of Investigation, or IAS resolution: Prwided, that failure of
ihe discipli.ury authority to decide on the IAS recommendation
withinthe above-prexribed perioti shall render the same final anci
the discipti^ury authority'is mandated to implernent the Decision,

Page 39 of 77
Rules oi Procedure Before AdministnWe Disciplinary Aufiorrties and the iA.S
Sec. ?0" Comfrnts ol'[]ecision. - The s.lecision shall contain the
fuill irarne of the parties, rank and g.i*signment of the respondent, the
offunse charged, a lrrief slatement of the rnaterial and relevant facts,
the lindings as established during the hearing, the conch.lsi,:n, the
app5cable laws, rules ;rnrl reguladons, jurisprudence" an,C the
ctisptrsi$on thereof.

Sec. 21" Rcspandertt Found l.iahle fnr an AJfense Separatu nn.d

Distinct fro* whiclr he was Clwrged. - A respondent may be f<nrnd

culpable of an oftense separate anci distinct -fuom that fcrr which he
rvas charged: Prsaided, fhat the acts constifuting the offense t:f
which he was fountl guilty were alleged in the complaint and the
respcnclent has been given the opportunity to ansrver.

Sec" 2?. Finality of De'cision. - ltre disciplinarl' action innposed

upon a rnernber of the PNF shall be final and executory: Prwided,
that a disciplinary acti.on imposed by the regional director or by the
irT,"EB invalving demotir:n or dismissal frorn the service rnay be
appealed to the regional appellate boarci within ten (10) days frorn
receipt of the copy of the notice of decision: Proaided, further, that
the discipiinary action irrrp<:sed by the Chief of the PNP invoLving
cl.enrotion or dismissal may be appe.aled to the National Appeilatc
B*:anJ w"ithin tEn (10) days frorn receipt thereof: Frwided.
fu*hermore, fhat the Regional or National "Appel}ate Board, as {he
case mav be. shall decide the appeal within si-{ty (60) da1"s frorrt
receipt of &e notice of aupeal: Prszrided, fnallyt, that the decisions of
the National Appellate Board and Regional Appellate Board may tre
appealed to the Secretary' of the Interior and T-ocal Government.

Sec. Motion for Reconsiderction , The paft.v arlversely

affected may file a motion for recorrsideration from the dec-ision

Page 40 ot 77
Rules of Prccedure Before Jidministrative Discip[nary Autiorities and the IAS
rendered bv the disciplinary authority within ten (10) Cays from
receipt of a copy of the decision cln the foilowing grounds:

.) Nera'iy discoverecl evidence r.vhich, if presenteri"

would rnateriail'v affect the decision renCered; ctr

b) Errors of law ol irregularities have been committed

prejudiciai to rhe substantial rights and irrterest cf the

The fili*g of a rnotion for reconsideration shall stay the

excution of the disciptinary action sought to be reconsidererl. Cnly
one (1) nrotion for reconsideration shall be allowed and the same
shall be considered and decided by the disciplinary authoritr,'
within fi.6teen (15) days from receipt thereof.

Sec. 24. Crrtifcate of Finality. - The disciplinary authorig or

appellate body shall issrre a certificate of finality of the decision or
resolution tinalty disposing of the case when no rnotion for
reconsideration or appea} is filed within the prescribed period.

RULE 1-8


Section '1. To whow and bv wham seraed. - All notices ano

su-ffilnons to the responclent shall be serverl by handing the same to

the respondent in person, or, if he refuses ho receive and sign f.or it,
by tendering it tcr hirn. The process strr/er of the disciplinar_'r,'
authorify or {AS sha-Il e$-.ect said service. ,

Rrries orprocedure Berore uoril"3l#JfJop,o* Authorit es and the tAS
Sec. 2. Ifaw sewcd. -- All notices and srl{runons to the
respondent shall be personally deiivered to hi::r at his officiai
siation or residence" If for any recrson, the respondent cannot be
i*cated thereat, the notices antt flunmons shall be served at his last
known address as apgrearing in his pemonal file erith the
Adndnistrative Otfice.

Flowever, if
by the disciplinary authority, IAS or
Appellate Body cannot be accornplished under the Soregoing
rnodes, the notices and sunrmons directed to the respondent shaii
be endorsed to hig C'hief of Police or equivaient supervisor who
sirall have the duty to serve the sarne to him personally within five

{5) days from receipt .

in all cases, the Refrurn shall be made within twenty-tour {24)

hours from service, either personally or by registered mail.

for whatever iustifiable treasonr
Sec. 3. Constructive ,1eruice. -

the respondent cannot h: served personally, service may be n"rade

by leaving a copy of the notice anrl sumrnons at the tesponelent's
official station.

Sec. 4. Resytonsibilify uf the Adm:inistrstieelPersontrcl Offictr.

The Administative/Ireruonnel Qfficer of a unit, office or staticn
shall compile and keep a cornplete record of the residential
addresses of all the PNP uniformed personnel assigned within his
area of responsibiltry#

Poge 42 ot 77
Ruies oJ Pro(redure Bebr€ ,Administratjw Disciplirrary Autlrorities end the iAS
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Sec. 4. Implementation of Final Orders/ Decisions, or Resalrrfions

','Vftich Haae Become Final nnd Executont- - Final orders, ciecisions, or

resotrutions which have becorne final and exmutory shatrl be refurred

bc the PNP Itegional Dirrctor or his equivatrent supervisor or the

Llirector, Directorate fo:r Personnel arld F,ecords Managernent
(DFRM) for irnpleqrentadon within five (5) days from recerpt of
the request cr order of 'rhe disciplinary auihority or appellate body
to implenrcnt tlte samc', copy furnished Director.' PNP Finance
Service; Director, Directorate fcrr Investigation and Detective
hfanagement (DIDI!{); anrl the respondenfs urrit assignrnent.

Any PNP officer charged with the implementation of a

*eci.sion which has become final arrd executory who fails to
implement the sarne shali be Liable far serious neElect of duty.



1. Hoat oppeal is taken; time o.i flircg. - Appeals frorn

the decisions of the disciplinary authority, Regitrnal Appellate
Br-rard, National Appellate Board or recorunendation of IAS which
ripened tnto a decision rlue to inaction by the discipiinary authority,
shail be taken by the paltv adversely a-ffecteci, by filing a notice erf

appeal and furnishing a copy thereof to the other patry and the
appetrlate bcdy, with the deciding authority within ten (10) day,<

florn receipt of a copy of the decision.

Sec. 2 Nofice of Agpeal nnd lvNernorandum On ApptttJ- {a} ;\

i'.[atice'of Appeal shall be tiled in t]see (3) tegibie copies which shaiJ
contain the following: 1) the materiatr dates strowing that it was frIet'

Page 44 o[ 77
Rules nf Prccedute Before Adminidrative Discf ptirr-ary Authorities and the IAS
on tinre; 2) the assignrnent o{ the specific errors of fact ol law, or
lroth, allegedly comrnitted by the Csciplinary authority; and 3) the
specific appellate ftody to which the appeal is being taken.

The appeilant shatt sr.lbmit a lAewoftindum on A:ypenl in tlu"ee

{3} legibie copies not later than Cifteen (15} days from the filing of
the notice of appeal, copy furnishecl the other party. Idowever, the'
inemorandum on appeal ma,vbe submitted upon fiting the notice of
appeal. Proof that cop3 of the rnernorandum on appeal was served
to the other party rnust be submitted by the appellant.

(b) In all appealed cases, the title of the case shall remain as it
vras irefrrre the discipiina4v auttrority" but the party appeaiing the

case shall be further refurred to as the appellant and the prevail-ing

party as the appellee.

Sec. 3. Dixnissal oJ: the Appeal. - Failure of the appeilzu'rt to

comply r rith the requirernents provicled in Sections L and 2 (a) of
this RuIe shall be sufficierrt ground for the disrnissal of the appeal"

Sec. 4. Transrnittal o,f tlu Records -Within fifteen (15) ciavs irom
receipt of the Natice of Appeal, the concerned disciplinary- authority
shall forward the complete original records of the case to the
appeilate body, which shall be systematicallv and chronologicailv
aruanged paged and securely bound to prevent loss of anv piece r:f
document thereof. The hansrrtitpl of the records shall be a
ministerial dufv and {ailrre to.forward the salne shall be a ground
fcr adrninistrative action ,against the concerned of&cial or per-qonnel

for ssnoffs neglect rf *\j,

Page 45 ol 77
Rules of Procedure Before li drninistrative []isciplinary Auihonties and the b\S

Sec. 5. Docketiwg of Aytpealed Cnses - Upot receiving the
*onpiete uriginal recorcis, which shall include the exhibits and
franscript of stencgraphic notes frorn the disciplinary authority, the
appellate boclv shall imrne<liately docket the sarne by starnping the
iime and date of receipt on its cover, assigsiing the appellate the
ca-se nuftlller and entering the sanne on the docket bo<tk w-hich shall

be ourposely maintainect for appealed cases only.

Sec. 5. Feiod to Act on Appeal - The Regional Appellate Board

and the Nationai Appellate Board shall decide the appeal within the
period of sixlv (50) days trom receipt of the complete recorcls of the

Failr*re of the RAB to decide the appeal within sixty (50) d.a.vs
From receipt of the case recordg shall render the decisi<rn of the
disciplinary autharity final without prejudJce to the filing of an
appeai by the paxq adversely #fected to the Secretary of the
1-)ep'arhrrent of the trntericor and Local Goverrunent.

Shor:ltt the RAB faii to decide the appeal \^dthin the

reglementary period provided in this Section, the concerned Bo:arti
shall automatically rnake a written explanation to the Cornrnission
En llanc on its fa-ilure to do so.

'fhe Comrnission En Banc shatl order the conduct of

investigation against the Chairman and the PNP representative of
the concernet! Board if it appears fronn the explanation that an
e.T ident negiect of duty was committed by the tsoard.-

Sec. 7. LMith'irautal of Aypeal. - At any time before the appellate

b,ody renders it.s decision finaitry resolving the appea-l, the appella1!*,

Page 46 of 77
Rules of Procedure Before ,{dminisiralive Dissiplinarv Authofiies and the IAS
,xs a rnattet Llf right, can withdraw- the same; which shall
Lcnsequentl4 render ttre appealed rtrecision final and executory. No
motion to reinstate the appeal shall be allowed.




Section L. Cffenses l>unishable. - '1hs f1-!llo*i.g are the offenses

punishable and defined as follows:

.l) Neg/ec't af Duty or Nonfeasance - is the omission or

refusal, without sufficierrt excuse, to perform an act
or du$, which it was the peace otfi.cer's legai
obligation to pr:rforrn; in:rplies a duty as well as its
breach and the fast can never be found in the absence
of duty

2) trregul{rrities in the Perfarmance of Duty or Misfeassncc -

is the improper perfonrrance of some act which rnight
lawfully lre done.

3) Misconduct or Malfensuncz is any wrongful,

irnproper or unlawfuI conduct motivated by
prerneditated ,rkxtinate or intenticlnal pufFose. It
usually ref€rs to transgression of sonre established
and definite ruIe of action, where no discretion is left

Page 47 <f 77
Rules of Procerlure Before Aclministrstive Disciplinary Arnhorities and the IAS
except where necessity may demand; it does not
necessarily imply r:ornrption or criminal intention,

4l Incampetence is ignorance or the material iack of

adequate ability and fitness for [he satisfactary
performance of police duties. This refers to any
physical, intellectual, psychological and naoral

quallty, the lack of which zubstantiality incapacitates

a person to perform the duties of a police officer.

5) Oppression ilnports an ect of cruelty, severity,

unlawful exaction, domination, or excessive use of
autlrority. The exercise of unlawful powers or other
means, in depriving an individual of his property or
lib€rty against his wiil, is generally an act of

- is dre concealment or distortion of tnrth

t1) Dishone.sfy

in a matter of fact relevant to one's office, or

conneoted with the performance of his duties: and

7) Dislayalt-v to the Government - consists of the

abandonment or renunciafion of one's loyalty to the
govemment of the Philippines, or arlvocating
the overthrow of the governrnent througir overt or

.f PagB4Sei If
ldi! RtGi of F Ecedtfe M€,qdnhisfa{ive Oociplirrary Authodlios ad the lAS
Sec. 2. Classificatitlrt af Affense.s - For Furposes of

iurisdiction and apply-rng the aptrropriate penaity, adrninistrative

cffenses are classif,ied into light,less grave and grave:


1) Simple Neglect of Duty - Shall include but not iimited tc

the following:

a) fuil to supervise- inspect and control subordinates

directiy unrler his cornmand as to their
punctuality, attendance, prescribed attire, proPer
use and maintenance of equipment, preparation
and submission cf reports, efficient perforrnance
of their duties and responsibilities, and the
observance o"f good order, conduct, behavior and

b) fail to take corrective action by way of warning,

advise" admonition, suggestion or disciptrinary
action to a subordinate, or to report such sonduct
i,vhen such subordinate is conrmitting or has
already comrnitted a rlereliction, irregularity or
vi.olation of tlepartrnental rules and regulations;

c) fail to order or carse the investigation of a

subordinate r:eported to hirn as abseni without


Page 49 o{ 77
Rules of Procedur e Before Aclministrative Dlsciplinary Authorities ancl the IAS
d) fail to disse.ndnate any order, direcfive or

e) tail to coorclinate or cooperate with other lalv

enforcement agencies ancl their personnel;

absent oneseXf from office without having filed the

necessaf,y apptrication for ieave or secured the

approval of the superior officer for a period not
i::<ceeding three (3) day's in a month;

s) fail or refuse to give his name and badge number

when property requested;

h) fail to report upon declaration of alert levels;

i) taitr to report for duty in prescribed unifonns with

badge, identification card, service firear:rr and
other required equipmen! except those not
required to urear the prescribed uniforrn by reason
of the exigercy of the service;

fail to keep an official appointment with a

cornplainant, informer or crirne witnesses without

lawful justific'ation;

k) fail to subnrit a written report to his superior

officer imsnediately or within a reasonable tirle
after accidental firing of his fkearn when time
and circr-lrnstances would permi!;,

R ur es of Procedu re Before .{tJt"'$H'f t*p tin?ry Au th orities anct th e tAS

i) fail to take custody of government issued
property from a rnember under his supervision
who is suspended, separated, retired or dead;

m) fail bo conduct within a reasonable period,

proper, thorough and complete investigation
when assigned to do so;

n) fail to thoroughly search frrr, collecf preserve and

identify erridence in any arrest or investigaticln

conducted by him;

o) fail to take pr$per custody, record, tag and

identify property entrusted to him as evidence;

P) be delayecl umrecessarily in attending to or in

perforrning a duty;

q) f;ail to report to his superior officer his inability or

incapability to report for duf, attend a
con-ference, general inspection, or participate in an

r) delay or tail to respond to a call for assistance;

s) fail to irrforrrr his superior as to the result of action

taken on a call or disparch;

t) fail to report to his superior officer a hazardous

cr:ndition or ciangerous sifuatiory ,

Rutes of procedure Betcre oort""'rT.?lit1J.,o,,n.o Aurhonties snct the iAS

u) fail to prepare and submit properly
reports withh the prescribed period of
required by standing regulations;

v) fail to leport to a new assignment within ten (10)

days frorn the order of reassignrnent without
sufficient rea.sou

w) l.eave his post or beat before the end of tour c.f

du$ or leave w-ithout the required turn over to

the incorning tluty personnel.

2) Sinrple lrregul*rity in the Ferfonnance of DU{v - Shall

jnclude lrut not lim'ited to the fr.rllowing:

a) drive a marked police vehide while not in

prescribed lraiform, except those who .rre not
required to rlr: so by reason of the exigency of the

b) use siren and/or red blinker light while not

responding to an emergency or not in hcrt pursuit
of a fleeing criminal or law violator;

c) malinger, loaf or consort with others while on

duty or uurange with another member to &:ke his
place during his tour rf duiv, without prior
approvatr of his superlcr;

Page 52 o't 77
Rules of Prccedure Befcre l\dministrative Disciplinary Authorities and the IAS
d) allow unauthorized member of the PNP to drive
marked or uRrrnrked police vehicles;

e) interfere or obstruct the work of other members or

change the assignment or tour of cluty of
subordinates not belonging to his unit/office;

f) arrange with another mennber to take his p'cst or

tour of duV r,rithout superioy's approvai.

3) $tight or Simple Misconduct - Shall include but not

Iimited tc the fioHtrwing:

a) fail to salute officials, clignitaries, superior officers

and other offieials entitXed ilrereto or the national
colors during the playing of the national anthem;

b) fight, threaten or quarrel with any mernber of the

police force; provided. that when the member
b.irg challenged or threate-ned is one of higher
rank, the charge shall be that of Crave

c) read newspaper, books or pericdicais n'hile in

urriform and on street duty;

..1) be untidy or couth in his personal appeiuance and

behave in an ungentlelnanly or unclignified

Rutes of procedure Berore ,,.orl"i3,?"?iJt1Joo,,nno Auriorities an.d the rAS

e) fail to recognize and satis{y any just debq

4 engage in prirrate business or practice his vocation

or profession during off dutv hours without

approval of proper authority;

g) solicit attorneys, bond.smen or guarantors lor

arrested or confined person-*;

h) fail to be home or to h at the place of confinement

without legitirnate reason a{ter having been
reported sick or suffering injuries;

i) use rude or insulting language or exhibit similar

rudeness to the public;

t) fail to report for recorcl with the Complaint or

Desk Officer a case prior to its investigation;

k) allow of tolerate idlers, fixers or pelsorui of

questionable rfiaracter to stay or loiter in his office,
poot or place r>f assignment without any legitimate

reason or purpose;

[) fail to maintain cleanliness and orderliness in his

atfrce, premises, post or surroundings;

nn) use official forms, letterheads, seals and stamps

privately or in violation of protocol; provided, that

Page 54 of 77
Rule.s of Procedure Before Administretive Ohoplinary Auihorities and the IAS
when they are used for committing fraud or
dishonesty, the charge shall be Grave MisconducU

n) be found to have the odor or smell of alccrhol trn

his breath while on duty, or possesses alcoholic
beverages on his persorL police vehicle, post or

o) make or conduct unauthorized solicitations trf

contributions from subordinates or private


t) Less Grave Neglect of Duty - Shall indude but not

limited to thc following:

a) fail to execute lawful orders from higher authority

or tolerate any subordinate to i.gnore or ridicule
any order, rule or regulatiou

b) fail to make immediate correction or take

appropriate action when a dereHction, irregularity
or violation of law or duty is being corrmitted or
has been crrmmitted in his presence by a

subordinate under his command. or fail to report

the sarne to his commanding officer within
twenty-four (2a) hours;

Rutes of Proc.edure Beforrr oo*iri$lli-"tK,o,,nru A.uthornies and rhe tAS

c) fail bo preFlare disciplinary or administrative
cornplaint or take such other clisciplinaf,f action a-e

may be necessary against a subordinate under his

c.-;sunand who has cornmitted a senous
dereliction, vir:iation or irregularig;

cf) fail to comply with any lawful order or instnicli.on

of a superior officer or the Chief of Police;

e) fai! to repcrt imrnediately to his superior officer.-

or to the Chie{ of Police the injury, illness death or

escape of a pr.rsoner who is under his custody;

fail to communicate tro the Crief of Police, through

channels, any valuable information ttrat will lead
fo the apprehension of a wanted person, or furnish

clues for the solution of a case, or for the recclvery

of stolen property;

s) fail to issue a Traffic Citation 'Iicket (TCn or

Temporary Operator's Perndt (TOP) to an
offending driver whose license is already

h) fail to turn in the trsed Traffic Citation Ticket or

Tenqporary Operatoy's Perrnit together with
confiscated drivey's Iicense at the end of his tour of
ci"9 or vrrithin twenfy-four (Z4)hours, or fail to
account for the TCf's or'IOPs issued to and used
by hirn;

F:utes orpracedure Befoie *r,tt1$J'3""t'Jlo,,n* Authonties and the rAS

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2) I-ess Grave lrregularities in the Ferforma-nce of Dufies
Shan include butnot lirnited to the followine:

a; apply for and. serve a sealch or seizuve warrant in

anv establishment or private hor.ise without the
knowtedge or approvai of the Clhief of Poirce or
his superior officer;

b) use traffic violation repofis which are not duly

validated by the Land sf Transportation Office
(LTO), the Mr:tro Manila Development Authority
(MMDA), or city or municipal, governmenb

cl use kaffic violation reports duly validated by the

tr-TO, MMDA, or city/nunicipal government but
are not issued to him for traffic enforcement work;

d) use the official insignia, malkings and seal of ttre

in any privately owned vehicle,
police force
without the authoritv of the Chief of
Police,/ strperior office$

e) disregard or violate traffic rules and reguiadons

while d.i,riog a police vehicle when not in trot
pursuit and not responding to an emergency call.

3) Less Grave Mireconduct - Shall inclurtre but not limited

the following:

Page 58 of 77
Rules of Pror:edure Befortr Adrninistrative Oisciplinary Auttorities and the iAS
a) take advantage of his position by procuring gootis
and conurro<iities at a losing price to an urrwiiling
seller, rrr parhake trf food, drhks and cigarettes
free of charge;

b) engage in regulated gambling or games of chance,

white on dutv;

on off duty,
c) be drunk and disorderly while of
dnrnk while on dury and in uniforrn or in
recop;nizable uniform of the force;

d) maliciously intrigue against the honor of a co-

officer, or in.d.ulge in idle gossip or spread rumors
that tencl to discredit rnernber;

e) exhibit marked discourtesy in t}re course o,f official

duties or use prrrfane or insuiting language to anv
superior oifir:,:r;

serve as escort or security officer, whether on foc;t

or by motor vehicle, fcx any private individual
regardless of his status in social or religiou-s cir-cies
on any occasicn, unless autherized by the Chief r:f
Police or the appropriate officials authorized to do

g) take a irip al:road without approvecl leave and

approval trf the authorities concernefu

Rutas of procetlure Berore r,drninl$LtleottJ"o,,nr,, Authorities and rhe rAS

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fain to administer fkst aid when able and/ or
convey to the hospitals, victims of traffic accidents,
persclns shot or stabbed, persons electrocuted, and

other who irre dying and in need of urgent

rnedical or surgical aGention;

si fail ro quell a disturbance or to protect a person

from death or injury when able tc do so;

h) fail to help a brother peace officer in apprehenciing

or arresting a violator who resi:sts, or in suhduing
one assauiting the arresting officer, or in
disarning an armed violator or in coming to the
sLlccor of another officer who is wounded, iniuled
or outnumbered;

i) tail to appear and testify in court, prosecutor's

office. the PNP disciplinary authorities, appellate
bodies, the LAS or any other quasi-judici,al body
when ddy nr:tified or subpoenaed as witness. If
his non-appeiilance resulted in the dismissai of the
case or the acquittal of the accused; or when he is

the principal witness or ttre anresting officer, the

penalty of dismissal from the service shall be

ji Absent onesr:lf from office vrrithout ha.ring fi_led

the necessary application ftrr treave or secured

approval of rhe authodzed official g* u feriod g1f

f Rures of procedui-e Be.rcre oorl?3,L?l""t1J-ro,,"uu orrthonties and the tA$

rnore than fiJteen (15) daVs prior to the enjoyrnent
of the leave"

2) Seriou*s Irregularities in the Performance of Dufies

$hdtl include but notbe limited to the fcllowing:

a) act as Lrodyguard or security guard fcrr anv public

official or candidate for any elective public office
or position or any other person within three (3)

rnonths irnrrediately preceding any election and

within one (1) month thereafter, without authcrity
trom ilre Commission Ern Election;

b) acts as bodyguard or security guard for the persorl

or property of any public official, or pri'uate
per.son approved by the proper authorities


c) reveal serret or confidential police rnatters and

inforrnation which ieopardize poiice mission and
r-rperations, Dr which cause i"itrry or damage to

d) unauthorizecl establishment of chect5pornts in any

public thoroughfare fcr the puryose of stopping
or searching vehicles or persons or if autherrized
does not comliy with the Rules set by the pNpp

! Page62ottT
t Rulee of Prcceciure Before Adminirtrative Disciplinary Autrorities anc the tAS
e) unauthorizecl escorting of any vetuc]e carry"ing
high\r rlutiable or taxable goods, rnerchandise,
ap-piiances or rnacirinery;

, faih.rre to &rn over to fhe police station within a

reasclnable period. any apprehended or arrested


s) countermand *y lawfuI order of the iluyor, chief

of police, or his superior officer;

h) perform the duties and functions of customs or

irnrnigration authorities withcut Froper
deputation in accordance with iaw;

i) escort or allow other members to escort detention

prisoners outside the jail in order to attend a
funeral, visit a sick rel,ative. or solicit a bond
withou.t an order of the court or proper'

3) Graye Misconduct - Shail include but not limited to the


a) rnaltreat or abuse any prisoner or cletained person

under his cusl.odv;

b) receive for perscnal u^se of a fee, gift or other

valuable thiog in the course of officiai dlrties or in
connection theyewith when suclr fee, gift o" *ffi?fu,

Rutes af prncedure a"rou* r,a,nPni3t?"li?r"oli-Joo,,r'",.u Authcrities and the tAS

vaiuable thing is given by arry person in the hope
or expectation of receiving a favor (lr better
lreatrnent than that accorded to other persons, or
comrnittirtg acts punishable under the anti-graft

c) join a sh'ike or refuse to report for duty in order to

secla'e changes in terms anct conditions of his
ernplovment or to oust the chief of police or an.y

other ofdicer fuom office;

ui) contract loans of money or other property from

persorLs with whom the PNP oflice has business

e) soliit t-rr accept directly or indirec'Jp any pft,

gratui.ty, favcr, entertainment, Loan or anything of
mcnetary value which in the csurse of his ofticial
duties or in t:onnection with anir operation being
regulated or any transactiorr which may be

affected by the functions of his office. The

proprieqr or inrpropriety of the foregoing shall be
deterrnined try its value, kinship, or relationship
between the grver and receiver and the
motivation. A thing of monetary value is on€
which is evideotly or rnaterially excessive by its
very nature;

fl) directlv or indirectly l,rave financial. and material

interest in any transaction resuiring the approval

*u,*. of procedure ,"ror,,
outnonties and the rAS
of his office. Financial and material interest is
defined as pecuni€uv or proprietar,v intere-st by
which a person will gain or lose sonrethine;

g) ov\Tr, control, manage or accept ernployment as

officer, employee, consuitant, counsel, broker,

agent, FusterT nominee in any private enterp;rise
regulated/{viseel or }icensed by his office,
unless expressly a[owed by law;

h) pubHdy consort with women of ill repute and/or

scandalou-sly colrabit ndth or rnaintain a wife other

than his legitimate spouse;

fail ar refuse to surretrder ol cteposit his senrice

fitearrn, badge, identification card and police
vehicle, if any, to his superior officer upon
demand during the p:riod of suspension;

vr.iilful tailtrre to pay just debts or obiigation due to

the governrneng

i,,) appropriate for his or allow anether perzun the

beneficial use of any stolen property that is
recovered, found or abandoned;

i) solicit Bnoney, valuable or favor ior the arnicable

settlernent of cases under investigation;

Page 65 of 77
RuJes of Proceririre Bp,fcre Ad"ninistrative Disciplinary Authoilles and the t/rs
r.:) engage directr':'z or indirectly in partisran political
.rcrivities or tak'e part in amy eler:tio^ except to

n) deliberately or througlh gr(tss negl;ig1ence,

destrop di,rrnage or lose government pro,n erty
entrustei tr'r him for officrlaj use;

o) m utilat'e, deface or destroy any driver,s license"

traf iit-- r:itation ticket or tempcrrary op.erator,s
pe rrnit isrlul'd in lieu ther,eof;

p) infl,ict physrcal inlir.rries upon a suspect to force

the iatt'er to give a confe-ssion;

q) act as m.erliartor or fixer for the retum of any

stolc'n 1'sfuq_'lt,) or property. whelther held for
fansc,rm Of l.lOU

r) commit itny act s1 srmission that constitutes a

crime Frunishable un,ler fhe Revis.ed Penal Code

or Special l',aws.

4) Opprrssion - Any menrber ol'the pr:iice force who shall

abuse his authority in a tyrannic-al, cruel and high-handed nlanner
shall be guilty of Oppression.

5) Gross Incompetense - When ttre olTe.nse or negligence is

committed by a reason of manifest lack of irclequate ability and
fitress on the part of the respond.ent member ftrr the satisfactqry
Page 66 ot 77
Rules of Procedure Before Administrative Disciprlinary Authorities arrd il re IAS
Performance of police duties, the erring member shall be guilty of
Cross Incompetence.

6) Disloyalty to the Government - A.y member of the pNp

whcl shall abandon or renoLrnce his loyalty to the government of
the Republic of the Philippines or who shall advocate the
overthrow of the governmenf through covert or overt acts, shall
be guilty of Disloyalty to the Government. He shall be punishecl
with the maximum penalty of clismissal from the service.

n Dishonesty - Any member of the police force who

shall conceal, alter, or distort the truth in a matter of fact
relevant to his offtce, or connected with the perforrnance of his
duties shall be guilty of Dishonesty. It shall include but not be
limited to the following:

a) any member who shall knowingly enter in his

Information Sheet or CSC 212 Form, or in his
Individual Police Profile, facts which are not true, or
conceal or distort material facts;

b) makes a false report or entry in the police blotter or

any departrnent record;

c) gives deliberate false testimony against or in favor of

a person facing a criminal or administrative charge;

d) destroy, conceal, or tamper physicai evidence to be

presented in court or any office conducting €rn

investigation by exchanging, altering, damaging ofJ/

Rutes of Procedure Before Admln?$:a?1"ot1J",p,,n"o Authorities and the tAS

cliluting as to affect its original appeerance,
composition and contenf

e) intentionally provide the public with false

infororation affecting public interest.



Section 1". lmposable Penalties. - The following are the penalties

that may be imposed in police administrative cases:

a) Withholding of privileges

b) Restriction to specified limits

c) Restrictive custody

d) Forfeiture of salary

e) Suspension

0 any combination of penalties under Section I,

subparagraphs (a) to (e)

g) One (1) rank demotion

h) Dismissal from the servicp

Rutes of procedure Before Admln:$:a?i?"ofo7iJ-",o,'nuo Authorities and the IAS

Sec. 2. Range of Penalties. - The penalties for light, less grave
and. grave offenses shall be made in accordance \^rith the following

For Light Offenses:

1) Withholding of privileges; restriction to specified
limits; restrictive custody; suspension or forfeiture of
salary; or any combination thereof from one (1) day
to ten (10) days (minimum period);

2) Withholding of privileges ; restriction to specified

limits; restrictive custody; suspension or forfeifure of
salaxy; or any combination thereof from eleven (11)
days to twenty (20) days (medium period);

3) Withholding of privileges; restriction to specified

li.mits; restrictive custody; suspension or forfeiture of
salary; or any combination thereof from twenty one
(21) days to thirty (30) days (maximum period)

For Less Grave Offenses:

1) Withholding of privileges; restriction to specified
limits; restrictive custody; suspension or forfeifure of
salary; or any combination thereof from thirty-one
(31) days to forty (r!0) days (minimum);

2) Withholding of privileges; restriction to specified

limits; suspension or forfeiture of salary; or any
combination thereof from forty one (41) days to fifty
(50) days (medium pefiod);

Rutes of procedure ,","," o0.1"$?"?,?Jf1J",o,,n"o outhorities and the tAS

3) Withholding of privileges; restriction to specified
limits; restrictive custody; suspension or forfeiture of
salary; or any combination thereof from fifty-one (51)
days to fifty nine (59) days (maximum period).

For Grave Offenses:

1) Sixty (60) days to Six (6) months suspension
(minimum period);

2) One (1) rank demotion (medium period);

3) Dismissal from the service (maximum period).

Sec. 3. Limitation in the Imposition of Penalties. - In case of

forfeiture of salary the amount shall not exceed the equivalent of
one (1) month salary.

The penalty of "Witltholding of Priuileges" shdll be confinetl to

deferment of vacation leave privileges, participation in training
grants or programs and such other similar privileges normally
enjoyed by civil service employees.

Sec. a. Qualifuing Circumstances. - In the determination of

penalties to be imposed, mitigating and aggravatrng circumstances
attendant to the commission of the offunse/s shall be considered. .


Page 7O ot 77
Rules of Procedure Before Administrative Disciplinarv Authorities and the IAS
a) The following are mitigating circumstances:

1) illness;

2) good faith;

3) length of service in the governmen!

4) Awards and commendations;

5) analogous circumstances.

b) The following are aggravating circumstances:

1) taking advantage of official position;

2) taking undue advantage of subordinate;

3) use of government property in the

commission of the offense;
4) repeatedly charged;

5) offense is committed during office hours

and/ or within the premises of the
government office or building;

6) employment of fraudulent means to

commit or conceal the offense;
7) intoxication;

8) being a recidivis!

9) offense committed in consideration of a

price or reward;

10) when the victim is a minor, feeble

minded or physically disabr"t:ri

Page71 ot77
Rules of Procedure Before Administrative Disciplinarv Authorities and the IAS
11) when offense is committed in
cooperation with two (2) or more persons;

L2) utilizing minor in the commission of

the offense; and

13) Analogouscircumstances.

Sec. 5. Guidelines in the Application of penalties. - The

imposition of the penalty shall be made in accordance with the
rranner herein below provided:

a) Like penalties shall be imposed for like offenses and

only one penalty shall be imposed for each case.
" Each cfl,se" means one administrative case which
may involve one or more charges or counts.

b) The minimum period of the penalty shall be imposed

where only mitigating and no aggravating
circumstances are present.

c) The medium period of the penalty shall be imposed

where no mitigating and aggravating circumstances
are present.

d) The maximum period of the penalty shall be imposed

where only aggravating and no mitigating
circumstances are present.

e) Where aggravating and mitigating circumstances *&)

Rutes of procedure e"tor" nc.Pr?"-g;"1?JKiptin"ry authorities and the rAS
present, rule (b) shall be applied where there are
more mitigating circumstances presen! rule (c) shall
be applied where the circumstances equally off-set
each other; rule (d) shall be applied when there are
more aggravating circumstances.

If the respondent is found guilty of two (2) or more

charges or counts, the penalty to be imposed should
be that correspondirg to the most seriow charge or
count and the rest shall be considered as aggravating

8) In the appreciation of any mitigating circumstance in

favor of the respondent or of any aggravating
circumstance against him, the same must be invoked
or pleaded by the party concerned, otherwise, such
circumstances shall not be considered in the
determination of the penalty to be imposed.

Sec- 6. Administratiae Disability Inherent in Certain Penalties. -

The following are the administrative disabilities inherent in certain

a) The penalty of dismissal which results in the

separation of the respondent from the service,
shall carry urith it that of cancellation of eligibilitp
forfeiture of retirement benefits, and the
disqualification for re-employment in the
government service; r

Rures of procedure e"ror. norPinai.gtll3"otK,o,,n"o Authorities and the rAS

b) The penalty of suspension, which consists in the
temporary separation or cessation of work of the
respondent for the duration of the sanction, shall
carry with it that of disqualification for promotion
and withholding of privileges corresponding to
the period of suspension.

c) The penalty of forfeiture of salary, which consists

of an amount not exceeding one (1) month salary,
shall caffy with it that of disqualification for
promotion corresponding to the period of the
penalty imposed.



Section 7. Authoity to Administer Oath. - In addition to the

officials who, under the existing laws, are authorized to administer
oaths, officers designated to conduct pre-charge evaluation and
hearing officers of the Comrrission, PNP, IAS, the Chairmen and
members of the PLEB and Regional Appellate Boards have the
authority to administer oaths on matters connected with the
performance of their duties.

Sec. 2. Authority to Issue Subpoenn Ad Testifcandum and

Subpoena Duces Teqrm. - The disciplinary authorities, IAS and their
hearing officers shall have the authority to issue subpoena ad
testificandum and subpoena duces tecum.

Sec. 3. Monthly Report. - Within the first week of each month , ,

Rutes or procedure eerore nomPi;S;l'1itlJ. tinary Authonties and the tAS
au ursclplnary aurnorlnes/ tAb ano appellate Dooles are requrrect to
submit a report to the regional office of the NAPOLCOM or the
Commission en Banc, furnishing a copy thereof their respective
heads of office, indicating the followrng data/information:

a) List of newly filed/received or raffled cases, revivecl,

reinstated case, or cases lransferred /referred or
re-raffled from other office/officers;

b) List of investigated, heard, resolved/decided, or pending


c) List of cases transferred/referred or re-raffled to

other ofhces/ officers stating clearly the reason for
such transfer/referral or re-raffle; and

d) List of cases with suspended proceedings stating

clearly the reason for its suspension.

Sec. 4. Effects of a Pending Case. - Pendency of an

administrative case before any of the administrative disciplinary
authorities, IAS or appellate body shall be a bar to promotion.

sec- 5- Issuance of Clearance/Certif.cation. - A.y disciplinary

authority, IAS or appellate body or iG authorized official upon
written request and payment of the legal fee shall issue a clearance
or certification indicating the pendency or non-pendency of an
administrative case against any PNP member. The request shall
contain the name of the requesting pary, name of the police officer
subject of the verification and the purpose of ttre reguesFr/

Page75 ot77
Rules of Procedure Before Administrative Disciplinary Authorities and the IAS
A disciplinary authority, IAS or appellate body shall not
require personal appearance of the police officer and other
clearance or document from him or the requesting parry except for
NAPOLCOM, PNP and IAS national offices which may require
clearances or certification from their lower units or offices.



Section L. Repealing Clause. - Memorandum Circular Numbers

93-024, 96-010, g$-0',t4, 99406, gg-01.4, 2002-010, 2002-013 are
repealed. All other NAPOLCOM or portions issuances thereof
inconsistent with this Memorandum Circular are hereby
superseded or modified accordingly.

Sec. 2. Application to Pending Cases.- These Rules shall apply to

pending cases with the different disciplinary authorities, appellate
bodies and IAS, Prwided hoaseaer, that the offenses and penalties
reclassified under these Rr,iles shall have retroactive effect insofar as
they are favorable to the respondent.

Sec. 3. Separahility Clause. - A.y portion of this memorandum

circular inconsistent with the organic law or declared
unconstitutional shall not affect the validity of the other provisions-

Sec. 4. Effectiaity Clause. - This Memorandum Circular shall be

effective after fifteen (15) days following the compietion of its
publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation

Page 76 of 77
Rules of Procedure Before Administrative Disciplinarv Authorities and the IAS
Issued this rtu day of M^Rcf, 2007 at Makati City.

Chairpercon h
OIC - OIft", of theVice-Chairperson €t Executioe Officer

c, t*^tl-^rrd
- \u*n,,-



Attested by:

/ Page77 oI77
f autes of Procedure Before Administrative Disciplinary Authorities and the IAS

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