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Setup and Uses of AP/AR Netting Feature


after we created netting bank account

we will than

1. Create A Netting Agreement for every trading partner combination

2. What Trading Partner and Trading Partner Sites should be netted

3. Do we need Trading Partner approval?

4. When Should we net?

5. What Payable invoice types should be netted

6. What Receivables Transactions should be netted?

***** Enable Bank Account for Netting

***** Assign this bank account to seeded Receipt Class "AP/AR Netting"
***** Create a Netting Agreement
***** Create a Netting Batch

##### Assign this bank account to seeded Receipt Class

Nav- Setup/Receipt/Receipt Classes

in this window query F11
AP%AR%Netting% Ctrl F11
Click on bank account
select the AP/AR Netting bank account

@@@@@@ Creating Netting Agreement

Nav- Receipt/Netting/Netting Agreement
Click on crate netting agreement
Give meaningfull name
Netting Agreement Name: PSL_AP AR Netting
Choose the Netting Bank Account
Select only past due receivable transaction to "NO"

Netting Order Rule Due date (Oldest to most recenet)

Netting Balance Rule: Net Always
Netting Currency Rule: Net within each Currncy

Payable invoices types

Standard Invoice
Credit Memo
Debit Memo
Mixed Invoice

Receivable Transaction types

Consult east
we can add all transaction types as per requirments
Select Supplier
ABC Holding etc

Select Customer
ABL Holding

Click next
review everything and click on finish

Create a Receivable Tranaction and make it complete

Create a Payable invoice and make is validated

now create a netting batch

Nav- Receipt/Netting/Netting Batch

Click on Create batch

give netting agreement
Settlement date: Immediate
Batch Name: Vision services netting batch
Transaction due date: Todays date
submit batch without review: No
click on submit
query for the vision services netting batch
hit go
you can see its created

chekc to view request to find the concurrent request triggered

refersh it to complete
now re-query this now status is "Selected"
now click on update button
reveiw the Receivable transaction and payable transaction
Click on submit
check the view request and referesh to be completed

Requery batch again

now its status is "Clearing"
again check view request to be completed
REquery this batch again
now status is "completed"

now go to payable responsibility and check payable invoice

similary go to Receiable responsibiltiy and check AR invoice
query inovie and check details now check the receipt
click on action installemnt/activities/details

SNS_Holdings Pvt Ltd

Bank of America

Cash 01-000-5020-00000-00000
Cash Clearing 01-000-5260-00000-0000

ZTE Netting Batch#02

Netting Agreement
I believe there was a bug in Release 12.1.1
Try this and let us know
Query the AP/AR Netting Receipt Class
When on the form press down arrow
You might come across a AP/AR Netting1 Receipt Class.
Point the Netting Bank account to this and save.

Then put through the netting batch . Update the forum


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