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james true here again you guys probably

already knew that i have uh

wanted to continue uh actually both of

us did i wanted to continue the

discussion with uh

dr andrew kaufman and uh we're gonna see

if we can focus

in a little bit more on vaccines right

now so first off andy thanks for

thanks for uh sitting with me on the

second round here appreciate it

yeah no it's it's great to be uh it's

great to be back james

yeah fantastic andy and i met in new

york in rhymeback

beautiful beautiful place uh for a

weekend getaway and we just

really hit it off um i i just

kept asking andy to talk more because he

was just really educating me a lot

on on a lot of things that i thought

were true but it's really nice to meet

someone in the field that can actually

give you the concrete evidence

explaining um exactly how it works

and and one of those topics that i

actually sort of purposely

said we should not talk about this too

much because i wanted it to be live what

was was vaccines

so here we are um guys

let's let's talk about vaccines um

andy do you want to start us off what

are vaccines safe and effective yeah


um i'm happy to answer that question uh

but first i want to say

uh james that um that for me it's great

to learn from you

actually and i was uh already uh

reading a lot of your material before we

met then and so i was really excited

about what you were saying too so i

think we got a little bit of mutual

admiration here

but uh yeah i'd love to talk about about

vaccines and you know i want to mention

uh because i think this is actually

really really a

key important thing is that you know i

was a big proponent of vaccines most of

my life and

uh you know i have two children and up


a couple years ago that you know they

received all their vaccines on schedule

with the exception of the hepatitis

um we had both kids by home birth and i

was not about to take

a newborn baby on the day of its birth

to get a shot

but we did we did it about a week later

or something like that and and

interestingly some pediatricians


even work with us unless they could see

the baby and give that shot the same day

wow even though you know uh newborns

don't have a functioning immune system

um for the first year of their life uh

yet they get all these vaccines uh

it's you know it's always been very very

confusing to me because you know like in

medical school

where they don't teach you hardly

anything about vaccines they pretty much

just tell you what the schedule you know

when to give them

and that they're great you know but but

you know you have the separate course on

immunity or immunology

you know and there they tell you that a

baby you know only gets passive immunity

from it

from the breast milk if the if the

baby's breastfed

and that they don't make that you know

they don't have an immune system when

they're born essentially it grows

you know sometime around a year old yeah

so wakes up basically right yeah

because if it was on inside the body

inside the mother's body that would

cause a

ton of complications absolutely so

you're getting at you know the

sort of design reason why it wouldn't be


you know uh right because then it would

attack the mom's cells and you know like


there's an example of this right which

is uh uh with rh

uh disease where you know there's the in

your blood type there's like the plus

and the minus

right the positive negative that's rh

it's called

um and if there's a certain type of

incompatibility between a baby and its

mother it's possible that

uh that there could be an immune

reaction against the baby

um and caused you know a spontaneous

abortion or a miscarriage uh

so so that's a known condition right so

so that's yeah so

there's good reason maybe why the baby

wouldn't have a full immune system and

why the mother's immune system has to be

also you know recognize the baby as uh

self to some degree or not mess with it

right because

i can't attack it like it's a parasite

right um obviously uh to have the baby


but but you know like back then it was

always it was weird to me

you know it's like why would we be

giving vaccines which is supposed to

create immunity to a disease right to

infants that don't have the immune

system to actually carry out that

capacity and you know i i should have

pushed that issue

further i should have asked you know

somebody or sort of you know

pressed it until i could uh could answer

it in a way that made sense but

i didn't because there was i was

overwhelmed with so many other things i

had to learn

uh you know that i couldn't really


stop and do that but i did i didn't make

note of it
um but you know then so so i did

uh you know take my kids to the

pediatrician get vaccinated you know

it's required for schools and

new york now there's you know only a

medical exemption they they don't have

any other exemptions anymore

but i never i never looked into it

um because you know why would i i mean

those diseases were scary

right i mean polio think about it you

know my mom would

tell me when i was a kid because uh you

know she remembered

uh you know children when she was

growing up

being paralyzed from polio and that's a

pretty scary stuff

so you know of course uh you know and

and also all through childhood you know

i wanted to be a doctor and i saw the

health care system as being you know a

very beneficent uh institution

and uh you know i looked up to my my own

personal doctor and

even let you know one time i remember he

gave me a book in his office to read

about antibiotics because i was asking

and you know so i was very uh i was very

into it so why would i question

but when i did start looking into it and

it's very difficult

uh as a physician to do this too you you

know if you mention it to other doctors


they'll make jokes they'll make fun of


you know and some some doctors are


extremely uh passionate about this issue

you know especially

pediatricians i mean i think this is

actually about 80 percent of a

pediatrician's job is to give vaccines


and i remember a next-door neighbor of

mine when i lived in north carolina

i was a pediatrician and he was you know

went on these rants on facebook

i mean really basically insulting anyone

who would

uh forego any any type of vaccine and i

always thought i thought that was a

little strange too

because it always occurred to me well if

your children are vaccinated and and you

trust that vaccines protect

well why would you care what anyone else

did because your kids are are going to

be fine right

yeah vaccines work isn't that the way

they're supposed to work

isn't that the entire pretty obvious you


um uh of course you know the the

the argument for is about hurt immunity

which uh you know

we could talk about that if you want but

it's a pretty preposterous uh

subject um but it might be helpful but

you know to answer your question

directly you know

no vaccines are not effective and and

they're not safe

absolutely not and i i believe

intentionally so intentionally

okay that's my opinion yes so before we

get into that because

um i i'm picking up the telepathy of one

of our watchers

who in the future who's asked did andy

give a vitamin k

shot at his home birth

did you do that to a week later i i did

do the vitamin k and i did

allow the uh the antibiotic ointment

okay um
but if i were to do that now i wouldn't

gotcha gotcha um but i did you know like

i did follow some very careful

procedures with the home birth i mean i

i did the home birth because it was

safer um you know we used uh

self-hypnosis um yeah and which

was amazing worked amazing um and

we made sure you know not to clamp the

umbilical cord right away

to wait till all the blood empties out

of the placenta into the baby

uh before we clamp the cord so you know

some things like that

immediate skin to skin contact uh you

know with the baby

um and of course you know uh uh uh

latching onto the breast as soon as

possible as well

yeah i'm all for that yeah so so we uh

you know we everything that we knew

about at the time uh

we did the best we could uh but yeah i

would i would definitely

now i would refuse the heel stick i

would refuse the vitamin k

just not necessary um i would refuse the


the ant about appointment uh because i

would know that uh

the baby's mother did not have uh


right right yeah weird right it's weird

what they expect for the uh

for the infant to see in the hospital so


before we dive in uh too deep i want to

tell a little story because um

as a writer the very very first thing

that i emerged on by publishing my own

stories was

accidentally about vaccines it actually


was looking at a at a death at the cdc

that uh dr cunningham had died

mysteriously and

he happened to die on my favorite

running route in atlanta i visit my

family there and there's a running

trail that i take all the time and his

body was found there

and i just i was just really curious

about it

and so as i started to investigate i


wow there's like a vaccine issue here

like there are there are people that are

claiming that vaccines are not safe and

again i'm showing you how much i knew at

the time i i

i this was always masked for me any kind


anti-vaccine i i ever heard was always

every single time framed with some sort

of uh

drug-addicted parent who's neglecting

their child

and and yeah is pre-cps where you know

child protective services is supposed to

come in and take them away

so it was always framed from me as the


as what what evil people do that it's

that it's the evil people that are

anti-vaccine and they're absolutely

there's no issue at all but lo and

behold as you start to

even just unpeel the first page you're

immediately hit with this whiff of

something something really deep is going

on here there's something

profoundly happening in the sense of a

almost a mind war that's taking place

where you have a system of professionals

that have been sent out like an infantry

on social media

and have been asked to uh infiltrate

and ridicule anyone that would possibly


or call into question anything having to

do with vaccines

before i hand that off to you i just

want to say that i

firmly believe that there are paid

advocates that are given a salary

by someone somewhere to sit on social


and stop people that have questions

about vaccines yeah

i'm not normally a paranoid kind of guy

if you i know you guys

read that i read about some crazy stuff

but i'm actually pretty tame

i i draw a pretty clear line but this is

something i know

for a fact is true i could point to at

least three accounts right now

in fact i might even end up linking

those later in this video just so you

guys can see

these people but these are bona fide

people that are paid by some sort of


to basically ridicule anyone that asks

any questions

so uh james i'm going to actually take

you a step
further there because uh i don't have

direct knowledge of that but i

i i'm sure that it's true um but

the american academy of uh

pediatrics i'm trying to pull up the

statement because the language is so

crazy um that i'd like to be able to

you know quote it for you but basically

they put out this position paper uh

telling you to one withhold actual data

about vaccines from the patients from

the parents when you discuss it with

them so in other words don't tell them

about the side effects or the possible


okay um and and then basically it said

you know to coerce them or guilt them


taking i can't find it right now while

we're talking but um

uh i can find it later and link it in

the comments

but uh but it was just astonishing to

see that

right and you know obviously that

doesn't you know where does that come

from i

i gotta imagine that comes from industry

back and you know

look at who's funding the american

academy of pediatrics

all of these um professional uh

organizations for doctors are all

you know either infiltrated or they're

in business with

uh various uh drug and medical device


um you know for example like to maintain

my board certification

um in in psychiatry i have to

um you know do this uh

they just put out this new program

instead of doing this really long

inexpensive exam every so many years

you can do these take-home tests where

they send you articles you read them you

answer some questions and like send it


or something like that all these things

like that you have to get the

information from them

right like you have to read their

articles you have to go to their

educational materials in order to get


you can't just go and like do your own


on whatever topic is relevant to your

practice or your interest right you have

to follow their information

so they're basically these are written

by drug companies now they don't you

know they're not going to say the drug

company directly on there

right but what it is is they set up

educational foundations

that are you know just a smoke screen

it's the drug company people

and management governing it but it's got

a different name and it has the

appearance of being an independent

you know it's just like setting up a

shell company you know if you're gonna

embezzle money or whatever and but but

they do this kind of thing and all of

this uh continuing education

you know it's all controlled by them so

so they get to

you know tell you what they want about

about these things

um and of course they cover up what uh

they don't want you to see

so basically in a way just as um

as there are drug reps that are going

out there

and uh advocating through either shame

or fame

uh for people to use as a particular

drug specifically doctors you know

they're selling these drugs to doctors

we have the exact same thing happening

with vaccines but in a


uh way so we have the reps

we have the pro-vax reps but there's not


uh con con rep to that at all it's

completely one-sided

in fact uh just just to give you guys an

idea of what we're looking at

uh dr paul offit who should be on the

screen here

um this is a guy that that actually

invented a vaccine it was i believe it's

rhoda yeah it was the rotavirus vaccine

he got his start by making a lot of

money by developing another

vaccine this man has now been placed in


of all vaccines um he's the the director

member of the cdc i think he's actually

the director now

of of um the education portion right so

he's not an interested party

yeah exactly in fact he's not even uh


embedded in a way i think it would be

safe to say that that he's literally


in the government but is really from the

vaccine industry

um and this is not an odd thing i want

to remind you that eric schmidt

has left google and gone into pentagon

it's very simple right

well well listen i mean all of the

regulatory agencies in washington i mean

they're all infiltrated with industry i

mean you know the usda is basically

represents the food industry fda

represents the

pharmaceutical and drug device industry

right i mean because there's a revolving

door between the

the leaders of those industries and

those agencies but

but with vaccines it's a special example


the integration between the government

and the industry is unprecedented

okay because what the government has

done is assumed

all product liability from vaccines and

taken it away

from the manufacturers at all i mean god

if you

want to start a business and and have

someone else assume all the liability


you know you you're you're in a great

situation okay and so what let me just

spell out what i mean by this

okay so the government has a special


that if you know normally any product

that you buy right including a drug

but any product if it causes damage that

is beyond what is expected or or uh

you know foreseeable then there's

liability and you can sue the

manufacturer right

so if you buy a swing set for your kids

and uh the rope breaks

uh on you know the second time they're

swinging on and then your kid breaks his


right you can sue that company by golly


and they have to pay so they better make

sure that they make the ropes for their

swings strong

with a vaccine manufacturer they can

sell their vaccine and you can give it

to your kid and your kid can drop dead

from it and you can't sue them

instead you can go to the vaccine court

which was set up by the government and

is paid for by the government so any


or damages that are awarded through this

court are paid from the government from

a fund that's that's paid for by the

taxpayer of course

not paid for by the pharmaceutical

industry who made the vaccine so they're

completely protected

so imagine you know if you have no

liability you can

not worry about the damages at all

in your product so you could forgo

testing for example

which is basically done if you look at

the safety testing for fda

approval for vaccines you'll see there's

hardly any

um and certainly they didn't do it right

like they didn't

they don't they don't even compare the

vaccines to placebo anymore they only

compare them to

other vaccines so so you can't tell

anything right and we could talk about

study design i think you mentioned that


and it's definitely a key thing but you

know this at every level

that's operating to regulate and control

and bring these things into it consist

you know existence there's corruption

and things are not what they seem

but this world court uh i mean sorry

this government court

that uh you know takes all the

liabilities so people can actually sue

and it and it's paid out an incredible

amount of money and and you have to

if you look at that figure and i don't

know the figure off the top of my head

but it's easy easy to find out

but you'll know that actually the the

the real number is much higher because

this is

a government controlled court so if this

was in a regular court with a you know

regular jury the awards would be

significantly higher this is you know


that's cost controlled to some degree

but it's still an incredible

uh amount that's been paid out right so

you know like what

why would the industry need this why

can't they just be governed by the

regular market forces

and liability you know common law that

we have that that

it's it's good enough for every other

dangerous product i mean we drive cars


cars can kill you you know you chainsaws

like every dangerous product out there


is okay in this right but the problem is


it wouldn't work the vaccine industry

would be bankrupt


right and it would not be able to exist

so the the government said well that

would be

terrible because we would be sick from

these diseases right

but what they should say is maybe we

shouldn't have vaccines

if they're so dangerous that the

business could not

actually survive its own liability

that right there is a sign maybe these

things shouldn't exist

right okay but uh but you know you don't

look at that uh

common sense argument because you're so

ingrained with

the paralyzed child from polio

and this is the only thing between you

and that
right now that'll be your kid or that

would be you um if it wasn't for

this miracle miraculous vaccine

so let's let's uh let's go there

right below polio but before we get


yeah because i think there's there's a

linchpin there

is the foundation itself of vaccines

the reason why government tells you well

no no we have to be involved andy

we have to be because of herd immunity

you don't understand you're

irresponsible andy for even suggesting

that we don't have vaccines because of


immunity because of the idea that it is


to somehow inoculate an entire herd

against the disease the dr paul offit

would insist

absolutely that that this is why we do

what we do and it's absolutely necessary


to happen what's your reaction to that

well you know i i first of all i i think

that's not a coincidence that they use

the word heard

okay because i think this is treating us

like a herd

by making us all take this okay uh not

that not that we're gonna be

you know it's not like team immunity

right or

national immunity um it's herd immunity

but uh you know this is a theory with no

experimental evidence

okay and it's put out there this

arbitrary number that you know there's

90 something percent of the population

needs to be

immunized and by the way which includes

natural immunity so if you

had the disease and are naturally immune

you count as part of that herd immunity

okay but that if you have this minimum

threshold of you know 95 immunized or 98

or whatever they say for a particular

vaccine that then

the the infectious agent

can't survive and no one in the whole

population will get sick right

so we've we've essentially had the

condition for

many years now where these particular

infectious diseases are essentially

completely at bay

like for example with polio the only

cases of actual cases of polio

were gotten from the vaccine from a live

vaccine right

so there's been no spontaneous cases of

polio so you could say

that we have heard immunity to polio

right so one question would be well if

we've achieved herd immunity and the

disease is

pretty much non-existent then why do we

need to continue taking a vaccine for it

but but the other thing is that um that

we have nowhere near

immunization rates approaching 90

percent right

so you could say we have heard immunity

but we don't like we have immunity

or or we have no infections

whatever you want to call that but we

don't have the herd immunity because

those numbers are

are not nowhere near nowhere near okay

because when they quote vaccine rates

they're only talking about children

when you get immunity from vaccine if

you think that you really have immunity

okay it's it's been shown it doesn't

last right

um it's not lifelong immunity like you

measles is a great example of that if

you get measles as a child

you have lifelong immunity if you get

the measles vaccine

you have time limited immunity if that

and that's why you take the measles

vaccine several times in the childhood


but you don't continue taking it as an

adult so all the adults

that are part of the population right

children are only a small part of the


and you know varies over time of course

but all the adults are not

immunized they lose their immunity no i

don't know any adults who are going to

get uh you know measles boosters

um even though you know it's technically

it's on the schedule there to get it

every so

many years right tetanus is the only one

people actually get

you know totally unnecessary by the way


but they don't get it so so if you look

at the actual percent

of people that have immunity by vaccine

for a particular illness you see that

it's it's nowhere near 90 percent it's

like 30 40

maybe uh for any given illness

so so we have the situation where we

don't have the illness

but we don't have anywhere near hurt

immunity so where's the evidence

of this hurt immunity you know coming

from it's

uh you know i don't know but it's

certainly if you do believe it it is a

way to justify

the need to vaccinate everyone and you

know i think there's going to be adult

schedules that are coming and this is

going to be the main argument

because they're going to say we don't

really have the levels of immunity that

uh that we think we do or that or that

are that they're going to

say that this is what we need if we're

going to protect the entire population

which is uh please correct me from wrong

but but in my research i

read that because first of all i'm going

to have to generalize guys because when

you say vaccine

you're really looking at a whole gamut

of different things here and some are

live virus some are dead virus

it's some are oral there's just there's

just a broad category so

right from the get go when you listen to

professional tell you vaccines are safe

and effective should automatically throw

up a red flag just because of the sheer

broad category that we have of all these


these different vaccines absolutely and

since they're generalizing i would like

to generalize here a sec

because there are certain vaccines that

are roughly

80 success rate what i mean by that is

if they give you the injection

there's maybe an 8 out of 10 chance that

you will actually

end up with the antigen inside of your

body you'll end up with that immunity

yeah so so james i wanna actually that's

a really important

um uh concept that you just uh hit upon

okay because the way that we think

we know if we're immune from

a vaccine is that we have now the

antibody that we can measure

to that infection in our blood right

but does that actually mean that we're

immune to it
i don't know i always well the answer is

it doesn't right but but that's we

assume it does

okay because because it's really easy

to give you antibodies to something if i

basically i can take

any any substance and if i expose it to

you the right way

your body will make antibodies to it and

then i can show that you make antibodies

so i can design this experiment in

advance and know the outcome

you get get what i'm saying yeah however

that's very different

from showing that i give you this

substance then you create antibodies


i give you the infectious version of the


and you don't get sick that's a very

different thing

yep that's not what has been shown in

these in the studies for most of


so for example like i was looking at the

vaccine schedule for

my own children uh because i have to

like complete this

you know school work uh school paperwork

and such

and so i saw that for my son the next

thing coming up was the meningitis

uh vaccine right for neisseria

meningitis a very scary illness

you know it can cause you to lose limbs

it can kill you

i mean you know you say the word

meningitis to people they they know

exactly that's

their you know i mean it's life or death

situation right

so i go look up the package insert

because that's a place where you can see

what the fda approved information is

right um and uh usually

you can tell everything just from just

looking at that

and there it says in the proof of

effectiveness there's a section i forget

what's exactly called but it basically

you know the section that shows that it


and all it does is it shows a very small


where there were antibodies that was the

outcome it showed antibodies it didn't


even in you know laboratory animals that

you know they gave it to rats and then


gave the rats the the meningitis


and then they didn't get it wow if it

showed that i'd be impressed

you know maybe i think about giving it

to my kids but they just show this

antibody and

and if you look into antibody tests

you can see that antibody tests are very


very unreliable they have a lot of


you know it's like you're looking for a

shadow of something else you're not

looking for the thing itself

anytime you're looking at something else

that represents something else there's

you introduce error

and so i don't i don't really know what

it means to have the antibodies

i don't i don't i definitely it's not

been proven

adequately that that is equivalent to

actually having immunity wow i had no


it just it just goes to show you the the

the assumptions

that there are so many assumptions here

that are required

to get from the very beginning to the

very end which is vaccines are safe and


the first one is herd immunity

it's clearly not even possible but then

the the second one is is that even

having i'm

probably saying antigen i guess wrong i

i've been calling it antigen but

you're saying antibiotic if you don't

have that antibody then then

you don't even know well the antigen is

what's in the vaccine

right that's the piece of the virus or

the entire virus that's the antigen

the antibody is what your what the

protein your body makes

uh that that basically binds to it it's


you know it's like um uh uh a puzzle

piece is fit together

kind of like it chemically binds it up


so james i'm sorry my uh delivery is

here that's okay yeah

um so just uh forgive me for a minute um

yep go ahead

andy told me he was he was coming he got

a delivery
uh to the door so this just shows you uh

human he is uh man i'm sorry about how

white this

see look how weird my camera is right

now where it just throws everything off

i'm entertaining you with uh camera

tricks of mine

of my ugly mug while we're waiting for

for andy um

this was actually uh the second time

if you look down the link below you'll

see that it

really covered the entire ama system

uh in earlier talk about rockefeller

we talk about placebo effect so if you

want to check that out i i think you'll

find it really interesting

but today we're right now we're really

just want to focus in on

on on vaccines which is what we're doing

all right great thanks for coming back

yeah sure sorry about that uh


no we knew it was coming um so

we've got this foundation we've got this

base and

and i i just want people to understand

that what we think

is a concrete foundation that they built

a house on

is it's not quite as as concrete as we


so the hurt immunity correct me if i'm

wrong here but

if it's eighty percent if eight out of

ten times the vaccine takes

and you require ninety 90 immunity


really no way you can't make 80

ever equal 90 unless you were just to


literally like vaccinate someone every

month and then

you know just keep checking and checking

and checking so if you try to apply

logical reasoning to this herd immunity


you're you're just going to end up um

you know confused i think

uh i i don't even really understand uh

the basis of this argument to be honest

with you

but it but it seems like that it's just

a theory that someone threw out

um but but i have not seen any evidence

from any you know

pop it population data that that would

support it whatsoever at all

gotcha uh or or any experimental animal

you know populations or etc

uh you know i think this is just a

theory but if but but if you look

if you look closely at it we we've never


immunity rates anywhere close to what it

says that you need

to for eradicated disease yet

all these diseases have been eradicated

okay so how did that happen you know

yeah right i mean i i have the answer to

that actually

to do with vaccines though yeah and

actually i think we're on the same

wavelength here because

the the second let's pretend like that's

one of the

of the footprints of this shield of this

underground world of vaccines

i think clearly another footprint would

be polio

would be just the entire story

almost a false flag of polio and i'm

calling it a false flag and i'm actually

going to let you take this because i

have a feeling that you're going to say

the same thing

but that a lot was happening when we

were quote
fighting polio um so tell us what you

tell us what you think

well i don't i i i don't think i i

actually know what you're getting at


um i've never i've never looked into

this particular issue but

what i was going to get at which i think

is is

really the most important thing way to

look at these

infectious diseases if is if you look at


the prevalence rates of these diseases

over time

you'll see that they were all decreasing


vaccines came on the scene and

i think you can pretty much accurately

uh look at the history and see that this


mostly related to sanitation major

changes in sanitation people

no longer you know having 500 people

share a bathroom or

you know dumping excrement into the

gutter um but now people having their

own private bathrooms and i think

i think despite what how you know

thing that i think is not accurate is

how we spread diseases from one person

to the next

you know they always talk about


and everybody's worried about coughing

and sneezing

and not worried about touching uh


objects and such and i think there's a

lot of evidence that many of these

things are

you know like that there's they're

actually spread the fecal oral root

and so you use the bathroom and you know

there's fecal material all over the

place i mean we live in a world covered

in fecal material uh you'd be surprised

if you start looking and measuring it

right but especially in the bathrooms

and especially at restaurants

and so you know you get all these people

sharing the bathroom they just spread

the feces from one person to the next

you touch any surface in there you get


and then then you know you can track the

illness and then once you

have your private bathrooms you're only

sharing it with your family members or

yourself then you just cut down that

communication um so you know pretty


also remind people that of the case of

typhoid mary

i believe it was typhoid mary it's

basically it was a a woman who was

running a restaurant she was cooking and


she was uh introducing fecal matter

into the food um it was uh

something that she just didn't

understand what she was doing

and it was it's estimated if you read

into the story that literally

thousands of people died as a direct


of what she was doing and this was at a

time where where you're cramming

everyone in these cities

that are and this was exactly my point

by the way that i had a feeling you were

going to go on

we were cramming people into cities

before we had a sewer system to really

support anything like that in any kind

of sanitary way

a and b there was a complete lack of any

kind of vitamin c
or any kind of like deep seeded

nutrition that was able to enter these

right no there was a lot of malnutrition

at that time in this in the big urban

centers especially

absolutely and that you know that's how

kellogg actually got a foothold

uh was uh that was you know the remedy

for that malnutrition was uh this

you know nutrient-dense super cheap

manufactured cereal

right right right because they just pack

stuff in it

um so it's interesting how all these


actually tie together but i think the

urbanization uh

push which continues by the way uh

you know to go on um has a lot to do

uh with um keeping people down

yeah yeah separating them from nature


cdc doesn't really ever come out and

talk about the merits of ascorbic acid

or of an immune system i'm not going to

say that they never mention it

but i've been laughed at when i've when

i've told people and feel free to laugh

at me if i'm wrong but i i've been when

i say the words

nutrition trump's vaccination i i

i firmly mean that because it would seem

to me

from what little layman's understanding

i have the body

is if your body it doesn't have the


to generate the antibiotics in time it's

not going to be able to fight off the

infection so even if you have the


it's it's like people are thinking that

the vaccine itself

has the magic medicine that can right


and that's simply not the case right no

i mean uh really if you want to i mean

i'm not sure that vaccines

you know really work this way but if you

want to just to take them the narrative

of how they work and make an analogy


it's it's just like learning something

it's like you're

basically you go to the library you get

a book you learn out about a subject and

then you go out and do it

right so your body learns about the

infection from the vaccine and then it

goes out and fights it

you know it's like it's that simple so

the vaccine is is just the learning


but your body does all the work right

it's your immune system

so your immune system creates dedicated


that are you know only for fighting that

infection and they basically just lay

quiescent and waiting

until you know the the foot soldiers

have recognized that that's

in your body and then then they get

activated right that's the theory so

but it's all your body doing all that

work and of course if you're

malnourished yes you won't be able to do

it as effectively

but you know the the way that children

actually develop the knowledge

of their environment to know you know

what is a disease and what's not and to

develop that immunity

you know happens very early like you

know the children

uh you know babies put everything in

their mouth

so what they're actually doing is

they're sampling vaccines from their

environment basically

um because the in the back of the throat

right you know

obviously the tonsils there's actually a

ring of tonsils there's several pairs of


in a ring shape the tonsillar ring and

that's like your basically your

your staging area for all the antigens

in your environment so the baby puts

them in their mouth

presents them to that staging area in

the back your throat

and then that is your immune system so

that's what then gets that information

and communicates to the rest of your

immune system to know like what's

in your environment and

uh you know of course our instinct is to

take the things out of the baby's

mouth you know i mean we don't want them

to choke of course but but that's

actually uh you know quite an important

thing and

and if we're living away from nature

right because

uh days of old right that baby would be

out out on the ground

and you know they'd be putting bugs and

dirt and leaves

in their mouth right instead of you know

hair balls off the carpet and you know


plastics and uh you know whatever is in

our our modern homes

so uh you know i mean this this ties

into vaccines too

but but this is you know this is what's

important for

uh for children to grow up and you know

be exposed to things and develop

immunity and then they get

they might get some infections and maybe

actually it might

be important to get some infections it

might there might be a benefit to it

that we you know it's hidden that we

don't know like certainly there's

there's enhanced immunity to some

infections i mean some things you

never become immune to really you know

like chicken pox

for example the uh the herpes virus that

causes chickenpox

after you your get over the chickenpox

that virus still lives in your body it

actually lives in your

near right outside your spinal cord in

the nerves

nerve roots that come out of your spinal

cord and it just lays there dormant

and then later in your life um when you

your immune system is

is not functioning well which could be

from malnourishment or could be another

illness or

could be from chemotherapy or a variety

of things

um then it becomes active again

and that's shingles and it causes

shingles right so we're never

we never really are immune to that um

infection even when we get it naturally

right so there are things that can fool

our immune system it's definitely not


but if we want to optimize it you know

we think about those things

but i think you mentioned something when

we were talking once before about that


the route by which you take a drug or

you know some kind of medical

intervention it is

they're not equal right right and when

you give something what they call in

medicine they call it parenterally which

is an injection it actually breaks the

skin barrier

someplace on your body and you know

there's different kinds of injections

like the vaccines are mostly

they're called intramuscular so it goes

into a muscle

or it could be you know the muscle in

your rear end or in your arm

um but other injections like when you

give insulin injection for example you

don't go all the way into the muscle you

go into what they call the subcutaneous

tissue essentially the fat under your


and you inject it there so so there's

different ways to do this

um but but between taking something by

mouth is totally different from taking

something parenterally because

um and i really like james how you talk

about this

sort of from a more spiritual uh

language perspective but but you know

even in medical school

or basic physiology human you know or

animal physiology you know that

the your mouth basically is a tube

right that goes all the way down to your

butt and
inside the tube they call it the lumen

but the inside of the tube is actually

outside of the body

right it's continuous with this space

around us right here

um right and i mean you could

theoretically put

you know a string go all the way through

the tube and pull it out the other end

right because it's it's you've done it

that would be impressive um yeah i guess

you swallow a string with a stone on one


or something um and just wait the other


well listen there you know our health

care system would like to do that to you


um they make a quite a big profit from

it um

so so that's really outside of your body

so when you

take something into your mouth and you

swallow it there's still a barrier

to get inside your body and if you

swallow something

that's you know poisonous or infectious

your body won't let it in so for example

like in your stomach right you have this

highly acidic environment and it's a

barrier to parasites parasites most

parasites can't survive

that acidity right

where you could see if you mess with

that acidity then parasites might get

through so don't do that

you know don't drink your alkaline water

but that's a separate topic

so but when you give something

parentally you're breaking right through

that barrier

and now you're putting that thing on the

inside of the body internally

where there's no protection right

because that barrier right whether it be

your skin on the outside or whether it

be inside your stomach

the special lining with special kinds of

cells that only let certain things


you know it's a barrier it's a

protection there's a the

the option of your body has to let it in

or not but when you

you as soon as that needle goes in that

option's gone it's now

inside your body so whatever effect it's

gonna have it's gonna have

right and uh which could mean that you

know if it's toxic

it's a lot more dangerous right but it

also but

so so so there's that difference but

also because the natural way that your


processes um immunity

right like things don't enter our body

generally by breaking the skin barrier

like a few exceptions right like uh you

know like malaria that you get from a

mosquito bite

right or a disease that you get from a

tick like those are exceptions that you

do get that way

right maybe catch scratch fever but

almost everything else

doesn't enter the body that way it

enters you know through your

upper airway in some you know nose mouth

years maybe right so why wouldn't we


vaccines that were oral it just makes

sense right and there are some right

there's the polio vaccine we all know


but why wouldn't they all be that way it

just makes more sense so that that's

that's kind of a red flag and bruce

lipton is the one that uh

that first uh i heard that idea from but

i think it's very

very compelling well i noticed that uh

again when i was

researching my article about another

topic and i was i was uh

getting some flak on was looking at cdc


and then i noticed all these doctors ran

in uh social media and started

ridiculing me

because of you know me me questioning

vaccines basically

and that was when i first noticed i i i

didn't know this at the time

but i another doctor taught me that the

body is a taurus you know the inside is

a membrane right

the entire system is a membrane and i


um so the cdc actually puts out

literature sometimes

saying that if you can swallow aluminum

that means it's safe

therefore we can inject it into your

skin so the aluminum is is the adjuvant


which we're definitely going to talk

about in a second but i was really

looking at that adjuvant part of

vaccines i

spent a lot of time just just really

studying that part of it because the

adjuvants what you know

obviously what alerts the body that

is going down man

going down and when i said to someone i

said i said

but that's to say that if you

can swallow aluminum

therefore you can inject it and the hit

i got back was just

pure you have done in kruger you don't

understand how medicine works

the body's not a taurus you're a

freaking idiot blah blah blah meanwhile

i was actually quoting one of their

colleagues right well i mean i don't

know who you're debating this with but

obviously you know they're not really


uh what you're saying right you know in

those arguments

um you know but but there's another

aspect to this aluminum that also

doesn't make sense that you know they


they call it an adjuvant right which

which really neutralizes it that's right

it's not neither good or bad it's just

something extra

right that helps it work but but but why

do they need that or how does it

actually or is it supposed to work

and the reason it works is it it

aggravates your immune system

it's an irritant you're putting in there

that's something that's purposely


to stimulate your immune system to say

hey we got to do something to get this

crap out

and then they find the antigen from the

vaccine and hopefully are immune to that

um so so they're not telling you that

they're not saying oh we put it in there

purposely for

to irritate it because it is toxic right

and they might say well though the

little bit that you get

from this doesn't you know doesn't

amount to

nearly as much as you're going to get in

your life's time anyway and which was

probably true

right because what do you you know

you're storing your food in aluminum

foil you're cooking in aluminum cans

you're drinking sodas and aluminum cans

but that all goes through your taurus

though that doesn't no it gets absorbed

it gets absorbed substantially um you'd

be surprised i mean your body

is good at keeping most things out but

some things

get in well like most things get into

some degree

if if you if you overload the system

some stuff's going to get in right your

body has limited uh capacity to handle


right and but also like some an aluminum

right which is a metal

it is handled differently by your body

because you know your body has

it needs a lot of metals and minerals

that act as cofactors

and you know all these things you need

right like you know magnesium potassium

uh molybdenum uh you know there's a ton


trace metals that your body needs and

what happens is that

in your body all these proteins in order


to make just the right shape or have

just the right reactivity

they like to have a metal sitting in

just the right spot and right the most

obvious example this is hemoglobin

which has iron in it right we all know

about that that's where the oxygen binds

and the iron is totally key

if we don't have enough iron then the

whole molecule

doesn't work right and we know that we

can become anemic

in that situation right and we can't

carry enough oxygen we're weak and sick

but there's there's countless of these

metals and

it's really hard for your body to select


out the exact right ones when it doesn't

have the right ones available

so it might so your body might take up


that are not the right one but it sort

of it can

it can substitute temporarily

until you get the right one i mean part

of the reason why the right ones are not

available is because of our modern

agricultural practices

have been depleting minerals from the

and you know so the body basically just

takes what it can get i mean even like

mercury from your fillings can be

you know harnessed like this in your

body and by the way there's there's good

ways to get

all these toxic metals out if you a

simple way is just to supply

the actual minerals that your body needs

and and they'll be

all favored thermodynamically so they'll

just bump out

the ones that your body's been making

use of and then

and then if you you know if you're have


flow out of your body you can get rid of

them right

but so so you still do get a big burden

of aluminum

um actually and that's why it's like

it's really important to to change some

of the things you do especially in the

kitchen to get rid of any aluminum

cookware that you have

no you know don't use aluminum foil to

store or heat up any food

you know anymore and various things like

that don't drink drinks from aluminum

you know things like this but we

certainly don't need extra sources

you know and uh and by the way there are

other sources uh like

antiperspirant for example right has


uh in it and that you know that

definitely gets absorbed because it

wouldn't stop you from sweating unless

it got absorbed into your body

because the sweat glands are inside your


so you know that's absorbed right so

there's a lot of sources i mean i'm not

saying that the aluminum in vaccines is


um it's definitely not and also you know

you have to say well why do they need

something to

irritate your immune system to get it to

work because in nature

our immune system works just by being

exposed to the

antigen it doesn't need aluminum or any

other adjuvant

what you know irritant to work so why

does it need it

you know in the vaccine but

the the problem with you know the amount

in each vaccine might be very small but

if you add up the total schedule

you also see that we're talking about

like you know 80 somewhat vaccines or


yeah so you know even if you have uh you

know 10 milligrams multiply that by the


right and now you got a much bigger

number so

has there been a study where we've


looked at the effects of every single

vaccine at the same time

no not at all not at all i mean we we


very very limited uh high quality

data about adverse effects from vaccines

right we have the

um vaccine adverse event reporting

system verse

v-a-e-r-s right which you know


by the fda and it's completely voluntary

but it's also open so you can actually


of the listeners can go on that website

and actually pull data out that's all

there in a spreadsheet

it's a little bit messy and difficult to

look at but you can

actually see like how many reports of a


you know side effects of like you for

example pull up

guillain-barre syndrome which is a

neurologic syndrome that causes a

paralysis in part of your body um you'll


quite a number of cases reported in

there mostly from the flu vaccine

but from some others as well so you so

you can actually see that there's

that there's serious side effects and

they do get reported

but but you know this is a gross

underestimate and the

um there were some agencies in the

government interestingly i think they

they regret regretted this after the

fact especially the cdc but they they

wanted to get

to find out is varys capturing

things accurately or or not um and i

think they were hoping that

they would find that it was actually


adverse events so they collaborated with

i think one other government agency i

can't remember at the time but

and some researchers at harvard um and

they were going to basically

look in the harvard health system to uh

you know

several like 17 000 or 25 000

patients or whatever that had vaccines

and then look

uh what the adverse effects events that

they had in their population and compare


well they found something that was quite


what they found is that less than one


of the adverse events that they were

finding was reported in vars

um and if now you know it's

you have to really take caution to try

to extrapolate

out numbers from a study like this

because you know it's not actual data

it's just an estimate

from this smaller sample

but i want to find i had this

pulled up and i want to see the

what the numbers were because it's uh

they had rates yeah their rate of

adverse events was

3.4 percent
out of every vaccine that's you know

that's a really really high number

um you know that that's uh one out of

every 30

uh vaccines has an adverse reven event

um but if you were to extrapolate out

you know say that the number in varys is


should be a hundred times greater you

you get over a million

serious adverse events it's crazy i mean

you if this were actually true

most people would say they should just

scrap vaccines right off the bat

you know but this harvard study was

suppressed because

as soon as they reached that conclusion

the government pulled the funding they

said okay don't don't do this anymore

and so they didn't say oh my god this is

terrible we need to

make mandatory reporting so we can find

out for sure and we need to

you know increase our quality control

and our regulation they didn't say any

of that

yeah that would kill you very

interesting but that's the common sense

obviously right but no they said all

right we're gonna we'll pull the funding

you know don't say

don't say anything if you you know we'd

appreciate if you don't say too much

we're not going to say anything about it

um i want to

insert here that uh

it's really important that we understand

just how difficult it is

please imagine yourself a nurse in the


and you're coming up to your boss and

saying hey i think we have a vaccine


i i i don't think that people understand

this stigma

that comes with someone who would even


and say that to a doctor or to an


or to anyone else well you know listen


you can find all these uh you know

accounts of parents

who live through this kind of experience

you know that they they have a normal

healthy child

they go get a vaccine and like two days

later the child's autistic

you know and and that you know then they

go to the

doctor and the doctor says well you're

just a coincidence you know or something

like that or

or they don't return their calls you

know i mean that's with the kind of

stories that these people say and that

you know these people

trusted that they they believed in the

vaccines you know they're they're not

crackpots that are you know they're not

going to put their child in harm's way

so they could prove a point you know

it's like these people

really believed and now you know now

they're like oh my god i saw

my child change right before my eyes in

a couple of days

yep it's it's it's basically uh an

outnumbered assault on anything that

goes against the word

safe and effective and even if we go

back to polio most people don't realize

this but the cutter incident

the the very first vaccine of polio

actually gave 20

000 people polio and during that entire

we were we were changing what polio even


like i think even now most of us that

are listening this don't understand that

polio is

sort of more of like a blanket for for

like a couple of

of different uh conditions and sometimes

these conditions are considered under

the polio

umbrella and then sometimes they're not


even these numbers that we have uh are


kind of speculatory um in the sense that

people are pulling data what they need

just as

any industry just as any industry out

there in the world would do

it's going to pull different facts that

are going to support

what they need at that time to put forth

the the idea that vaccines are safe and

effective yeah

well there's there's tons of uh you know

data cherry picking going on i mean you

know what i mentioned earlier about that

the prevalence of these diseases was

already decreasing before vaccines you

know they never

they never show that they omit that data

they show you

look since vaccines look how low it is

but you know you can see that the trend


you know i mean it it started uh where

i'm at

here you know it was going like this and

then here's vaccines and then it just


you know it wasn't like it was high and

then all of a sudden

vaccines and it went down you know but

they never showed that part of the graph

um so you know in fact they cut that not


sorry to cut you off but they actually

cut that graph off

like at a certain date i'm gonna show

you guys this here

um if you go to the cdc okay here's

here's incidents of of polio

and you could see that that they were

trying to say the salk

vaccine was there but actually it was


and so here's your total cases of polio

and this is what we were talking about

earlier about a lot of

conditions sanitation nutrition

the the sheer amount that people are

packed into a city

all these were very profound factors

that affected things

however all of that could be dismissed

by cutting this graph off

and making it look like it's actually

the soft vaccine

that that cured all of these things and

you cannot find

this this chart um

um on the cdc anymore they actually took

that chart off why because look at it

look look at what the what the chart's

telling you

it's it's there's there's a lot here

that's being suppressed for sure

absolutely the reason why i bring up


um is is because to me it really is that

the foundation stone i'm talking about

the the

mind control hearing like what people

are thinking about the safe and


and that's why i really want to insert

that that that seems to be the the base

foundation of this

same with herd immunity and it's

interesting because both of those things

really don't have a leg to stand on


we've built an entire industry on top of

these stories

and but we're building them on top of

stories that that were never true

that weren't even factually correct it

was just simply

a perfect way to walk into a doctor's

office and say i'm a drug rep i want to

sell you this

you know new indigestion drug and here's

here's here's the the charts that i

could that i could show it is

it's a beautiful sales pitch um so

i want to um also uh get into something

that you that you brought up a little

bit with uh when you talked about the


um polio vaccine that actually caused a

lot of cases of polio because

there's also that vaccines have been

contaminated with infectious agents

that have caused disease so the smallpox

vaccine there there are several

studies or papers that you can find

these are pretty old

that show that early smallpox vaccine


actually contaminated with syphilis and

lots of people contracted syphilis that


there's a whistleblower within the last

10 years

who came out of the u.s federal


who talked about another virus simian


that she's found in her own research

contaminating various vaccines that she

believes is actually causing a lot of


and then you have all these studies of


aside from the known bad things that are

in vaccines that you can look in on the

package insert and you could see that


the aluminum adjuvants as you mentioned

right you could also see that there's

formaldehyde right which we know is what

we use to preserve dead bodies

um that's definitely not good for you um

you could see in some have mercury

containing preservatives like thimerosal

right you can definitely see but these

are all known like things right that

they say they're in there they're in the

package they're uh aboveboard

okay but then there are several studies

that have come up

um that show that there are things in

there that not supposed to be there or


no one's told us that are in there and


examples that i gave of infectious uh

organisms contaminating is one

uh thing but but you have i mean this

fascinating study

uh done by this couple in italy where


looked at vaccines and they found nano

particles of

all of these different metals we're

talking about 10 to 100 micron sizes

they had to use a special type of

microscopy to find these

and here i have this uh this paper

right in front of me and every they

tested um

44 different vaccines and

everyone except one they found these

nanoparticles okay so these

uh are things containing uh

a variety of different metals

like aluminum silicon magnesium titanium

iron chromium calcium copper


and these are in some very navigable

novel types of uh

configurations and shapes they're

surrounded and embedded in a biological

substrate this is

fascinating stuff but these things do


appear to be contaminants of any sort

that's recognizable or known from

industrial manufacturing or anything

like that it seems that these are things

that are purposely

put in these vaccines and you know this

you know i certainly don't i don't know

for sure what this is but it

certainly seems similar to some of the


uh things that have been sprayed in

general engineering uh

you know types of pursuits that you know

could these

act as some kind of antenna for some

kind of

emf signal maybe that is going to be

coming with 5g or some other technology

but what's what is the purpose of these

nano particulates
and often of you know very toxic uh


i want to add something to that if i can

it's uh

when i was arguing with all these people


about adjuvants um they kept insisting

well adjuvants are completely safe

even though technically that by

definition an avid an adjuvant would

have to be the antithesis of safe or

else it wouldn't work

because the adjuvant's gonna tell your

body holy

it's going down quick quick move so

besides that

um is the idea that adjuvants are


now this is freaking amazing

how many doctors don't understand this

they're telling you that no it's just

aluminum salt that's all it's you know

it's completely organic

and i actually have to to go and show


that not only are are many this is not

all but not only

are many adjuvants proprietary but we

don't even know

how they're made um gsk for example

has a proprietary aso4 adjuvant system

um here's another one from from medscape

for the novavax

this is based on a proprietary matrix

it's the it's the recipe

used to make these adjuvants there are

companies that have said

yes we want to inject everyone with this


but it's none of your business

how we made it

how we manufactured it the techniques

that we use

to come up with this you don't get to

see it

but meanwhile we're gonna pass we're

gonna try and pass laws to force it into

your body

that's got to be a huge huge red flag

i mean you know anything with the lack

of transparency it's always a red flag

and and i have to say that you know i

think some of these proprietary

substances are what you're what i'm

finding in this other paper

um and you and you know there's there's

other things in here too and i don't

know if this would

count under that too uh but there's been

fetal dna human human fetal dna

found in vaccines and i'm talking about

like an entire genome of a human

baby right and we know that uh

there have been uh used uh cell lines

from aborted fetuses

to incubate and grow some of the vaccine

the vaccine products that that could be


you know i mean aside from it just being

really icky that some

other like babies dna is going to be

injected into your body

uh dna loose dna that's been injected is


shown to uh contribute to autoimmunity

so um you know this is a

really potentially dangerous thing and

that and it's not disclosed at all

right you know you it's not listed as an

ingredient it's not part of the consent

you know but it's there you know it's

been shown by independent

laboratories uh that that have

replicated this findings it's not

a freak thing

there's not enough um

there's not enough doctor okay let me

ask you this

how many doctors go for a weekend

course to the vaccine lab and

learn how the vaccines are made and and

just you know get get a nice tour

are you kidding me they wouldn't let

anybody in those facilities

so the very people that are insisting

that we take vaccines

really don't have that much information

um as far as like how they work

or or even even the process

to which they're made i mean so you know

i can definitely tell you what

is part of the medical education and um

you know

specifically about vaccines really

the the brunt of it is just going over

the schedule

with you explaining like how to find the

information and uh

what what is required they you know do


talk about immunity um you know there's


but it's the like the way they

teach these courses in medical school

is and i used to i used to describe it

this way i'd say they teach

science like history that

you know because i went to an

engineering school uh undergrad right

and so

when and i i majored in in uh molecular

biology so it was you know pretty

very scientific and you know there like

uh when i was learning that it's like

learning facts didn't matter

it was understanding the concepts that

was important so you basically you'd be

given like

problem sets to take home where they

would have you

design experiment to show this right

it'd be questions like that you had to


your way through it and it didn't matter

if you

knew you know what protein was expressed

or the name of this

enzyme that didn't matter at all because

you could just look it up in a book

right but you had to understand how to

do experiments how these concepts worked

right the scientific principles and that

was great because you know the

information itself is changing over time

as new discoveries come

come about anyway right so it would be a

waste of
mental effort to memorize these things

as fact

but to understand the concepts and

principles especially experimental

design so that you can keep

learning and get closer to the truth

right and that's basically how science

was taught

and and i i actually studied some of the


subjects as in medical school because i

took a course on

human physiology for example so i

learned it that way and then i learned

in the medical school way

now the medical school way is very very

different it doesn't matter if you

understand anything at all or not

because they're never going to ask you

to think about it

and ex and never going to ask you to

design an experiment

or anything like that they just want you

to regurgitate

uh basically factual information that

you memorized

so so like in biochemistry when like the

krebs cycle for example

you know when i studied that in

undergrad i had they'd like

you know ask you to go through the

reaction mechanisms

and that kind of thing and in medical

school they wanted you to

remember the names of every enzyme you

know galactose

dehydrogenase phosphate you know it's


like what's the purpose of that you know

but that's that's what they wanted they

wanted you to be able to draw the whole


from memory it didn't matter if you

understood it

right or not so it was like it was like

memorizing dates

you know the battle of this occurred in

this year you know

and uh and it was almost like the the


amount of information to memorize was so


there wasn't any mental room for any

deeper layer of understanding yeah

for wisdom definitely not wisdom

that's the kabbalah kabbalah trick if

you think about it

if you uh enoki and magic by the way is

trick that does this it's you they

they're throwing

so many details at you that you get lost

in the minutia of it

and that itself becomes the spell and

you end up walking away

thinking that you were magically endowed

when in fact you're magically infected

that's exactly like like the greatest

example i could think of right is just

working with someone with diabetes like

not type one but type two the kind you

get just you know as an adult from your


they'll get caught up in the minutia of

i want that hemoglobin a1c to be

you know below this number that's my

target we're going to tweak the dose of

this we're going to tweak the dose of

that you're going to take it at

10 am instead of 8 am you know you're

going to blah blah right

stuck up in that when all you have to do

take a step back

just change your diet and you're cured

you're never an issue again

right simple right but never never

occurs to you

never even occurs to you that every case

of diabetes could just be simply cured

with a couple of pieces of advice really


um but you know never never once does it


the only i only know one example of that

ever occurring and

it only it came from the person

themselves they

went to the doctor they got diagnosed

with diabetes they said

i don't want any part of that i'll see

you later went home and

started working out that day

cured himself in a few weeks never look


well that is part of the technology of

belief and and i i think

we would all gain a lot to understand

that we delegate

our belief that we can heal ourselves by

giving it to someone in a white coat

and then now they are in charge of that

and although that's

that's fine in the sense of you know

this is how culture is

but really to delegate something is to

abandon something it is

literally to abandon a responsibility

that you have

sure you think that it's going to work

out because you're handing it to someone


you think has a better wisdom to it but

if you really look at it you're going to

understand your body

a lot more what you need is someone

that's going to help educate you

through informed consent so that you can


a technique or whatever process it's

going to be

uh to get you through there the reason

why if if you don't do that

you're going to end up in an industry

where they're literally smearing mercury

inside the folds of your skin and

calling you an

idiot for not believing that it's going

to work listen they're they're doing

things as blatant as that today i mean

that's what chemotherapy is

here you know sit down we're going to

put a big you know pipe

into your body and it and just let the

poison flow

yeah it's it's pure poison right um

you know so so that that's what that

that's still you know going on

uh already well as we
um that's why it'd be really great if we


destroy the whole idea of there being an

expert in the world

because whenever you have this concept

of an expert

someone ends up delegating or losing or


their own understanding of something

right not to someone else

so james i think this is actually one of

the biggest fundamental problems in our


is that we just don't take

responsibility for anything

you know we uh you know i mean we we

look at the we look up to the government

to solve all our problems right all of

our problems uh you know we can't make

any decisions for ourselves we can't

do things for ourselves uh you know it's

like it's it's like we

want to just live as some kind of uh

infant um

you know i mean right we're acculturated

to that i mean it's not like

we you know made a choice it's just for

many of us

we can't see it very easily but that's

one of the biggest barriers

when i talk to people about natural

healing you know

i mean you have to accept the law of

cause and effect

that any health problem you have has a


and most likely that causes you right

because this thing where you know go to

the doctor

right they're gonna save you is also

because the problem that you have

also comes from out there right i got

this germ from out there

i got these jeans from someone else they

made me

sick right but that's that's you know

so everything's from outside the

problems from outside the solutions from


but of course none of that's true you

caught most likely if you're sick

you caused the disease now you may have

not you didn't cause it on purpose

right but it's something that you did or

are doing that's causing it and if you

just change that thing

most likely you can heal from that

disease it could be

that simple in almost all cases right

but that requires you

to take the responsibility and you have

to be mature and actually

change your behavior and we

you know in becoming these uh sort of


citizens of our culture it seems that

people are just not willing

to actually change their behavior and do

things for themselves and take care of


well there's a lot of ego shaming that's

going on

there's a lot of just telling people

that they're stupid all the time

and that they don't have that then on

top of that there's just a sheer fear

of our own power many of us are just


afraid of of owning that much


of taking that on in fact if you were to

look at

what's really happening with the pill

this kind of touches back on this

technology of belief but again the

placebo is a scientifically proven thing

and if you could if you're taking a pill

your entire body is focused on the idea

that you are now going to introduce

something into your system

that's going to release the ability to

heal yourself

so in a way we're taught by culture to

like hold like we're always holding back

our own power until a certain ritual

that satisfies the cultural norm of the


of scientism that surround us allows us


the pill actually is allowing our own


to unlock whatever is needed at the time

to administer that so it's almost like

there's a trance not almost there's a

trance that's placed on us from the

moment we're born

that you are not authorized to utilize

this power

this year this power is too strong for

you you are not worthy of this power

it will only be bequeathed to you

through the magic of a pill or an


or a filter of that only then will we

allow you under a very clinical


to then administer your own healing to

and it's got the illusion we're under

it's even got to be legally sanctioned

with the prescription

yes right i mean it's that official it's

not you know even

another trustworthy person has to be

supervised to have this power

exactly right and i want to take us back

really quick

uh believe it or not all the way back to

king james

which sounds weird but before king james

wrote the bible he wrote a book called


and in it he was basically expressing

here's how we're going to burn witches

you're allowed to do it this way here's

what constitutes witchcraft

but something very profound happened in

that book he actually said that

that um it is no longer tolerated that

anyone may heal anyone else

through their voice that the only way

they could utilize their voice

was if they were applying some sort of

poultice or some sort of uh external

uh substance um basically he was


your own body's power he was causing

he was saying i'm gonna burn you as a


if i catch you trying to uh

open up the body's power it's gonna have

to come from some sort of external

substance like a

you know ash or bark or poultice or

whatever it is

there's no way that you can just walk in

and just talk to somebody

and make them better and that really

does show just how deep this mind

controls come it's been it's been

established for a long long time this is

well before rockefeller who who i i


didn't really um what rockefeller did

was sort of centralize healing

and place it under one one gauntlet

before that we were already trying to

find ways

to destroy our own body's power to make

us dependent

on that time with king james on the

church itself or the book

it's only through the church can you

unlock that

so really what we're seeing is

rockefeller is just a continuation

of this exact same system of taking

people's power away from them

only to turn around and resell it back

to them in a very very limited form by

the way

you know a form that's much more minute

and if you look at the entire process of

when you take a drug when you get a drug

the entire technology of belief is taken

out of there

what i mean by that amy is if someone's

packing a

set of pills they're not thinking about

you or about me

or about our pain they're just they're

doing a freaking job i mean

that's all they're doing they're just

doing a job some of you guys i might be

losing like oh that's way too hoody


but there is something very powerful

about the placebo effect

that's purposely being masked that's

purposely being hidden

and i i think that if we could uncover

that and talk about it more

we would find another really valuable

instrument uh you know that we can use

for healing

that right now is being suppressed and

sublimated into a corporate

corporate solution absolutely

um the i want to talk correct me if i'm


but even two years ago we found a new


into the blood brain barrier this was a

lymph node port

apparently i think it was on the back of

the head but that there was a whole

other system of lymph nodes that was

discovered just two years

ago it basically was showing i'm calling

an exhaust port because i'm a layman and

i don't know what to call it but it's

basically some sort of like an exhaust

port that they discovered that they

didn't even know before

i'm bringing this up now to you andy

because so many excuses that we're

hearing about why there's no way that

vaccines could ever have

anything at all to do with any of these

uh sort of brain swelling-ish kind of

diseases like

autism but also alzheimer's i'm sure i'm

missing a whole bunch

but i'm always told the exact same thing

it's impossible to penetrate the

blood-brain barrier
that's why you can't you don't get to

say that autism is caused by

yeah well well obviously some things

penetrate the blood-brain barrier

right otherwise we couldn't have any

drugs that act out

on the central nervous system right so

so there's you know it's not a um it's

it's a semi-permeable barrier some

things pass through it readily like


right which is the only fuel that the

brain can metabolize

other things don't get through very

easily at all

or or at all virtually at all right but

also the the blood brain barrier can be

affected by your body's

uh health condition so in other words if


ill have general inflammation and such

it can be

more permeable so more stuff can get

through it can be broken down to some


so it it just depends on what substances

can get across

it or not uh and you know and how

readily so i i believe that that the

adjuvants and certainly those

nanoparticulate metals will have no


crossing the blood-brain barrier um the

infectious particles

probably wouldn't be able to readily

cross but

the they'll be in you know bits of them

will be

represented inside immune cells and they

they'll have to communicate like i mean

you know polio infects the central

nervous system so obviously if you're

giving the vaccine you want to make sure

that the immune system that

protects your central nervous system is

aware of it right so

um i don't think that's really a tenable

argument and even if

even if the things don't cross the blood

brain barrier doesn't still doesn't mean

they can't cause neurologic disease

but um you know obviously

if we talk about autism that's gonna be


for most people although i i don't think

it's really as

should be so controversial i think

that's because of subterfusion

you know media and uh and lies and such

but but look you can look at other

things which are not controversial that

you could pull right off the

vares database right like i said

guillain-barre syndrome that's a

neurologic disease that causes paralysis

you can also just see

sudden brain death um like i

i think it's quite likely actually that

sids the sudden infant death syndrome

is actually a side effect from vaccines

and most mostly from the hepatitis

vaccine but that one is clearly you can


in the research literature that it is uh

cause severe

uh fatal complications um involving the

central nervous system

so there's clearly these well-documented

um you know cns

side effects from vaccines so whether or

not you want to say that

an individual you know component in a

particular vaccine crosses the

blood-brain barrier or not

i don't think that really matters here's

the proof it

clearly causes these neurologic diseases

it's right on the package inserts it's

on the various database it's in studies

you know you just have to look for it

and find it

and there it is yeah that's the proof

like that you know

i i want that level of evidence for

everything i don't want to speculate on

what it means if

if this component a or b crosses the

blood-brain barrier or doesn't

because it's just like looking at the

antibodies okay so

we gave the vaccine and the person made

the antibody so what does that mean

they're not going to get sick

right because if you look at actual


you'll see that people who are


are not protected and in some cases

even with there was a measles outbreak

like this the index case the person who

actually started the outbreak

was vaccinated and there's this actually

this this uh other sort of

status from a vaccine that you can get

that actually makes it more dangerous in

terms of

communicability because you can get a

uh an asymptomatic infection
so in other words let's say you're

vaccinated against you know diphtheria

now you're exposed to diphtheria you

don't get any symptoms of diphtheria

but you have an active infection so you

can actually

now you can pass it to someone else even


you don't feel sick

and this this may be why some of the

outbreaks that occurred got a little bit

you know bigger quickly than expected


there were asymptomatic people walking

around that were getting other people

sick and they couldn't you know

they couldn't quarantine themselves

because they didn't know they were sick

right uh but you know but so clearly

you know there's not the protection uh


well there was even a a navy ship um

this just happened like a year ago

probably less than a year ago i'm sorry

i can't pull this up guys i just i

didn't have red for this but

um an entire uh ship was deployed for

six months

and uh every single person in the

military is vaccinated i mean it's

it's yeah yeah you're vast and and they

all came back

and they i think it was measles it might

not have been measles but it was it was

something like that that it basically

you had

a for the first time ever you had a


experiment you know are you saying they

all got sick

yeah yeah yeah every one of them was


which they actually had a 100 not 100

hurt immunity because

what we've already covered but what i

mean is that every single person on the

ship was vaccinated

and it still happened yeah well it broke

out there was an

uh a similar outbreak just a few years

ago i mean this was

kind of part of the controversy of the

recent measles outbreak in new york from

last spring and summer

um because there was this uh you know


community orthodox jewish community

there that you know they and a yeshiva

and they had an outbreak a few years

before i want to say it's diphtheria it

might have been pertussis

and they had something like their kids

were 96 or 98

immunized like they were extremely

compliant community

right it was this is within this you

know sort of monocultural

orthodox jewish community and

you know all the kids got this illness

and they couldn't contain it they're all


and basically the community said after

that to themself their own leadership

they said you know listen we

went out of our way to make sure we got

all these vaccines and look it didn't do

anything for us

so we're not going to do that anymore

we're not going to push our families

anymore and so what happened is their

rate of

vaccination dropped off and then when

the measles outbreak

started in the spring there might have

been a couple of people from that

community that got

sick and there was in the media it was

like people wanted to blame them

for causing this needles outbreak

because they weren't getting immunized

and it's so ironic because

you know they were victimized first and

then victimized again

you know tonight not their fault either

time yeah

um go to waste yeah but but you know

just another great example is like

you have basically met the criteria for

herd immunity in this small little

population right but the experimental


showed that they all got sick

well um it's hard to even uh

it's hard to even think about why we're

even still talking about

uh vaccines anymore as as something


unless of course you start to look at

what are the motivations for doing that

why would why would a government

want every single person to get a shot

what is the benefit of that are there

any benefits to that

are there any upshots yeah well i mean i

i think there's a

quite an obvious benefit because it

gives you the opportunity to put

any substance that you want in every

single citizen's body

in under your purview right and whether


if you want to implant them with a chip

that you can track them

if you want to implant them with

nanoparticulates if you want to plant

them with foreign dna if you want to

plant them with infectious

organisms that are going to cause

you know various types of illnesses or


you can do that yep and you don't need

anyone's permission

and you don't need to tell anyone what

you're doing because

you have the the mechanism in place to

do it

you also have a propaganda network

that's already been established

through the cdc that's allowed to then

go out and say

what would you do without us if you

didn't have us

all of us would be dead now from measles

or from

whatever other uh imaginary polio thing

we just

did last week well you know james that

campaign is so

effective that you know like in in the

uk right now they're having a debate


compulsory vaccines for schooling

because they don't have that there like

we do in the united states

and interestingly they've done such a

good job

convincing people to just voluntarily do

it that they

had some experiments there where they

made it compulsory

in certain areas and they actually found

that the rates

of vaccination were higher when it was

completely voluntary than when it was


because i mean that must have turned

some people off and they rebelled

and when it was voluntary everyone was

just so

believing and uh you know brainwashed by

the the great

propaganda that they just you know felt

they had to do it

interesting and you know that's how most

people feel yeah

although it is it is getting more common

actually i think in casual circles like


around the parents you know school event

or whatever

i think it's much much more acceptable


talk about vaccines now in a negative


than it was just a few years ago i mean

you know it's not exactly

hard data here this is just my you know


as a father i would say that's true too

yeah yeah it's definitely

but at the same time uh there's

definitely more government things

uh i'm calling them false flags we don't

have to call them that technically but

but i i do think that they don't qualify

under the exact same capital listen the

measles outbreak that i told you about

in the spring

i mean you know i don't know if that was

orchestrated or just luck but

the way that it was utilized exactly was

definitely i mean

they you know it's just like with the

safe act you know after

sandy hook but it was like suddenly

they just canceled their religious

exemption in new york for vaccines you

know in the cover of darkness like when

no one was looking

just like that yep you know and it was

after they even they even made a like

uh i i forget what they called it but

they like wouldn't let people go out in

public unless they were vaccinated in

this area in westchester

it's like martial law you know and i'm


you know they're doing that without any

data to support doing that

you know if they wanted people not to

get sick they should have had everyone

stay home because

people with facts who were vaccinated

were not protected against measles


yeah it's definitely a false flag

operation and it's profitable i'm going

to play this this is just a

30 second clip here this is dr paul


off it he's um sorry i don't have his

exact title but he's a cdc guy he's the

front man for

for educating people i use educating

loosely here

uh into vaccines and here's what here's

what he says he's actually

giving a talk about how fear sells let's

listen to this

what's the best way to convince a parent

to get a vaccine is to have an outward i

mean nothing educates like the virus and

that's what happened in southern

california right you had this group of


who chose not to vaccinate their

children there was a an article that was

published by gary bell

claiming that that he had visited these

elementary schools in these upper middle

class areas in southern california like


marina del rey in santa monica installed

in the immunization rates with less than


plus south sudan as he said in that

article published it in my favorite

medical journal the hollywood reporters

and then you know and then three months

later i asked what he predicted there

was an outbreak in southern california

among people

which then spread to 25 states about

about 190 people spread up into

canadian provinces what happened to

those parents who had chosen fact they

couldn't wait to get vaccinated

they were going to do these sort

so he's basically telling you how


it is to sell fear to push it

and before we go on i i want to point

out that the the lady

let me go back here the lady sitting

next to him

i had spoken earlier about how i'm

having these arguments with people that

that i think are paid advocates that are

being brought onto twitter to have this

this is one of them her name story she's

not a doctor

but she will tell you just how

colossally important it is

that we have forced mandatory


and that we are we must do whatever it

is required

to make sure that that happens and

that's really where the false flag

notion comes in to sell

if you're going to sell something you're

going to have to make an

impact on people it's just simply not


right any other way i i think i you know

i told you before about

like uh 400 people a year die of tylenol

right if they had uh you know made a


like remember they had a tylenol scare a

long time ago when we were kids it was

someone was tampering with the bottles


um but but if they actually told us the

truth about that you know like how would

that affect people's behavior

right you know but of course they don't

and notice they said 195 cases they

didn't say how many deaths

because probably there might not have

even been any i they didn't mention what

illness it was there was an outbreak but

like the measles outbreak that occurred

that i was talking about earlier

in new york there was not one death

in that outbreak measles is not really a

deadly disease

you know only if someone gets it and

they're really infirm

uh it's possible they could die of

complications but

it's rare it's rare and um

you know but they but it is very

uh you know fear inciting and and the

way they

report these things absolutely that


that's how that's how come you know it's

all emotional like people

the people that um are so passionate

about this issue

about mandatory that everybody do it

that the unvaccinated kids are a danger

to their

children it's just a purely emotional

reaction so whatever

has achieved that in them you know it

could be

different for different people but

they've gotten to a point where it's


you know it it would be too they can't


process anything about it in a rational

way it's

it's just like it's about it's like

their child is going to live or die

based upon you know how our society

handles this issue

right well i'd like to take this

opportunity to

actually just along that same line with

dr offit

telling telling people look for

yourselves we we need to inject fear


um this is this is not a theory guys

this is a bona fide business practice

and the first case in point i want to

bring up is actually zika

because on february 1st 2016 the world

health organization came out

and said zika is a threat it's a very

dangerous threat

and then nothing else fine you've

you've now inserted this idea that

mosquitoes are a threat to everyone

that will cause anyone pregnant will

have a child whose head is swollen

they were literally saying that your

your child would be born with giant head

because of this

no it was a it was a tiny head


was the uh yeah and it basically it

means no brain

or no almost no brain in there

so basically you're you're painting the

idea of shrunken head syndrome

happening because of these of these

mosquitoes that are everywhere which is

something very very difficult to even

look at or study yourself

that was in february in in june um

just you know a few months later the

governor of florida

uh is able to spend 26 million dollars

to prepare for this uh upcoming


of zika and i'm not just pulling these

numbers out of my head this is from my

article guys it'll be linked down the


but right after june that was june 23rd

florida spent 26 million dollars to be

prepared and what happens but

one month later on july 19th the very

first zika outbreak

uh happens and it happens in miami-dade

under uh debbie wasserman schultz and

sheriff scott israel

so you've got this uh already you've got

this county

in florida where all this bad stuff

keeps happening

in this one county and for for whatever

miraculous reason

government got super super efficient and

were able to allocate 26 million dollars

just four weeks prior

to the very first outbreak of zika

and they didn't end it there they took

that zika
and really used it as a patsy to pass

a ton of laws one of which

actually ended up costing us three

million honeybees you guys might have

remembered when all those honeybees died

that was up and down the coast of

florida in south carolina

and that was a very profitable program

by the way governor

scott his wife owns an aerial spray


i mean she's in the business

of doing this and so they're in because

of the zika scare because of the

shrunken head syndrome

everyone is now on board with let's


naled now lid sorry naled

a known carcinogen documented by the

united nations

we spray that all up and down the coast

to try and save this and it ends up

killing three million honeybees in one


so it's it's a very profitable

system so james flag like this

i think uh you know that this profit is

like a key to making this kind of a

thing work because

like if you're the person at the top and

you have you know the unknown unspoken


right so maybe with the zika you know

hard to say what it is right but

whatever it is

there's some there's some big agenda at

the top right that the reason for this

whole thing coming down

but in order to make it happen you need


all these people to cooperate and go

along with it right and maybe if you


you know a an evil plan or there's

something negative or hurtful about it

people may not you know want to

hop on board but if you say well

everybody can make as much profit as

they want off this well we're going to

make it so

there's going to be government contracts

we're going to make everybody's going to

make money

who takes a hand in this right it's like

a free-for-all

and so you take the idea and then you

you know everybody just figures out okay

how can i make a buck off this

right and they're all happy and and in

exchange for the opportunity to make

that easy buck they pass the message


they become a spokesperson now for

you know for whatever that that goal is

that plan

you know whether it's the vaccines

whether it's the uh you know the


uh you know exactly

so so whatever the goal is right there

they're now they're a member of the team


all you did and they did they did all

the work themselves all you had to do is

just give them the opportunity to make

the money

so they could be happy and now it's like

they're your patsy

yeah i think that these these events so

911 is probably the most obvious one

but you're basically looking at a

pillage you've got a

group of insiders that have decided hey

if we do all this at the same time

we can get whatever we want right and

and personally this is all speculation


but um personally i think it's because

of this genetic modified mosquito if you

can introduce the scare of zika

you now have the avenue to open the door

to introduce a genetic

genetically modified mosquito that

you're claiming uh

is there to save everyone now you have a

vaccinating mosquito

that goes around and gives you a shot


this is not a rumor by the way these

programs are in effect right now as

we're speaking

for in texas and in florida and then

louisiana these things are actually


and before the zika virus came out if

you were to look at chelsea clinton's uh

tweeting schedule

she's talking all about the mosquito

months before these things are even


and in my opinion this is her way of

actually signing

a painting very much like rockefeller


where where you want people to know look

i'm the i'm the dude

this was my architect yeah i'm the

architect of this
and only then can i introduce this now

if anyone's thinking i'm crazy

um first of all welcome the channel it's

obviously your first time here

if you're thinking that but but this is

not the only case guys

um that zika virus is really just just

one of several

i'd like to tell you a little bit really

quick here about uh takita

pharmaceutical company

they introduced a vaccine uh for


on june 20th james i'm just going to

take a quick break while you're giving

this story okay

yeah yep um on june 20th 2016

takita pharmaceutical introduced the

norovirus it was a candidate for the


well three weeks later

just three weeks later california rnc


came down with the norovirus they

actually uh

came down with the same disease again

another amazingly efficient

government program but when did when is

government that efficient

where where they're on top of it just

three weeks ahead

remember the zika virus was was four

weeks just four weeks out

four weeks later they they announced an


same with norovirus three weeks later

they announced an outbreak

now that company takeda this is

one of many many examples like this

um but takeda was was found guilty of a

nine billion dollar civil judgment

against them and uh bush appointed judge

after the after they were awarded this

okay so first of all actos

was the drug that takeda made they


six billion dollars was made

overall in 10 years from this drug the

civil judgment against them

because taquito was actually hiding the


that it causes cancer stomach cancer i


so because they were hiding that they

were found guilty and they were ordered

to pay 9 billion

basically half of what they made off

that drug

so even when the courts get involved

even when they step

in to try and fix that a judge was able

to come in and reduce that sentence from

9 billion

down to 35 million which means if you

look at what

takeda actually lost on that they

brought in

16 billion dollars they gave

thousands of people cancer after

admitting to guilt that they were hiding

that information from them

yet they were charged 35 million dollars

for it this is uh this isn't a penalty


this is just simply the cost of doing


this is just simply what you would have

to pay if you want to bring your product

to market

these are the same companies that keep

operating over and over again

think about the exxon valdez the very

very first oil spill some of you guys

may not even remember that

but it was such a colossal spill that as

a child i was ignorant then

to how the world worked and i just kept

assuming well exxon won't be in business


in 30 days there won't be an exxon

anymore because look at what they did to


it's the exact same kind of thing these

people are being fined in such a way

where it's just simply another cost of

doing business

right now today because of that zika


because of that let's announce the zika

and then three weeks later let's find it

zika is now a 1.1 billion dollar

industry right now

and i'm not even talking about the

genetically modified mosquitoes

i'm just talking about what we're

pretending to spend

on this next false flag this next

massive polio outbreak so please

understand me when i tell you

that government and and the medical


are very very much tied in together it

becomes necessary

for these people like dr paul offit who

invents his own norovirus

only to then be promoted to the cdc the

very agency

that turns around and tries to prep the


for the norovirus so there is

zero zero accountability zero double


it's it's the exact opposite it's crony


since rockefeller that's just allowed to

fester and grow even stronger

it's now we're creating the false flags

when maybe in the 1920s we were sort of

hoping for a false flag to come up now

instead we're actually creating them

we're putting them out there in the

system so we can market our product

take it to court and even if we get

caught as long as we have the right

judge they can reduce that sentence from

9 billion down to 35 million

it's crazy

um i want to talk about dr

cunningham but technically

it's all speculation what i mean by that

is that dr cunningham

uh was the cd let me let me show you my


you guys i bet you'll recognize this


dr cunningham um

the day before the day before

um the cdc announces a candidate

for the zika vaccine dr cunningham


and he doesn't just uh just drown he

drowns in winter

in his hometown in atlanta um

on a park that i personally know a lot

this is actually what got me into riding

is is that i was like wow there's how

would you why would you go

swimming in february it's like freezing

cold here it didn't make any sense

but it didn't matter because it was

still called an

accident every single paper reported as

there's no foul play

meanwhile the very very next day they

come out with the zika virus

what was dr cunningham's job he worked

on the zika virus

and he was the head of population health

these things i can't prove this

but if you look at all these dates if

you look at how come

three different drugs i just told you

about the moment that they're released

as candidates

three weeks later a major outbreak

happens and every single one of those

was a a media spectacle the first one

being shrunken heads that's a very

visual archetypal thing that makes you

look up

the rnc norovirus outbreak these were 12


at the rnc convention

that were having just severe stomach


as a result of this again because it's

the republican convention you have this


way of kind of propelling it making it

even bigger

and now with this campaign where we're

releasing genetically modified

mosquitoes that are supposed to go

around vaccinating everybody

you have this same kind of cloud of


that's been placed over the scene that

allows these solutions

to magically appear at just the right

time and take advantage

of the market this is uh

this isn't even out of the ordinary i

can't think of a time in history where

we couldn't go back and we wouldn't find

a psychopath
who's finding some opportunity to tell a


that would then cause everyone else to


or act in a solution that would benefit

him so this isn't even paranoid thinking

it's just simply how how the world works


how how the how so many industries are

actually functioning today

monsanto is a perfect example of this

not in vaccines but

look at look at what's happened with

monsanto it's all the exact same


in the exact same systems that we have

in place

that are causing so much damage to us

under the auspices of health

of cleanliness of sanitation it's always

what they're trying to cure is always

the camouflage

for what's actually coming in to bite us

in the ass

any thoughts andy yeah well i mean uh

one thing that uh

kind of comes to mind when you're

talking about this is uh codex


uh are you familiar with that at all no

yeah so i i believe it's uh you know

part of the

agenda 21 uh program but it's it's


a movement to regulate every single

thing that we

eat and put in our bodies so like every

every product would basically be


so under codex alimentarius for example

you wouldn't even be able to grow your

own food

wow uh because it wouldn't be considered


so some of the laws that have already

been implemented like might be related


um like dairy like not allowing

unpasteurized uh

you know raw dairy to be sold for

example and things like that like even

in the united states you know there's a

federal law that um

if you hunt and kill an animal you you

can't sell the meat

unless it's been inspected by a usda


people are afraid of that actually but

it's like so crazy

you can't you know uh you know share

your bounty

with your neighbor you can't you

literally can't sustain yourself

exactly exactly so and that's what

really that's i think that's what

is behind codex is that uh you won't be

able to sustain yourself you'll be


uh i think that's the purpose of it uh

but but you know

but it's very scary and and uh you know

it fits with this

sort of genetically modified because you

know if everything's controlled

everything's modified everything has

technology that's the only thing that's

safe i think that's

overall you know where they want to

us to head uh you know it's just

basically the same

same reason for the vaccines to just

have another layer of control

uh you know over everyone because if

you're able to control people then they

won't give you a hard time

and or get in the way of uh achieving

your goals

um but you know the this zika outbreak

was a real eye-opener for me with

respect to the cdc because it happened

before i was fully in my truth-seeking

mode and open

to all ideas and when i was younger i

actually took a job right out of college

that was a cdc position at the new york

health department where i was uh doing


i forget the official title but i was

doing aid surveillance so

i was it was a cdc sponsored position

for the new york health department and i

was going around to

doctor's offices and um uh basically

looking for cases of aids that met the

the definition of aids it was a

reportable illness and it went into the


and so my introduction to the cdc was

this organization right that is

is carefully collecting very high

quality data i mean

they spent a lot of money on this

program right i mean i was just

one employee that was going out manually

and collecting all this data

um and so it was not it was not cheap

and so i

i you know then was always looking at

their statistics with respect to aids

and hiv and such

and saw how thorough and scientific it


right i might have a slightly different

perspective now but but

the rigor was still there so when the

news of the zika outbreak came you know

it was definitely

worrisome i was always interested in

this kind of stuff you know

and outbreaks and ebola and you know

hemorrhagic fever viruses that kind of

exotic stuff

so i started looking into it a little

bit and um

it was you know it was definitely scary

this possible like birth that caused

this birth defect it's different from

other infections that you know generally

affect the person with the disease and

not the offspring


um but uh so i went to the cdc website

to see what they

had to say about it right and they had

this this position paper

that was really strange because i've

looked at you know their many of their

web pages about specific diseases

and there's always filled with data and

this article there was no data

it was just like an intellectual


uh trying to support the existence of

this virus and i'm thinking to myself

like this is crazy why don't where's the

numbers like why don't they have the


this is the cdc and i'm like why are

they doing

this um and i couldn't i didn't

understand right away

but so i started looking for data from

other sources and so brazil

was like the place where they had

reported the most cases and the most

problems with this birth defect so i

looked at the rate of the birth defect

and i thought that doesn't sound very

high and then i compared it to the rate

of the same birth defect in the united

states where there's no zika virus

and the rate of the birth defect in the

united states was

higher than they were reporting due to

this virus and i'm like well

that doesn't make any sense at all how

can they say the virus causes it then

so then i found another article excuse


looking at colombia you know the nation

of colombia and central america

and it actually had a higher uh number

of zika cases than brazil

or at least a higher per capita number

yet they had no no report of this birth

defect at all

so i'm like well how come they don't

have the birth defect at all

in brazil it's you know less frequent

than the united states and they have the

virus so i'm like this doesn't make

sense and then i found some interesting

articles saying that there was actually


a company spraying some kind of


uh just around like all over because

there was some pest that time of year

maybe it was in an agricultural area i

forget exactly

and then there was the timing of that

seemed to

match very closely with the presidents

of these birth defects so i'm like well


this maybe this is just a convenient way

to explain away these birth defects

from the poison to a virus so that

nobody gets in trouble

you know but obviously it's bigger than

that but maybe that's maybe that's just

one person who was allowed to profit

just like the people who sprayed in


you know village you know but right the

pillage but but

i could not find any evidence to support

that there's actually an outbreak of


and that that it causes this devastating

thing and it was just so perplexing

to me because it was the first time i

had looked into something and couldn't


the data on it like that and so i i mean

could only conclude that the whole thing

was made up

um for some purpose let's not forget

that the exact same blueprint

uh we're doing that with our skies we're

claiming that the world is melting

and that we have to protect ourselves by

spraying the skies

we are claiming that the climate is

killing us and we have to

it up as much as we can to protect

us from that

uh the same the same exact thing is


with z canal it guys it's always

under the auspices of public health

that these people are given a free

ticket to come in

and basically take whatever ride

they want to ride and and ride it for as

long as they can that's why i keep

saying this idea of the pillage

because um it's always a building and


how can we take 911 for example

a perfect example not only did we use it

to take down afghanistan but even today

even right now our two major candidates

for the next election

tulsi gabbard and donald trump are both

claiming that it's saudi arabia

now that we have to go into saudi arabia

now and take them out because they're

the ones that do 9 11.

so it's always under this auspice of

public health and public safety that

allows them to step in

with an overarching power and do

something horrible

and these are not isolated cases

rockefeller was just one

of several people and if you look here

at chelsea

chelsea's been tweeting about

genetically modified mosquitoes she


developed her own emoji or was proud

about this own emoji that came

by it's she's all about

these how can we find mosquito-borne


and combat them and do things for them

and these are all

tiny um preps

if she is uh pushing the the ziko

mosquito cdc thing

these are all preps here she is teaming

up with bill gates

death by mosquitoes um guys this isn't

like one or two tweets

this is like a giant history of

of chelsea prepping the world

telling them i'm the one who's bringing

you the genetically modified mosquito

and if you look at that as a business

model i don't have to convince you it's

profitable guys

it already made 26.2 million dollars

before it even had hit the soil

and then after a year after it hit the

soil it's now a 1.1 billion dollar

industry right because you're because

you're getting all the governments to

buy the mosquitoes

absolutely you're you're getting all the

research yeah everything is now

fanning the flames for how can we

perform i mean if

if you were if you wanted to design

a vehicle for a biological weapon

i think genetically modified mosquitoes

would be a pretty good option

perfect and if you wanted to uh

to cause a mass migration and you didn't

want to burn an entire state down like


a mosquito could would be very very well

suited for that kind of thing

right yeah visible force that doesn't

have a signature on it except for this

really subtle one where chelsea keeps


about about what a marvelous creature

the mosquito is and if you look at the


because if you look through all these

you have to understand that there's a

lot of psychopaths

out there that are looking to create art

death art i know it's sick but it's

there's the symbolism is always a big

part of this

and there's something really powerful

about the symbolism of a mosquito

it's literally a flying vampire you know

it's going around and taking blood

and it's allowing that transmution of an


when you use the word demon here but an

invisible evil force

that's able to possess and entrain

other people through the spread so it

plus the fact that it's happening

through nature

which is kind of a nice way of kind of

kicking god in the teeth

you know by utilizing its own carrier

there right

you have the perfect storm for what i'm

going to call a black magic spell

i can't prove that with chelsea guys but

if you look back at all these rituals

through history

there's always some kind of symbolism

there there's always this dark art

that's surrounding it and nothing

nothing magical has happened

since 9 11 until today

that fix this like there has no one's


punished for 9 11 no one

who was responsible has been punished so

where is the deterrent for these people

to go

better not do that again i mean

silverstein made four

billion dollars off 911.

it's wrong for us to think and he wasn't

alone people would stop

if anything they would say how can i

one-up what just happened on 9 11.

yeah i agree it's embolding it's

emboldening right

uh well we got away with that one what

else can we do

there's no deterrent at all it would be

it would be completely insane

for these people to stop now to say oh

we better not do that again

because you can blatantly come right out

and say these things in public

you can come right out before 9 11

happens and have children

say playing hit steal must play

hit steal must listen they even

what happened they made a tv show about

it like

six months before it happened about 9 11

yeah you're not familiar with that show

well there's been so many you know a lot

of these like foreshadowing things that

are placed into it but no

this one's it's pretty famous i i um i i

know i have it on my uh

on a wish list on amazon because you

can't get it on any streaming services

but you could buy the uh the the dvds


um but but it's actually like a show

where they

there is a terrorist plot to uh

to fly a plane into the into the twin

towers gotcha

so it's like exactly uh the scenario

yeah and and it was aired like uh in the


before uh 911 2001.

if anyone's tracked my work on crowley

i've i've written about how

lamb this little alien figure drawing

that he did

is almost like the first drawing you

could find of a great alien

anywhere and i'm bringing that up now


there's a lot to be said for signing

a psyop for signing a mass ritual like


and as we become more in tune and more


to the truth of psychopathy and just how

prevalent it is

uh to the fact that government is really

a secret society

that's functioning in the open like

right in front of us

the just like mafia has morerto this

idea that you would never tell on

another mafia person

government has secret classified


it's the exact same frame for there

they're just

in a different way look what happens to


and not only look at what happens to

whistleblowers but look at the

false whistleblowers that we have

profited right

now edward snowden julian assange

and thomas drake all three all three

are claiming that there's massive truth

that you have to know

and none of it involves military

involvement in 911

not not one bit in fact julian assange

is saying he finds it annoying that

anyone would even entertain a thought

like that

so even the whistle it's gotten so much

worse that not only do we take out the


but now we're actually propping up

controlled whistleblowers

right that we know will release the

things that we want them to release

alex jones is a perfect example of this

there's just so

many the entire environment is saturated

with it

just this last week i've been freaking

out over this

because i feel like we're losing because

there's the amount of reputation it


to tell the truth is so expensive now

because the truth movement has turned

into a comfort movement

where um so many messiahs now are out


what would make you feel better instead

of what you need to hear

and i think that underneath all this


you have a stockholm syndrome that's

allowing all this to happen

over and over again which brings me back

to the original point which is

why would you elicit vaccines

if they were bad and this is that reason

if you want to control the population

you're going to have to be able to

inject trauma

into them as needed to maintain their

state of stockholm

that it causes them to slip out of their


into their limbic brain and they no

longer function on a morality level they

now function on

are you here to kill me and are you


those become the only two questions that

we ask anymore

it turns us into living reptilian robots

absolutely survival mode

um i think we've is this a good a good

place to end

in this talk andy yeah i think so i

think so

i mean you know there's so much more we

could uh cover obviously

and not just vaccines but uh you know we

um we got to stop sometime

yeah we have to stop some time and i

think this is a really good one for just

the vaccine part

um i i'd love to have you back sometime


um so you know please know that that

that's there too

how can people uh get a hold of you yeah


um i'm gonna uh put my uh email

below um uh so people can reach out to


um i i like i said i think i told you

before i don't have my website uh

quite up yet but you could certainly

find me andrew kaufman on

facebook and like i said i'll link my

uh email but i am planning to put more

uh material out soon

um including some written material and

i'll have my

website up and running so i'll come and


connect back to that uh once that's once

that stuff's set up

great i also want to say that that this

is sort of like

the darker side of health what we've

been talking about here

andy has some amazing ideas on the

lighter side too he really does it's

just that this is something important

we've both been wanting to talk about

for a while so we

kind of wanted to focus in on it so um

maybe i'll even have the privilege of of

bringing you more stuff um for what he

has to say about that too

so um until next time hit like and


uh because that's what i'm supposed to

say to you guys now and uh thanks for

watching the channel

and uh uh thank you so much andy

for for giving us your time and your

expertise it's really been

been wonderfully enlightening thank you

james it's been an honor and

and i really enjoyed it oh great


we'll see you guys next time and uh yeah

remember the alamo

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