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When i was ten, I couldn't understand the math, I wasn't good in this course. I felt very
sad when I got bad grade. Everyday I practiced the exercises in my house, but I failed,
I didn’t pass the exam. I thought that I wasn't smart.
Then one day, I searched on the internet an academy, I started to taking math
lessons.The classes met twice a week. The teacher was very fun and he taught very
well. In my classroom there was a very smart boy.He was my tutor. He decided to help
me. We met on weekends. Now, he is my boyfriend, he is very cute.
In the next exam I got good grade, so I felt very happy. I never didn't give up.
Today, I am very good in this course, for this reason I have an math academy and I am
teacher here. I teach children with the same learning problem. I like it. Now, I am
majoring in engineering civil, and I help my colleagues. Also I am taking english
lessons this year because it is important for me and my career.
In the present I am so happy. I always tell my classmates and students never to give
up. I also say that when they fail, they should keep traying. In the future they can
became successful.

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