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Caitlyn Barnes

Statement of Intent

In my first product I intend to represent women, regarding their vital

role in today’s society that is often overlooked in media
representation. With my target audience of 16-25 year olds, I felt it to
be important to teach young girls how they should be respected and to
help them be aware of the dangers of domestic violence; but also
using the articles as a way to inform those girls who’ve been through
those issues in ways of seeking help in a discreet way.
By using myself as the focus of the cover I feel it would attract the
people within my target audience as I am of similar age so they may
relate better. The quality of the photos will be high to demonstrate
professionalism, with good lighting and a high level of editing; this
will also encourage people to read the front cover.
Van Zoonan was a ideal theorist to incorporate into my magazine, as
she is a feminists and is strongly against patriarchy; those are some
points that I wanted to convey in magazine.
The font size varied in relation to importance to the word, as I wanted
to catch people’s attention with the right anchorage.

In my second product I intend to represent men and how a lot of them

suffer from toxic masculinity or have been ridiculed for their lack of
masculinity. They’re often made to seem like strong and misogynistic
in order to be seen as a man. This is a serious issue, but is very
underrepresented in media today. It’s an issue that is prevalent in the
target audience too which is why I chose it. My model will be of a
similar age to the target audience in order to attract them and allow
them to relate better. My photos will also offer the same level of
professionalism to convey to the audience that it is to be taken
seriously and to catch their attention. Judith Butler is the theorist I
will be looking into as she has a strong focus on gender preformaty
and I think that is similar to what I am focusing on for this magazine.
I will use the same techniques of enlarging certain words regarding
their importance to let people see what I really want them to see first.
The font style will convey the same expertise as the lighting to attract
the AB status readers.
Caitlyn Barnes

To link my media products I will use social media to promote them

across different platforms. This will help reach a larger audience as I
will have a wider range of advertising. By utilising the social media
platforms I will be able to promote both my magazine and my website
to my audience. There will be a link to my website in my magazines
and my magazine front cover will be on display in the website so they
can link together and promote each other. Across all platforms the
brand name will be the same, or at least similar so people can tie them

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