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Caitlyn Barnes

Statement of Intent

I intend to represent women and men, regarding women’s vital role in

today’s society that is often overlooked in media representation and
how a lot of men suffer from toxic masculinity or have been ridiculed
for their lack of masculinity. I felt it to be important to teach young
girls how they should be respected and to help them be aware of the
dangers of domestic violence; but also using the articles as a way to
inform those girls who’ve been through those issues in ways of
seeking help in a discreet way. For my second edition I want to
highlight the fact that men are often made to seem like strong and
misogynistic in order to be seen as a man.
By using myself as the focus of the cover and a teenage boy for the
other cover, I feel it would attract the people within my target
audience as we are similar age so they may relate better. The quality
of the photos will be high to demonstrate professionalism, with good
lighting and a high level of editing; this will also encourage people to
read the front cover.
Judith Butler and Van Zoonan are ideal theorists to incorporate into
my magazine, as Butler has a strong focus on gender preformaty and
Van Zoonan is a feminist’s who is strongly against patriarchy; those
are some points that I wanted to convey in magazine.
Thinking about Barthes semiology theory with connotations of signs
and what we associate them with, the font size varied in relation to
importance to the word, as I wanted to catch people’s attention with
the right anchorage.

My website will be appealing to look at and easy to navigate to

decrease the chances of people clicking off. I will design my website
to look good on a mobile as well as a desktop as majority of my target
audience use phones. I will have the same masthead as my magazine
to achieve digital convergence. The stories published will be similar
to the print addition to appeal to the 16-25 target audience, covering
domestic violence and alternative fashion. This also means my
magazine covers a large spectrum of issues, from embracing yourself
and also protecting yourself. It will be well written, and the font style
Caitlyn Barnes

will be professional attracting those of AB status. The images used

will have the same level of expertise as ones in the magazine to
convey the same message of professionalism as the magazine has. To
achieve this, I will use high quality cameras and good editing.
Gauntlett’s identity theory fits well into my website as he claims that,
yet everyone is an individual, we all sort ourselves into different
groups based on our interests; I aim to target groups that aren’t
represented correctly in media.

To link my media products, I will use social media to promote them

across different platforms which is good as majority of my target
audience use them. By utilising the social media platforms, I will be
able to promote both my magazine and my website to my audience by
posting lots of behind the scenes and extras to engage with them.
There will be a link to my website in my magazines and my magazine
front cover will be on display in the website so they can link together
and promote each other. Across all platforms the brand name will be
the same, or at least similar so people can tie them together.

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