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We’re all facing a huge challenge.

All over the world, companies and their people are wondering how they are going to stay resilient
and how they can continue to do their jobs when we’re faced with such unprecedented disruption to
our working lives.

Leaders are trying to work out how they can support their people and look after them through this
most unsettling period.

You are not alone.

We’ve had many calls from leaders asking us how we can help them to support their people.

They are concerned that they don’t know how they are going to be able to watch over the ongoing
Mental Fitness of their people and to demonstrate that they care.

Our vision at Cognomie has always been to improve Mental Fitness for everyone, wherever and
whoever they are.

Right now, our service is needed more than ever.

That’s why we are announcing today that, WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT, we will provide our Cognosis
MENTAL FITNESS SURVEY to any company who would like to use it to help care for their
employees as we all adapt to a different way of life. WE OFFER THIS INSIGHT WITH NO CHARGE.

Our survey, trusted by some of the world’s best-known companies, offers an immediate
temperature check for you and support for your people.

You send out a link and within just a few days, we will send you an overview of the Mental Fitness of
your organisation, along with tailored Cognomie programmes to help you support your people.


It’s quick and easy to set up.

The survey will take members of your teams less than 5 minutes to fill in.

All you need to do is email us at with your name, company, position
and how many people you want to survey and we’ll be straight back in touch with the details.

If your company employs key workers, please tell us that too and we’ll prioritise you.

We are continuing to expand our global coach and practitioner community. If you’re a coach and
you’re interested in joining us to support this effort, please follow us on our Cognomie company
page here and look out for an announcement in the
next few days.

Thank you

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