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Every business that has been created has high hopes that it will continue to thrive
and succeed and change the future so that others will not be oppressed. No one expects the
business to be ruined by the money spent. However, not all businesses are able to manage
the number of customers locally or abroad. It doesn't matter what kind of business it involves
whether it involves selling products, services, advice and so on. Strong consistency and
enthusiasm are essential to ensure that the dream is achieved. This business is not
something that can be easily achieved. Because it takes time and takes a long time. The
customer response in the business has many ways to achieve it.

Every business that has been created has high hopes that it will continue to thrive
and succeed and change the future so that others will not be oppressed. No one expects the
business to be destroyed by the money spent. However, not all businesses are able to cater
to domestic or overseas customers. It doesn't matter what kind of business it involves
whether it involves selling products, services, advice and so on. Strong consistency and
enthusiasm are essential to ensure that the dream is achieved. This business is not
something that can be easily achieved. Because it takes time and takes a long time. The
customer response in the business has many ways to achieve it.

As we all know grab is one of the biggest services in Malaysia and grab is one of the
most dominant services over its competitors such as so car, my car. Among the ones I
mentioned was grab the most popular service in Malaysia and not only in Malaysia but also
popular in neighbouring countries such as Indonesia and Thailand. Nowadays there are
many similar services such as grab, start, ezcab, diffride passengger. This can cause great
competition to grab.

Here are some ways to grab and maintain this grab service that is still dominant and
still in use by the public.

Grab needs to attract users to use it faithfully. Grab should also improve the security
system as there have been many cases involving passengers and drivers. Among the most
frequently mentioned cases are robbery cases, rape cases, and passengers cheating about
Grab can also add these types of services to make them more dominant than ever. At the
same time grab only two types of service, grab and grab food. Because of this service grab
has become dominant over its competitors. To maintain is becoming more and more
dominant is to diversify the types of services including grab trucks, services that provide
service to these people who move from home using only the same mobile phone as a crab
car. This will make it easier for these people to move out of their homes soon.

Grab is an application for online transmitter service provider that provides

security and convenience for vehicle users in Southeast Asia. Some services offered
by grab such as grab bike, grab car, grab food, grab share and grab pay. Currently in
Indonesia, grabs are already available in various Urban Cities so grab can reach
anyone who wants to experience the different senses of driving with grab.



I am mohd alif and my opinion secure online payments will lead to more people
transacting online. A merchant will never have to say 'No' to any consumer due to lack of
secure payment option and a consumer will never abandon cart at the checkout. Electricity /
Landline telephone bill payment was a big hassle. Going to the bill payment location, waiting
there etc was a huge waste of time. Now, almost all utility players have multiple online
payment option available on their website/app. so with this everything will become modern
and social life will increase.

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