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Microsoft Forms 2020-06-23, 11:23 AM


! 4 Rylee Jaakkola #
20:51 "
Time to complete

What have you accomplished so far that you can celebrate? *

Something I've accomplished is keeping my sanity and patience during this flurry of panic
with the Corona virus. So I feel confident that I can celebrate that as patience is key in
times like these.…wZUME9RTTExTkk1UzgxV0VKWU9YNDdJMjBGNS4u&TopView=SurveyResults Page 1 of 4
Microsoft Forms 2020-06-23, 11:23 AM

What motivates you to work, especially when times become

challenging? *

Something that motivates me to do work is having the sense of completing a task;

whether its doing chores or school work. Completing a task or job is just a satisfying
feeling and it makes me wan to do more because then in the end i have a sense of relief
and have some time to relax.

What spiritual or moral guidelines propel you in decision making? *

Well the Bible and the 10 Commandments make a huge impact on my decision making in…wZUME9RTTExTkk1UzgxV0VKWU9YNDdJMjBGNS4u&TopView=SurveyResults Page 2 of 4
Microsoft Forms 2020-06-23, 11:23 AM

life even though sometimes i waver from them at times. In the end I do my best to stick
to them and make the right decisions.

What do you want to do for your self? For your community? For the
world? *

Well for myself I would like to just surround myself with more positive and encouraging
surroundings such as going out into God's creation more often as I can't really do that to
often where I live. As for my community and the world i would like to make a better
more positive impact by simply just smiling at someone on the street or maybe helping
someone who needs it and just being a witness of the Lord's Love for them.…wZUME9RTTExTkk1UzgxV0VKWU9YNDdJMjBGNS4u&TopView=SurveyResults Page 3 of 4
Microsoft Forms 2020-06-23, 11:23 AM

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? List down 3 things you
would have wanted accomplished/achieved by then. *

10 years from now I would like to see myself as a fully licensed mortician with my own
funeral home or maybe even working at a local one in the city/town i would be living in
wherever it may be. I would also hope I would possibly be married. One other thing I
would hope I would have accomplished is maintaining a good connection with my friends
as I know that most times when people graduate and head off to college friendships can
often times be lost or put "On Hold" as some people call it.…wZUME9RTTExTkk1UzgxV0VKWU9YNDdJMjBGNS4u&TopView=SurveyResults Page 4 of 4

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