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Zafir Ahmed Abbasi 19B-122-CS Section:B

Q) Define communication skills? Who are the competent

A) Communication means the transmission of message from
sender to receiver in an understandable manner, and the ability
of conveying your message or some information to another
person efficiently so that the person could understand your
message without any problem is called communication skills.
The competent communicators have following qualities:
1) Thinks Critically and Mindfully:
For a person to be a competent communicator the person
should think critically about the situation and speak
according to the situation. ”Mindfulness” is a special type
of critical thinking in which you are aware and conscious of
situation while thinking or doing something.
2) Culturally Sensitive:
A good communicator care about different culture while
speaking or communicating because there are numerous
cultures existing in this world which are different from
each other, so speaking something which is good in some
culture could be offensive in another culture that is why a
person should communicate with another by thinking
about their culture and which suits their culture best.
Zafir Ahmed Abbasi 19B-122-CS Section:B

3) Is Ethical:
Good communication also includes questions about ethics.
All the actions and behavior of a person is concerned with
ethics. A person should keep in mind that what is good and
what is bad while communicating and distinguish between

4) Effective Listener:
Communications is not all about just speaking
communication also includes good listening which is an
essential element of a competent communicator. If you
cannot listen effectively you will not be able to respond
the speaker, and for a competent communicator, effective
listening is very important.

5) Media Literate:
A competent communicator is media literate whether it is
a mass media or social media, He knows how to
understand and analyze media effectively. It makes him
interact with media and present his own media messages.

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