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Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 IRP
32 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022, USA
296 Beaconsfield Parade, Middle Park, Melbourne 3206, Australia

ISBN 0 521 31818 I

First published 1984

@ Cambridge Tutorial Representatives 1984

The Press Syndicate desires to express thanks to the Governing Bodies of the
Colleges in the University for permission to reproduce the Examination Papers
published in the present Volume.

501 Mathematics I
502 Mathematics II
503 Mathematics III
801 Physics
861 Mathematics for Natural Sciences

Printed in Great Britain at the

For candidates in Mathematics, and Economics and Social Studies


Mathematics I
Mon.2l Nov.83
Aftemoon. 3 hours MATHEMATICS I

Aim at answering whole questions.

Begin each answer on a separate sheet and write on one side of the paper only.

Answers to questions marked A and B must be tied up separately with a separate cover
sheet. You should give in two coverrheets even if you have attempted no questions from
one of the sections.

The attention of candidates is dravn to the fact that these questions are intended to cover
a wide variety of syllabuses, and no candidate should expecl to be familiar with oll the
topics that occur.

This Question Paper consists of 5 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

ITurn over

lA (d Show that

coshx - coslty = 2sinh(ry) 'inn (?)

(b) Show that the inverse hyperbolic function

./ = sinh-l x
satisfies the differential equation

<*'+offi +xS = e.

24, Defrne the inverse A-r and the transpose Ar of an invertible nx ,2 matrix A. If B is also
an invertible matrix show that

(AB)-1 = B-r A-r , (AB)r = BrAr.

Hence show that if in addition A and B are symmetric and commute, then
(i) A-1 is symmetric.
(ii) A-t and B-r commute.
(iii) A-1B-r is symmetric.

3A (0 Show that a necessary condition for the lines

r=a+,tm, r=b*tn
to intersect is [(a - b), m, n] = 0, where lx, y, zl denotes the scalar triple product
x.(y X z) ofthe vectors x, y, z.

Is the condition [(a - b), m, n] = 0 sufficient for the two lines to intersect?
(ii) Find the points of intersection of the line r = a * .vm with the plane ,.a = p,
discussing carefully the case m.n = 0.

4A Let C be the set of matrices of the form

/ a D\
where a and D are real numbers. Show that C is closed under addition and multiplication,
and that for every matix Z in C other than the zero matrix, there is a matrix Z' in C with
ZZ' = (I being the identity 2x2 matrix).
Find matrices X and Y in C such that
I = 0,
X2 +

5A (i) Assurne that the numbers br, br, b, are not all zero. State a sufhcient condition
on the coefficients arl for the equations

431 X * anY t osz = bz

to have a solution

(ii) For all values ofc, solve the equations

2x - l-r' + 5z = -1.
By considering the case where c = 0. determine whether the condition you have given in
part (i) is necessary as well as sufficient

fT l2
6A Let 1-
nl = I
sin"0 d0 , n an integer

Show that:-
(i) Ir^-, 2 lzn 2 lzn+t. foralln ) I
(ii) n In = (n-l'1ln.r, for alln ) 2.
(iii) I"n = (2n-1).Qn-3) . . .7 tr for n 2 l.
2n .(2n-2). .21
Iz,*t= 2n . (2n-2) . . . .2 for n) 1'
(2n+1 ). (2n-1) .. .3

By rewriting (i) as -I2,-1 llrn,, ) Ir, llr^*, ) I and considering the limit as n + @,

or otherwise, show that

lim 2.2 4.4. . . .2n. 2n _ r

n+@ 1 .3 .3 .5. l).(2n+l) 2
. (2n-

7A Showthat if z = x r iy dehnesapoint inthex,y plane,then

l'lz -
"l = k"'
(where k usPvorr
is a positive constant and z, =t z2l
- zrl

gives the equation of a circle or straight line, depending on the value of k

*.. br,
lf z - "cz+d ad - bc * O, a, D, c, d complex, show that such circles or straight lines

are mapped into circles or straight 1ines.


) is a positive function of x whose derivative is positive and, n 2 2 is an integer,

['f rr, d,
J1 r= 2

By considering the integral of In x. show that e /n\


98 Let St, 5, be two spheres such that the sum of the surface areas is fixed. When is the
sum of Ihe volumes a) r nraximum
DJ a minimum?

Suppose instead that the sum of the reciprocals of the areas is fixed.When (if ever) is the
sum of thc volumes a./ a maximum
b) a minimum?

"f # =
l0B Find the solution xylv-|) such thaty(0) = yo.

Sketch the forms of solution that arise for yo ) 0.

llB The members of a lamily ol curves in the x,y plane satisfy the differentlal equation

YYdx - Y2 = x2 - x.

By multiplying this equation by a suitable function ofx and integrating, or otherwise,

obtain the curve which passes through the point (0, 1).
Show that this curve also passes through the point (-a, 0) where a ) 0 and a = - 9n a

l2B A player deals cards from a pack of 52 in sets of four. The first set of four consists of
cards of different suits. What is the probability that the last set offour consists of cards of
different suits?
Had the first set of four consisted of cards ofthe same suit, what would the probability have
been that the last set of four were also ofone suit?

l3B In San Theodoros execution is by firiag squad at dusk. Executions take place at any
time between 6 andT pm with equal probability, and as darkness falls theaim of thesoldiers
worsens at a steady rate, so that at 6 pm their aim is perfectly true. at 6.30 they miss their
target with probability lz and by 7 pm they always miss. General Tapioca, ruler of San
Theodoros, a liberal, has ordered on humanitarian grounds that on exactly half the execu-
tions the luing squad shall use blank rounds.
Thtin, a reporter, is sentenced to die by firing squad but survives. What is the probability
that he faced live rounds?

l4B A strell is fued from a gun with amtzzle velocity V and an elevation of 45o to the
horizontal. At the top of its flight the shell splits into two equal fragments which separate
with a relative velocity of magnitudefZ and elevation o in the plane of the trajectory'
Show that the range of one fragment is

v, ll + (i + cosa )(sin" +..Tri*" + Dt,


and find the range of the other.

158 A particle of mass m moves along a straight line in a resistive medium' It experiences
a retarding force cif magnitude ),r3 + ku, where v is its velocity and ), and k are
constants. Given that the initial velocity of the particle is w, find v as a function of time.

Find y as a function ofs, the distance travelled, and show that s never exceeds
m ,,,-'(i/^)
15B A uniform rod
plane about its midPo
plane with velocity u
a distance a from the
rod after collision.
Do the particle and the rod undergo a subsequent collision?
For candidates in Mathematics


Tues. 22 Nov. 83
Moming.3 hours MATHEMATICS U

Aim at answering whole questions.

Begin each ansrr)er on a separate sheet and write on one side of the paper only.

Answen to questions marked A and B must be tied up separately with a separate cover
s'heet. You should give in two cover-sheets even if you have attempted no questions from
one of the sections.

The attention of candidates is drawn to the fact that these questions are intended to coyer
a wide vaiety of syllabuses, and no candidate should expect to be familiar with att the
topics that occur

This Question Paper consists of 5 printed pages

and 3 blank pages.
ITurn over

lA If y = .ot (m sin-lx), show that

(t - x',(*)' - m2 (1 - y2) = o

l - x2, d# - x9* + *'y = o.

Using Leibniz' theorem, or otherwise, show that, for integer n ) 0,

(1 - x') # - (2n + 1)rff# + (m2 - r.-)# = o.

Bv considering':-

:::'::',: ::'-: ;'l e"l ; ::: ::.

2A By evaluathg the integral, sketch

t(x) = lo :=zicoso
sinO dg
+ xrfi

3A Thesequence uo,ttr,uz, . isdehnedbyuo = 1, u, = l.andun*, = un I un-,

for n)- l.
Prove that

,1r, + u',-, = 2@2+L + u:).

Using this result and induction, or otherwise, show that

+ u2

2n+L h+1 h-1

44, Ifa, 9,'y arc the roots ofthe equation

x3 - srx2 + szx - sa = 0,

showthateithercPT = 0, ort = * . i. +

Deduce that the equation x3 - ax2 + lbx - 2b = 0 cannot have three strictly positive
integer roots.

Find three pairs of numbers a, D such that for each pair, the equation
x3 - ax2 + bx - D = 0 has three strictly positive integer roots.

5A Let a be a non-zero real number and define a binary operation on the set of real
numbers by

Show that the operation * is associative.

Provethat x*! =-llaif andonlyif x =- llaory = -lla.

Let G be the set of ai1 real numbers except - 1/4. Show that (G, *) is a group.


6A (i) Evaluate )OI sin-lr



(ii) For y = 4 tan-t (e'), evaluate the integral

(#)' + (1 -.o,vi]a,
lTake - nf2 (.tan-l x1nl2.l

7 1r Find dl the stationary values of the function y(x) dehned by

avtb sinrx + 2cosx t I

where ad 1 bc, a* 3c and a * -c.
Assume that alc ) 3 or alc 1- 1 and show that y(x) is then a bounded function for all:r.

8A Sketch the curve given by the equations

x=a(O + sin0)
y=a(l - sin0), a)0.
Find the area under the curve between two successive points where 7=0

98 Juggins enjoys playing the following game: he throws a die repeatedly. The game
stops when he throws a 1 ; alternatively he can stop it after any throw. His score is the
value ol his last throw.

How should Juggins play to rnaximise his expected score?


l0B A die is thrown until an even number appears. What is the expected value of the sum
of all the scores?

I 1B The "logistic" difference equation is

Xn*\ = axn (l - xn\.

whereI I a { 4. Show that ifeitherxl (0 orx, ) 1, thenr, * --454 - -, butif

0(x, ( l,then0 (x, ( I foralln.
Show further that if x^ tends to a finite limit x as 1+ e, thenx = 0 orx = | - lla.
By writing xn = x t e,, and considering €n*tl€n, or otherwise, show that sequences
x, with x, sufficientlycloseto l- lla get steadilycloserto 1- l/a provided a13.

12B Find the largest volume which can be attahed by a circular cone inscribed in a sphere
of radius R.

13B A bihlar pendulum consists of two point masses at the ends of a Light horizontal
rigid rod of length 2L. Thrs rod is suspended symmetrically by two thinvertical threads of
length /, separation 2d <2L.

Show that the frequency of small oscillations in which the system rotates about a vertical
axis through the centre of the rod is smaller than that when the whole system performs
small oscillations perpendicular to its equiJibrium p1are.

IVertical displacements may be neg]ected.l

14B A fine chain of mass p per unit length has length / and is suspended from one end so
that it hangs vertically at rest with the lower end just touching a horizontal plane. The
chain is released so that it falls freely and collapses inelastically onto the plane. Find as a
function of time the force exerted on the p1ane.

15B A cylinder of radius a and mass M rests on a horizontal floor touching as shown a
loading ramp at 45o to the horizontal. It is then pushed from the side with a force F by the
vertical face of a piece of moving equipment. The coefficient of friction between
the cylinder and the vertical face is pr and the coefficient of friction between the cylinder
and the ramp is z.

The value of F is such that the cylinder just rolls up the ramp.
Showthat F = Melll - tt(l +\/1)1.
Showfurtherthat p ( \/Z - | and v > t lQ2 - 0.

168 A ship has an engine which exerts a constant force / per unit mass. The resistance of
the water varies as the square of the speed. Verify that if x is the distance travelled in a
time , starting from rest and Z is the maximum possible speed of the ship, then

,=4 T f/

is a solution of the equation of motion.

If tlre ship is travelling at full speed, find the distance travelled before the sbip can come to
a stop on reversing the engines.
For candidates in Mathematics


Wed.23 Nov. 83
Moming. 3 hours MATHEMATICS ilI

Aim at answering whole questions.

Begin each anstrer on a separate sheet and write on one side of the paper only.

Answers to questions marked A and B must be tied up separately with a separate cover
sheet. You should give in two cover-sheets even if you have attempted no questions from
one of the sections.

The attentian of candidates is drawn to the fact that these questions are intended lo cover
a wide variety of syllabuses, dnd no candidate should expect to be familiar with all the
topics that occur.

lA Let x = x(t), y = y(t) be parametric equations for a simple closed curve C in the
x , y plane , described counter-clockwise as / increases'from /o to /r . Show that the area ,4
enclosed by C is given by

A =-l y(ildx(t\dt.
Jto d,
Henceshow that A = -, o)Yft) - x (/)E (r) I d/.
Use tlris result to hnd the area enclosed by the hypocy aoia ?" + J" = X"

2A Find all positive integers that are equal to the sum of the squares of their digits.

34, State an inequality between the arithmetic mean of k positive numbers and their
geometric mean.

The numbers a, , a2 , , a n are positive. Asume that 1 ( k ( n and let ,So be the sum of
the /cth powers of the numbers, and let Po be the sum of all products of k disti,nct numbers
from a1, az,. .,c,. Prove that

(r- 1)!So) kl(n-k)lPo.

4A Amagicsquare of ordern > 3 is an arrargementof thenumbers l ton2 masquare
so that the sum of the numben in every row, in every column and in each long diagonal is
the same. Prove that in a magic square of order n, this common number is equal
to f,n (n2+ 1).

Showthatinamagicsquareof order3, 5isinthecentre,and I isnotinacorner.Prove

also that there are precisely two magic squiues of order three in which I is in the middle
of the top row.

5A A sequenca as, a1, az, . . . is defined by the following recurrence relation:-

an = aoan-7 I oroo, + .. + dn_tao, ao = 1

Setting f (x) = i o-x", showthat f (x) satisfies the equation

n =O '

xf (x)2 - f (x) + 1 = 0.
Deduce that ah = -]- (2" \ '
n+l \n /

[The convergence of series may be assumed. ]


6A (i) Evaluate the limits

(a) ,*o ll cotx\
\rz - , /
lim /tanx-x\
(b) x*o

(ii) By using the fact that l [n ar - 0 as a * 0, or otherwise, evaluate

lim (sin x) tan x

x- tl2

7A Forr = 1,2,..,n show th"t (l) * #

If R. = (l + lln)n show that, provided n)2, 2 <R" < 3.
Show also that R, *, ) Rn .

8A Polynomials H, (x) are defined by

Hntx) = ( - l)n 6i'2 4i- ,;i" ,.

Show that
i=o lfll n" (x)y' = exp (xy - iy').

Hence or otherwise show that dH, (x) = n Hn-r(*).


[Taylor's theorem may be assumed. Questions of convergence need not be considered.]

98 The points A, B, C, D are vertices of a tetrahedron, with the origin at an intemal

point O. The position vectors of A, B, C, D are then a, b, c, d. Show that the equation of
the plane BCD may be written as

r=pb+7c+6d, p+7+6=1.
Prove that there exist positive numbersp, q, r, s such that

If the line,4O intersects the plane BCD at E, find the position vector of E and determine
AOIAE in terms of p, q, r, s. The linesAO, BO, CO, DO meet the opposite faces of the
tetrahedron at E, F, G, 11 respectively. Show that


If th

llB A room contains m mer, and w women. They leave one by one at random until only
persons of the same sex remain. show by a carefully explained inductive argument, or
otherwise, that the expected number of persons remaining is

w+l ' m+l
l2B As seen from axes fixed on the rotating earth, a projectile experiences in addition to
gravity an additional y and o is the angular velocity
of the earth. It may so small that powers of c,: of
degree ) 2 may be rthern hemisphere at latitude
|t<n12. Choose ax and Oz vertical. Show that
the equations of motion of the projectile can be written:-

i = 2ai sin)., j; = -2o:(2 cos).+isin).), ?=-g+2cof cosX.

A projectile is thrown um height and falls back to ground.
Show that the hori in direction and 4 times greater
in magnitude than th st relative to the earth at the same
maximum height.

13B A simple pendulum of mass m and peiod 2nla isinitially at rest. It is then subject to
a small horizontal force in the plane of oscillation which builds up linearly from 0 at r = 0
to Fo at time / = 7 and thereafter remains constant. Determine the subsequent motion
assuming the oscillations remain smatl. Show that the maximum possible amplitude of
the frnal motion is Fs f ma2 .

14B An amusing trick is to press a hnger down on a marble on a horizontal table top in
such a way that the marble is projected along the table with an initial linear velocity uo
and an initial backward angular velocity oo about a horizontal aris perpendicular to uo.
The coefficient of sliding friction between the marble and the table is constant. and the
radius of the marble is a.

For what value of vo f aao does the marble:-

fu) slide to a complete stop?

(b) slide to a stop and then return towards its initial position with a fina] constantlinear
speed (3/7)uo ?

[A marble of mass m and radius a has a moment of inertia lma2 about any line through
its centre. l

15B Four freely jointed light rods AB, BC, CD and DA each have lengtha. A spring of
natural letglh Ji a joins the points .B and D. A mass is attach ed at C and the whole system
is suspended in a vertical plane from the point ,4. When in equilibrium the spring
has length a.

Show that the period of small vertical oscillations of the mass is

'"((*= +)'
168 A spherical water droplet moves in an atmosphere saturated with water vapour. The
vaponr condenses onto the sphere, increasing the mass at a rate \,pA, where A is the surface
area of the sphere, p is tJre density of the water and )t is a constant. Show that the radius of
the sphere increases linearly with time.

The sphere falls freely and vertically under gravity. Assuming that the vapour particles are
at rest before coming into contact with the sphere, show that the sphere will fall with an
acceleration which at large times approaches |g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
For candidates in Natural Sciences or Mathematics or Engineering or General Studies


Mon. 2l Nov.83
Moming. 3/r hours

During the first 15 minutes of the examination no writing may be done. This time is to
be used for reading the instructions and selectitlg the questions you intend to answer.
Post-A-Level candidates must answer Question I in section A together with olre question
from each of the three sections B, C and D.

Pre-A-Level candidates must answer Question I in section A together )rith three other
questions, chosen without restriction a.s to section.

Question I caries twice as much credit as any other question.

Start each question on a new sheet

Answers to the four sections are to be tied up in separate bundles, eachwithitsovtnclearly-

labelled cover sheet. Make sure that you complete both'birdcages' on eyery cover sheet.


Speed of light in a vacuum, c = 3'0 x 108 m s-l .

Elementary charge, e = l'60 x 1O-le C.

Mass of electron = 9'l x 10-31 kg.
Mass of proton = 1.67 x l0-2? kg.
Avogadro constant,N,4 = 6'0 x 1023 mol-l .

Planck constant,h = 6.6 x l0-s J s.

Boltzmann constant, k = 1.38 x 10-23 J K-r .
Molar gas constant, R - 8.3 J mol-r K-l .
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, o = 5.7 x l0-8 W m-2 K{.
Gravitational constant, G = 6,7 x l0-1r N kg-2 m2.
Gravitational acceleration, g = 9'8 m s-2.
Permeability of a vacuun! lo x l0-7 H m-l .
= 4tr
Permittivity of a vacuum, €o = 8'8 x l0-I2 F m-r.

Section A

I h) [9 marks]
Comment on thrce of the following statements:
(i) A steel bdl-bearing bounces better on a concrete floor than does a rubber
one becawe it is harder.
(ii) A submarine entering fresh water tends to rise because the pressure ofwater
on its upper surface decreases.
(iii) On the Equator the days are longest in March and September
(iv) The price of elechicity from the mains could be increased by a factor of
100 and it would still be cheaper than that from torch batteries.

(il [ll marks]

(i) A golfer driving from the tee swings his club so that ttre head completes a
(virtually) fuU circle in 0.5 s. Make a rcasoned estimate of the maximum
, distance he couldhit the ball.
(ii) A horse weighs 800 kg and needs to eat its own weight in food in 70 days
just to stay warm. If a harvest mouse, which weighs 8 g, were simply a
scaleddown horse, estimate how often it would need to eat its own weight
in food to stay warm.
(iii) Seen from the Moon, the Earth has 3.6 times the angular diameter of the
Sun. What is the ratio of the densities of the Sun and Earth?

k) [ 10 marks]

(i) A closed vessel of volume 10-3 m3 contains only water and its vapour. The
figure shows the variation of the pressure p in the vessel with the temperature
7. Explain its form and determine the mass of water plus vapour present.
(ii) A washing machine has a-n automatic rinsing cycle in which clean water is admitted

next cycle faster?

@) I l0 marks]
A particular nucleus z4 second nuclerx B, which in turn decays to
c. The relevant decay c th have the value ). and initially there are N
nuclei of type,4. under tions, theory indicates that at time / the rate
of decay R, of type B at by

RB (r) = N ).2 r exp (- ).r).

Experiment gives the following data.

tls 10 20 30 40 60 80 r00
R, (r)/s-t 174 252 2'72 297 271 203 141

Plot the data in an appropriate form and determine the most likely values for
N and )..

Section B

2 Explain the meaning of the Young modulus.E of a solid.

The linear expansion of a material with change of ternperature is measured by c, the

linear expansivity, which gives the fractional increase in length for a temperature increase
of I K. Suggest how you would measure E and a for a metal wire to about lE/o.
A composite material consists of a copper rod of radius 3 mm which has parallel
steel wires embedded in it running the whole length of the rod. The material is 50% steel by
volume. Find (i) the effective Young modulus for the material, (ii) the tension force needed
to stop the rod shrinking when it is cooled by 10 K, and (iii) the effective linear expansivity
of the composite.
[For steelE = 2.1 x 1011 N fl-2, d= 1.0 x 10-5 K-l; forcopper E = l.3x 1011 Nm-2,
a = 1.7 x 10-s K-l . The ends of the composite are anchored in such a way that the steel
and the copper remain equal in length.I

3 Explain the law of conservation of linear momentum, indicating clearly the conditions
under which it holds. How can it be derived from Newton's laws of motion?

h) An elastic ball travelling with initial speed Z collides with an identical ball
initially at rest. After the collision the lirst ball is moving with speed v at an
ang)e 0 to its initial direction, and the second with speed u at an angle @ to the
same direction. lVrite down the equations governing the collision and show that
theyhaveaconsistentsolutionif0 + 4 = n1t.
Two identical charged poiat particies. A and B, travel with equal speeds
in opposite directions, but not along their line ol centres. As a result of their
interaction, the path of A is deflected through an angle r/. What is the angle
between the final directions of A and B seen by an obseryer who travels (through-
out) with the initial velocity of A?
(b) Aftolley of lengthZ is free to move without friction on rails whichrunparallel
to its length. Rigidly mounted at one end of the trolley is a loaded rapid-fire gun,
and on the other a target thick enough to stop bullets from the gun. The whole
assembly has mass M and is initially at rest. At time 1 = 0 the gun starts to fire
its magazine of N bullets, each of mass /n , into the target at a uniforrn
rate / ) N't"lL, where mvo is the impulse each bullet receives on being fired.
Assuming that Nm 4 M and that air resistance is negligible. sketch the variation
with r of I/, the speed of the trolley, marking significant values on your sketch.
Determine the final state of the trolley and comment on your ans\ryer.
4 Outline the principles and assumptions on which the kinetic theory of ideal gases is

An ideal monatomic gas at a pressuE6.po (= 300 N m-2) is contained in a box of

volume 1.0 x l0-3 m3. Explain why N, the number of atoms striking unit area of the wall
of the box in unit time, is proportional to zc-, where n is the number density of the atoms
and e (= 800 m s-r ) is the mean atomic speed. [The actual expression ir 1r' = n e.l
A small hole of area 2.0 x 10-q m2 is made in the side of the box and the space outside
evacuated. Assuming that the temperature of the gas in the box remains constant, find
(i) the initial rate of loss of pressure in the box, and (ii) the time z after which the pressure
p has fallen to e-r po.

Show that if the hole had connected the original box to an identical box, initially
evacuated, (rather than to a large evacuated space), then the pressure p at time / would
have been given by

p = lzpo [l + exp (- ztlr)l .

5 The potential eneryy d (r) of a pair of argon atoms whose centres are a distance r
apart is shown in the i7aph.

Sketch the corresponding grgph of the force /(r) between the atoms, taking/to be positive
when repulsive.

cts are known about argon: the sorid is regurar close-packed, so that
ea nearest neighbours; the riquid is random crose-packed, with the same
ne stance; the kinetic energy per atom is 3krl2 at all temperatures
co tion.
Suggest explanations for the followiag facts:
(i) Argon cannot be liquihed at room temperature.
(ii) At low temperarures the iiquid density is 0"g7 times the solid density.
(iii) 1'he specific latent heat of evaporation of the solid is 7 5 times the specific latent
heat of melting.
(iv) At low temperatures the nearest neighbour distance in the solicl is a little less than
r, , and the latent heat of evaporation is 1.3 x 10-2 0 J atom-r .
I furn over
Section C

metal ball suspended by an insulating

the sequence of operations you would
other negativelY'

Showtlrat,inthex -y;;;,fo'a"t'urc3 qatld'o)anda chatge-aqldat(a2 ld'o)'where
i) a,thepotential is zero on the circle x2
t y2 = a2 '
It can be shown that the
completelY unaffected if the
a conductor, charged to the aP
tial surface. Use tbis result to
radius c and a charge 4 situated

t rirro otfr". part of the circuit, is accessible and may be cut if


(a) Asiausoidalvoltageof6Vpeak-to-peakisfedintotheinputofanamplifier.
connected across its output, has the
The ampliher, when it rras a ioo sl resistor
in rrg... iil. c.rcu ate the average power dissipated irr the
characteristic shown
(b) Forthecircuitshowninfigure(ii)determinethepotentialdifferencebetween
the points E and F.
(c) Figure (iii) shows a circuit
which has the characteri
Vo - V, across it is less
current ,I, through Z increases indefin
(see figure (iv) )'
R takes the following values
Find the current drawn from the battery when
/iii\ s c)

8 State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction and illustrate its application with a
number of examples takeh from everyday life.

A radio set uses as an aerial a large planar coil ofnegligible resistance andhaving 100
turns each of area 0.25 m2. The coil is orientated so thatthenormaltoitsplaneisparallel
to the oscillating magnetic field of the radio wave, and is connected to the set which behaves
as a resistance of 600 Q. If the sensitivity of the set is limited by random noise of power
10-12 W, what is the minimum detectable magnetic held amplitude Bo of the incident
radiation when the operating frequency is 100 kHz?

The set is now removed and the aerial coil connected to one side ofa transformer. The
transformer may be considered as two coils of negligible resistance. each having a (self)
inductance of 30 mH, with a mutual inductance of 20 mH. If the other side of the trans-
former ic short-circuited, what current flows in the aerial when the incident magnetic held
amplitude is 10-e T? The self-inductance of the aerial coil may be ignored.

9 Explain what is meant by the Hall effect and how it can be used to determine experi-
mentally the effective number density and sign ofcharge carriers in a conductor.
A particular semiconductor has an effective carrier charge density of 0.10 C m-3 and
p of 103 O m. It is formed into a thin-walled cylinder of average radius 10 mm,
a resistivity
thickness 1.0 mm and length 100 mm. Metal contacts are made with the whole of the
inner and outer surfaces of the cylinder. If a current of 2.0 niA is passed between the
contacts, what is the potential difference between them?

A magnetic freld of flux density 1.5 T is applied along the axis of the cylinder. Make a
sketch showing the relative directions of the various physical quantities involved and shoy/
that there is a component of current circulating around the cylinder. Find its magnitude if
the cwrent flowing between the two contacts remains at 2.0 mA.

Show that the total heat dissipated in the semiconductor is increased b-v about 1 part
in 4 500 as a result of the presence of the magnetic field.

Section D

l0 What do you understand by the temr simple harmonic motion2

A particle of mass ra rests on a smooth table and is connected to fxed points P and Q
by two light stretched springs each of spring constant &, as shown in fgure (i) below.

H-^.-^./L{ \-/l---l-zrr-r---<


k) Find an expression for the frequency of oscillations of the particle along the
line PQ.
(b ) A certain type of linear molecule can be modelled as three atoms of masses m2 ,
mr and m2 connected by two springs of spring constant k, as shown in figure (ii).
Such a system can vibrate along the common line of centres in two ways (modes).
In each mode all three atoms oscillate with a common frequency, keeping the
overall centre of gravity of the molecule fixed.

In the hrst mode A and C move in opposite directions whilst B does not move.
In the second A and C move equally in the same direction whilst B moves in the
opposite diection. By considering the motion of A in the first case, and that of
B in the second, hnd the frequencies of the two modes.

For fixed m, sketch the variations of the frequencies with m". How is your
answer to patt(d connected to your sketch?

l1 Explain the conditions necessary for the observation ofinterference effects with light,
aad how they are secured in the (Young) 2s1it arrangement.
The usual Young arrangement is modihed by replacing the two slits by four situated
at (0, r a) and (0, ! 2t), the slits at (0, t a) being covered by thin hLms which reverse
the phase of the light of wavelength L incident from the region x ( 0. As the distance D
() a) of the observation screen from the plane of the slits is changed the intensity at any
point (D,y) varies arrd passes through maxima (and minima).
(a) Show that the largest value of D for which the intensity at (D, 0) is a maximum
is 3a2/).. Obtain a general expression for the values of D which give maxima at
(b) Show that all five of the points (D, O), (D, t a) and (D, t ?-a) have maxima
whenD = a2 l\.
(c) What is the ratio of the light intensities at (3a2 /)., 0) and (%'? /)., 0)?
[You will find it useful to show that, provided L ) y, the distance from the point
(0, y) in the x - y piane to the point (I, 0) is greater than that from (0, 0) by y2 l2L.)

12 Indicate on a diagram the principal regions of the electro-magnetic spectrum, giving

approximate wavelength or frequency ranges.

Describe briefly and give a qualitative explanation for the spectra in the visible region
from the fcllowing:
(i) a sodium vapour lamp,

(ii) a white-light source viewed through sodium vapour.

The frequencies z of spectral lines from an atom of atomic number Z obey the relation

I I _ i\
v=voZz rl)
where n, and n, in the visible region has spectral lines at wavelengths
are integers. Hydrogen
of 656.2,486.1,434.0 and 4i0.1 nm. Assuming that they all correspond to the same value
of n" and that the ltne at 656.2 nm is the first of the series, determine uo and the relevant
value of n, .

The most energetic radiation from copper has a wavelength ol 0.i38 nm. Estimate
the atomic number of copper.

13 Explain what is meant by the statement:

'Germanium, with a relative atomic mass of 72.60, has five stable isotopes of which
the most common is lf Ge.'

What further information can you deduce about the isotope abundances of germanium?

It is believed that one of the processes involved in star formation consists of the
following steps:
(i) two protons fuse to form a deuteron ( i H) with energy release 0.42 MeV:
(ii) a deuteron and a proton react to produce he[um-3 ( i He) with energy release
5.49 MeV;

(iii) two helium-3 nuclei react to produce helium-4 ( I He) with energ:y release
12.86 MeV.

For each reaction there must be products not specifically mentioned above. Write equations
for the reactions which make suggestions as to what the additional products might be.
Calculate the total energy E released when one heLium4 nucleus is produced, starting from
free protons.

In practice a total eneryy E' = 26.12 MeV is produced as the result of one such
cycle. Convert E' - E to the corresponding mass equivalent and hence suggest its physical

Nuclear forces have a range of about 10-ls m. Estimate the order of magnitude of the
temperature needed inside the young star for step (i) of the process to proceed rapidly.
You may assurne that at temperature 7 the protons have kinetic energies of order kI,
where k is the Boltzmann constant.
For candidates in Natural Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Economics and Social Studies


Maths. for Nat. Sci.
Tue. 22 Nov. 83
Afternoon. 3 hours

Write on one side of the paper only.

Begin each aruwer on a fresh slrcet.

Arrange your answefs in numerical order, and tie them up in one bundle with a single

Candidates should bear in mind thdt the ex@niners attach considerable weight to the quality
and completeness of the solutions. All quutions carry equal weight. Candidates are
permitted to quote formube from the tables provided.

candidates takturg the Examination in ENGINEERING or NATLJRAL SCIENCES,

regardless of the subject they expect to read at Cambridge

Candidates may httempt at most eightquestions in totaL

Post-A-level candidates moy attemPt at most tvo questions from Section A.

Pre-A-level candidates have an uwestricted choice of questiotu.

Candidates taking the Examination iD MATEEMAIICS, regardless of the subject they

expect to read at Cambddge

All candidates rnay attempt 4t most eight quatioru in total, not morc than ttro of these
being chosen from Section A.

Candidates taking the Examination in ECONOIICS A].lD SOCIAL STLJDIES, regardless of

the subject ttrey expect to read at Cambridge

All candidates haye an unrestricted choice of questions but may 1ttempt at most €Eht
questions in total.

This Question Paper consists of I 1 printed pages and 1 blank page.

[Thrn over

Section A

I For the graphs given by the following equations find the coordinates of
(i) any maximum points, (ii) any minimum points, and (iii) any points of inflexion.
Sketch the graphs.

(a) Y=x'et -x2 ,

(b) y=x4-4x3+6x2-4x,
(c) y = r/ lLr'+ 2(l _ x) |

2 Show that
I c,-,s I0 cos g d0 =
F\ sin 2r).. ().2 + 1).
By making a suitable approximation to cos tr0 for small values of X, or otherwise,
show that
I 0'.or0d0=4n.
3 By the substitution

z=ff+: u''
or otherwise, solve the equation

dx" - dt
given that when x = 0 we have
v=1. P=2. (LY

4 Given that

hnd, by expressing 2 cos (r - I )p sin ]p as a difference of two sines, or otherwise, the value
ofS, where

,, =,i r. (P*2ktr, where kisan integer).

State the value ofS, when p = 2kt, where k is an integer.

5 Obtain the equation of the normal to the plane

which passes through the point,4 which has co-ordinates (11, -9,7). Find where
this normal meets the plane.

Obtain the equation of the projection of the line AB onto the plane, where B is the
point (0, 12,-3).

6 Show that the three roots of the equation

can be written as l, c,-r and c,.r2, where co is acertain complex number, which should
be found Show also that

By considering the sum

I +
"0 "a0 "-'0
or otherwise, show that
,r 2 -rlrf31-6!
"o*2ii.."4\8-.1, *d'n * I

7 Denote by R,, R, the space through an

angle nl2 about the x-ixis, y- M. representing
the transfo_rmations R,, and R b.i, M, = M*M,
and M, = M.. M.. respectively.

Describe the single transformations represented by M1 and M2 .

[A transformation R is said to be represented by a (3 x 3) matrix M if R(v) = Mv where

v is a (3x l) column vector.l

8 A vehicle of mass ra is propelled along a straight horizontal road by an engine whose

maximum power output isP, where

and v is the speed of the vehicle. The air and tyre resistances to ttre motion of the vehicle
result in a retarding force of magnitlude kv2 , where /c is a positive constant.

Show that the vehicle can accelerate from speed r, to speed v, iraa time f given by

,=# {'(i+#) - '"(+++) },


),.= /lb+k \
v\ a I
Calculate the maximum speed of the vehicle.
A liCht rod AB, of length d,
is free to Pivot about ,4,
which is fixed. A light elastic
string, of natural length d and
modulus of elasticity tr, has
one end attached toB and the
other attached to a fixed Point
P. The horizontal and vertical
displacements of P from 14 are
each of length d, as strown in
the diagram.
A weight ltr is fixed to the rod
at distance x from A arrd th.e.
string is stretched to lengthad'

Show that
I + sin0
COSO = ---"-

and that

o = {3+2(sino - cosol}}
where 0 and O are as shown in the diagram'

Show also that, in equilibrium,

M =+(1+tano).

particle B, of mass atn (where

10 A particle 24, of mass m, moving with speed z strikes a
direction of ,4's initial
a) 1), initially at rest. After the iinpact, A and B move in the
half of the original kinetic energy
motion with speeds v and w respectiveiy. In the collision
is lost. Show that


-TTT+e) choice of sign'
explaining carefully, in your solution, the reasons for any

11 The pattern on a particular type of dart board (with no bull's eye) consists of 20
radial sectors of equal area representing the scores 1,2, . . . . 20. The area between the
concentric-circles with radii 9.5 cm and 10.5 cm is the'treble score" region and the area
between the concentric circles with radii 16 cm and 17 cm is the "double score" region,
the entire scoring area being a circle of radius I 7 cm. Three darts are to be thrown at random
onto the scoring area. Calculate the probability of
(d any treble score,
(b) any double score,
k) a score of exactly 174,
G) a total score which is an even number.

12 A biased tetrahedral die has faces marked with the numbers 1,2,3 and 10, the pre
babilities of these faces falling downwards when the die is thrown onto a horizontal table
being 0.3, 0.3,0.3 and 0.1; the score in a throw is tlre number on the face coming torest
in contact with the table. In a certain game a turn consists of throwing the die once and
then, if the score for that throw is 10, throwing it again: thescorefortheturnisthescore
at the first throw if that score is 1,2, or 3 and the total score for the two tfuows if the
score at the first throw is 10. Calculate the mean and variance of the score for one turn.
Calculate the probability that the same score is obtained in successive turns.

13 Prove, by induction or otherwise, that

> n = *N (I/+ t), >n, = tN (N+ 1)(2N+ l),
gving full details of the working.

Hence derive a formula for the variance of the sequence l, 2, 3, . . . , N .

Calculate directly (again showing all the working), the variance of the sequence
7,2, . . . . l0 and check the answer against the value obtained by using the formula derived

14 Insects seek for food by making a number of short flights, each of length /, which are
equally likely to be in one of the directions north, south, east or west. A biologist
is interested in the maximum distance that an insect is likely to be from its starting point
during the course of 20 such flights.

Derive an algorithm based on 10000 trials to determine the proportion oftrips which,
at any stage, stray more than a distanc e eJQy from the starting point.

What you write must be readily encodable as a computer progr:rm, but you must not
to have famitarity with any particular programming language.
assume the reader

You may assume that a sub-progam is available which, when called, will return a
random number lying between 0 and l
15 Evaiuate


Results may be left in a form involving natural logarithms.

16 (a) Solve the differential equation

{x(l - e")+}l dx + (x +y) dy =0.

(Dl without solving the equation, sketch the graphs near (0, 0) of typical solutions,
y = f(x), of the following equation

dy _3x+2y
dx .Y-y

17 The pyramid PQRST has apex P and square base QRSI. on the face pBR is mounted
a tetrahedron OPQR. The triangular faces of the pyramid arid tetrahedron are all equilaterai.
Show that the triangles OPR and PRS lie in the same plane, and hence that the composite
object OPQRSI has only five faces (rather than seven, as might be expected at first sight).

l8 The matrix A is given by

(i) Find the value of the reai number ). and the non-zero yector x for which
Ax = ).x.
(ii) Find all the real values of ). for which ,\, y =ty , when y is non-zero, corres-
Pondingto g = I andto p = 4.

19 Show that:

tu) sin-r (tanh x) = tan-r (sinh x)

(consider the principal values only);

ft) sinh-l (tany) = tanh-l (siny)intheinterval -Tarai.

Sketch the graphs of the two expressions n(b) abovein the interval - 1t <y <t ,atd
flrnd the relationship between the two expressions in the interval L'r'"'

20 The expansion of the univene is believed to be governed by the equation

/dR\2 =3
-a2 * bR2 - c
(#) ,

for the *size" R as a function of time t; a, b arrd c are real constants. By differentiation,
show that

#= $,+m.
The universe is observed to be expanding at the present time. By considering the form
of the graph of R(/), show that

(d if b is negative, R was zero at some previous time (the "bu bang") and will
become zero again at some future time, whatever the values of a and c;

( il if D is positive and c is negative, R was zero at some previous time and subsequently
increases without limit.


The diagram shows a cross-section, parallel to its faces, of a British 50 pence coin.
The seven arcs AB, BC, . . . . FG, GA are all of equal length and each arc is formed from the
circle having its centre at the vertex diametrically opposite the mid-point of the arc. Given
that the radius of each of these circles is a, show that the area of a face of the coin is


22 Given that a, b, and c, are unit vectors such that

a+c = 2(a.b)b ,

find the geometrical relationship between a, b and c'

A beam of light travellins in the direction of the 'ector (?, t, +) * incident on a

minor whose plane is normal to the vector (+, -+, 3) ' tinu the unit vector which
represents the direction of the reflected beam'

plane inclined at an
23 A uniform solid sphere, initially at rest, is allowed to roll down a
angle c to the horizontat. Find the least value of the coefficient of friction between the
.pf,*" *O the plane sufficient to prevent slipping occurring. Find the acceleration of the
centre of the sphere when no slipping occurs'


bu I let


that time.
of a sphere).
25 A door consists of a uniform rectangular panel of width b, height i and mass rr,
strengthened along al1 four edges by a rectangular frame, also of rnass tn, formed from
material of srnall cross-section. The door is hinged along one edge about a vertical axis.
Find the distance from the hinged edge at which a door-stop should be placed so that there
is no horizontal reaction at the hinge when the door strikes the door-stop.

26 A machine contains four identical components of a particular type, and is designed so

thatit will perfomi adequately if at least three of these components are functional. Another
machine contains six ol these components and is able to perform il at least four of the
cornponents are functional. If, during a machine run, the probability of a component failure
is 0'1, independently for each component, establish which of the machines is the more
reliable in completing the run witho'.rt requiring attention.

Calculate the value of the probabi.lity of component failure (other than 0 or 1) which
would ensure that the machines were equally reliable.

27 A geneticist knows that the individuals of a certain species belong to one of three
types, ,4, B and C and that the proportions of these types in the population are p2 ,2pq
and q2 respectively. where p + q = 1 . He also knows that

(i) if an individual of type / is mated with another of type,4, all the offspring are
of type ,4,

(ii) if type A is mated with type .B, half the offspring are type,4 and hall are type B,
(iii) if lype A is rnated with type C, all the offspring are lype B
A type ,4 individual is mated with an individual of unknown type Calculate the
expected proportions of types,4, B and C among the offspring.

The geneticist knows further that if a type -B individual is mated with another ol type
B. the offspring are one quarter of type ,4, one half of type B and one quarter ol type C. If
then a type B individual is mated with an individu;rl which is known not to be of type C,
calculate the expected proportions of types A, B and Camongtheoffspring. If thismating

(i) only one offspring which was of type.B, or

(ii) only one offspring which was of type C,

caiculate the probabilities in each case that the parent of unknown t),pe was of type A

of pupils into a sixth-form college,

child in their family and also whethet
From a sample of 120 pupils he found that
-"":*SJ#T#,l'.'.'.'ifi l':*J#,*'l
(d the sample was typical of the poprrlation, in which 0.3?5
ofchildrenwere.oldesf ;

b) theproportion integrating well cotrld be taken as 0'4;

k) the classifications 'oldest'/'not oldest' and 'integrated well'/'integrated
could be regarded as independent'

29 It is desired to generate a table of values of cos 0 '

the table to find cos 0 for a value 0i
(0 ( 0i < l) it it fottible to use one
A0. When using
of the two Procedures
the required value for cos 0;;

the required 0;'

For each of h) ald(b) fnd

(r) inwhatpartofthetablethegreatestabsoluteerrorwillariseif0;ismidway
between tabular values;

(ii) how la4e the error t}ten is;

absolute error of less
(iii) what tabular interval wor:ld be needed to guarantee an
than 10-3;
(iv) how many entries the table would then have'

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