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Dear Michaelinian Graduates and Completers 2020,

My warmest congratulations to all of you as you take another step in your

educational journey.

The journey was, indeed, tough but you made it! It just means that no
matter what hurdles come along your way, you will surely find the way and
muster the strength to beat them all.

Alas, we are living in a difficult period for humanity. Our very survival is
being threatened not only by the health hazards brought by the pandemic but
also by the cultural and moral shifts going on in our society. Nevertheless, I am
confident that through your Catholic formation in SMC, you will serve as agents of
peace, goodness, truth, and moral certainty in the world. Your rigorous academic
preparation has given you the intellectual foundation to discern the truth and the
discipline to order things rightly. Also, your spiritual formation has provided you
with the opportunities to strengthen your relationship with God and service of
others. Therefore, armed by the gospel values that you imbibed during your stay
in Saint Michael College, you are now ready to set forth into the world with your
light shining for others!

May the good Lord keep you in his care, bless you and your family, and
accompany you as you continue your pilgrimage. Our Lady, too, with his motherly
protection, is always at your side. Once again, congratulations!


Parish Priest

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