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Three-Month Itinerary of


G and Lodge Offices have a busy
schedule for 1968, w ith the exception
of July and August. The schedule for
the next three months includes:

J une 1- Grand Master, meeting with 53rd
Masonic District Officers, Masonic Tem-
ple, J amestown, Mercer County.
June 1- Grand Master, 100t h Anniversary,
Adelphic Lodge No. 424, J amestown.
on Landmarks and Committee on Fi-
nance, Masonic Temple, Scranton.
June 5-Grand Lodge O fficers, meeting of
District D eputy Grand Masters and

R. W. Grand Master of Penna. Elected Scranton Set for

Quart erly Communication, Mason ic
Temple, Scranton.
June 8-Grand Master, meeting with 60th
June Quarterly
Chairman~ Grand Masters' Conference
Masonic District Officers, Masonic Tem-
ple, Pine Grove.
June 8-Grand Master, 100th Anniversary, The June Qu arterly Communication
Pine Grove Lodge No. 409, Pine Grove. will be held in the Masonic Temple
June 8 -Deputy Grand Master, Masonic Bro. John K. Young, Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania, was unani-
N ight, J affa S hrine, Altoona. mously elected Chairman of t he Conference of Gran d Masters of Masons in a nd Scottish Rite Cathedral, Scranton,
North America at its annual meeting, held February 19 and 20 in Washington, Pa., at 7 p.m., Wednesday, June 5,
June 11- Grand Master, 100th Anniversary,
William B . Schnider L odge No. 41 9, D.C. 1968.
P hiladelp hia . As Conference Ch airman, B ro. Young presided at all Conference meetings, This will be the first time a Q uar-
R obert P. Casey, First Vice President o f Pennsylvania's Constitutional Convention, is shown
June 15-Grand Master, a t tend the Sectional greeting James Weiss (center) and Ronald Hubert (right) both Patton Masonic School students, including t h e Grand Masters' Banquet, which was attended by approximately terly Communication of Grand Lodge
Meeting of the School of Instruction , as they arrived to ser ve as honorary pages during a week of the Convention. 800 Masonic and political leader s. has ever been held in the northeast
Masonic Temple, A llentown. Problems of the large city Lodges.
At the opening of the Conference, section of the state.
June 22-Grand Master, meeting w ith 56th
Masonic District Officers, Masonic Bro. John R. Rouse Over 800 Attend Four Bro. El'gene S. Hopp, Grand Master How
does the individual Mason
Bro. John K. Young, R. W. Grand
T emple, Tidioute, Warren County. of California, delivered the keynote Master, urges as many Masons as pos-
June 22-Grand Master, 100t h Anniversary,
T emple L od ge No. 412 , Tidioute.
Appointed D.D.G.M. Sectional Meetings of address. From the above five topics, many sible to make a special effort to attend
the June Quarterly.
June 24-Grand Master, 175th Anniversary,
Washington L odge No. 59, Philadelphia.
Of 24th Masonic Dist. School of Instruction He pointed out that the very exis- varied a nd conflicting opinions were
tence of Freemasonry depends upon presented. He pointed out tha t it is not neces-
June 28- Grand Lodge Officers, meeting, Bro. John K. Young, R. W. Grand The attendance a nd efforts h ave the preservation of freedom of all peo- If a conclusion was reach ed, it was sary to be a Lodge Officer or a Past
Committee on Masoni c Homes, E liza- been excellen t at the four Sectional ple, adding : generally a greed that a Lodge is just Master to attend a Quarterly Com-
Master, has appointed Bro. John R. Meetings of the School of I nstuction
"Freedom is in danger today, but about as good as its leadership. munication. All Master Masons are
June 2 9- Grand Master, m eeting with 42nd Rouse, P ast Master of Eureka L odge, held thus fa r this year.
less from those who are actively un- The Gra n d Master, however, stated inv ited.
Masonic District Officers, Masonic No. 366, Union City, as District D epu- The Sectional M eeting held at New
H omes, Elizabethtown. dermining it than from the many that such conferences are valuable in Scranton has ample hotels a nd mo-
ty Grand Master for the 24th Masonic Castle on March loth, had a regis- tels for those planning to stay over-
July 12-Grand Master, Council of Delibera- millions of sile nt citizens who fail to t h at Grand Lodge Officers h ave an
t ion, Scottish Rite, Erie. District. tered attendance of 181, representing opportunity to meet and discuss prob- night. The Masonic Temple is located
act on behalf of truth and freedom."
53 L odges of the 11 Masonic D istricts in the center of the city, 420 North
July 26- Grand Lodge Officers, meeting,
Committee on Masonic Homes, Eliza- T he Grand Master, accompanied by involved. He pointed out that Masons, al- lems with leaders from oth er Jurisdic-
though comparatively few in number, tions. Washington A venue.
b e thtown. several of h is Elected and Appointed The Sectional Meeting h eld at
A ugust 15-Junior Grand Warden, Rainbow Officers, officially presented Bro. Rouse Uniontown on March 23rd was attend- could provide a sound sense of values
Girls Assembly, Pennsylvania State Col- to the Lodges of his District a t a ed by 187 of the Brethren represent- to mark the path for others. He con-
lege, State College, Pa. Special Meeting of Eureka Lodge, No. cluded with:
August 23- G rand L odge Officers, meeting,
ing 53 Lodges of the 11 Masonic Dis-
Committee on Masonic Homes, E liza-
366, held in the North East High tricts covered. "And I said to the man who stood
bethtown. Sch ool, on Satur day, May 11th. The Section al M eeting h eld at Har- at the gate of the years, 'Give me a
risburg on M arch 30th, for an area L ight, that I may tread safely into the
covering 15 Masonic Districts, at- unknown,' and h e replied, 'Go out into
THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Second Class tracted 304 of the Brethren represent- the darkness a nd put your hand into
Distribution Office POSTAGE ing 76 Lodges. the hand of God. That shall be to
MASONIC HOMES PAID AT On April 6 at Ever ett, 192 of the you better than light and safer than a
Elizabethtown, Po. 17 022 Elizabethtown know n way.'"
Pennsylvania Brethren wer.e registered and repre-
(Send FORM 3579 to Above Address) senting 48 Lodges in the six Masonic The Conference of Gr and Master s
Districts of t h at area. reach es no conclusion s or recommen-
A Sectional Meeting will be held dations since each Jurisdiction in
at Allentown on June 15th for the North America is autonomous unto it-
several Masonic Districts in the n orth- self and operated by its own rules and
eastern section. The R. W. Grand regulations.
Master has scheduled a visit to this The following topics were discussed:
particular Sectional Meeting to review What are a Mason's responsibilities
the Work. to his Fraternity and to Man-
A sixth Sectional Meeting h as been kind?
scheduled for Meadville on September What are the values of Grand The Masonic Temple and Scottish Rite Cathedral, Scranton, Pa., where the J une Quarterly
2 1st for the northwestern area. Lodge publications among Ma- Communication of Grand Lodge will be held Wednesday evening, June 5, 1968. Opened for
The date for a Sectional Meeting sons and non-Masons? use in 1930, this spacious building is the meeting place for six Symbolic Lodges, one Royal
in the Philad elphia a r ea is still pend- Arch Chapter, one Council of Royal and Select Masters, one Commandery and four
ing. Irregular Bodies Scottish Rite Bodies of the Valley of Scranton.
POSTMASTER: Please Include Complete Imprint of Address on Your Postal Return Clipping.
THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON and are reviewed elsewhere in this
Issued Quarterly
From the Grand Secretary's Office issue.

February, May, August and November at March Quarterly Communication, March 6, 1968
Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, by
How many of you heard the touch-
The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most Our Grand Lodge Quarterly Communications are much more than the few ing broadcast early this year by Bro.
Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Ac- hours spent behind tyled doors; many other meetings are involved. For in- Arthur Godfrey describing the Ma-
cepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Juris· sonic funeral services for Bro. Duke
diction Thereunto Belonging, through its
stance, the March Communication was held in Corinthian Hall at 7:00 P.M.
on Wednesday, March 6th. Kahanamoku, the former great Olym-
COMMITTEE ON MASONIC CULTURE - Charles H. pic swimming champion? The funeral
Nitsch, P.G.M., Chairman; W. Frederick Warren, But the various other meetings began on Tuesday morning, the first being
Vice-Chairman; W. Irvine Wiest, Martin D. Rife, the Committee on Landmarks which considered many items of interest to services were conducted on the beach
Frank W. Bobb, Stanley L. Bateman and William Grand Lodge and all our Lodges. at Waikiki by Bro. Duke's Lodge, after
A. Carpenter, Secretary. By-Laws of 13 Lodges were approved, which his ashes were borne to sea on
Immediately after lunch, the Com- three were rejected and action on three
Approved and Authorized To Be Printed By a surfboard.
mittee on Finance went into session was deferred for more information.
Right Worshipful Grand Master and diccussed matters, most of which
dealt with allocation of funds, and
Most of the income from the Lodges Bro. J. Oscar Kelley, a Mason in
is received in the first fiscal quarter the central part of the State, has
WILLIAM A. CARPENTER, Editor budgets.
and as a result the Receipts for this established an enviable record which
After dinner, Masonic sketches were period totalled $2,486,560, well above is hard to match. In the late forties he
Mailing Address: portrayed and considered for possible the Expenditures of $1,699,285. was given the assignment of preparing
MASONIC TEMPLE use after the close of Lodge Meetings.
A resolution was adopted giving the the Candidates in his Lodge for their
One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 Wednesday morning was devoted to Grand Master and Grand Secretary degrees. Seldom did he miss a meeting
Send Form 3579 to Distribution Office a meeting with the District Deputy authority to execute the necessary and in a period of close to 20 years
Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Grand Masters, during which many documents in connection with the he has performed that duty 1,948
Second Class Postage Paid at A vie'~ of a. comer area. of the bea~ti ful new Mus~um Room in the George Washington questions were raised and answered. transfer and sale of securities. times. Who can top that record?
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania Masomc National Memonal, Alexandrta, Va. A spectal loan exhibit of several articles from Following lunch, the Committee on Interesting reports were given by
our collection are now being featured in this room and will be there until after Labor Day Masonic Culture spent several hours the Committee on Masonic Culture;
Vol. XV May, 1968 No.2 of this year. Bro. Charles H . DeCoursey, who was
in session, reviewing The Pennsylvania Committee on Masonic Homes; Com-
made a Mason in 1901 in Bloss Lodge,
Freemason and many other Masonic mittee on Temple; and Trustees of the
Facts and Needs Related at Annual Meeting Culture subjects.
No. 350, celebrated his 100th birthday
Grand Lodge Officers Shortly after 7 : 00 P.M. Grand
Patton School. on September 26, 1967. He still lives

Of Masonic National Memorial at Alexandria Lodge was opened with a fine atten-
An "In Memoriam" for our beloved
and devoted Bro. Louis Bacharach,
in Liberty in Tioga County. How
many will ever reach that age?
Attend Annual Masonic One of the highlights of the annual meeting of the George Washington dance.
A request was received from the
who had served as R. W. Grand
Treasurer since 1951, was presented. Bro. Mark Sigismund, the Senior
Service Assn. Meeting Masonic National Memoria l Associa tion of Alexandria, Va., on February 22,
was a display sponsor ed by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. It was arranged
Grand Lodge of Para, in Brazil, for
fraternal recognition, which was re- The preliminary Membership sta- Warden of Saint John's Lodge, No.
115, is a government employee ~nd is
by the Committee on Masonic Culture and included 32 items on Bro. George ferred to the Committee on Corres- tistics show a net loss for 1967 of
Grand Lodge Officers attended the pondence. 1,716 members. While 5,448 were engaged in climatic testing. Th1s re-
Washington from the Grand Lodge Museum.
49th Annual M eeting of the Masonic
One cherished Grand Lodge article is the M asonic Apron made by Madam The first m erger in many years in initiated, death took 5,964 Members, quires trips to the North and South
Service Association of the United the Pittsburgh area was approved with bringing our total down to less than Poles as well as locations where the
L afayette and worn by Bro. Washing-
States on February 21 in Washington, year to operate the Memorial. Thomson Kerr Lodge, No. 786, merg- 250,000. temperature is extremely high. As a
ton when he laid the cornerstone for
D.C. ing with a nd into Fellowship Lodge, Reports on the various activities result of his extensive travelling, he
the Capitol Building in Washington, • The auditorium stage has been re-
It was reported that no requests for No. 679. in connection with the annual Grand has already been able to v isit Lodges
D .C. The apron remains in the Grand furbished for the first time in 35
assistance because of a major disaster Lodge Museum but a facsimile of it year s. The new curtain a nd en- The proposed amendments to the Masters' Conference were presented in sixteen Grand Lodges around the
were made by any Grand Lodge in the is now on permanent display in the larged stage make the auditorium world.
United States during the year. Fraternally,
Memorial Museum. more functional.
When Hurricane Beulah struck por- At the annual meeting, Bro. John H. • A master plan for landscaping on a
tions of Mexico a nd Texas last year, Hessey, Past Grand M aster of Mary- large scale, to include walks, arbors
the Association offered to provide help land and President of the Memorial and shrubbery, is being formulated.
if needed. The Grand Lodges affected Association, urged Grand Lodges to
expre ~sed a ppreciation but reported Gifts to the Association from Grand
institute a financial pla n to assist the
they could meet the need with their Memorial, similar to the plan com- Lodges totaled $105,000. This is not Ashby B. Paul
own resources. pleted seven years ago in Pennsyl- adequate to operate the Memorial for
During the past year, however, vania. one year. R. W . Grand Secretary
American Grand Lodges, through the The highlights of his address in- The endowment fund of the Me-
Association, sent contributions for the cluded: morial is approximately $2,615,000.
relief of M asonic Brethren in Italy, Brother Hessey pointed out :
Korea, and to aid Hungarian Masons • The City of Alexandria wanted to "Our Endowment Fund is not in- For your convenience, the telephone
in exile. take some of the Memorial's land creasing as fast as hoped when the
numbers at the Masonic Temple, Phila-
for a highway. N ew p lans are b eing Pennsylvania Plan was announced.
It was r eported that the Short Talk delphia, are as follows:
prepared to prevent this. Only a small percentage of states have
Bulletin program has been continued.
• The M emorial is now open from adopted this plan. We hope Grand Grand Ma ster's Office
There are now 540 Short Talk Bul-
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., including Saturdays Masters will be inspired to adopt it." 2 15- LOcust 7-5582
letins in print. The Association also
distributes digests and other materials. and Sundays. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Grand Secretary's Office
An extensive report was made on • There is a colored motion picture completed the p lan seven years ago 215- LOcust 7-4156
the Association's hospital visitation of the Memorial. The Grand Lodge and presented more than $260,000 to Capt. and Bro. William H. Alexander, Member of Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, Harrisburg, Librarian and Curator's Office
of P ennsylvania has one copy that the Association. The Pennsylvania and son of Bro. Wallace H. Alexander, District Deputy Grand Master of the 2nd Masonic
program. It was stated that more vol- District, is shown banding one of the packages containing soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste and 215- LOcust 7-4190
untary help is urgently needed to "ex- may be obtained from the Grand Plan calls for a donation of $1 for light clothing to a young girl of a school in Cbu Chi, Vietnam. Bro. Alexander, stationed
every M ason and $10 from every Ma- with the 554tb Engineers at Cbu Chi, communicated with several organizations of Harrisburg,
Superintendent's Office
tend a cable tow to the bedside of our Mast er's Office.
disabled servicemen." • It costs approximately $156,000 a sonic Lodge. including his Lodge, and received items for 750 families of the South Vietnamese Army in 215 - LOcust 7-5674
this Civic Action Program.
2 3
An old print showing the location of One North Broad Street, Phila- A rare print of the ceremonies marking the laying of the huge
delphia, over 100 years ago, when the site now occupied by our cornerstone of the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, headquarters of
Masonic Temple was a coal yard. our Grand Lodge, on St. John the Baptist Day, June 24, 1868.
le m, a gold Masonic Medal, a silver
June 24 Marks 100th Anniversary medal of Past Grand Master Peter
Williamson, copper medal struck in
Group picture taken at the Annual Conference of Grand Master's Samuel W. Mcintosh, Past Grand M aster of Grand Lodge of District commemoration of the election of the
of Masons in North America, held in Washington, D.C., February
19th and 20th. Seated in first row, sixth from the left is Bro.
of Columbia, who has long served as Executive Secretary of the
Confe rence, and next to Bro. Mcintosh is Bro. James B. Patrick,
Of the Cornerstone Ceremonies for Prince of Wales as Grand Master of
John K. Young, R. W. Grand Master of Pennsylvania, who was Grand Master of Kentucky, who was elected Vice Chairman of this the Grand Lodge of England in 1790.
elected Chairman of the Conference. To Bro. Young's left is Bro. year's Conference. The Masonic T em pie, Philadelphia Fragment of foundation stone of
Solomon's Temple that was found
Full Time Doctor An all-time high . . . Nine New District On June 24, 1868, St. John's Day, more than 10,000 Masons gathered at forty feet below the Mosque of Omar,
Broad a nd Filbert Streets, Philadelphia, to witness the layin g of the corner- Gold circular Masonic M edal, a silver
Needed at Homes Guest Fund for '6 7 Chairmen Appointed stone for the Masonic Temple, the home of Grand Lodge.
The cerem ony was preceded with a par ad e of a pproximately 8,000 M asons
set of Lodge J ewels a nd the Working
Tools of a Master Mason's Lodge,
The Masonic Homes a t E lizabeth-
town need a full time medical doctor.
Totaled $282,441 T he following n ew District Chair-
men for the Grand L odge Committee
a nd 15 ba nds through the heart of downtown Philadelphia. There were 72
Masonic Lodges represented in the parade.
Biogra phy of Bro. Stephen Girard,
newspapers of the day, various gifts
The 1967 Gu est Fund appeal ended on Masonic Culture have b een ap- from indiv idual Brethren, and list of
The opening is for n ight duty, five T h e cornerstone was laid by Grand
on March 15 w ith a new a ll-time high pointed by Bro. John K . Young, R. W. Grand Lodge Office rs a nd member s
days a week. Lodge Officers in full Masonic cere-
collection of $282,441.15. Grand Master: mon y in accorda nce with the Ahiman of the Building Committee.
T he doctor selected will b e provided T his is equal to $ 1.13 per m e mber.
MASONIC DISTRICT "D" - Bro. George R ezon. Following the ceremony, Bro. V a ux
a beautiful, six room , two bath home, The Grand Master announced that delivered an address, which concluded
W. Wise, L odge No. 717. Bro. Richard Vaux, who was then
a sh ort distance from the hospit al. the 1968 program will start with the MASONIC DISTRICT "F" - Bro. E. Rob- with:
Grand Master, used the gavel that
It includes a dishwasher, most of September Lodge Notices. It is hoped ert W . W hitesel, Sr., Lodge No. 134.
B ro. George Washington used a t the "Now, in our a ge of unrest and dis-
the draperies and rugs, and complete that the total collected will pass MASONIC DISTRICT "G" - Bro. P hilip sension, we, in unity and harmony, be-
C. Elia, Lod ge No. 386.
laying of the cornerstone for the Capi-
laundry facilities. Yard services a re $300,000.00. tol at Washington, D.C. gin the foundation of a structure dedi-
Bro. John K. Young, R.W. Grand 7th MASONIC DISTRICT - Bro. Thomas cated to principles of amity a nd faith,
provided. K. Leinbach, Lodge No. 227. The granite cornerstone is five feet
Master, sincerely thanks those who r e- 11th MASONIC DISTRICT - Bro. F rank-
everlasting in their nature, and in their
Membership in t he Masonic Frater- six a nd a h alf inch es long, two feet
spond ed to the 1967 appeal. He said: lin D. Heffner, Lodge No. 222. origin antedating all modern institu-
nity is not required, but desirable. four and a h alf inches deep and four
"I commend Masons in Pennsyl- 15th MASONIC DISTRICT - B ro. ] ohn tions.
Doctors interested in obtaining fur- van ia, and Pennsylvania Ma sons feet nine a nd a ha lf inch es wide, and
L . Bronston, Co-Chairman, L odge No. 438. "May our children's children, in the
ther details should contact Dr. Leonard weighs between nine a nd t en tons. It
ever ywhere, who contributed to the 18th MASONIC DISTRICT - Bro. H. generations to come, as our fathers did
Carlton Sweeley, L odge No. 755. was laid in the northeast corner of the
C. Hamblock, Medical D irector of the Guest Fund, wh ich gives assistan ce in the generations that have p assed,
Philadelphia F reemasons' Memorial 33rd MASONIC DISTRICT - Bro. Forrest foundation wall. It bears the following
to Masons and their wives or widows, procla im with triumphant praise, 'In
L. Kinley, Lodge No. 379. inscription:
Hospita l, b y writing direct to him at t h eir mothers and children. st rength we establish our house.' "
35th MASONIC DISTRICT - Bro. Robert "This corner-stone of the New Ma-
the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, "I am sure that with our continued S. W olverton, Lodge No. 516. When the ceremony was concluded,
Pa. 17022, or by calling (Area Code inter est a nd support we will m eet the sonic Temple was la id with appro- a ma rble slab, cut in the form of a
717) 367-1121. increasing needs at the H omes.'' T h e G rand Lodge Committee on priate ceremonies, in the presence of T he Masonic T emple, Philadelphia, as it ap- keystone, was used to seal the cavity
Masonic Culture is most a ppreciative a large concourse of B rethren from pears today and still a monument to the t hat contains the lead box in which
of the services being performed by the Pennsylvania and sister Jurisdictions, vision and handiwork of our Brethren of 100 the articles wer e deposited.
When You Change Your Mailing Address District Chairmen as they encourage June 24 A.D. 1868, A.L. 5868.'' years ago.
a nd over-see the Masonic Culture Pro- Following the laying of the corner-
Please Notify Your Lodge Secretary Placed in the cornerstone were the the United States, Washington Penny stone, one of the most unusual ban-
gram in their respective Districts. following: 1791, Franklin P enny 1787, a piece of quets in Masonic history was h eld in
When you change your mailing address, please take the time to notify your Lodge Holy Bible, Ahiman Rezon, list of wood cut from one of the cedars of
Secretary. This wiU enable him to keep his Lodge mailing list accurate and current. the Acad e my of Music. More than
Your Lodge Secretary will then be able to notify us so we can keep a current name So long as Freemasons reflect in their lives Lodges in this Jurisdiction, copy of the Lebanon. 1,000 Brethren attended .
and address stencil in our general mailing list for mailing your copies of 'The Penn- the spiritual and m oral teachings of F ree- last a nnua l publication, copy of t he A piece of ma rble, part of the A newspa per account of the b a nquet
sylvania Freemason." When a former address is imprinted on your copy of any issue masonry, the Craft wiii stand. The destiny
of Freemasonry is not in the h ands of the
resolutions of the Grand Lodge in r ef- Golden Gate of the Temple of King r elated :
of "The Pennsylvania Freemason," it is returned to us with a Postage Due of 10 cents.
Help us eliminate these costly Postal Returns. THANK YOU. profane. The destiny of Freemasonry is in ere nce to t he building of the T emple, Solomon, a piece of stone fro m the "The galleries were festooned in
the h ands of Freemasons. Masonic R egister for 1868, coins of fou nda tion of t he Temple at J erusa- (Contin ued on Following Page)
4 5
Say if with words ... Freemasonry,
A Way of Life
Proper Wording Eve ry individual is by nature en-
dowed with certain traits of character

Is Important for which form the basis for reasoning and

the conduct of life. In fact, these nat-
ural traits or tendencies are but sign-

Homes' Bequests
Brethren desiring to make a bequest
posts along life's highway, directing u s
in our words, our thoughts, a nd our
actions. If, by self-analysis, we can
discover and discard those traits which
to the Masonic Homes at Elizabeth- seem to lead us in the wrong direction,
town, Pennsylvania, operated by Grand and at the same time, cultivate those
Lodge, should instruct the attorney to natural tendencies which point the way
make such gifts to: to higher achievement, then we have
"The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge carried into effect one of the great
principles of Freemasonry. Group picture taken on the occasion of presentation of a Grand Lodge Fifty Year Masonic
of the Most Ancient and Honorable Service Emblem to Bro. Samuel G . Martin in Parker City Lodge, No. 521, Parker, early this
Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons Our station in life is fixed many year. Bro. Martin (front and center) is flanked by Bro. George R. Lines, District Deputy
of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdic- times by conditions or circumstances Grand Master for the 52nd Masonic District and Bro. H. Alvin Sallack, Northwestern Re-
over which we have no control. Con- gional lnstructor on his left, and by Bro. Owen R. Hartman, Past District Deputy Grand
tion Thereunto Belonging, for the use Master and Bro. Alvin D. Bartlett, Worshipful Master of Parker C ity Lodge, No. 521, on
of the Masonic Homes owned by it, and sequently, the individual is m aster of his right. Standing in the back row are Bro. Martin's five sons, (left to right) Lester, Charles,
his own destiny only in a certain de-
~:c::;:~anl:.~.ated at Elizabethtown, gree. It would, therefore, seem that
Dale, Robert and Kenneth, all present to witness the presentation.

If it is the desire to make a bequest the niche which we are to occupy in and County should be shown on the
to the Patton School, the wording this world has already been carved for Our Expanding Communities Monthly R eturn along with the state-
Antho~y David Schaefer, one of our children at the Homes, shows his heart-shaped box of should be the same as above except us by some natural or Divine power, ment that this location is nearest the
Valentme candy to Dr. and Brother Heinz Ruggeberg Grand Master of the United Grand " .•. for the use of the Thomas' Ranken and the heights to which we can rise Pose Problems In Deciding L odge by distance or convenience of
Lodges. ?f Germany, as Mrs. Minnie Murphy, a Guest 'at the Homes, looks on. Bro. Rugge- Patton Masonic Institution for Boys are, in all probability defined by pow- access.
berg v1s1ted the Homes for se~eral hc;mrs on February 16th, the day following his visit to
Hermann Lodge, No. 125, Ph1ladelphra, one of our German speaking Lodges. owned by it, and presently located at ers and deficiencies within us. Our Location of Nearest Lodge If there is any question or doubt as
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania." ability to make proper decisions, the
height of our own ambition, and t he In the Grand Lodge of P e nnsy l- to which is the nearest L odge, because
Cornerstone Ceremony relationship existing between ourselves vania, a man has the right to petition of these new developments, it is sug-
(Continued from Preceding Page) and our fellowmen are the cardinal any subordinate Lodge for initiation gested it be referred t o the District
principles which can v ery well deter- and membership, b ut when the Lodge D eputy Grand Master (or D eputies
various designs with wreaths and fes- mine our success or failure. to which the petition is presented is if more than one District is involved)
toons of laurel, and with beautiful Freemasonry recognizes the inherent not the nearest Lodge to the residence and in this way the card file in the
rustic hanging baskets suspended in faults of the individua l Member, and of the petitioner , the Lodge r eceiving Grand Secretary's Office can be
the air. endeavors by precept and example to the petition is required to inquire of brought up to date.
"In the south was a magnificent curb irregularities. It provides an op- the Lodge n earest his residence if there
canopy of the symbolic colors, royal portunity for self-improvement by reg- is any Masonic objection to him.
The surv ival of Freemasonry m eans much
blue and purple - on the background ular attendance at its Stated a nd Extra The question as to w hich is t h e more than the survival of an institution . It
were the several implements of the Meetings and throughout t he study nearest L odge is constantly becoming means the survival of ideals which enrich a
Craft, the square, compasses, level, and application of its beautiful Ritual- more of a problem. A card file, in the nation and it means the survival of that
plumb, trowel, etc. - surmounting this istic and L odge Work. It provides the Office of the Grand Secretary, has been which proclaims Man's Divine HeritaAe.
canopy was a blazing star, formed of opportunity for social contact, that fra- established over the years showing
brilliants, which reflected the light ternal fellowship, whereby men from the Lod ge or L odges n earest most of
from every point. every walk of life m ay meet upon a the cities, towns and la rge r communi-
common plane or level. Here, are tie~. But the rapid growth of new
Additional Supply of
"In the centre of the building there taught t he correct principles of r ight-
was suspended from the dome the eous living. Here, we learn to get along
suburban areas, and the constrbction Bronze Medallions
motto in gas jets, 'Let there be light;' of new highways and bridges has. made
back of this were the national colors;
with our neighbor and our fellowmen. many of these cards obsolete and in- Now Available
Here, we are taught the three great correct. The elimination of many o f
immediately below these were hung virtues - Faith, Hope and L ove. To satisfy the demand for the special
the square and compasses, 7 feet high, the P ost Offices in the smaller com- three·inch bronze medallion, struck by the
These should remind us of our obliga- munities has also complicated t h is Grand Lodge to commemorate the dedi-
and to the right and left the level and tions and our duties as Freemasons. cation of the George Washington at Prayer
plumb, 5 feet each, formed entirely of problem. Statue at Freedoms Foundation, a new
If the immeasurable influe nce of
natural flowers; at the extreme end Freemasonry shall continue, then we It is essential t hat the Secretary of supply has been ordered.
of the stage were two brazen columns, must have faith in God, fa ith in our each L odge be given the definite and A reproduction of the statue is shown
each 40 feet high. on the obverse side and a reproduction of
Brethren and faith in ourselves. Our exact location of the residence of every the Seal of Grand Lodge appears on the
"The orchestra and brass bands Hope in the future depends on the petitioner. R.D. addresses are often reverse side of the medallion.
were stationed in the balcony." quality a nd the sincerity of our F aith, misleading and should only be used for These medallions may be purchased for
while t he journey of life itself will be mailing purposes; but in no case should $5.00 each, including boxing and mailing
In closing, the newspaper article a n R .D. address be shown on a charges. Make check or money order
Bro. Martin R. Kiggins, District De~uty Grand Master for the 40th Masonic District (left)
judged by the greatest of all virtues payable to Ashby B. Paul, G rand Secre-
on the banquet stated:
and Br~. Carl B. Weed, Jr., Worshipful Master of Phoenix Lodge, No. 75, Phoenixville, - LOVE - which is the chief corner- Monthly Return. When a pet itioner's tary, and mail your order to Committee
"W e a re satisfied tha t this part of stand w1th the large wreath presented by the G rand Lodge of Pennsylvania and placed at stone of that spiritual temple, that residence is outside the boundary lines on Masonic Culture, Masonic Temple,
the celebration will never pass from the base of the George Washington at Prayer Statue, Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge on house not made with hands, eternal in of the city or community in which the One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
the memory of participants." Februarr 22nd, in a Mas.onic. ce.remony participated in by the Officers' and Member~ of P ost Office is located, the T ownship
Lodges m the 40th Masomc D1str1ct. the h eavens.

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