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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (DepEd)

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte


LAC Session Checklist for Facilitation

Please put a check beside the features you observe.

Note that you can add features which are not in this checklist.

Feature Specific Instance

1. Ensures availability of materials/equipment/facilities

2. Reminds teachers about ground rules

3. Emphasizes the importance of/models active listening and respecting others’ ideas

4. Makes sure that all group members have an opportunity to participate

5. Begins the session with an icebreaker that allows participants to share something about
themselves in a non-threatening, enjoyable way

6. Gives clear directions for all activities so that participants will not be confused and lose

7. Avoids allowing just a few group members to monopolize "air time"

8. Keeps the group on the topic and focused

9. Resists the urge to "teach"—listens, talks with, and learns something from the
teachers/participants and their experiences instead

10. Watches nonverbal cues in the form of body movement, facial expression, and gesture (may
indicate loss of attention, confusion, or discontent) to know when to take a break, change the
pace, change the topic, etc.

11. Deals with misinformation in a positive and constructive way

12. Brings ideas together; highlights certain points made before the end of the session

13. Has the group members share one new thing they learned or something they may do
differently at the end of the session

14. Keeps track of time; starts and ends on time

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