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Surface Tension 5.

1. (a) COHESIVE FORCE Section A - Surface Tension & Energy

The force of attraction between the molecules of
the same substance is called cohesive force 2. SURFACE TENSION
In case of solids, the force of cohesin is very large The property of a liquid at rest due to which its free
and due to this solids have definite shape and size. surface tries to have minimum surface area and
On the other hand, the force of cohesion in case of behaves as if it were under tension somewhat like
liquids is weaker than that of solids. Hence liquids a stretched elastic membrane is called surface
do not have definite shape but have definite volume. tension.
The foce of cohesion is negligible in case of gases. The molecules of the liquid exert attractive forces
Because of this fact, gases have neither fixed shape on each other. There is zero net force on a molecule
nor volume. inside the volume of the liquid.
(i) Two drops of a liquid coalesce into one when
brought in mutual contact because of the cohesive
(ii) It is difficult to separate two sticky plates of
glass wetted with water because a large force has to
But a surface molecules is drawn into the volume.
be applied against the cohesive force between the
Thus, the liquid tends to minimize its surface area,
molecules of water.
just as a stretched membrane does.
(iii) It is very difficult to break a drop of mercury
into small droplets because of large cohesive force
between mercury molecules.


The force at attraction between molecules of
different substances is called adhesive force
(i) Adhesive force enables us to write on the black Surface tension of a liquid is measured by the force
board with a chalk. acting per unit length on either side of an imaginary
(ii) Adhesive force helps us to write on the paper line drawn on the free surface of liquid, the direction
with ink. of this force being pependicular to the line and
(iii) Large force of adhesion between cement and tangential to the free surface of liquid. So if F is the
bricks helps us in constrution work. force acting on one side of imaginary line of length
(v) Fevicol and gum are used in gluing two sur- L. then
faces together because of adhesive force. T = (F/L)
Regarding surface tension it is worth noting that : opposite to it to keep the wire in equilibrium. Thus,
(1) It depends only on the nature of liquid and is F = 2Tl
independent of the area of surface or length of line Now, suppose the wire is moved through a small
considered. distance dx, the work done by the force is,
(2) It is a scalar as it has a unique direction which dW = F dx = (2Tl) dx
is not to be specified.
But (2l) (dx) is the total increase in area of both the
(3) It has dimension [MT–2] and SI units N/m while surface of the film. Let is be dA. Then,
CGS unit dyne/cm, so that one MKS unit of
dW = T dA
surface tension = 103 dyne/cm
(4) Surface tension of a liquid decreases with rise dW
or T 
in temperature
(5) The surface tension of a liquid is very sensitive Thus, the surface tension T can also be defined as
to impurities on the surface (called contamination) the work done in increasing the surface area by
and decreases with contamination of surface. unity.
(6) In case of soluble impurities surface tension may
increase or decrease depending on the nature of im- EXAMPLE 01
purity. Usually highly soluble salt such as sodium
Calculate the energy released when 1000 small
chloride increases surface tension while sparingly
water drops each of same radius 10–7 m coalesce
soluble salt such as soap decreases surface tension.
to form one large drop. The surface tension of water
is 7.0 × 10–2 N/m.
2.1 SURFACE ENERGY Sol. Let r be the radius of smaller drops and R of bigger
When the surface area of a liquid is increased, the one. Equating the initial and final volumes, we have
molecules from the interior rise to the surface. This
4 4 
requires work against force of attraction of the R 3  (1000)  r3 
3 3 
molecules just below the surface. This work is stored
in the form of potential energy. Thus, the molecules in or R = 10 r = (10)(10–7) m or R = 10–6 m
the surface have some additional energy due to their Further, the water drops have only one free
position. This additional energy per unit area of the surface. Therefore,
surface is called ‘surface energy’. The surface energy A  4R 2  (1000)(4 r2 )
is related to the surface tension as discussed below :
 4 [(106 )2  (103 )(107 )2 ]
  36 (10 12 ) m 2

F Here, negative sign implies that surface area is

decreasing. Hence, energy released in the process.
U  T| A |  (7  102 )(36   1012 ) J
Let a liquid flim be formed on a wire frame and a
 7.9  10 12 J Ans.
straight wire of length l can slide on this wire frame
as shown in figure. The film has two surface and
both the surface are in contact with the sliding wire EXAMPLE 02
and hence, exert forces of surface tension on it. If T A mercury drop of radius 1 cm is sprayed into 106
be the surface tension of the solution, each surface droplets of equal size. Calculates the energy
will pull the wire parallel to itself with a force Tl. expanded if surface tension of mercury is 35×10–3
Thus, net force on the wire due to both the surface N/m.
is 2Tl. One has to apply an external force F equal and
Sol. If drop of radius R is sprayed into n droplets of 2.3 Excess pressure inside a bubble
equal radius r, then as a drop has only surface, the Consider a bubble of radius 'R' and surface tension
initial surface area will be 4R2 while final area is 'T'. A bubble consists of two spherical surface films
n (4r2). So the increase in area with a thin layer of liquid between them.
S = n(4r2) – 4R2 The total surface tension force for each surface inner
and outer T (2R) for a total of (2T) (2R)
So energy expended in the process,
Force due to inside pressure (Pin) is Pin R2 and due
W = TS = 4T [nr2 – R2] ...(1)
to outside pressure (P0) is P0R2
Now since the total volume of n droplets is the same
as that of initial drop, i.e.,

4 Pin
R 3  n[(4 / 3)r 3 ] or
3 Pin
r  1/ 3 ...(2) Since each half of bubble is in equilibrium (lower
half shown in figure)
Putting the value of r from equation (2) in (1) P0 R2 + 2T(2R) = Pin R2
W  4R 2T((n)1/ 3 – 1) 4T
Pin – P0 = = Excess pressure

(1) If we have an air bubble inside a liquid, a

single surface is formed. There is air on the
Section B - Excess pressure in drop and concave side and liquid on the convex side.
bubble The pressure in the concave side (that is in the
air) is greater than the pressure in the convex
2.2 Excess Pressure Insider a liquid drop:
side (that is in the liquid) by an amount 2T .
Consider a liquid drop of radius 'R' and surface R
tension 'T' A liquid drop has only one surface film,
hence the surface tension force is T(2R) 

Pin 2T 
P0  P2  P1 
P0 R
lower half shows
in figure The above expression has been written by
Force due to inside pressure (Pin) is Pin × area i.e. assuming P 1 to be constat from all sides of the
bubble. For small size bubbles this can be
Pin R2 similarly force due to outiside pressure (P0)
is P0R2 since each half of the liquid drop is in
(2) From the above discussion, we can make a
equilibrium general statement. The pressure on the concave
P0R2 + T (2R) = Pin (R2) side of a spherical liquid surface is greater than

2T the convex side by 2T .

Pin – P0 = = Excess Pressure R
3. For any curved surface excess pressure on the
 (P  h1g)   P1
 1 1  r1
concave side = T    where R1 & R2 are
 R1 R 2  and the total pressure inside the bubble at depth h2
radius of curvature of the surface in two perpendicular
direction of instead of liquid surface, liquid film is given is = (P + h2g) + r = P2

 1 1 
then above exression will be P  2T    For Now, according to Boyle's Law
 R1 R 2  P1V1 = P2V2
spherical curved surface R1, R2
4 3 4
where V1   r1 , and V2   r23
3 3
Hence we get
What should be the pressure inside a small air bubble
of 0.1 mm radius situated just below the water sur-  2T  4 3  2T  4 3
(P  h1g)  r  3 r1  (P  h 2g)  r  3 r2
face. Surface tension of water  7.2  102 N / m and  1   2 

atmospheric pressure  1.013  105 N / m 2 .

 2T  3  2T  3
or, (P  h1g)  r  r1  (P  h 2g)  r  r2
Sol. Surface tension of water T  7.2  10 N / m 2  1   2 

Radius of air bubble R = 0.1 mm = 10–4 m Given that : h1 = 100 cm, r1 = 0.1 mm = 0.01 cm, r2
The excess pressure inside the air bubble is given = 0.126 mm = 0.0126 cm, T = 567 dyne/cm, P =
by, 76 cm of mercury. Substituting all the values, we
P2  P1  h2 = 9.48 cm

2T 2.4 Pressure inside a charged bubble

 Pressure insde the air bubble, P2  P1 
R Consider a charged bubble of radius 'R', surface
Substiting the values, we have tension 'T' and surface charge density 
The total surface tension force for each surface
2  7.2  10 –2 (inner and outer) is T (2R) for a total of 2T (2R)
Pr = (1.013 × 105) + = 1.027 × 103 N/m2
10 –4
Force due to inside pressure (Pin) is Pin R2 and due
to outside pressure (P0) is P0  R2
2 T (2  R) + P0R = Pin R + 2 R 2
A minute spherical air bubble is rising slowly through 2 0
a column of mercury contained in a deep jar. If the
radius of the bubble at a depth of 100 cm is 0.1 4T  2
mm, calculate its depth where its radius is 0.126 Pin  P0  –
R 2 0
mm, given that the surface tension of mercury is
567 dyne/cm. Assume that the atmospheric
pressure is 76 cm of mercury. Note

Sol. The total pressure inside the bubble at depth h1 is

(P is atmospheric pressure)
Section C - Contact Angle and Capillary (i) P, attraction due to the molecule of the solid
surface near it i.e. adhesive force which acts
3. CONTACT ANGLE AND SHAPE OF outwards at right angle to the wall of tube.
LIQUID SURFACE (ii) Q, attraction due to liquid molecules near this
The surface of a liquid when meets a solid, such as part and i.e. cohesive force which acts at an angle
the wall of a container, it usually curves up or of 45º to the vertical.
down near the solid surface. The angle which the We have considered very small part, so weight of
tangent to the is called the contact angle. The curved that part can be ignored for better understanding.
liquid surface at the pt. of surface of the liquid is As we have seen in the last figures, to make the
called meniscus. The shape of the meniscus contact resultant (R) of P and Q perpendicular to the liquid
of liquid surface with (convex or concave) is surface the surface becomes curved (convex or
determined by the relative strengths of solid cohesive concave).
and adhesive forces surface with the solid surface
inside the liquid. Note


R Water If a tube of very narrow bore (called capillary) is
dipped in a liquid, it is found that the liquid in the
When the adhesive force (P) between solid and
capillary either ascends or descends relative to the
liquid molecules is more than the cohesive force (Q)
surrounding liquid. This phenomenon is called
between liquid-liquid molecules (as with water and
glass), shape of the meniscus is concave and the
angle of contact  is less than 90º. In this case the In order to calculate the height to which a liquid will
liquid wets or adheres to the solid surface. The rise in a capaillary, consider a glass capillary of radius
resultant (R) of P and Q passes through the solid. R dipped in water as shown in Fig. shown. As the
meniscus is concave and nearly spherical, the
Glass pressure below the meniscus will be [p0 – (2T/r)]
with p0 as atmospheric pressure and r as radius of
meniscus. Now as liquid flows from higher to lower
pressure and at same level in a liquid pressure must
R be same (this is because a liquid cannot sustain
tangential stress), so the liquid will ascends in the
On the other hand when P < Q (as with glass and capillary till hydrostatic pressure of the liquid
mercury), shape of the meniscus is convex and the compensates for the decrease in pressure. i.e.,
angle of contact  > 90º. The resultant (R) of P and
Q in this case passes through the liquid.
Let us now see why the liquid surface bends near r

the contact with a solid. A liquid in equilibrium can R

not sustain trangential stress. The resultant force on h

p0 p0 p0 p0
any small part of the surface layer must be
perpendicular to the surface at that point. Basically p0 

three forces are acting on a small part of the liquid

surface near its contact with solid. These forces are,
 2T  2T
p0   p 0 –  hg or h  ...(1)
 r  rg

But from figure shown it is clear that radius of

meniscus r is related to the radius of capillary through Hg
the relation
(R/r) = cos , i.e., r = R/cos  ...(2)
where  is the (A) of
anlge (B)
contact. *So substituting (C)

the value of from Eqn. (2) in (1), we get   90;h  – ve

2T 2T cos  glass tube. However, if  = 90°, i.e., meniscus is

h  ...(3)
rg Rg plane, h = 0 and so no capillarity.
(2) For a given liquid and solid at a given place as , T,
 and g are constant, (figure shown)
• Alternate Method
hr = constant
As it can be seen from figure that T sin  cancels
out :  lesser the radius of capillary greater will be the
rise and vice-versa. (figure shown)
The force due to T cos  balances the weight of
liquid (mg =  vg) (3) Here it is important to note that in equilibrium the
height h is independent of the shape of capillary if
vol. of the curve is negligible
the radius of meniscus remains the same. This is
 vol. of liquid in r2h why the vertical height h of a liquid column in
2T cos  capillaries of different shapes and sizes will be same
T cos  = 2r = r2hg  h = if the radius of meniscus remains the same and also
the vertical height of the liquid in a capillary does
not change, when it is inclined to the vertical. (figure



This is the desired result and from this it is clear that :

(1) The capillarity depends on the nature of liquid and
solid both, i.e., on T, ,  and R. If  > 90°, i.e., (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
meniscus is convex, h will be negative, i.e., the liquid
will descends in the capillary as actually happens in
case of mercury in a 4. Capillarity has large number of applications in our
daily life, e.g.,
(a) The oil in the wick of a lamp rise due to capillary
action of threads in the wick.
(b) Action of towel in soaking up moisture from the
body is due to capillary action of cotton in the towel.
(c) Water is retained in a piece of sponge on account
of capillarity.
(A) (B)
(d) A blotting paper soaks ink by capillary action of
 90;h   ve   90;h  0
the pores in the blotting paper. 7. If two concentric tubes of radius 'r1' and 'r2' (inner
(e) The root-hairs of plants drawn water from the one is solid) are placed in water reservoir, then height
soil through capillary action. of rise?

 T[2 r1  2 r2 ]  [ r22 h – r12 h]g

5. In Case of glass and water  = 0
here force due to surface tension balances the weight h
(r2 – r1 ) g
of the liquid ( × v × g)

2 3
volume of the liquid = r2h + r3 – r r1 r2

r h

8. If weight of the liquid in the meniscus is to be

consider :

2 3 1 2
where r3 – r is the volume of the curve which T cos  × 2r = [r2h + r × r]  g
3 3

is not negligible in this case

T cos  T cos 
2 3
 T.2r =  (r2h + r3 – r )g  
3 T sin  T sin 
1 2
2T = rh g + r g

6. If two parallel plates with the spacing 'd' are

placed in water reservoir, then height or rise.

2T = hdg  h
 r  2T cos 
 h  3   rg
T 

9. When capillary tube (radius, 'r') is in vertical position,

the upper meniscus is concave and pressure due to
surface tension is directed vertically upward and is
d 2T
given by p1 = R
where R1 = radius of curvature of upper meniscus. t
radii of curvature of the meniscus. Here r1 = and
The hydrostatic pressure p2 = h  g is always 2
directed downwards. r2 = , then the force required to separate the two
If p1 > p2 i.e. resulting pressure is directed upward. glass plates, between which a liquid film is enclosed
For equilibrium, the pressure due to lower meniscus 2AT
should be downward. This makes lower meniscus (figure) is, F = P × A = , where t is the
concave downward (fig a). The radius of lower
thickness of the film, A = area of film.
meniscus R2 can be given by R  (p1 – p2 )
r1= t/2

2A 2T 2A 2T
F 
At V
(a) (b) (c)
2  (40  10–4 ) 2  (70  10 –3 )
 = 45 N
If p 1 < p 2 i.e. resulting pressure is directed 0.05  10 –6
downward for equilibrium, the pressure due to lower
meniscus should be upward. This makes lower
meniscus convex upward (fig. b)
The radius of lower meniscus can be given by

 p 2 – p1

If p1 = p2, then is no resulting pressure. then, p1 – p2 O

 C
2T   '
= R = 0 or, R2 =  i.e. lower surface will be FLAT
T h
(fig c)

A drop of water volume 0.05 cm3 is pressed
between two glass-plates, as a consequence of
which, it spreads and occupies an area of 40 cm2.
If the surface tension of water is 70 dyne/cm, find
We know, the height through which a liquid rises in
the normal force required to seperate out the two
the capillary tube of radius r is given by
glass plates in newton.
Sol. Pressure inside the film is less than outside by an 2T 2T
 h or h R = = constant
Rg g
1 1
amount, P  T    , where r1 and r2 are the
 r1 r2  When the capillary tube is cut an its length is less
then h (i.e. h'), then the liquid rises upto the top of
the tube and spreads in such a way that the radius
(R') of the liquid meniscus increases and it becomes when  is a constant called coefficient of viscosity
more flat so that hR = h'R' = Constant. Hence the or simply viscosity of the fluid. The negative sign
liquid does not overflow. shows that viscous force on a liquid layer acts in a
direction opposite to the relative velocity of flow of
r r
If h' < h then R' > R or  fluid. The Eq. (1) is known as Newton's law of
cos  ' cos 
viscous force. Here y is taken from the layer of
 cos  < cos   ' >  which velocity is zero.
Regarding viscosity of fluid it is worth noting that :
Note (1) It depends only on the nature of fluid and is
independent of area considered or velocity gradient.
(2) Its dimensions are [ML–1 T–1] and SI unit
poiseuille (PI) while CGS unit dyne-s/cm2 called
Section D - Viscosity and Stokes law, poise (P) with
Terminal Velocity + Reynols 1 Pl = 10 poise
Number (Streamline &
(3) Viscosity of liquids is much greater (say about
Turbulent flow
100 times more) than that of gases
In case of steady flow of a fluid when a layer of EXAMPLE 06
fluid slips or tends to slip on adjacent layer in contact,
A boat of area 10 m2 floating on the surface of a
the two layers exert tangential force on each other
river is made to move horizontally with a speed of 2
which tries to destroy the relative motion between
m/s by applying a tangential force. If the river is 1
them. The property of a fluid due to which it
m deep and the water in contact with the bed is
opposes the relative motion between
stationary, find the tangential water in contact with
its different layers is called viscosity (or fluid friction the bed is stationary, find the tangential force needed
or internal friction) and the force between the layers to keep the boat moving with same velocity.
opposing the relative motion viscous force. A briskly Viscosity of water is 0.01 poise.
strirred fluid comes to rest after a short while because
Sol. As velocity changes from 2 m/s at the surface to
of viscosity.
zero at the bed which is at a depth of 1 m.
As a result of large number of experiments Newton
found that viscous force F acting on any layer of a dv 2 – 0
Velocity gradient =  = 2 s–1
fluid is directly proportional to its area A and to the dy 1
velocity gradient (dv/dy)* at the layer i.e.,
Now from Newton's law of viscous force,
v |F| = A = (10–2 × 10–1) × 10 × 2 = 0.02 N
A v
dy The velocity of water in a river is 18 km/hr at the
surface. If the river is 5 m deep, find the shearing
stress between the horizontal layers of water. The
viscosity of water is 10–3 poiseuuille.
dv dv
FA or F  – A ...(1)
dy dy
Sol. As velocity at the bottom of the river will be zero, from eq. (1)
velocity gradient
t 0
a4 r1 d
dt  – 
M(r2 – r1 ) 0
dv 18  10 
  1s –1 
dy 60  60  5
Now as the viscous force F  A(dv / dy) is t  n
M(r2 – r1 )
F11 dv
tangential to the area, Shear stress = 
A dy
= 10–3 × 1 = 1 × 10–3 N/m2
When a body moves through a fluid, the flui in
contact with the body is dragged with it. This
EXAMPLE 08 establishes relative motion in fluid layers near the
A cylinder of mass radius r1 and length  is kept body, due to which viscous force starts operating.
inside another cylinder of radius r2 and length . The fluid exerts viscous force on the body to oppose
The space between them is filled with a liquid of its motion. The magnitude of the viscous force
viscosity . The inner cylinder starts rotating with depends on the shape and size of the body, its speed
angular velocity  while the other cyclinder is at and the viscosity of the fluid. Stokes established
rest. Find time when inner cylinder stops. that if a sphere of radius r moves with velocity v
through a fluid of viscosity , the viscous force
dv opposing the motion of the sphere is
Sol. Viscous force F = – A
dy F = 6 rv

r12 r 2
= –  2 r1   – 2  1 7. TERMINAL VELCOITY (VT)
r2 – r1 r2 – r1
Consider a small sphere falling from rest through a
  
 | F  r1 | Fr1 sin 90  large column of viscous fluid. The forces acting on
the shere are,
r13 (i) Weight W of the sphere acting vertically
Fr1  – 2  ...(1)
r2 – r1 downwards
(ii) Upthrust Ft acting vertically upwards
 (iii) Viscous force Fv acting vertically Ft + Fv
upwards, i.e., in a direction opposite to
velocity of the sphere. v
Initially, Fv = 0
R1 and W > Ft W
and the sphere accelerates downwards. As the
velocity of the sphere increases, Fv
increases, Eventually a stage is reached when
W = Ft + Fv
After this net force on the sphere is zero and it
moves downwards with a constant velocity called
Mr12 d r 3 terminal velocity (vT).
  I   – 2  1
2 dt r2 – r1 Substituting proper values in Eq. (i) we have,
4 3 4 EXAMPLE 09
r g  r 3g  6rv T
3 3 Two spherical radindrops of equal size are falling
vertically through air with a terminal velocity of 1
Here,  = density of sphere,
m/s. What would be the terminal speed if these two
 = density of fluid
drops were to coalesce to form a large spherical
and  = coefficient of viscosity of fluid drop ?

2 r 2 (   ) g Sol. vT  r2
From Eq. (ii), we get vT 
9 
Let r be the radius of small rain drops and R the
radius of large drop.
v Equating the volumes, we have

vT 4 4 
R 2  2  r 3 
3  3 
O t
 R = (2)1/3. r or  (2)1 / 3
Figure shows the variation of the velocity v of the
sphere with time. 2
vT   R 
     (2) 2 / 3
vT  r 
From the above expression we can see that terminal  v T   (2)2 / 3 v T  (2)2 / 3 (1.0) m / s
velocity of a spherical body is directly proportional to = 1.587 m/s Ans.
the difference in the densities of the body and the fluid
( – ). If the density of fluid is greater than that of Note
body (i.e.,  > ), the terminal velocity is negative.
This means that the body instead of falling, moves
upward. This is why air bubbles rise up in water.
Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Surface Tension & Energy 6. Two glass plates are separated by water. If surface
tension of water is 75 dyn/cm and the area of each
1. There is a horizontal film of soap solution. On it a
plate wetted by water is 8 cm2 and the distance
thread is placed in the form of a loop. The film is
between the plates is 0.12 mm, then the force applied
pierced inside the loop and the thread becomes a cir-
to separate the two plates is
cular loop of radius R. If the surface tension of the
(A) 102 dyn (B) 104 dyn
loop be T, then what will be the tension in the thread? 5
(C) 10 dyn (D) 106 dyn
(A) R2/T (B) R2T
(C) 2RT (D) 2RT
Section B - Excess pressure in drop and
2. A container, whose bottom has round holes with
diameter 0.1 mm is filled with water. The maximum 7. If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected
by a tube :
height in cm upto which water can be filled without
(A) air flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller
leakage will be what?
bubble till the sizes become equal
Surface tension=75×10–3 N/m and g=10 m/s2:
(B) air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller bubble
(A) 20 cm (B) 40 cm
till the sizes are interchanged
(C) 30 cm (D) 60 cm
(C) air flows from the smaller bubble to the bigger
(D) there is no flow of air.
3. A film of water is formed between two straight
parallel wires each 10 cm long and at separation 0.5
8. Two soap bubbles with radii r and (r1 > r2) come in
cm. Calculate the work required to increase 1 mm
contact. Their common surface has radius of
distance between wires. Surface tension of water =
curvature r.
72 × 10–3 Nm–1
(A) 1.44 × 10–3 J (B) 1.44 × 105 J r1  r2 r1r2
(A) r = (B) r  r – r
(C) 1.2 × 10 J (D) 1.44 × 10–5 J 2 1 2

4. A ring cut from a platinum tube, 8.5 cm internal (C) r  r  r (D) r  r1r2
1 2
diameter and 8.7 cm exernal diameter, is supported
horizonally from the pair of a balance so that it comes
in contact with the water in a vessel. If an extra 9. A soap bubble has radius R and thickness d(<< R)
weight of 3.97 g is required to pull it away from as shown. It colapses into a spherical drop. The
water, calculate the surface tension of water. ratio of excess pressure in the drop to the excess
(A) 7.2 × 10–2 Nm–1 (B) 3.6 × 10–2 Nm–1 pressure inside the bubble is.
–2 –1
(C) 1.8 × 10 Nm (D) 2.4 × 10–2 Nm–1 1
 R 3
(A)  
5. A straw 6 cm long floats on water. The water film on  3d  d
one side has surface tension of 50 dyn/cm. On the
1 R
other slide, camphor reduces the surface tension to R>>d
 R 3
40 dyn/cm. The resultant force acting on the straw is (B)  
 6d 
(A) (50 × 6 – 40 × 6) dyn (B) 10 dyn
 50 40   R 3
(C)    dyn (D) 90 dyn (C)   (D) None
 6 6   24d 
10. A number of droplet, each of radius r, combine to
form a drop of radius R. If T is the surface tension, R
the rise in temperature will be (A) (B) r
h h
2T 3T
(A) (B)
r r
R r
1 1  1 1  (C) (D) R
(C) 2T    (D) 3T   
r R r R  h h

11. Two soap bubbles of radii a and b combine to form 15. Water rises in a capillary upto a certain height such
that the upward force of surface tension balances the
a single bubble of radius c. If P is the external pres-
force of 75 × 10–4 N due to weight of the liquid. If
sure, then the surface tension of the soap solution is
the surface tension of water is 6 × 10–2 Nm–1, what
P  c 3  a 3  b3  P  c3  a 3  b 3  must be the internal circumfernece of the capillary ?
(A) (B) (A) 1.25 × 10–3 m (B) 1.25 × 10–2 m
4  a 2  b2  c2  4  a 2  b2  c2 
(C) 2.5 × 10 m (D) 0.5 × 10–2 m
(C) Pc3 – 4a2 – 4b2 (D) Pc2 – 2a2 – 3b2

16. A long capillary tube of radius 2 mm open at both ends

12. The excess pressure inside an air bubble of radius r is filled with water and placed vertically. What will be
just below the surface of water is P1. The excess the height of the column of water left in the capillary ?
pressure inside a drop of the same radius just outside The thickness of the capillary walls is negligible. Surface
the surface is P2. If T is surface tension then - tension of water 73.5 × 10–3 Nm–1
(A) P1 = 2P2 (B) P1 = P2 (A) 0.75 cm (B) 2.5 cm
(C) P2 = 2P1 (D) P2 = 0, P1  0 (C) 2 cm (D) 1.5 cm

17. The limbs of a manometer consist of uniform

Section C - Contact Angle and Capillary capillary tubes of radii 1.44 × 10 –3 m and
7.2 × 10–4 m. Find out the correct pressure difference
13. A liquid is filled in a spherical container of radius R
if the level of the liquid (density 103 kgm–3, surface
till a height h. At this positions the liquid surface at
tension 72 × 10–3 Nm–1) in the narrower tube stands
the edges is also horizontal. The contact angle is
0.2 m above that in the broader tube.
(A) 0 (A) 930 Nm–2 (B) 1860 Nm–2
(C) 3660 Nm–2 (D) 1530 Nm–2
1  R  h 
(B) cos   h
 R 
18. A glass capillary sealed at the upper end is of length
0.11 m and internal diameter 2 × 10–5 m. The tube
1  h – R  1  R – h 
(C) cos   (D) sin   is immersed vertically into a liquid of surface tension
 R   R 
5.06 × 10–2 Nm–1. To what length the capillary has
to be immersed so that the liquid level inside and
14. A long capillary tyube of radius ‘r’ is initially just outside and capillary becomes the same ? What will
vertically completely imerged inside a liquid of angle happen to liquid level inside the capillary if the seal
of contact 0°. If the tube is slowly raised then rela- is now broken? Atmopsheric pressure is 1.012 ×
tion between radius of curvature of miniscus inside 105 Nm–2.
the capillary tube and displacement (h) of tube can (A) 2 cm (B) 1 cm
be represented by (C) 3 cm (D) 4 cm
Section D - Viscosity and Stokes law, 23. Which of the following graphs best represents the
Terminal Velocity + Reynols motion of a raindrop?
Number (Streamline &
Turbulent flow v v

19. A Newtonian fluid fills the clearance between a shaft

(A) (B)
and a sleeve. When a force of 800N is applied to
the shaft, parallel to the sleeve, the shaft attains a t t
speed of 1.5 cm/sec. If a force of 2.4 kN is applied
instead, the shaft would move with a speed of v v
(A) 1.5 cm/sec (B) 13.5 cm/sec
(C) 4.5 cm/sec (D) None (C) (D)
t t
20. A solid metallic sphere of radius r is allowed to fall
freely through air. If the frictional resistance due to air
is proportional to the cross-sectional area and to the 24. A spherical ball of density  and radius 0.003m is
square of the velocity, then the terminal velocity of the dropped into a tube containing a viscous fluid filled
sphere is proportional to which of the following? up to the 0 cm mark as shown in the figure. Viscosity
(A) r2 (B) r of the fluid = 1.260 N.m–2 and its density L = /2 =
(C) r 3/2
(D) r1/2 1260 kg.m–3.
Assume the ball reaches a terminal speed by the
10 cm mark. The time taken by the ball to travel
21. Two drops of same radius are falling through air
the distance between the 10 cm and 20 cm mark is.
with steady velocity of v cm/s. If the two drops
collapses, what would be the terminal velocity?
(A) 4 v (B) (4)1/3v
0 cm
(C) 2 v (D) 64 v
10 cm

22. A cubical block of side ‘a’ and density ‘’ slides 20 cm

over a fixed inclined plane with constant velocity
‘v’. There is a thin film of viscous fluid of thickness (A) 500 s (B) 50 ms
‘t’ between the plane and the block. Then the (C) 0.5 s (D) 0.25 s
coefficient of viscosity of the thin film will be: (g = acceleration due to gravity = 10 ms–2)
3 a g t
5v 25. The terminal velocity of a spherical ball of radius r
falling through a viscous liquid is proportional to -
4 a g t
(B) (A) r (B) r2
5v =37°
(C) r3 (D) r–1
a g t
(C) (D) none of these
Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Surface Tension & Energy 5. Find the maximum possible mass of a greased needle
floating on water surface.
1. The lower end of a capillary tube is at a depth of 12
cm and water rises 3 cm in it. The mouth pressure 2Tl Tl
required to blow an air bubble at the lower end will (A) (B)
g g
be x cm of water column, where x is
(A) 12 (B) 15 Tl
(C) (D) None of these
(C) 3 (D) 9 2g

2. A film of soap solution is trapped between a vertical

Section B - Excess pressure in drop and
frame and a light wire ab of length 0.1 m. If g = 10
m/s2, then the load W that should be suspended
from the wire to keep it in equilibrium is (surface 6. There is a soap bubble of radius 2.4 × 10–4 m in air
tension = 25 × 10–3 Nm–1) cylinder which is originally at the pressure of 105 Nm–2.
The air in the cylinder is now compressed isothermally
until the radius of the bubble is halved. Calculate now
the pressure of air in the cylinder. The surface tension
a b of the soap solution is 0.08 Nm–1
(A) 2.02 × 105 Nm–2 (B) 6.06 × 106 Nm–2
(C) 4.04 × 107 Nm–2 (D) 8.08 × 105 Nm–2

(A) 0.2 g (B) 0.3 g

7. Two separate air bubbles (radii 0.002 m and 0.004
(C) 0.4 g (D) 0.5 g
m) formed of the same liquid (surface tension 0.07
N/m) come together to form a double bubble . Find
3. A hollow sphere has a small hole in it. On lowering the radius and the sense of curvature of the internal
the sphere in a tank of water, it is observed that film surface common to both the bubbles.
water enters into the hollow sphere at a depth of
(A) 0.002 m (common film will be concave towards
40 cm below the surface. Surface tension of water
the centre of the smaller bubble)
is 7 × 10–2 N/m. The diameter of the hole is
(B) 0.004 m (common film will be concave towards
1 1 the centre of the smaller bubble)
(A) mm (B) mm
28 21 (C) 0.002 m (common film will be concave towards
the centre of the larger bubble)
1 1
(C) mm (D) mm (D) 0.004 m (common film will be concave towards
14 7
the centre of the larger bubble)

4. A cube of mass m = 800 g floats on the surface of

water. What wets it completely. The cube is 10 cm 8. A drop of water and a soap bubble have the same
on each edge. By what additional distance is it radii. Surface tension of soap solution is half of that
buoyed up or down by surface tension? Surface of water. The ratio of excess pressure inside the
tension of water =0.07 Nm–1. drop and bubble is -
(A) 1.8 × 10–4 m (B) 1.4 × 10–4 m (A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1
(C) 2.8 × 10 m–4 –3
(D) 3.6 × 10 m (C) 1 : 4 (D) 1 : 1
9. Molecular forces exist between the molecules of a Section D - Viscosity and Stokes law,
liquid in a container. The molecules on the surface Terminal Velocity + Reynols
have unequal force leading to a tension on the Number (Streamline & Turbulent
surface. if this is not compensated by a force, the flow
equilibrium of the liquid will be a difficult task. This
13. Water is moving through a pipe. The velocity pro-
leads to an excess pressure on the surface. The
file at some section is shown in Fig. and is given
nature of the meniscus can inform us of the direction
mathematically as v = (/4)(d2/4 – r2), where v =
of the excess pressure. The angle of contact of the
velocity of water at any position r,  = a constant, 
liquid decided by the forces between the molecules,
= viscosity of water, d = pipe diameter, and r = ra-
air and container can make the angle of contact.
dial distance from centerline. What is the shear stress
What is the direction of the excess pressure in the
at the wall of the pipe due to the water?
meniscus of a liquid of angle of contact 2/3 is
(A) upward, pr2 (B) downward, p02r
(C) horizontal, (p – p0)r (D) cannot be determined
Velocity profile

Section C - Contact Angle and Capillary v

10. The angle of contact between glass and water is 0°
and water (surface tension 70 dyn/cm) rises in a
glass capillary up to 6 cm. Another liquid of surface
tension 140 dyn/cm, angle of contact 60° and relative
d 3 d
density 2 will rise in the same capillary up to (A) (B)
2 2
(A) 12 cm (B) 24 cm
(C) 3 cm (D) 6 cm d
(C) (D) None of these
11. Consider vertical parallel of semi–circular cross sec-
tion dipped in a liquid. Assume that the wetting of
the tube is complete. The force of surface tension 14. A sphere is dropped under gravity through a viscous
on the flat part and on curved part of the tube are in liquid of viscosity . If the density of the material
the ratio of sphere and liquid are  and  respectively with
(A) 2 :  (B) 1 :  the radius being ‘r’ then–
(C) 3 :  (D) 2.7 : 
(A) initial acceleration is g  
  
12. Water rises to a height of 16.3 cm in a capillary of height
18 cm. If the tube is cut at a height of 12 cm, then- (B) time taken to attain terminal speed t  0
(A) water will come as a fountain from the capillary (C)at terminal speed, force on the sphere is non
(B) water will stay at a height of 12 cm in capillary zero

(C) the height of the water in the tube will be 10.3 cm (D) none of these

(D) water will flow down the sides of the capillary tube 15. The liquid surfaces have a tendency to contract,
this phenomenon is due to-
(A) surface tension (B) viscosity
(C) friction (D) dispersion
16. Figure shows a light, inextensible string attached to 17. A piston is moving through a cylinder at a speed of
a cart that can slide along a frictionless horizontal 19 ft/s, as shown in Fig. The film of oil separating
rail aligned along an x axis. The left end of the string the piston from the cylinder has a viscosity of 0.020
is pulled over a small pulley, of negligible mass and lb.s/ft2. What is the force required to maintain this
friction and fixed at height h = 3m from the ground motion?
level. The cart slides from x1 = 3 3 m to x2 = 4 m
3 in = 0.020 lb.s/ft2
and during the move, tension in the string is kept
constant 50 N. Find change in kinetic energy of the
19 ft/s
5.000 in

cart in joules. Use 3  1.7  4.990 in

y (A) 298 lb (B) 398 lb

(C) 248 lb (D) 292 lb


(0,0) x2 x1

(A) 40 J (B) 50 J
(C) 60 J (D) None of these
Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

Section A - Surface Tension & Energy 6. When a capillary tube is dipped in a liquid, the liquid
rises to a height h in the tube. The free liquid surface
1. A film of water is formed between two straight
inside the tube is hemispherical in shape. The tube
parallel wires each 10 cm long and at separation 0.5
is now pushed down so that the height of the tube
cm. Calculate the work required to increase 1 mm
ouside the liquid is less than h. Then,
distance between the wires and the final surface area.
(A) the liquid will come out of the tube like in a
Surface tension fo water = 72 × 10–3 N/m.
small fountain
(A) 12 × 10–7 J (B) 144 × 10–5 J
–4 2
(B) the liquid will ooze out of the tube slowly
(C) 12 × 10 m (D) 144 × 10–7 J
(C) the liquid will fill the tube but not come out of
its upper end
Section B - Excess pressure in drop and
bubble (D) the free liquid surface inside the tube will not be
2. Excess pressure can be (2T/R) for
(A) spherical drop (B) spherical meniscus
Section D - Viscosity and Stokes law,
(C) cylindrical bubble in air
Terminal Velocity + Reynols
(D) spherical bubble in water Number (Streamline &
Turbulent flow
3. When an air bubble rises from the bottom of a deep
lake to a point just below the water surface, the 7. Viscous force is somewhat like friction as it opposes,
pressure of air inside the bubble– the motion and is non–conservative but not exactly
so, because
(A) is greater than the pressure outside it
(B) is less than the pressure outside it (A) it is velocity dependent while friction is not
(C) increases as the bubble moves up (B) it is velocity independent while friction is
(D) decreases as the bubble moves up (C) it is temperature dependent while friction is not
(D) it is independent of area is like surface tension
Section C - Contact Angle and Capillary while friction is dependent

4. If a liquid rises to the same height in two capillaries

8. A solid sphere moves at a terminal velocity of 20 m/s
of the same material at the same temperature, then
in air at a place where g = 9.8 m/s2. The sphere is
(A) the weight of liquid in both capillaries must be equal
taken in a gravity free hall having air at the same
(B) the radius of meniscus must be equal
pressure and pushed down at a speed of 20 m/s -
(C) the capillaries must be cylindrical and vertical
(A) Its initial acceleration will be 9.8 m/s2 downward
(D) the hydrostatic pressure and the base of
capillaries must be same (B) Its initial acceleration will be 9.8 m/s2 upward
(C) The magnitude of acceleration will decrease as
5. If n drops of a liquid, each with surface energy E, the time passes
join to form a single drop, then (D) It will eventually stop
(A) some energy will be released in the process
(B) some energy will not be released in the process
(C) the energy released or absorbed will be E(n – n2/3)
(D) the energy released or absorbed will be nE(22/3 – 1)
Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Surface Tension & Energy Section C - Contact Angle and Capillary
7. A ball is given velocity v0 (greater than the terminal
1. Calculate the work done against surface tension in
velocity vT) in downward direction inside a highly
blowing a soap bubble from a radius of 10 cm to 20 cm, viscous liquid placed inside a large container. The
if the surface tension of soap solution in 25 × 10–3 N/m. height of liquid in the container is H. The ball at
tains the terminal velocity just
2. A soap film of surface before striking at the bottom of
tension 3 × 10–2 formed 10cm the container. Draw graph be-
tween velocity of the ball and
in a rectangular frame
Soap distance moved by the ball
can suport a straw as film
before getting terminal velocity.
shown in the figure. If
g = 10 m/s2, the mass
Straw 8. Two arms of a U-tube have unequal diameters
of the straw is d1 = 1.0 mm and d2 = 1.0 cm. If water (surface ten-
sion 7×10–2N/m) is poured into the tube held in the
vertical position, find the difference of level of water in
3. Several spherical drops of a liquid each of radius r
the U-tube. Assume the angle of contact to be zero.
coalesce to form a single drop of radius R. If T is the
surface tension, then the energy liberated will be-
9. A 20–cm–long capillary tube is dipped in water. The
water rises up to 8 cm. If the entire arrangement is
Section B - Excess pressure in drop and put in a freely falling elevator, the length of water
bubble column in the cailllary tube will be

4. What should be the pressure inside a small air bubble Section D - Viscosity and Stokes law,
of 0.1 mm radius situated just below the surface of Terminal Velocity + Reynols
water? Surface tension of water = 72 × 10–3 N/m Number (Streamline &
Turbulent flow
and atmospheric pressure = 1.013 × 105 N/m2.
10. A spherical ball of radius 1 × 10–4 m and density 104
kg/m3 falls freely under gravity through a distance h
5. Two separate air bubble (radii 0.002 cm and 0.004 before entering a tank of water. If after entering the
cm) formed of the same liquid (surface tension 0.07 water the velocity of the ball does not change, find
N/m) come together to form a double bubble. Find h. The viscosity of water is 9.8 × 10–6 N-s/m2.
the radius and the sense of curvature of the internal
film surface common to both the bubbles. 11. An expansible balloon filled with air floats on the sur-
face of a lake with 2/3 of its volume submerged. How
deep must it be sunk in the water so that it is just in
6. Calculate the dif- r2=1.5 mm r1=1 mm equilibrium neither sinking further nor rising ? It is as-
ference (h) in wa- sumed that the temperature of the water is constant &
ter levels in two B h
that the height of the water barometer is 9 meters.
capillary tubes of 12. A ball rises to the surface of a liquid with constant
radius 1 mm and velocity. The density of the liquid is four time the
1.5 mm. Surface density of the material of the ball. The frictional
tension of water force of the liquid on the rising ball is greater than
the weight of the ball by a factor of
= 0.07 Nm–1.
Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Surface Tension & Energy Section C - Contact Angle and Capillary

1. The end of a capillary tube with a radius r is 4. The expression for the height of capillary rise
immersed in water. If mechanical energy conserved between two parallel plates dipping in a liquid of
when the water rises in the tube? The tube is density  separated by a distance d is given by (The
sufficiently long. If not, calculate the energy change. surface tension of the liquid is T)

2. A glass plate of length 10 cm, bredth 1.54 cm and

thickness 0.20 cm weight 8.2 g in air. It is held
vertically with the long side horizontal and the lower T T
half under water. Find the apparent weight of the l
plate. Surface tension of water = 7.3 × 10–2 N/m h

and g = 9.8 m/s2. B C

Section B - Excess pressure in drop and


3. A glass chord of diameter d1 = 1.5 mm is inserted Section D - Viscosity and Stokes law,
symmetrically into a glass capillary with inside Terminal Velocity + Reynols
diameter d2 = 2.0 mm. Then the whole arrangement Number (Streamline &
is vertically oriented and brought in contact with the Turbulent flow
surface of water. To what height will the liquid rise
5. Neglecting the denisty of air, the terminal velocity
in the capillary? Surface tension of water =
obtained by a raindrop of radius 0.3 mm falling
73 × 10–3 N/m.
throug the air of viscosity 1.8 × 10–5 N/m2 will be

6. An air bubble of radius 1 cm rises up in a liquid

column with terminal velocity of 0.21 cm s–1. If the
density of liquid be 1.47 × 103 kg m–3, then the
co-efficient of viscosity of the liquid
Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. A 20 cm long capillary tube is dipped in water. The

water rises upto 8 cm. If the entire arrangement is put A B
in a freely falling elevator, the length of water column
in the capillary tube will be [AIEEE 2005]
(A) 8 cm (B) 10 cm (B)

(C) 4 cm (D) 20 cm

2. If the terminal speed of a sphere of gold (density =

19.5 kgm–3) is 0.2 ms–1 in a viscous liquid (density
= 1.5kgm–3), find the terminal speed of a sphere of
silver (density = 10.5 kg/m–3) of the same size in
the same liquid. [AIEEE 2006]
(A) 0.4 ms–1 (B) 0.133 ms–1
(C) 0.1 ms–1 (D) 0.2 ms–1

3. A spherical solid ball of volume V is made of a ma-
terial of density 1. It is falling through a liquid of
density ρ 2  ρ 2  ρ1  . [Assume that the liquid applies (D)

a viscous force on the ball that is proportional to the

square of its speed v, ie, Fviscous   kv 2 (k  0]. The
terminal speed of the ball is [AIEEE 2008]
5. Work done in increasing the size of a soap bubble
Vg ρ1  ρ2  Vgρ1 from radius of 3cm to 5 cm is nearly (surface ten-
(A) (B) sion of soap solution = 0.03 Nm-1)
k k
[AIEEE 2011]
Vgρ1 Vg  ρ1  ρ2  (A) 0.2 π mJ (B) 2 π mJ
(C) (D)
k k
(C) 0.4 π mJ (D) 4 π mJ

4. A capillary tube (A) is dipped in water. Another identical

tube (B) is dipped in a soap-water solution. Which of 6. If a ball of steel (density  = 7.8gcm–3) attains a
the following shows the relative nature of the liquid terminal velocity of 10 cms–1 when falling in a tank
columns in the two tubes ? [AIEEE-2008] of water (coefficient of viscosity
ηwater  8.5  10 4 Pa  s) then its terminal velocity
A B in glycerine (=12gcm-3, n = 13.2 Pa-s) would be
nearly [AIEEE 2011]
(A) 1.6  105 cms1 (B) 6.25  104 cms1
(C) 6.45  104 cms1 (D) 1.5  105 cms1
7. Two mercury drops (each of radius r) merge to form 10. On heating water, bubbles being formed at the
a bigger drop. The surface energy of the bigger drop, bottom of the vessel detatch and rise. Take the
if T is the surface tension, is [AIEEE 2011] bubbles to be spheres of radius R and making a
circular contact of radius r with the bottom of the
(A) 25 / 3 πr 2 T (B) 4 r 2T
vessle. If r << R and the surface tension of water is
(C) 2 r 2T (D) 28 / 3 r 2 T T, value of r just before bubbles detatch is (density
of water is ) [JEE Main 2014]

8. A thin liquid film formed between a U-shaped wire

and a light supports a weight of 1.5 x 10-2 N (see
figure). The length of the slider is 30 cm and its
weight negligible. The surface tension of the liquid
film is [AIEEE 2012]

2 wg 2 wg
(A) R (B) R
3T 6T

2 2wg 2 3 w g
(C) R (D) R
3T T

11. An open glass tube is immersed in mercury in such

(A) 0.0125 Nm-1 (B) 0.1 Nm-1
a way that a length of 8 cm extends above the
(C) 0.05 Nm-1 (D) 0.025 Nm-1
mercury level. The open end of the tube is then
closed and sealed and the tube is raised vertically
9. Assume that a drop of liquid evaporates by decrease up by additional 46 cm. What will be length of the
in its surface energy, so that its temperature remains air column above mercury in the tube now?
unchanged. What should be the minimum radius of (Atmospheric pressure = 76 cm of Hg)
the drop for that to be bossible? The surface tension [JEE Main 2014]
is T, density of liquid is  and L is its latent heat of
(A) 38 cm (B) 6 cm
vaporization. [JEE MAIN 2013]
(C) 16 cm (D) 22 cm
(A) T/L (B) 2T/L

(C) L/T (D) T / L 12. The following observations were taken for
determining surface tension T of water by capillary
method :
diameter of capillary, D = 1.25 × 10–2 m
rise of water, h = 1.45 × 10–2 m.
Using g = 9.80 m/s2 and the simplified relation
T  103 N / m , the possible error in surface
tension is closest to : [JEE Main 2017]
(A) 10% (B) 0.15%
(C) 1.5% (D) 2.4%
Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

1. When an air bubble rises from the bottom of a deep Paragraph for questions 5 to 7
lake to a point just below the water surface, the
pressure of air inside the bubble When liquid medicine of density  is to be put in the
(A) is greater than the pressure outside it eye, it is done with the help of a dropper. As the
(B) is less than the pressure outside it bulb on the top of the dropper is pressed, a drop
(C) increases as the bubble moves up forms at the opening of the dropper. We wish to
(D) decreases as the bubble moves up
estimate the size of the drop. We first assume that
the drop formed at the opening is spherical because
2. Assertion : A helium filled balloon does not rise
that requires a minimum increase in its surface
indefinately in air but halts after a certain height.
Reason : Viscosity opposes the motion of balloon. energy. To determine the size, we calculate the net
Choose any one of the following four responses: vertical force due to the surface tension T when
(A) if both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the the radius of the drop is R. When this force becomes
correct explanation of (A) smaller than the weight of the drop, the drop gets
(B) if both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not detached from the dropper. [JEE 2010]
correct explanation of (A)
(C) if (A) is true but (R) is false 5. If the radius of the opening of the dropper is r, the
(D) if (A) is false and (R) is true vertical force due to the surface tension on the drop
of radius R (assuming r << R) is
3. Two soap bubbles A and B are kept in a closed
(A) 2 r T
chamber where the air is maintained at pressure 8
Nm–2. The radii of bubbles A and B are 2cm, 4cm (B) 2  R T
respectively. Surface tension of the soap–water used 2 r 2T
to make bubbles is 0.04 Nm–1. Find the ratio n , 2 R 2T
where nA and nB are the number of moles of air in
bubbles A and B, respectively. [Neglect the effect
of gravity] [JEE Advanced 2009] 6. If r = 5 × 10 –4m,  = 10 3 kgm–3, g = 10 ms–2,
T = 0.11 Nm–1, the radius of the drop when it
4. A tiny spherical oil drop carrying a net charge q is detaches from the dropper is approximately.
balanced in still air with a vertical uniform electric (A) 1.4 × 10–3 m
81 (B) 3.3 × 10–3 m
field of strength  105 Vm 1 . When the field is
7 (C) 2.0 × 10–3 m
switched off, the drop is observed to fall with (D) 4.1 × 10–3 m
terminal velocity 2 × 10–3 ms–1 Given g = 9.8 ms–2,
viscosity of the air = 1.8 × 10–5 Ns m–2 and the 7. After the drop detaches, its surface energy is:
density of oil = 900 kg m–5, the magnitude of q is : (A) 1.4 × 10–6 J
[JEE 2010] (B) 2.7 × 10–6 J
–19 –19
(A) 1.6 × 10 C (B) 3.2 × 10 C (C) 5.4 × 10–6 J
(C) 4.8 × 10–19C (D) 8.0 × 10–19C (D) 8.1 × 10–6 J
8. Four point charges, each of +q are rigidly fixed at 11. A spherical body of radius R consists of a fluid of
the four corners of a square planar soap film of constant density and is in equilibrium under its own
side 'a'. The surface tension of the soap film is .
gravity. If P(r) is the pressure at r (r < R), then the
the system of charges and planar film are in
corect option(s) is (are) [JEE-2015]
2 1/ N
q  (A) P (r = 0) = 0
equilibrium, and a = k   , where 'k' is a
 P(r  3R / 4) 63
(B) 
constant. Then N is [JEE - 2011] P(r  2R / 3) 80

P(r  3R / 5) 16
9. Two non-reactive monoatomic ideal gases have their (C) 
P(r  2R / 5) 21
atomic masses in the ratio 2 : 3. The ratio of their
partial pressures, when enclosed in a vessel kept at P(r  R / 2) 20
(D) 
P(r  R / 3) 27
a constant temperature, is 4 : 3. The ratio of their
densities is [JEE - 2013]
12. Two spheres P and Q of equal radii have densities
(A) 1 : 4
1 and 2 , respectively. The spheres are connected
(B) 1 : 2
by a massless string and placed in liquids L1 and L2
(C) 6 : 9
of densities 1 and 2 and viscosities 1 and 2,
(D) 8 : 9
respectively. They float in equilibrium with the sphere
P in L1 and sphere Q in L2 and the string being taut
10. A glass capillary tube is of the shape of a truncated
(see figure). If sphere P along in L2 has terminal
cone with an apex angle  so that its two ends have
 
cross sections of different radii. when dipped in water velocity VP and Q in L1 has terminal velocity VQ ,
vertically, water rises in it to a height h, where the then [JEE-2015]
radius of its cross section is b. If the surface tension 
| VP | 1
of water is S, its density is , and its contact angle with  
(A) | V
Q | 2 L1
glass is , the value of h will be (g is the acceleration P
due to gravity) [JEE ADVANCED 2014] 
| VP | 2

(B) | V |  
2s Q 1
(A) cos     Q
bg  
(C) VP .VQ  0
 
2s (D) VP .VQ  0
(B) cos     

2s   13. Consider two solid sphere P and Q each of density

(C) cos     8 gm cm–3 and diameters 1 cm and 0.5 cm,
bg  2
respectively. Sphere P is dropped into a liquid of
2s   density 0.8 gm cm–3 and viscosity  = 3 poiseulles.
(D)  cos     Sphere Q is dropped into a liquid of density 1.6 gm
bg  2
cm–3 and viscosity  = 2 poiseulles. The ratio of the
terminal velocities of P and Q is
14. A drop of liquid of radius R = 10-2 m having surface 16. Consider a thin square plate floating on a viscous
liquid in a large tank. The height h of the liquid in
tension S  Nm1 divides itself into K identical the tank is much less than the width of the tank.
The floating plate is pulled horizontally with a
drops. In this process the total change in the surface
constant velocity u 0. Which of the following
energy U = 10-3J. If K = 10 then the value of  is
statements is (are) true ?
(A) The resistive force of liquid on the plate is
15. A uniform capillary tube of inner radius r is dipped
inversely proportional to h
vertically into a beaker filled with water. The water
(B) The resistive force of liquid on the plate is
rises to a height h in the capillary tube above the
independent of the area of the plate
water surface in the beaker. The surface tension
(C) The tangential (shear) stress on the floor of the
of water is .The angle of contact between water
tank increases with u0.
and the wall of the capillary tube is  . Ignore the
(D) The tangential (shear) stress on the plate varies
mass of water in the meniscus. Which of the
linearly with the viscosity  of the liquid.
following statements is (are) true?
(A) For a given material of the capillary tube, h
decreases with increase in r.
(B) For a given material of the capillary tube, h is
independent of 
(C) If this experiment is performed in a lift going up
with a constant acceleration, then h decreases
(D) h is proportional to contact angle 
Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A
6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. D
11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. B
16. D 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. D
21. B 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. A
16. B 17. A

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

1. C,D 2. A,B,C,D 3. A,D 4. A,B 5. A,C
6. C,D 7. A,C 8. BCD

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

1 1 
1. 6 × 10–3 J 2. 0.6 g 3. 4R3T   
r R
4. 1.274 × 105 N/m3 5. 0.004 cm 6. 4.76 mm
Velocity v0

7. v1 8. 2.5 cm 9. 20 cm 10. 20.4 m

Dist. moved H
11. 4.5 m 12. 3

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

2T 2 2T
 1. U  2. 8.1796 kg wt 3. 6 cm  4. h
g gd
5. 10.9 m/s 6. 1.52 × 103 poise

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C
6. B 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. B
11. C 12. C

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

1. A,D 2. B 3. 6 4. D 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. 3 9. D 10. D
11. B, C 12. A,D 13. 3 14. 6 15. AC
16. ACD

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