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Psychology And Sociology Assignment


Name : Tharani A/P V.Manickam

Id : 001107-04-0446

Tittle : Culture and cultural practices that influences the

health and health practices in our community.
Culture and health practices
In Malaysia, we can encounter variety of people with different races, cultures, traditions
and also ethnicity that have lived together for generations. All these cultures have influenced
each other, creating a truly Malaysian culture. The largest ethnic groups in Malaysia are the
Malays, Chinese and Indians. Every race has their own culture practices. Culture, race and
ethnicity are in truth social structures. Most of them came from genetic characteristics. Different
culture has their different beliefs and some of them also influences the health care practices too.

Firstly, turmeric powder is a must in Indian culture. Indians usually use them in their
cooking and also most of the ladies use this turmeric powder as a facial use. Most of the Indian
ladies will make a paste using water and also turmeric powder and apply on their face as it
provides tons of benefits to one. One of the reason is they believe that turmeric powder has an
anti-inflammatory,anti-microbial and antioxidant properties which assists to prevent breakout,
reduce acne scars, brighten dark circles and also brings out the natural glow. Some of them even
drink the mixture of turmeric powder and water because they also believe that turmeric powder
is really efficient for digestion and it also reduce the cholesterol level in our body. Plus,it is also
considered a natural blood purifier.

Besides that, consuming cooked food on banana leaf is also one of the traditional culture
of Indians. Indians will utilize banana leaves as their substitute of plates for every meal they
devour. Eating on banana leaves do supplies various health benefits in many ways. This is
because eating on banana leaves isn’t only flavorful, eco-friendly, hygienic and practical but also
comes up with a chemical free food. In addition, eating on banana leaf is also healthy on every
way as it is packed with poly phenol,which are prominent natural antioxidants. Polyphenol
oxidase, an enzyme that aids to treat a brain disorder which is called as Parkinson's disease.
Moreover, banana leaf do has its anti-bacterial properties, which can assassinate germs that
found in the food and also aid a proper digestion. Banana leaf also have a wax-like coating that
gives it a glossy finish that adds on a subtle flavour to the hot food that is served on it.

On the other hand, Indians also practices a habit of taking a oil bath on the morning of
many occasions especially diwali festival. This is one of the Indian’s most practiced culture that
transferred from generation to generation. Mostly, Indians will take a oil bath on the first day of
that particular occasion. They usually use coconut oil or sesame oil for oil bath. Indians believe
that an oil bath is well-known for regulating the body temperature by removing heat from the
body. Apart from that, this practice also benefits the skin and eye, helps hair growth and reduces
blood pressure in the body. Furthermore, oil baths also assists to remove dead skin cells and
leaving the skin with a healthy glow if it is combined with a face or body scrub.

Additionally, the Azadirachta indica, commonly known as Neem leaves are also one of the
ordinary thing that we can find in Indian's house. They are providing a variety of benefits to our
health. Normally when a person is having chicken pox, Indian's use neem leaves to cure it. Neem
has been shown to provide an antiviral treatments option for small pox,chicken pox and warts. It
is particularly useful for these skin conditions when applied directly to skin.This is due in part of
it's ability to inhibit viruses from multiplying and spreading. Usually Indians use the neem leaf
extract to apply on minor cuts,sprains and bruises. Its an anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial
attributes are soothing for this conditions. Plus, neem leaf used fir eye disorders, intestinal
worms, stomach upset, loos of appetite, skin ulcers and also the disease of heart and blood
vessels (cardiovascular diseases).

In addition, shikakai powder, which is an extract from a Ayurvedic medicinal plant, is an

essential ingredient of Indians for their hair and body. It has been used since centuries as a
cleanser for hair and body. It is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A,D,E and K and other
antioxidants which are very essential for healthy and quick growth of hair naturally. These
vitamins help in providing necessary micro-nutrients to the hair follicle to nourish hair and grow
fast and healthy. Indians believe that shikakai powder help strengthens the hair, thickens the hair,
reduces hair loss, fights dandruff and and also removes hair lice.

Furthermore,wearing bindi on forehead of a women is one of the culture of Indians.

Wearing a bindi for women is must for them. But apart from all cultural benefits, this custom has
very amazing health benefits. Wearing a bindi on forehead can relieve a headache. According to
the principle of acupressure, this point in the body is key to finding instant relief from a
headache. This is because it is convergence of nerves and blood vessels that are instantly relaxed
with this point is massaged. Secondly,it also clears up sinuses. On pressing at this point a
specific branch of trigeminal nerve that supplies the nose and the areas around it is stimulated as
it is a nerve that responsible for sensation in the face and motor functions such as biting and
chewing; it is the most complex of the cranial nerves. It will increase the blood flow in nasal
passage that can help clears the blockage of nose.

Other than that, most of Hindu women prefer to wear nose rings. It is a culture of Indians
too. Most women like to wear the nose ring on their left nostril since the nerves leading from the
left nostril are associated with female reproductive organ.Therefore, they believe that piercing
the nose at this position helps in easing childbirth. Piercing the nose near the particular node on
the nostril helps in lessening the pain during monthly periods in women,according to Ayurveda.
In their spiritual beliefs nose piercing also heals the woman after long traumatic injuries or

Adding up on that , mango-tree leaves are placed on the water pot (kalask) before ritual to
complete a Hindu ceremony. These leaves symbolize the limb of God. Mango leaves also said to
signify goodness of Lakshmi, and known to keep out negative energy.Apart from loaded
antibacterial and antiseptic properties, they used because of their unique ability to absorb excess
carbon dioxide. It also provides more oxygen to one’s body.

Namaste is one of the common tradition of indians. Namsthe is a symbol of greeting good
morning. The Namaste greeting is used in yoga extensively and is meant to connect both the
spheres of the brain through the nerve endings of our hands. The word Namaste is derived from
Sanskrit word, “Nama” means bow or me and “te” means you, so Namaste literally means “bow
me you” or “I bow to the divine in you”. As we know, due to the Covid pandemic where the
spread of corona virus across the whole world, nowadays we change the way how we greet each
other to disconnect the spreading of the viruses to another person. The traditional Indian and far
east way of greeting with folded hand and saying Namaste is slowly becoming the accepted
normal the world over. Unlike handshake, in Namaste there is no contact with other person and
avoid any transfer of bugs, and it makes this a safe practice of greeting one another.
Usually in ancient times, Indians love to store their food and drinks in clay pots. This is
also one of the cultures of Indians. They also use these clay pots to cook their food. Preparing
food using clay pots giving huge amount of health benefits. Foremost, health benefits of clay pot
cooking come from it's ability to circulate steam throughout cooking. This provides plenty of
moisture and means that u can cook with less oil and fat. Since clay is alkaline in nature and food
is cook it neutralizes the pH balance of food and act as natural detox. The mud use to do the clay
pot contains all the possible vitamins,for example Vitamin B12.

Some of the researches show that yoga is becoming a trend among all of us in this
world.Yoga is one of the Indian's culture activity which can carry out by everyone.Yoga is an
ancient practice that brings together mind and body. Practicing yoga is said to come with many
benefits for both mental and physical health.Practicing yoga can reduce our stress level.Yoga is
known for its ability to ease stress and promote relaxation.It also relieves anxiety,many people
begin practicing yoga as a way to cope with feelings of anxiety.Moreover,yoga can reduce
inflammation.Inflammation is normal immune system,but chronic inflammation can contribute
to develop of pro-inflammatory diseases such as heart disease.

Kumkum is a powder where Indians use to wear one their forehead to prayer
purpose.Usually women who get married will wear this kumkum powder on their forehead. This
kumkum was made by mixing turmeric and lime.The lime changes the colour of turmeric,giving
kumkum its characteristic colour.This mixture is also one of the best remedies for headache.It
relaxes the muscles in the forehead and provide instant relief. Moreover this mixture has the
ability to absorb water or mucous logged in the head.Apart from that the mixture is antibacterial
in nature and helps to keep infections at bay.Sandalwood powder is a compulsory in Indian
culture.Sandalwood oil has warm,woody odor and is commonly used as a fragrance in
incense,cosmetics,perfumes and soaps.In traditional medicine, sandalwood oil has been used as
antiseptic and for the treatment of headache, stomachache and urinary and genital disorders. In
India, the essential oil and sandalwood paste is used in the treatment of inflammatory and
eruptive skin disease.

Indian had used the coconut oil centuries before the western world recently discovered its
benefits.In the south of India it is uncommon to see the hair of girls,boys women and men well
coated with coconut oil,which act as a natural conditioner.Women renowned for their thick,dark
and luscious looks attribute in some part to genetic,but also to the frequent application of coconut
oil from birth.Coconut oil is also used as a skin care products where Indian women apply on their
face.It reduces the acne scares in face,reduce the amount of acne,moisturize the face and gives a
glow to the face.Fenugreek seeds are commonly used in every Indian family.Fenugreek is a herb
in the same family as soy.Using or consuming compounds in fenugreek may cause uterine
contraction during pregnancy and worsen hormone sensitive types of cancer.Fenugreek may also
cause mild gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and bloating.However people have been
using fenugreek in varying forms for hundreds of potentially thousands of years to treat very
wide range of conditions such as,digestive problems including constipation,breast milk
production,diabetes,painful menstruation and high blood pressure.

As the conclusion, every single cultural practices has it own meaning and it literally
provides a huge amount of health benefits to everyone. We have to appreciate each of our
cultural beliefs and adhere them in our daily lifestyle.

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