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Hi my name is Gabriel, I´m 21 years old and now I

write about my life when I was 12 years old. When
I was 12 years old I live in Arequipa, Cayma, I
studied in the school J.C Maxwell, it´s was near my
house and I used to get to walk to school , I was
very studious, I used to be the student who
represented the school in math contest. I also liked
sports a lot, for example soccer and swimming.In my school I used to have 5 hours of
English clases, but I didn´t matter it, I really regreat that. Every Fridays, after the
school, my friends and I used to play soccer until five or six in the afternoon, for these
reasons I didn´t used to watch much television, but I used to go to cinema with my
friends or with my brothers, I love the movies. Now about my vacation when I was 12, I
used to have two vacation, the first in January, my family used to go to the beach for
one week. Then in October, my family used to go to Puno to visit my grandparents.

When I was 12 I had a very relaxing and happy life, now my life is very stressful, I really
miss being 12 years old. For example when I was 12 I used to go to bed arround 10pm
and used to wake up at 7am, but now I go to the bed at 1am or 2am and get up at
6am! The virtual clase is really stressful.

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