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Exercise Five (Lesson 6 &7)

Write (A) for correct answer and (B) for wrong answer:
1. Catabolic = breaking down molecules, releasing energy ( )

2. Kinetic energy is associated with motion and includes thermal energy ( )

3. ATP hydrolysis is an example of exergonic chemical reaction ( )

4. Breakdown of Glucose is a catabolic reaction while synthesis of ATP is anabolic ( )

5. Catabolic pathways drive regeneration of ATP from: ADP + P ( )

6. Enzymes lower the EA barrier ( )

7. DNA and RNA are nucleic acid polymer s ( )

8. Enzymes concentration does not control the rate of the reaction ( )

9. Phospholipids are one of the component of Lipid Bilayer in Cell membrane ( )

10. Substrates are chemicals reacting with Enzymes ( )

11. In enzyme regulations a competitive inhibitor binds to the active site ( )

12. pH sensitivity of an enzyme is due to acidic and basic side groups of Amino Acids ( )

13. Heat sterilization kills bacteria by wrecking their enzymes ( )

14. Polymers are disassembled to monomers by hydrolysis ( )

15. Kinetic energy is associated with motion and includes thermal ( )

16. Lipids mix poorly with water :hydrophobic behavior based on hydrocarbon regions ( )

17. Both DNA & RNA have code which specifies sequence of amino acids in proteins ( )

18. Amino acids are the monomers of proteins ( )

19. One of the functions of carbohydrates is structural support of cells ( )

20. In dehydration reaction results in the loss of a water to build polymer ( )

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