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Implementation & Performance Analysis Of

CORDIC In OFDM Based WLAN System Using

Mr. Sandeep Bidwai1, Mrs. Saylee S. Bidwai2, Prof. Dr. S.P. Patil3 ,Mrs. Sunita S. Shinde4

Abstract--This paper is focused on the implementation of CO- the paper. To cover all aspects is beyound the scope of this
ordinate Rotation Digital Ccomputer (CORDIC) algorithm in paper.
wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) receiver. The primary
task is to create a VHDL description for CORDIC vector
rotation algorithm. The basic work has been carried out in
MATLAB. The VHDL implementation of the CORDIC
II. Block diagram of CORDIC
algorithm is based on the results obtained from the MATLAB’s Figure 1 represents the block diagram of conventional
simulation environment. The main task is to make the CORDIC algorithm , based on ripple carry adders or sub
calculated angle value point the vector to the same constellation
point, not to nearest one. This is the cause that determines the
required accuracy of the angle calculation. It takes the closest
vectors in the signal constellation as input. CORDIC moduld to
which the calculated angle is given as input to comput the sine
and cosine functions using Simulink. Last Step includes the
analysis of CORDIC algorithm using VHDL and the simulation


The COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer
algorithm was developed by Volder in 1959.[1] Additional
theoratical work has been carried by Walther[2] in 1971. All
trigonometric functions can be computed using vector
rotation. It rotates the vector, step−by−step, with a given
angle. Additional theoretical work has been done by Walther
in 1971. The main principle of CORDIC are calculations
based on shift−registers and adders instead of
multiplications, what saves much hardware resources.
CORDIC is used for polar to rectangular and rectangular to
polar conversions and also for calculation of trigonometric
functions, vector magnitude and in some transformations, Figure.1 Block diagram of CORDIC [3]
like discrete Fourier transform (DFT) or discrete cosine
transform (DCT). In particular case, the CORDIC algorithm An adder/subtractor (A/S), depending on a selection input,
is used in Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) by performs an addition or a subtraction. This input indicates
receivers. whether an operand is negative. The basic cell of A/S is
This paper is organized in five sections. Section II decomposed by two functions with 4 bits input each. One of
contains the block diagram of CORDIC algorithm, it‟s them is for calculating the output and another to transmit the
architecture. Section III includes the OFDM Based WLAN carry. According to this an N−bit A/S can fit in (2N+1)/2
transmitter design to generate the phase angle. CORDIC CLBs (configurable logic block). The additional half CLB is
moduld to which the calculated angle theta is given as input required for introducing the least significant bit (LSB) one in
to comput the sine and cosine functions using Simulink with case of the substraction. The critical path here is indicated by
related CORDIC equations. Section IV deals with the the ripple carry propagation and the routing delay of the A/S
varification process in which 2QN format data has been wire. This net has a fan−out of 2N in this case. It decreases
varified whether CORDIC module analysed in VHDL the performance of the circuit and it is the main disadvantage
producing the same length of data. Section V includes the of conventional CORDIC implementations. As the solution
simulation results. Few important aspects are highlighted in to this, redundant arithmetic could be used to increase the
speed of the CORDIC. Implementation avoids the carry
propagation from the LSB to the most significant bit (MSB),
due to its carry−free property. Redundant arithmetic is good
to accelerate those operations, which have a long propagation
delay. On the other hand redundant arithmetic also has some
disadvantages. For example, it is impossible to detect the
sign of a redundant number without checking all the digits
which expects a propagation from the MSB to the LSB.
Another problem, that the redundant arithmetic uses digit set
{−1,0,1}, and needs more hardware resources to execute
simple tasks, than the conventional one which uses digit set
{−1,1}. According to results of the research, the redundant
arithmetic is more accurate, but it needs much more
hardware than the conventional arithmetic and for this reason
conventional arithmetic has been used in this work. [3] Figure. 3 CORDIC module to implement Sine and Cosine
Similar kind of functionalities (MATLAB Design)

III OFDM Based WLAN Transmitter Above figure 3 shows the CORDIC module for Sine and
cosine functions using Embedded MATLAB function block.
The CORDIC module has set with inbuilt sine and cosine
functions and processed with standard reference sine and sine
signals and compaired. In the output it is clear that the nature
of sine and cosine signals are near about same. Thus we have
varified the performance of prepared CORDIC module with
The basic equations for vector rotation are
x „ = cos(θ)[x-ytan(θ)]
y „ = cos(θ)[y+xtan(θ)]
θ=Rotation angle. (1)
where x and y are original coordinates before rotation and x‟
Figure 2. OFDM based WLAN Transmitter and y‟ are the coordinates after rotation. This equatationcan
Figure 2 shows the Orthogonal Frequency Division be simplified by assuming that the tangent is a power of 2.
Multiplexing (OFDM) based Wirless LAN transmitter
designed in MATLAB simulink . The basic objective is to tan(θ) = + 2(-n) (2)
provide the angle theta to the CORDIC block for further Then any angle of rotation can be obtained by performing
processing. The signal coming from multipath fadding and successive smaller rotations. This assumption help us to
Added White Gaussian Nnoise (AWGN) has magnitude and write equation (1) in the form of iterative operations.
phase. The magnitude is terminated and the angle theta is Xn+1 = Kn [xn-yndn 2(-n)]
provided in the form of .mat file which is interm connected Yn+1 = Kn [yn+xndn 2(-n)]
to the next CORDIC environment shown in Figure 2. The Zn+1 = zn –dnatan 2(-n) ________
data source used here is Bernoulli Binary source which is Kn = cos(atan 2-n)) = 1 + √1+ 2(-2n)
connected to RS encoder for encoding the generated signal. Dn=+1 (3)
The modulation technique used here is Quadrature Phase These equations can be used in two different modes: rotation
shift Keying (QPSK) and mapping is done. The cyclic prefix mode and vector mode. In rotation mode, the input vector
is added with the signal. Training bits are inserted in training rotates by a specific angle. In vector mode, the input vector
block which is next converted from parallel to serial data. rotates to the x axis. [5]
This data is given to multipath fadding channel along with In rotation mode the following equations are used:
Xn+1 = Kn [xn – yndn 2(-n)]
Yn+1 = Kn[yn + xndn 2(-n)]
Zn+1 = zn – dnatan2 (-n)]
Dn=-1 if zn<0,+1otherwise (4)
Result after n iterations can be given as
Xn = Gn[x0cos(θ0) – y0 sine(θ0)]
Yn = Gn [y0cos (θ0) + x0 sine(θ0)]
θn =0 ________
Gn = √1+ 2- 2n (5)
Where G is constant and approaches to 1.647 when n
approaches to infinity.
In vector mode the following equations are used:
Xn+1 = Kn [n –yndn 2 (-n)]
Yn+1 = Kn [yn + xndn 2(-n)]
Zn+1 = zn- dn.atan2(-n)
dn=+1,if yn<0, -1 otherwise (6)
results after n iterations can be given as
xn = Gn√ x02 + y02
yn = 0
θn = θ0 + atan (y0/x0)
Gn=√1+ 2(-2n) (7)

To calculate the sine and cosine functions, the CORDIC

algorithm in rotational mode is used. The initial conditions
are: Figure 5 CORDIC implementation for Sine & Cosine
X0= 1/ Gn
Y0 = 0
Using these initial conditions equation 5 reduces to IV Varification process
Xn = cos (θ0) (8)
Yn = sin (θ0) (9) i.Steps of Verification:
From the above equatations, the angle theta is calculated 1. In simulation results count 7 bits of Xn from right
from the OFDM based WLAN system and given to CORDIC side
module designed in simulink to implement the trignometric 2. After that Put radix point
functions like Sine and Cosine. The result of MATLAB code 3. Observe the 8th bit , if it is 0, then for all remaining
created for phase rotation is as shown in Figure 4 which LHS bits put +ve sign.
shows that phase rotation of incomming vectors is shifted to 4. And if it is 1, put –ve sign.
45 deg.s using CORDIC. The MATLAB code has been Repeat the same procedure for Yn.
created to produce the reference angle in CORDIC fashion. ii. Q format Signed numbers:
This angle has been given to CORDIC module designed in A QN format number is an N bit 2‟s complement binary
simulink to get Sine and Cosine. number; a sign bit followed by an N bit mantissa
(fraction).QN format can be used to express numbers in the
range -1 to (1 - 2-N).
An XQN format number is a QN format number left shifted
by X bits. XQN format can be used to express numbers in the
range: ( -2X ) to ( 2X - 2(X-N) ).

Table 2. 2QN format Phase

SB D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1
+1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
-1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
+pi 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
-pi 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
^ binary

Above table gives the example of XQN format numbers.

Where binary point has been put up after seventh bit from
RHS and eighth bit is observed. If that bit is 0,then all the
Figure 4 phase rotation using CORDIC bits to LHS are considered to be +ve sign and if it is 1, then
all bits to LHS are considered to be –ve sign.
The output wave for CORDIC sine-cosine & it‟s difference iii. Verification:
with reference sine-cosine is as shown in following figure.5.
It is found that cordic module gives the same output as Z0 = (1010 0010 0101 0010 1001 0001)2
regular sine-cosine module with small amplitude difference. = (A 2 5 2 9 1)16
= (10637969)10
Xn = Sine (Z0) = -0.5
Yn = Cosine (Z0) = 0.8 No. of
77 124 62%
The results from simulation are….. bonded IOBs
Xn = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1101 0110 No. of
Yn = 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0011 MULT 4 4 100%
Following the procedure for verification, 18X18s
Xn = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1 101 0110 No. of
010 1001 1 8 12%
+ 1 two‟s compliment Also the output waveforms after execution of the
(- 0. 010 1010)2 test bench of the main CORDIC module are shown in figure
6 as the outputs are as xn and yn. The input bit sequence
therefore Xn=( -0.5)10 taken is of 24-bits. But as per QN formet of CORDIC, only
Similar steps can be follwed for Yn. So that we can conclude
7-bits from right hand side have condidered. The value of z0
as per the CORDIC data format the outputs are in 2QN
format and varified using testbenches waveforms in VHDL given as input is in binary & at the time of simulation the
as shown in Figure 7. values of xn & yn come in the 2Qn format. For verification
of results, the values of xn & yn has to be converted back to
the binary form. Figure 7 shows the output wave forms of
V CORDIC- VHDL results every block in CORDIC module varifying the resepctive
Using HDL coder tool box in MATLAB Simulink, outputs of every sub-blocks designed in simulink
the CORDIC model is converted from Simulink into the environment.
HDL files in order to varify the performance of CORDIC
algorithm in VHDL. The RTL schematic for CORDIC
module is as shown in Figure 6. The input length in the form
of Z0 is maintained 24 bits. The inputs are applied in the
CORDIC formats in 1QN format. And the respective output
is observed in 2 QN format by performing the simulation of
test benches of the module in Modelsim simultor.

Figure. 7 output wave forms for Main CORDIC module


The CORDIC module designed in MATLAB

simulink has more flexibility to implement the trignometric
functions like Sine and Cosine. The CORDIC rotations can
be used to perform the operations on the given input angle to
rotate it to the desired direction with which magnitude and
Figure 6 CORDIC module in VHDL phase can be computed. Finaly the VHDL module varifies
The inputs given to module in terms of Z0 is in the CORDIC the performance of CORDIC module with the help of
data format. The output is observed in x(n) and y(n) i.e. Modelsim simulator.
cosine and sine functions as discussed previously. Figure 6
indicates the digital output waveforms from main CORDIC REFERENCES
module. As the clock is kept high, the output is observed at [1] Volder J.E., "The CORDIC Trigonometric Computing
xn and yn. Following table 1 shows the device utilization Technique", IRE Trans. Electronic Computers, vol. EC−8, pp
summary. 330−334, 1959.
Table 1 Summary of device utilization [2] Walter J.S. "A Unified Algorithm for Elementary
Functions", Proc. Spring. Joint Comput. Conference, vol. 38,
Device utilization Summary(estimated values)
pp 379−385, Jul. 1992.
Used Available Utilization [3]Anastasia Lashko, Oleg Zakaznov, “VHDL
implementation of CORDIC algorithm for wireless LAN”,
No. of Slices 747 768 97%
Master thesis performed in Electronics Systems,
No. of slices
127 1536 8% LiTH−ISY−EX−3515,Linköping, 2004.
Flip Flops
No. of 4
1435 1536 93%
input LUTs
[4] Sandell M., van de Beek J.−J., Börjesson P.: "Timing and
Frequency Synchronization in OFDM Systems Using the
Cyclic Prefix", pp 16−19, Essen, Germany, Desember 1995.
[5] Ray Andraka, “A Survey of CORDIC algorithms for
FPGA based computers”,andraka consulting group, inc.
ACM 0-89791-978-5/98/01, page no. 3,1998.


Mr. Sandeep S. Bidwai,Working as a Asst. Professor in

E & TC Dept, at ADCET Ashta, Dist- Sangli (MS-
INDIA). Completed his BE (E & TC) from B.A.M.
University Aurangabad (MS) & ME (Electronics)from
Sivaji University Kolhapur (MS). He has 6 Yrs of
teaching experience & field of interest – VLSI design
& Wireless Communication. Life member of ISTE.

Mrs. Saylee S. Bidwai, Working as a Asst. Professor in

E &TC Dept, at ADCET Ashta, Dist- Sangli (MS-
INDIA). Completed Her BE (Electronics) from SRT
university Nanded (MS) & ME (Electronics)from
Shivaji University kolhapur (MS). She has 6.5 Yrs of
teaching experience & field of interest – VLSI design.
Life member of ISTE. She has published 2 research
papers in International conference and Journal.

Dr. S.P.Patil,Presently working as Principal

Of Karmayogi College of Engg. Pandharpur, (MS-
INDIA). He has completed his BE, ME (Electronics) &
PhD from Shivaji University, Kolhapur & He has
27Years of Teaching & Administration experience. His
areas of interests are Signal processing & biomedical engineering.
He has published 5 Enginieering Books. He has published
research papers in 36 conferences and 8 journals. Life member of ISTE,

Mrs. Sunita S. Shinde received the Bachelor‟s degree,

Masters degree in Electronics Engineering from Shivaji
University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. She is pursuing Ph.D.
at VTU Belgaum. She is having 14 years teaching
experience. Her field of interest is Wireless
communication, Adhoc Networks. She is a life member
of ISTE. She wrote three books on Computer Networks.

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