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Written Orals Project Attitudes Total

COMPETENCE 6B: Artistic Activities Written = 20marks

Integrated Situation
The Mbengwi Central Prison in Momo Division of the North West Region of
Cameroon is one of the prisons in Cameroon which the government uses experts
in Visual Arts to train inmates so that anyone who leaves the prison must have
learned a trade which will help him/her earn a living in life.
On a visit to the Mbengwi Central Prison by the Minister of Arts and
Culture, he was very impressed by the materials, articles and drawings some
trained prisoners produced and drawn. First of all he congratulated two boys
who used colour combinations and painted a wall in the prison yard splendidly.
Besides, some aged prisoners who used clay soil to mold clay ports were
motivated with gifts. On the other hand, women were using some minerals like
silicon, aluminum, carbide and kaolinite to mold ceramics like teacups,
calabashes, dishes and plates. The Minister was amazed when he also saw how
some young men were drawing plans of houses while others were using ICT tools
to take snapshots, and editing them in brilliant ways.
Finally, the Minister gave an envelope of 200,000FCFA to encourage these
talented prisoners after he had danced to some gospel music done by the female
prisoners who were trained by a reverend father on catechism. He ended up with
promises of creating more jobs opportunities to these talented Cameroonians if
they avoid criminal acts.
Instructions: Read the text above carefully and use the information gathered to
answer these questions.
1. a) Painting is an act of applying paints on a surface using some materials. List
two of such materials the boys used in painting the walls of the prison. (2mks)
b) As the Minister observed the boys used colour combination codes to come
out with secondary colours. What was the outcome when they mixed red and
yellow? (2mk) ___________________ (black, white, orange, red)
2. Clay pots are made from clay soil and some minerals are also used to make
ceramics. The Minister was really amazed at the ceramics. Name two products
of ceramics. (2mks) _________________________________________________________
3. There were architects in the prison who could draw plans of houses. Using a
pencil, ruler and eraser, draw a plan of your classroom in the space below.

4. The Minister danced with the choir members of the prison because the
combination of sounds was pleasing to his ears.
a) Which type of music were they singing with the reverend father? (3mks)
b) Name two modern instruments they used in playing the song. (2mks)
c) The male choir members were singing in the lowest pitch or voice range.
How do we call this voice range? (2mks) __________________________________
5. Who is the main character in the text you just read? (2mks) _________________
A) Prisoners B) Arts C) Materials D) The Minister of Arts and Culture

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