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St Cuthbert’s is the Parish Church for the people of Coulby Newham, Easterside & Marton

St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes Weekly News
www. email:
Vicar: The Rev’d Andy Grant. The Vicarage, Stokesley Road, Marton, 50p where sold
Middlesbrough, TS7 8JU. telephone: 01642 974176 email:
26th July 2020 FREE ISSUE

7TH AFTER TRINITY Gen. 29:15-28, Psalm 105:1-11; 45b, Rm. 8:26-end, Matt. 13:31-33; 44-52
As we return to opening our doors for public worship, although in a different way, we are also invited
to begin to consider a different and changed future from the one we either imagined or anticipated at
the beginning of the year. We tentatively begin to plan what is possible within the restrictions, whilst at
the same time not really knowing if and when further restrictions will be lifted, if other measures will
come into place, or how ‘church’ will look. But I encourage you to try not to think too big, as this may
be overwhelming. Instead start small and who knows where it will lead? Just as some people may be
taking small steps to cautiously begin stepping outside, to trust this new and changed environment, we
perhaps need to rethink our perceptions and concept of what church is and means, and trust that God will use every-
thing he is given for his glory, including how he is guiding the church, the body of Christ, and the renewed vision he is
To describe what the kingdom of heaven is really like, Jesus uses the analogy of a mustard seed. Perhaps we feel a little
like a mustard seed right now; insignificant in the big scheme of things, unimportant with how we’ve spent the last few
months, even if we’ve tried really hard to work in new and different ways, or keep things ticking over. Helplessness and
despair have been felt deeply by many, and yet the striving continues with people seeking to care for others, to seek their
welfare and well-being, and to continue to offer hope. Not only hope of a cure, or a vaccine, but hope that places its
confidence in faith and in a God who is greater than all of this. A God who is still in control of the whole universe and
beyond even though we don’t know the bigger picture.
Jesus subsequently refers to the kingdom of heaven as yeast which cannot become bread on its own. It needs the water
and the flour and only then will it rise together to make something incredible, and so it is with our mutual reliance, on
each other and on God. We need each other and we need God; through our trust and hope in him we have the prom-
ise of eternal life. The time will come when we will rise together to a new heaven and new earth, to something unimagi-
nably wonderful and incredible. This is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus equally likens the kingdom of heaven to hidden treasure in a field. We don’t know what the person in the story
might have sold to buy the field, but we know that they clearly thought it was worth it and felt much joy about it. The
field with the treasure is worth more than anything else he had. Or the merchant who valued the one pearl sold all he
had to buy it. This is us following Jesus, and the sacrifices we need to make or the things we need to give up or change
in order to follow him who is our greatest treasure.
Altogether, Jesus says 'the kingdom of heaven is like' five times in this chapter. Five times! It's vitally important they un-
derstand what he is teaching them, that he reveals that the kingdom of heaven is more precious and treasured and to be
valued above all else, and that all that is good will shine like the sun.
So, what is the kingdom of heaven like? It is like a life lived in the Spirit in all of its fullness, and a life working together
for good for those who love God and who can separate us from the love of Christ? A rhetorical question, because
whatever comes our way, God cannot be separated from us; the love of Christ cannot be taken from us. It is up to us to
hold onto this promise that we will one day truly experience first-hand what the kingdom of heaven is really like.
Rev’d Claire Todd

Live Streaming of Worship at St Cuthbert’s

10.00am Holy Communion and 6.30pm Night Prayer
10.00am Toddy’s Toddlers (Story and prayers and songs for small children)
10.00am Morning Prayer and Thought for the Day

If you have any news to tell us please email to:

Psalm 105.1-11, 45b
Matthew 13.31-33,
Sunday 26th July Genesis 29.15-28 (or105.1-11) Romans 8.26-end
or Psalm 128
Psalm 82 or
Monday 27th July Jeremiah 13.1-11 Matthew 13.31-35
Deuteronomy 32.18-21

Tuesday 28thJuly Jeremiah 14.17-end Psalm 79.8-end Matthew 13.36-43

Jeremiah 15.10, 16-

Wednesday 29th July Psalm 59.1-4, 18-end Matthew 13.44-46

Thursday 30th July Jeremiah 18.1-6 Psalm 146.1-5 Matthew 13.47-53

Friday 31st July Jeremiah 26.1-9 Psalm 69.4-10 Matthew 13.54-end

Jeremiah 26.11-16,
Saturday 1st August Psalm 69.14-20 Matthew14.1-12

COVID-19 Advice on the Conduct of Public Regular Giving to St Cuthbert's

Worship Latest guidance from the C of E If you would like to contribute to the running of our
· There is no numerical ‘cap’ on worship services, but
Church the easiest ways to donate are:
social distancing and Public Health requirements must
be met. Direct Credit, and our bank details are as follows:
· The two-metre ‘rule’ applies for public worship except
Name: PCC of Marton in Cleveland Church A/C
in situations where closer contact cannot be avoided;
extra Public Health precautions must then be taken. Sort Code: 30-95-56 Account No.: 00274161
· Consideration should be given to keeping numbers Facebook Our Facebook page now has a “Donate”
below the maximum possible to further minimise risk. button. The donation can also be Gift Aided if the person
· Wearing of face-coverings is voluntary. At St Cuth- donating is a UK taxpayer boosting the donation by
bert’s we would prefer all to wear face coverings as a 25%. Facebook charges no fees for donations which go
courtesy and protection for others.
directly to St Cuthbert’s Church.
· While those at extra risk and the ‘clinically extremely
vulnerable’ should be advised of the risks of attending
public worship, a decision to do so is theirs alone. The picture
shows where to
· Government guidance includes a request for names of find the button
attendees to be recorded and kept for 21 days to as- when you go to
sist ‘track and trace’ if required (further details from our Facebook
the government are expected to help parishes and ca-
thedrals who wish to do this). Donate
· Singing, chanting and playing of brass or woodwind in-
struments are not recommended, but a further update
will follow soon. Detailed instructions on By Cheque - The Lloyds bank app allows us to credit
‘consumables’ suggest that services of Holy Commun- cheques to the Church account without visiting the bank.
ion can be held if specific guidance is followed, includ- If you wish to donate in this way you can post them to:
ing the continued suspension of the Common Cup (see Rev’d Andy Grant, St Cuthbert’s Vicarage, Stokesley Road,
the guidance document on Holy Communion). Marton, Middlesbrough TS7 8JU.
· Public worship guidance includes surrounding grounds Cheques should be made payable to:
(including churchyards, car parks and courtyards); St Cuthbert’s Marton PCC.
meetings in other places should follow other guidance
for people meeting in public spaces.
· Refreshments can only be served at tables if a café is Your financial support is greatly appreciated at all
included in the church or cathedral building. times but particularly now during these unprece-
FIRST SERVICE SUNDAY 26th JULY 10.00am dented times.

Church Open for Private Prayer

The church will open on Mondays between 3.00pm and 5.00pm and Fridays between 10.00am and 12.00pm until fur-
ther notice. Access is limited due to safe distancing regulations so please book your place if you wish to attend.
Call Gordon Mallory on 01642 313551 or email to avoid being disappointed.
A New Chapter at St Cuthbert’s
Andy’s news that he will be leaving us in the Autumn to
join the army chaplaincy means that our parish will be en-
tering a vacancy or “interregnum”, the period between
reigns? I’m tempted to say that it never reigns but it pours
(with apologies for the pun)! Digital resources
During a vacancy the Church must carry on as best it can Weekly service broadcasts-detailed on the front page
Live streaming services from St Cuthbert’s Church.
using whatever retired clergy are available to conduct ser-
These are available through our Facebook page.
vices. During the previous vacancy prior to Andy joining
Time to Pray app
us and after Mike left it took about six months before ad-
Everything you need for Prayer During the Day, with varia-
vertisements were placed for a replacement.
tions according to the day of the week and the season of the
Responsibility for the day to day running of the parish fell Church’s year. Download for free.
to the core team of Churchwardens (Sylvia Murray and
myself), Christine Pointer as Parish Secretary, Linda Daytime prayer and Night prayer service audio
Proudler as Treasurer and with support from Rev’d Ben Building on the existing daily prayer feed, this includes daytime
Norton, Pioneer Minister at Coulby Newham and of prayer and night prayer for each day. It will be available as a
course the PCC who have responsibility for the parish day downloadable app in the coming weeks.
to day. The BBC's Daily Service and Sunday Worship
Based upon past experience I think that we can look for- Prayer for the day - each day the Church of Eng-
ward to at least a year before a new incumbent is in post land publishes audio and text of the Prayer for the Day.
but before we can look forward to that there are things to Mental health reflections – 13 daily reflections that seek
be done: to provide hope, reassurance and comfort. We have al-
· Hold our APCM to approve the accounts from so published five tips to help tackle loneliness and isolation.
2019, elect a new PCC and officers including
Churchwardens, Parish Secretary and Treasurer
· Elect Standing Committee which is usually made up Another successful quiz this week won by Sue
of the incumbent, Churchwardens, Treasurer, Parish and Mike Neal assisted by Harry and after a tie
break! The next quiz will be in a few weeks
Secretary, Safeguarding Officer and a lay member. time, after the summer holidays, the date will be pub-
· Prepare a parish profile which details the life of our lished in the newsletter.
church, its strengths and weaknesses, a good profile
will encourage applications
It is expected that Bishop Paul will advise us and be the Pause for Prayer
driver of the decision making process. He will decide on
the timing of events and will chair the interview panel Grant us, Lord,
which will have representatives elected by the PCC. to continue as we have begun,
with faith, prayer
There is no disguising the fact that the road ahead will be and the strength of your Holy Spirit.
difficult and it is common knowledge that members of the
management team became ill during the last vacancy due Through good and bad times,
to the added stress. through joy and sorrow,
through success and setbacks,
There are some things of which I am certain, we will get
help us to hold fast
through this, it will be a sad day when Andy leaves, it will
to the faith we have professed,
be a joyful day when the Church bells ring to announce the
knowing that you,
arrival of our new vicar! who have called us
God will guide us, the devil will try to derail us! are faithful , trustworthy and true.
We have a firm foundation and a vibrant Church Family, a
good community and some of the finest countryside in the Rebecca Winter
UK and we are in Yorkshire. Why wouldn’t applicants
want to come here? Perhaps best not to mention the
football! One Million Step Challenge for Diabetes UK
Alan Proudler—Churchwarden Jackie Simmonds is doing a one million step challenge for
Diabetes UK. She has to walk 1,000,000 steps between July 1st
Sylvia Clubley’s funeral will be held at Kirkleatham and September 30th and is trying to raise £100.
Crematorium on Thursday 30th July at 2.00pm. Unfortu- Jackie has set up a page which she has shared via Facebook and
has a sponsor sheet that she can add names to. If you would
nately due to Covid-19 restrictions attendance is restrict-
like to contribute please contact her on 07306 099924 or
ed to 30 people so it is family only. We can pray though!
St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes’
Intercession Prayers
Please Remember in your prayers
Long Term
Barrie Harvey and family, Dorothy Murrell, Sue Hanson, Dorothy Ward-Thompson, Tony Simms, Eileen, Margery
Ormeston, Audrey Coulson
Medium Term
Libby, Charlotte, David, Jean Berry, Lydia, Gail, Neil, Gordon, Tom, John Shaw, Christine, Joyce Hodgson, Janet,
Olwen, Mary Featherstone, Hilary Clarke, Jack, The Roberts Family, Maggie, Francis Iseton, Emma Smithson, Sarah Clay-
ton, Joyce Lawrence and family, Pauline Howard, Ann Marie Dring, Sue Neal and family, Brian Phillips, Gillian and Barbara
Burgess (Susan Pratt’s sister).
Pray for all who are suffering from Coronavirus, all who are self isolating, all, who are worried, the home-
less and all who are sick. If you would like us to pray for someone who is sick or prayers for yourself please email
your request to:

Pastoral Care
Weddings Baptisms and Funerals can now go ahead in Church providing strict guidelines are adhered too. No
more than 30 people are allowed in Church this includes those officiating (vicar and verger).

Strict two metre guidelines must be adhered too. If two metre distancing is not possible 1metre+ is allowed and the
wearing of face coverings will be required.

Pastoral Care List. The list of those requiring pastoral care is being managed by Rev’d Claire Todd. Please contact
Andy or Claire if you would like someone from our Church to stay in touch.


Vicar Rev’d Andy Grant 01642 974176

Curate Rev’d Claire Todd 01642 294582
Associate Minister Rev’d Sam Tyndall 07562 593474
Churchwardens Alan Proudler 01642 975419
Gordon Mallory 01642 313551
Reader Sylvia Swan 01642 289592
Newsletter Editor Alan Proudler 01642 975419
P.C.C. Officers
Secretary Lindsay Gibson 01642 316201
Treasurer Linda Proudler 01642 975419
Electoral Roll Linda Proudler 01642 975419
Safeguarding Sue Neal 07710 584290
Parish Office Answer machine only 01642 316201
Office Manager Carole Paylor 01642 316201

Middlesbrough Council Advice & Support PHONE THE CLERGY

Hotline: 01642 729777 The clergy are doing their best to phone around to say
Email: hello to the church families of St Cuthbert's and St Agnes,
Twitter: @covid19boro Facebook: @covid19boro but do feel free to call us, particularly if we haven't
Useful Telephone Numbers got round to calling you yet. We don't want anyone to
Age UK Teesside 01642 805 500 feel that they cannot just pick up the phone; we would
Citizens Advice 03444 111444 love to hear from you!
Debt Advice 0800 138 1111
Universal Credit 0800 328 5644 Telephone numbers and email addresses for Andy, Claire
EVA Women’s Aid 01642 490677 and Sam are above.
Foundation (Domestic Violence): 0300 4562214
Please get in touch with anything you want to tell
your friends either by email: or by telephone:
07488 347708
Alan would love to hear from you.

I had a nice letter from Christine Pointer this week in which she enclosed a contribution towards postage for the weekly
Linda had a conversation with Doreen Revell this week reminiscing about old times at St Cuthbert’s, brought on by
Andy’s news. There is a general sadness that he is leaving tinged with trepidation for the future. A telephone conversa-
tion with Sylvia Murray confirmed that opinion but also convinced me that she is up for the challenge again and will en-
courage us when we falter!
Barbara Lythe phoned to advise that Francis Iseton is back in hospital, she is having a difficult time at the moment made
more so because of enforced isolation. Her course of treatment is now completed, let us keep her in our prayers and if
it is God’s will she will be strong again.
On a lighter note my grandson Oliver returned to school last Monday for his last day of year two. According to his
mum he was “done up like a shilling dinner” and looking forward to seeing his friends. My son Iain also returned to
work last Monday after several months of furlough and successfully re applying for his job!
Angela Aydon kindly sent me a batch of jokes, all one liners which I will use over the coming weeks so don’t blame me!
Perhaps we might have a worst joke competition.

Jackie Simmonds advised of a scam supposedly from Morrison's
and looking very convincing advising that they have a surprise for
you! Click here! If you do you will certainly get a surprise, don’t be

David Hall had a call supposedly from Visa/MasterCard regarding a fraudu-

lent transaction and requesting card details. He said it was obviously a scam
as his bank would never contact him in this way. Visa and MasterCard are
separate organisations and competitors so obviously someone is phishing !

If you think you have been a victim of fraud or cyber crime you should re-
port this to Action Fraud at or by calling 0300
123 2020
Prayer During the Day in Ordinary Time
Prayer During the Day in
Ordinary Time
O God, make speed to save us.
All O Lord, make haste to help us.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation

of my heart
All be acceptable in your sight, O Lord,
my strength and my redeemer

You, Christ, are the King of glory,

the eternal Son of the Father.
When you took our flesh to set us free
you humbly chose the Virgin’s womb.
You overcame the sting of death
and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believ-
You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.

Sunday Psalm 48
Monday Psalm 2
Tuesday Psalm 44
Wednesday Psalm 45
Thursday Psalm 39
Friday Psalm 139
Saturday Psalm 140

All Glory to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning is now
and shall be for ever. Amen.

Silence, study, music, or words from Scripture, such as

Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
All No one comes to the Father except
through me. Copyright © The Archbishop’s Council 2006

Stay safe, His spirit is with us!

A Message from the Vicar

Dear Friends

As some of you may be aware, I have been discerning a call into Military Chaplaincy and I
have now been offered a place in the Royal Army Chaplain’s Department (full time). This of
course requires my family and I to leave St Cuthbert’s and venture into a phase of life. If all
goes according to plan (and if I don’t break both legs in the meantime!), we leave in Sep-
tember, and my last Sunday will be on the 6th.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for the support and generosity you have
given over the past five and a half years. You have cultivated a very special church family
culture over the years, and this was evident to me when I first arrived.
This year’s pandemic has been a huge blow to every aspect of our lives, our church life in-
cluded, and saying farewell in a relatively non-personal and social-distancing way is not ideal.
However, we press on towards the goal of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, and living out
our lives as subjects of his Kingdom, whatever befalls us.

So, thank you again to all of you, and God bless you now and always.


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