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Name : Susi Lawati Student Number : 20197470160

Directions :

1. Read the following issue of ELT

ISSUE : The purpose of English language teaching (ELT) recently is poles apart

between the two sides. Firstly, some believe that teachers of English language should

encourage the students to reach native – like fluency and proficiency particularly

when it comes to speaking and pronunciation. While others argue that the English

language teaching addresses to make the students communicate in English (target

language) to interact and connect to others around the world with their own cultures,

background and accents.

2. Organize your arguments (for – and against – arguments) to respond the issue in the

following table.

Functions Arguments
The main purpose of learning English is
1 Pro
students can speak such native – like does.
The problem which face by the teacher in
2 Rebuttal
teaching process ; lack of vocabularies.
The problem which face by the teacher in
3 Rebuttal teaching process ; students environments
and culture.

3. Write your well – organized argumentative essay below


Nowadays English is one of the most spoken language in the world. Learning

English is very important, because now almost in everything and everywhere we can

found English in spoken and text. Learning English is also something hard. Because

in Indonesia especially English is not be a second language or a third language but a

foreign language, that is mean English become a language that indirectly

unnecessary to learn by students. But as a purpose of English language teaching the

teacher still must teach students in order to they can communicate in English such

native – like does. Even not little teacher argue that English language teaching just

addresses to make students can communicate in English to interact and connects to

other the world with their own culture, background and accents.

The main purpose of English language teaching is make students can

communicate as native – like does. Because when someone learning other language

they should learn and reach it as similar as native does. When they can reach the

goals that can speak as native it is bring a pride to the teacher because they have

successfully teach them. The students who can reach the goals also proud to

themselves because can speak as well as native. So they can confidence to use their


Practically, teaching English is not an easy. So many aspects which can

influence in the process of teaching. First, the students problem that become the

hardest thing to learn is lacing of vocabulary. How teacher can teach fast if students

do not know / remember much vocabulary. How teacher can speaks and explains the

subject using full English if the students cannot understand what the teacher says.
Teacher and students just can communicate using speech act in short sentences or

command in order to make students understands what teacher means.

The other opponent is the culture and students environments. Culture and

students environment is one aspect that becomes very important because it is

becomes a determiner students gets more opportunities to practice or not. When

students learn English, they should do more practice not only in school. But how

about students who lives in village, they grow and live with their native language,

indeed Indonesian as country language becomes second language, and much of them

cannot speaks Indonesian in a good ways. It is being more harder to make them can

reach native – like fluency and proficiency.

Having a goal to make students can do native – like competence is good, but

the teacher must face the problem like lack of vocabularies and students culture and

environments which give students little chance to practice. In the end teacher who

push to reach native – like competence still cannot reach the goals because they face

many basics problem. In last option teacher just can teach them make students can

communicate in English to interact and connects to other the world with their own

culture, background and accents. Therefore, in my opinion this situation must be

changed, teacher should find some solutions to solves those problem above.
Reviewer’s Name : Siti Rohimah


Maximun Actual
score Score

Format – 5 Points
Title centered (2), first line of each paragraph indented (1), 5
margins on both sides (1), text double spaced (1)
Total 5 5
Mechanics – 5 points
Punctuation : periods, commas, semicolons, quotation marks 4
Total 5 4
Content – 20 points
The essay fulfills the requirements of the assignment 5 5
The essay is interesting to read 5 4
The essay shows that the writer used care and thought 10 8
Total 20 17
Organization – 45 points
The essay follows the outline, and has an introduction, a body, 5 5
and a conclusion
Introduction : The introduction end with the thesis statement 5 5
Body :
Each paragraph of the body discusses a new point and begins 5 5
with a clear topic sentence.
Each paragraph has specific supporting material : fact, 10 7
examples, quotations, paraphrased or summarized
information, etc.
Each paragraph has unity 5 4
Each paragraph has coherence 5 4
Transitions are use to link paragraph 5 3
Conclusion : The conclusion summarizes the main points or
paraphrase the thesis statements, begin with a conclusion 5 5
signal, and leaves the reader with writer’s final through on the
45 40
Grammar and Sentence Structure – 25 Points
Estimate a grammar and sentence structure score. 25
Grand Total 100 84

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