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Ferl Diane S.



1. What are the things you can do to become a better student?

Being a mere student is simple yet tiring, how much more being a so-called better

student. Being a better student is not an easy task for it requires a lot of hard work,

effort, and prayer. That is why I think, I could be a better student if I would know how to

effectively and efficiently manage my work by means of planning ahead of time and

getting organized because it does not mean that I am only a student but also a daughter

and a sister at home, a friend, a member of an organization, etc. I have a lot of

responsibilities and tasks to fulfill not just in school but also in my family and in the

community that is why setting realistic goals is also important so that there is a thing

that I could look up to for me become motivated enough to strive harder to finish and

fulfill all my duties and responsibilities. Moreover, knowing well my priorities and

responsibilities would help me to be able to arrange everything ahead of time and with

that, I would avoid procrastination and I would be able to accomplish the goals that I

have set to achieve success. Also, being disciplined by getting rid of distractions as

much as possible would help me so I could finish my tasks on time and avoid wasting

my time on things that are not leading me or helping me to reach my goals. Also,

making extra effort like doing advanced reading is a good tip to become a better student

because doing so would help me to have a grasp of the lessons that we would tackle in

class so that I can understand it thoroughly and I can actively participate in class or
reviewing my past lessons so it would retain to my memory so as to lessen mental block

during examinations. Furthermore, being positive and determined would help because

there are a lot of negativities and circumstances along the way that would really test my

patience and capabilities and I should take those things as a challenge and an

opportunity to make myself better if I chose to not give up and to bounce back. Lastly,

being passionate and loving what I am doing would really help me to become not just a

better student but also a better individual because there is nothing to regret in the end

and having this trait could deliver me to the success I want to achieve in the near future.

2. What are the outcomes you've faced when you do things to become a better


When I started to do the things to become a better student, things became different.

I can say that doing such things made me more productive than ever. I am able to

accomplish everything that I have to do whether it be about school or about home, etc. I

also feel the sense of fulfillment knowing that I am reaching forth to success and getting

closer to my goals in life, even if I have to take it step-by-step. Moreover, I am able to

get high grades in class and understand the lesson clearly. By doing some tips on how

to become a better student, I am able to gain knowledge and experiences in my journey

in becoming a better student and also a better individual that I can be.

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