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Chapter 16 Test A (1 of 6) America Changes

Name Osman G. M. R. 017 Date 22/04/2020

Vocabulary Match the definitions with the correct terms. (10 points)

Definitions Terms

a. lets a user charge goods and services and pay for D 1 impeach
them later
C 2 sit-in
b. a law that gave veterans funds for education, home
A 3 credit card
loans, and other benefits
E 4 discrimination
c. a strategy that was used to protest against segregated
lunch counters B 5 G.I. Bill of Rights
d. to charge an elected official with a crime

e. unfair treatment of people based on race or gender

Key Concepts Choose the letter of the correct answer. (60 points)

A 6. Which of the following BEST describes the general situation in postwar America?
A low unemployment
B Great Depression
C population decrease
D equality for all
H 7. What was Levittown?
F the site of a bus boycott
G the reason interstate highways were built
H a large suburb of affordable homes
I the title of a popular television show

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 16 Test A (2 of 6) America Changes

Name Osman G. M. R. 017 Date 22/04/2020

B 8. Use the list below to answer the question.

transistor radios
direct-dial telephone service

What would be the BEST title for this list?

A Signs of the Great Depression
B New Peacetime Technologies
C Sources of Political Change
D Effects of World War II

I 9. What new form of music swept the nation in the 1950s?

F chamber music
G hip-hop
H jazz
I rock-and-roll

D 10. What was one effect of television?

A Entertainers became major national stars.
B Baseball became the national pastime.
C A band called the Beatles formed.
Richard Nixon was elected president.

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 16 Test A (3 of 6) America Changes

Name Osman G. M. R. 017 Date 22/04/2020

Use the photograph below to answer the next two questions.

G 11. The sign in the photo was an example of

F civil rights.
G segregation.
H African American culture.
I integration.

A 12. The enforced racial separation revealed by the sign was one cause of
A African Americans’ struggle for equality.
B Elvis Presley’s popularity.
C the formation of the United Farm Workers.
D the women’s movement.

I 13. How did President Harry Truman further the cause of civil rights?
F by supporting the efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr.
G by starting the war on poverty
H by proposing legislation to guarantee voting rights
by issuing an executive order integrating the armed forces

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 16 Test A (4 of 6) America Changes

Name Osman G. M. R. 017 Date 22/04/2020

A 14. Sit-ins were intended to end the segregation of

A buses.
B lunch counters.
C schools.
D the armed forces.

F 15. Who was the first African American Supreme Court justice?
F Thurgood Marshall
G Clarence Thomas
H Roy Wilkins
I Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

C 16. The Great Society was born during the presidency of

A Franklin Roosevelt.
B Harry Truman.
C Lyndon Johnson.
D Ronald Reagan.

I 17. What did Title IX do?

F It opened school athletics to girls and women.
G It guaranteed African American voting rights.
H It provided Head Start programs for children.
I It set up affirmative action programs.

C 18. Which answer choice BEST explains why the environmental movement came into being?
A Women were demanding an end to their unequal treatment.
B Workers in the grape fields in California had to endure terrible conditions.
C The release of chemicals into the environment was causing significant harm.
D Native Americans wanted to end the discrimination and poor living conditions
they faced.

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 16 Test A (5 of 6) America Changes

Name Osman G. M. R. 017 Date 22/04/2020

I 19. Which of the following was one of Jimmy Carter’s achievements as president?
F freeing the hostages in Iran
G pardoning Richard Nixon
H increasing oil imports
I negotiating the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel

A 20. What was one effect of the Watergate scandal?

A Many Americans lost faith in government.
B Richard Nixon was impeached.
C Iran took American hostages.
D Gerald Ford was elected president.

Critical Thinking Write your answers in the space provided. (30 points)

21. Name three things that show that the American economy was booming after World War II.

1) American industry was revitalized by the war

2) The middle class, GDP and productivity grew

3) The congress created the council of economic advisers

22. Name three figures who broke the color barrier, and identify the area in which each did so.

1) Jackie Robinson, age 28, becomes the first African American player in Major League
Baseball when he steps onto Ebbets Field in Brooklyn to compete for the Brooklyn

2) Martin Luther King, Jr. helped break down barriers in 1968 with the Civil Rights Movement, and
though he is not around anymore, his spirit stays with us.

3) Rosa Parks is jailed for refusing to give up her seat on a public bus to a white man, a
violation of the city’s racial segregation laws. The successful Montgomery Bus Boycott,
organized by a young Baptist minister named Martin Luther King, Jr., followed Park’s
historic act of civil disobedience .
Chapter 16 Test A (6 of 6) America Changes

Name Osman G. M. R. 017 Date 27/04/2020

23. Who were the Little Rock Nine? What hardships did they face? What did they accomplish?

The Little Rock Nine was a group of nine African American students enrolled in Little
Rock Central High School in 1957.

Faubus had declared his opposition to integration and his intention to defy a federal court
order requiring desegregation.

On September 4, 1957, the first day of classes at Central High, Governor Orval Faubus
called in the Arkansas National Guard to block the black students’ entry into the high
school. Later that month, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent in federal troops to
escort the Little Rock Nine into the school. It drew national attention to the civil rights

24. Contrast the presidencies of Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan. Explain two ways in which they
differed from each other.

1) The role of government in the American economy and society was a significant component in
the presidencies of both Johnson and Reagan. Johnson's Great Society program, with its
significant expansion of the welfare state, represented the high point of post-war liberalism.
Reagan's rollback of government was, in turn, the defining element of the conservative
revolution of the 1980s.

2) Both Reagan and Johnson were young men during the days of the Great Depression. Yet, they
derived radically different lessons from their respective experiences. Reagan, though initially a
New Deal Democrat, came to believe that government was a burden, especially on
businesses, and was intruding more and more into people's lives, restricting their liberty and
undermining their capacity to stand on their own two feet.

25. Do you think the women’s movement improved women’s lives? Why or why not?

Yes, I think that the movement made women campaign for reforms on issues such as reproductive
rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women's suffrage, and they got all of that
from the women's movement

The Growth of Our Country

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