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Unit 12A: Present Perfect

We use present perfect to have things that happened in the past, but we do not specify exactly when.


 Affirmative: Subject + have/has + v. past participle + (complement).

 Negative: Subject + have/has + not + v. past participle + (complement).*
 Interrogative: (Question word) + have/has + subject + v. past participle + (complement)?
*You can use the contractions haven’t or hasn’t in negative cases.
 Short answer: Yes, + subject + have/has. No, + subject have/has.


-Have you been to New York.

-Yes, I have. I walked at the Central Park and went to the zoo.

I haven’t tried that kind of food before.

Have you read the news today?

I haven’t heard of him for a while.

My cousin has left to Germany.

The child has cut his hair.

Prepared by teacher Daniela A.

Prepared by teacher Daniela A.

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