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BASIC INFORMATION : Back to the future

I) Escribir preguntas con respuestas de 12 a 16 . (La entrega 1 y 2 es trabajo

colaborativo. Final exposición individual final.
 First and last name
 Age
 Place and date of birth
 Family members
 Job or occupation
 Favorite color and clothes
 Important events (names and dates of schools: kindergarten, primary, high
school and university, # of children they had, work, etc.)

1. What is your name?

My name is David Francisco

2. How old are you?

I am 63 years old

3. Where were you born?

I was born in Bagua

4. When you were born?

I was born on January 4, 1999

5. What is your favorite color?

My favorite colors are black and gray.

6. What is your occupation?

I am a civil engineering

7. What is the name of your parents?

My mom is Yojanny Vasquez and mi dad is David Mija.

8. Do you have sisters?

Yes, I have two sisters.

9. In which school did you study?

I studied at the public school Manuel Antonio Mesones Muro.

10. When do you finish school?

I finished high school in 2015

11. In which university did you study?

I studied in UTP

12. Are you married?

yes, I am.

13. Do you have children?

Yes, I have two children.

14. What do you do in your free time?

I always spend time with my family


Part 1

 What is he doing?
He is taking photo on the pimentel dock.
 What is he wearing?
He wears a gray t-shirt and shorts.
 What season is it?
It is summer
 What is the weather like?
The weather was cool and cloudy.
 Where was the photo taken?
The photo was taken in Pimentel –

 What is he doing?
He is visiting a Civil construction work.
 What are she wearing?
He is wearing a t-shirt and Safety helmet.
 What season is it?
It is summer.
 What is the weather like?
The weather was sunny and hot.
 Where was the photo taken?
The photo was taken in Piura.

• What are He doing?

he is receiving a trophy with his dad
• What are he wearing?
He is wearing a jacket, a T-shirt and pants.
• What season is it?
It is winter.
• What is the weather like?
The weather was cold and windy.
• Where was the photo taken?
The photo was taken in Trujillo.
Part 2

1. Which country are you going to visit?

I am going to visit Budapest.

2. Where is it located?

Budapest is the capital of Hungary.

3. When would you like to travel?

I would like to travel in September, the weather is good and there are not many tourists.

4. Who are you going with?

I'm going with my partner.

5. How are you going to get there?

I'm going to travel by plane.

6. Where are you going to stay?

I'm going to stay in a hotel

7. Interesting places to go sightseeing.

Bdapest has many tourist sites: Budapest Parliament, Budapest Spas, Fisherman's
Bastion and Matthias Church.

8. What typical food are you going to try?

I'm going to eat Gulyás.

9. What are they like?

Goulash is a very popular dish in Hungarian cuisine, it is a spicy dish, made mainly with
meat, onions, pepper and paprika.

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