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Balance ration and its characteristics & Feeding of cattle

Kishore pd kayastha
Course: # ANU 223
Lecture #:

To sustain life, the nutrient in the feeds is must and should work within the body;

1. Provide energy sources

2. Built tissue
3. Regulates metabolic process

1. Provide energy sources

Carbohydrates. Dietary carbohydrates such as starches and sugar provides body’s

primary source of fuel for heat and energy. They also maintain the body’s back-up store
of quick energy as glycogen, sometimes called “animal starch “ Human energy is
measured in heat units called kilocalories, abbreviated kcalorie or kcal Each gram of
carbohydrate consumed yields 4 kilocalories (calories or kcal) of body energy. This
number is called “fuel factor” for carbohydrates. In a well balanced diet, carbohydrate
should provide about 55% to 66% of the total kcalories.

Fats. Dietary fats, from both animal and plant sources, provide the body secondary,
or storage, form of heat and energy. It is a more conconrtated form of energy, yielding
9 kcal for each gram consumed. Thus its fuel factor is 9. in a well balanced- diet, fats
should provtde no more than 25% to 30% of total kcalories, with the majority of this
amount, approximately two thirds, being unsaturated fats from plant sources.

Proteins. The body may draw on dietry or tissue protein to obtain needed energy when
the supply of the fule form carbohydrates and fats is insufficient. When this occur,
protein can yield a kcal/g , making its fuel factor 4. In a well- balanced diet, quality
protein should provide about 15% of total kcalories. Thus, through protein
primary function in tissue function is tissue building, some of it may be available for as
energy needed.

2. Tissue Building

Proteins. The primary function of protein is tissue building. Dietary protein provides
amino acid, the building units necessary for constructing and repairing body tissue. This
is a constant process that ensures growth and maintenance of a strong body structure and
vital substances for its tissue functions.

Other Nutrients. Several other nutrients that contribute to building and maintaining
tissues are describe as follows;

Minerals: Two major minerals, Calcium and phosphorus, function in building and
maintaining bone tissue. Iron contributes to building the oxygen carrier hemoglobin in
red blood cells.

Vitamins: An example of vitamins used in tissue building is that of vitamin C in

developing the cementing inter-cellular ground substances. This substances helps built
strong tissue and prevent tissue damage.

Fatty acids: Fatty acids derived from fat metabolism help build the central fat
substances of cell walls, which promotes transport of fat soluble materials across the cell

3. Regulation and Control

All of the multiple chemical processes in the body, required for providing energy and
building tissue, must be carefully regulated and control to maintain a smooth, balanced
operation. Otherwise, there would be chaos ( confusion) within the body system, and
death would result. Live and health result from a dynamic balance among all the body
parts and processes are described in the following list.

Vitamins: Many vitamins function as coenzyme factors, components of cell enzyme., in

governing chemical reactions in cell metabolism. This is true, for example, of most the B-
complex vitamins.

Minerals: Many minerals also serve as coenzyme factors with cell enzymes in cell
metabolism. An interesting structural example is that of cobalts, which is central
constituent of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and function with this vitamin to combat anemia.

Other Nutrient: Water and fiber also functions as regulatory agents. In fact water is the
fundamental agent for life itself, providing the essential base for all metabolic process.
Dietary fiber helps to regulate the passage of food material through the gastrointestinal
tract and influences absorption of various nutrients.


Williams, R. S. 1995. Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy 10th Edition. Pub. Mosby.

Review Question
Question: Describe the Role of Various Nutrients in the Ration of Livestock and
Poultry feeding?

Date: 29 April, 2016 (2073/01/17 ( 12-2 PM)

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