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HRM Syllabus Spring 2020

Human Resource Management
HRPO 2301
1. Semester with CRN (Course Reference Number).
2. Instructor Name: Trần Anh Tùng
3. Instructor Contact Information: 0913 408 267
4. Instructor Scheduled Office Hours: Thursday
5. Campus and Room Location with Days and Times
Quang Trung Tower, Room 305
Thursday: 07:30 - 11:00
6. Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (Lecture, Lab) if applicable:
Credit Hours: 3
7. Total Course Contact Hours: 48
8. Type of Instruction: Lecture
9. Course Description:
Human resource management links human-related activities with business strategies. The course
develops an important understanding of the roles and functions of various human resource activities
within an organization, providing students with a comprehensive assessment of key concepts,
techniques, and issues.
10. Course Prerequisite(s): Principles of management
11. Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLO)
A. Identify essential management skills necessary for career success.
B. Describe the relationships of social responsibility, ethics, and law in business.
C. Construct a business plan.
D. Examine the role of strategic human resource planning in support of organizational mission and
E. Describe the impact of corporate culture and atmosphere on employee behavior.
12. Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Learning Objectives (LO): Numbering
system should be linked to SLO
Student Learning Outcomes Learning Objectives (LOs)
1. Explain how organization's 1.1. Explain how an organization's human resources influence its performance (Ch.1)
human resources influence its 1.2. Describe workplace changes/ trends and HR initiatives to cope with (Ch.1)
performance and how
1.3. Distinguish between the role of the HR Department and the role of
organization copes with
other managers (Ch.1)
present and emerging human
resource challenges. 1.4. Identify and formulate the HR strategies to achieve sustained competitive
advantage (Ch.1)
2. Understand the contexts of 2.1. Explain how different perspectives (organizational structure, group and
human resource management individual) impact to the managing of human resource (Ch.2)
2.2. Conduct a job analysis and prepare job descriptions and specifications (Ch. 2)
2.3. Distinguish the variety of flexible workforce (Ch.2)
2.4. Define some main principles in HR laws and regulations (such as EEO)
which companies have to comply with (Ch.3)
2.5. Describe the challenges in managing employee diversity (Ch.4)

3. Demonstrate knowledge in 3.1. Compare and contrast different methods in recruiting and selecting
staffing process. employees (Ch.5)
3.2. Explain the impact of employee seperations, downsizing and outplacement over
the organization's performance (Ch.6)

13. Instructional Methods

Face to Face (100%)
14. Textbook with title, edition, author, ISBN number and publisher
Dessler, G., (2016). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (Fourth Edition) Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
15. Other Required Materials
16. Course Policies on Make-up Exams, Late Assignments, Tardiness
The use of laptops and tablets in class for presentation purpose and review session is allowed.
Other purposes of electronic device use are not accepted in class as they may drive students to
distraction from lectures, and in closed-book exams. All cell phones, if not in urgent case, must be
muted or in vibration mode to avoid academic process disruption. Emergency call can be made out
of class.
Make-up Exam Policy: Make-up exams will not be given unless the student has a verifiable, valid
excuse that has been discussed with and agreed by the instructor in advance. At Instructor’s sole
discretion for very limited cases, provisions for missed exams may be made for extraordinary
situations. Students who may miss an exam should make every effort to get written permission
from instructor prior to the exam.
Attendance: Regular class attendance is expected, and poor attendance may reduce a student’s
class discussion grade. Students are expected to submit their written absence request to the office or
instructor before class. Those who are absent more than six (6) hours will be dropped from the
course and will receive an F.
17. Instructor’s Requirements (such as tardiness policy, …)
18. Plagiarism Policy
Acts of plagiarism include but are not limited to:
 Submit other people’s works to get points.
 Copy words or ideas without citing source and author’s name.
 Do not use quotation marks for direct citation.
 Cite the wrong source.
 Change the wording but sentence structure without citing author’s name.
 Borrow words/ phrases from a source without using quotation marks or with making negligible
 Copy too many words or ideas that make up the most of personal work, regardless of whether
source and author’s name are cited.
 Copy information from Internet such as company information, market information etc.
 Use Google Translation to write up papers, regardless of whether you use your own ideas or
borrow ideas.
 Use Google Translation to write up papers by translating Vietnamese from existing Vietnamese
study materials/ sources into English.

* If you are caught red-handed, you will receive a zero on the assignment. F grade for the
course will be applied in case such violation continues.

19. Grading scheme

Full Attendance 10%
HRM project report 20%
Chapter Presentation 20%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 30%
The final grade will be evaluated based on the final score as below:
Grade Final Score
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 0-59
  The passing grade of this course is D.
Attendance and participation (10%)
Regular attendance is required. If you miss class, you will be responsible for any work missed during
your absence and will have your class participation grade reduced. You are also highly encouraged to
join in class discussion by giving questions, answers or comments. Your grade will be given based
on your regular attendance and quality of contribution to class discussion.
Chapter presentation (20%)
Each group of 3 - 4 students will make a presentation for a pre-assigned chapter relating to the theory
you learn in class. Your group presentation must summarize theory discussed in the chapter and
integrate self-experience reflection. Group presentation should last 20 - 30 minutes not including Q
& A section and must contain PowerPoint slides.
HRM project report (20%)
Project Human Resource Management includes the processes required to make the most effective
use of the people involved with the project, which involves Organizational Planning - identifying,
documenting, and assigning project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships. Your group
written report and presentation must give situation summary, disclose thoughtful answers for all case
questions and discuss further managerial insights if any. Group written report must be at least 1000
words long. Extra sources (if any) must always be cited in your paper. PowerPoint slides and report
must be sent to my email before deadline for grading. Only soft copies are needed. At the end of the
course, I will ask group members to evaluate the contribution of their peers, and I will consider
remarks when giving you final grade.
20. Course Calendar
Week Date Lecture
1 Jan 09th CHAPTER 3: Human Resource Strategy and Analysis
2 Jan 16th CHAPTER 3: Human Resource Strategy and Analysis (cont'd) & Project Discussion
February 03 – May Cancelled due to Coronavirus outbreak
3 May 14th CHAPTER 4: Job Analysis and Talent Management
2020 CHAPTER 5: Personnel Planning and Recruiting
4 May 21st CHAPTER 6: Selecting Employees - Project Discussion
2020 CHAPTER 7: Training and Developing Employees
5 May 28 CHAPTER 8: Performance Management and Appraisal + Review for Mid-term
6 June 4th Midterm Exam + Chapter 8 (Continued)
7 June 11th CHAPTER 9: Managing Careers - Project Discussion
2020 CHAPTER 10: Developing Compensation Plans
8 June 18 CHAPTER 11: Pay for Performance and Employee Benefits -
2020 Project Discussion

9 June 25th CHAPTER 12: Maintaining Positive Employee Relations

10 July 2nd HRM Project - Final Review & Submission
11 July 9th Final examination
21. Exam Format

Exam Type (closed-book) No. of Questions Duration Points Chapters

Mid MC (paper-based) 40 50 mins 60 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Term Essay 2 70 mins 40 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Exam Type (closed-book) No. of Questions Duration Points Chapters
Final MC (paper-based) 40 50 mins 60 8,9,10,11,12
Essay 2 70 mins 40 8,9,10,11,12

22. Academic Honesty

Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course
requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by SaigonTech officials
against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. The penalties are regulated clearly in “Policy
no.2 about Plagiarism, SaigonTech catalog 2015” which is available at in SaigonTech’s website.
 Acts of plagiarism include but are not limited to:
 Submit other people’s works to get points (Nộp bài làm của người khác để lấy điểm cho
 Copy completely or partly from the text translated by translation tool such as Google
translation etc (Sao chép nguyên văn, hoặc một phần từ các công cụ dịch thuật)
 Copy words or ideas without citing source and author’s name (Sao chép từ hoặc ý tưởng
của người khác mà không nêu nguồn tài liệu và tên tác giả được trích dẫn).
 Do not use quotation marks for direct citation (Không đặt dấu ngoặc kép trong các trích dẫn
nguyên văn).
 Cite the wrong source (Đưa thông tin sai về nguồn của một trích dẫn).
 Change the wording but sentence structure without citing author’s name (Thay đổi từ ngữ
nhưng vẫn giữ nguyên cấu trúc câu của một nguồn tài liệu mà không nêu tên tác giả).
 Borrow words/ phrases from a source without using quotation marks or with making
negligible change (Vay mượn từ/ cụm từ của một nguồn tài liệu mà không đặt dấu ngoặc
kép hoặc chỉ thay đổi chúng một cách qua loa).
 Copy too many words or ideas that make up the most of personal work, regardless of
whether source and author’s name are cited (Sao chép quá nhiều từ ngữ hoặc ý tưởng từ
một nguồn tài liệu làm cho các ý tưởng đó chiếm phần lớn bài làm của mình, bất kể có nêu
tên nguồn hoặc tác giả hay không)
 Copy information from Internet such as company information, market information etc. (Sao
chép thông tin từ Internet (thông tin công ty, thông tin thị trường v.v)
 Cooperate with other students to do the exams, tests and other assignments without
permission of the Instructor (Cộng tác với sinh viên khác trong lúc làm bài thi/kiểm tra hoặc
trong các bài tập mà không được phép của giáo viên)
 Use one assignment to submit for different classes without permission of the Instructor (Sử
dụng hoặc nộp cùng một bài làm cho nhiều lớp khác nhau mà không được phép của giáo
viên môn học)
 Have other people do the exams, tests and other assignments for you (Đi thi hộ hoặc nhờ
người khác thi hộ mình trong kỳ thi/ kiểm tra hoặc làm giúp hay nhờ người khác làm bài tập
cho mình)

Signature of Dean Signature of Instructor

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