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No more sharing

Posting on social media can impact negatively on our privacy, time management and social life.

First of all, loss of privacy is one of the disadvantages of posting on social media. In

fact, every single photo or video uploaded can yield revealing details about people’s life.

Whether it is where they work, where they are, what they can/not afford or where they spend

their holidays. Whether they are engaged/married, and what their partner looks like. Whether

they have kids and what they do with them; or how they educate them. Some people can even

be stalked and followed where they actually are. Stirring up people’s curiosity and opening up a

breach that anyone can walk through.

In addition to privacy infringement, wasting time is another negative infect of posting.

Posters spend a lot of time taking a good picture, treating them before sharing and waiting for

follower’s likes and comments instead of focusing on useful things, studying or practicing sport

Secondly, posters can also waist other people’s time. According to the reading, most costumers

are so busy taking pictures in restaurants that their food cools down and servers had to reheat it

and this is a waste of precious time.

Lastly, social media can affect behavior, and relationships. Teenagers, especially, by

virtue of their young age, run a greater risk of being overwhelmed by what is shared on social

media. For example when a young person sees people sharing pictures of a luxury restaurant or

that of their vacations he probably will ask His/her family to go visit that restaurant; but if the

parents cannot afford, this can generate great tension between the youth and his/her family,

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and infuse feelings jealousy in the youth’s psyche. Besides, the teenager’s overuse of social

media can cause him/her a sort of schizophrenia living real and virtual lives simultaneously and

becoming unable to confront the society or even have simple arguments in real life.

In conclusion, privacy infringement, poor time management, and destruction of

behavior and relationships are some of the negative impacts of sharing life on social media.


Dell Customer Communication - Confidential

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