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SEMESTER 2 2018/2019

3.1 Vectors in Rn
3.1.1 Vectors in the plane, R2 - recall

A vector is characterized by two quantities (length and direction) and

is represented by a directed line segment.
Geometrically, a vector in the plane is represented by a directed
line segment whose initial point is the origin and whose terminal
point is the point (x1 , x2 ) (as shown in the following figure):
3.1 Vectors in Rn (cont.)
3.1.1 Introduction
Vectors in the plane - recall

The vector represented

by the same ordered
Terminal point
pair used to represent
its terminal point , that
x = (x1 , x2 )
x = (8, 10)

Initial Point The coordinates x1 & x2 are

called the components of
vector x
SMA3013 LINEAR ALGEBRA SEM 2 2014/2015

3.1 Vectors in Rn (cont.)

Vector in Rn

 The discussion of vector in the plane, R2 can be extended to a

discussion of vector in n–space.

 An ordered n-tuple represents a vector in n–space.

An ordered triple has the form (x1,x2,x3) ,
An ordered quadruple has the form (x1,x2,x3 ,x4).

 A general ordered n-tuple has the form (x1,x2,x3,…,xn).

 The set of all n-tuple is called n–space (denoted by Rn).

SMA3013 LINEAR ALGEBRA SEM 2 2014/2015

3.2 Vector Spaces

3.2.1 Vector Space
Definition (Vector Space)
Let V be a set on which two operations, called addition and scalar multiplication, have been
defined. If u & v are in V, the sum of u & v, ( u + v) and if c is a scalar multiple of u, (cu),
then,V is called a vector space if the following axioms hold for all u, v, w in V and scalar c

1. u + v  V Closure under addition

2. u + v = v + u Commutative property
3. (u + v) + w = u + (v + w) Associative property
4. Exist 0V (zero vector) such that u + 0 = u Additive Identity
5. For all uV, exist -uV such that u + (-u) = 0 Additive Inverse
6. cu V Closure under scalar multiplication
7. c(u + v) = cu + cv Distributive Property
8. (c + d)u = cu + du Distributive Property
9. (cd)u = c(du) Associative property
10. 1u = u Scalar Identity
SMA3013 LINEAR ALGEBRA SEM 2 2014/2015

3.2 Vector Spaces (Cont..)

3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)

“scalar” is always referred as real number.
Eg. 1, 2, 3, -3, 5, …
Also possible for scalars to be complex numbers. In this case, V is called
complex vector space.
SMA3013 LINEAR ALGEBRA SEM 2 2014/2015

3.2 Vector Spaces (Cont..)

Examples of vector spaces:

1. The set R of real numbers R is a vector space over R.
2. The set R2 of all ordered pairs of real numbers is a vector space over R.
3. The set Rn of all ordered n−tuples of real numbers is a vector space over R.
4. The set C(R) of all continuous functions defined on the real number line, is a
vector space over R.
5. The set C([a, b])) of all continuous functions defined on interval [a, b] is a
vector space over R.
6. The set P of all polynomials, with real coefficients is a vector space over R.
7. The set Pn of all polynomials of degree ≤ n, with real coefficients is a vector
space over R.
8. The set Mm,n of all m × n matrices, with real entries, is a vector space over R.
SMA3013 LINEAR ALGEBRA SEM 2 2014/2015

3.2 Vector Spaces (Cont..)

To show that the set is a vector space, we must verify all
ten axioms.

Example (the vector space of all polynomials of degree 2)

Let P2 be the set of all polynomials of degree 2,
p( x)  a2 x 2  a1 x  a0 where a0 , a1 and a2 are real numbers.
Show that that P2 is a vector space.
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)

Let p( x)  a0  a1 x  a2 x 2 & q( x)  b0  b1 x  b2 x 2

1. To show p(x) + q(x) P2

p( x)  q( x)  (a0  a1 x  a2 x 2 )  (b0  b1 x  b2 x 2 )
 (a0  b0 )  (a1  b1 ) x  (a2  b2 ) x 2

Since p(x) + q(x) has degree at most 2 , then

p(x) + q(x) P2.
3.2 Vector Spaces (Cont..)
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)
2. To show p ( x)  q ( x)  q ( x)  p ( x)

p( x)  q( x)  (a0  a1 x  a2 x 2 )  (b0  b1 x  b2 x 2 )
 (a0  b0 )  (a1  b1 ) x  (a2  b2 ) x 2

 (b0  a0 )  (b1  a1 ) x  (b2  a2 ) x 2

 (b0  b1 x  b2 x 2 )  (a0  a1 x  a2 x 2 )
 q ( x)  p ( x)

3. To show ( p( x)  q( x))  r ( x)  p( x)  (q( x)  r ( x))

Let r ( x)  c0  c1 x  c2 x 2
3.2 Vector Spaces (Cont..)
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)

( p( x)  q( x))  r ( x)
 [(a0  a1 x  a2 x 2 )  (b0  b1 x  b2 x 2 )]  (c0  c1 x  c2 x 2 )
 [(a0  b0 )  (a1  b1 ) x  (a2  b2 ) x 2 ]  (c0  c1 x  c2 x 2 )

 (a0  b0 )  c0  [(a1  b1 )  c0 ]x  [(a2  b2 )  c2 ]x 2

 a0  (b0  c0 )  [a1  (b1  c0 )]x  [a2  (b2  c2 )]x 2

 (a0  a1 x  a2 x2 )  [(b0  c0 )  (b1  c0 ) x  (b2  c2 ) x 2 ]

 (a0  a1 x  a2 x2 )  [(b0  b1 x  b2 x 2 )  (c0  c1 x  c2 x 2 )]

 p( x)  (q( x)  r ( x)) : RHS

Then, ( p( x)  q( x))  r ( x)  p( x)  (q( x)  r ( x))

3.2 Vector Spaces (Cont..)
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)
4. 0P2 since 0 + 0x + 0x2, (all coefficient are zero)

5. The negative polynomial in P2

The negative polynomial p(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 is the polynomial;
- p(x) = - a0 – a1x – a2x2 .
6. To show cuP2
cP(x) = (ca0) + (ca1)x + (ca2)x2
cP(x) P2 .
7. To show c(p(x) + q(x)) = cp(x) + cq(x) .

c( p( x)  q( x))
 c((a0  b0 )  (a1  b1 ) x  (a2  b2 ) x 2 )
 c(a0  b0 )  c(a1  b1 ) x  c(a2  b2 ) x 2
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)

 ca0  cb0  ca1 x  cb1 x  ca2 x 2  cb2 x 2

 (ca0  ca1 x  ca2 x2 )  (cb0  cb1 x  cb2 x2 )
 cp( x)  cq( x).

With similar steps, we prove;

8. (c + d) p(x) = cp(x) + dp(x).

9. c(dp(x)) = (cd)p(x).

10. 1p(x) = p(x).

3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)

Let V = R2 with the usual definition of addition but the following definition of
scalar multiplication:

 x  cx 
c    
 y  0 
Then, Need to check the
other nine axioms.
(by counterexample)
But, if one of the
axioms has already
 2  2  2 failed, then don’t
1       
 3  0   3 need to check the
other axioms.

Thus, axiom 10 fails.

3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)

Let C2 denote the set all ordered pairs of complex numbers. Define addition
and scalar multiplication as in R2, except here the scalars are complex
For example;  1  i   3  2i   2  3i 
 2  3i    4    6  3i 
     
 1  i   (1  i )(1  i ) 
(1  i)    
 2  3i   (1  i )(2  3i ) 
 2 
 
 1  5i 
Using properties of the complex numbers, it is straight forward to check that all
ten axioms are hold.
Therefore, C2 ia a complex vector space.
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)
• In general, Cn is a complex vector space for all n  1.
• The following theorem contains some useful properties of vector spaces.

Theorem (Properties of Scalar Multiplication of vector Space)

Let V be a vector space, u a vector in V, and c a scalar.
a. 0u = 0
b. c0= 0
c. (-1)u = -u
d. If cu = 0 then c = 0 or u = 0.
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)
Proof: (b)

c0  c(0  0)
 c0  c0 by axiom 4 & 7

Adding the negative of c0 to both sides produces

c0  (c0)  (c0  c0)  (c0)

0  c0  (c0  (c0)) axiom 3

 c0  0 axiom 5
 c0 axiom 4

Then, c0 = 0.
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.1 Vector Space (cont.)
d. Suppose cu = 0.

(To show either c = 0 or u = 0)

Let c0.
Then, 1/c is defined and

u  1.u axiom 10 Note:

1  If c = 0, there is nothing
  .c  u to prove.
c 
 (cu) axiom 9
 (0)
0 .
3.2 Vector Spaces
Exercises: (Vector Space)

1.Determine whether the set, together with the indicated operations, is a vector
space. If it is not, identify at least one of the vector space axioms that fails.

i.The set
with the standard operations in R2.

ii.The set with the standard operations in R2.

iii.The set Answer:

i.Not a vector space –
axiom 6 failed.
with the standard operations. ii.Vector space
iii.Vector space
iv.The set iv.Not a vector space –
axiom 6 failed

with the standard operations.

3.2 Vector Spaces
Exercises: (Vector Space) – cont.

2.Suppose that the operations of addition and scalar multiplication in R2 are

defined as follows:




With these new definitions, is R2 is a vector space? Justify your answer.

i. Not vector space – axiom 8 fails
ii.Not vector space - Axiom 2 / 4/5/8 fails
iii.Not vector space – axiom 6/8/9 fails
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space

The notion of a subspace of

a vector space rises from the
possibility for one vector
space to sit another one.

Definition (Subspace of Vector Space)

A subset W of a vector space V is called the subspace of V if W is itself
a vector space with the same scalars, addition & scalar multiplication as
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)

Theorem (Test for a subspace of Vector Space)

Let V be a vector space and let W be a nonempty subset of V. Then W is
a subspace of V if and only if the following conditions hold:
a. If u and v are in W, then u+v in W.
b. If u in W and c is a scalar then, cu in W.

To check whether a subset W of a

vector space V is a subspace of V
involves testing only three of the
ten vector space axioms.
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)
Show that the set W of all vectors of the form   is a
 b 
 
subspace of vector space R4. a


1. W is nonempty because:
0 W (if a = 0, b = 0)
0 
0 
0    W
0 
 
0 
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)
2. To show u + w  W

a c 
b d 
u  and v 
 b   d 
   
a c 
a c 
b d 
uv    
 b   d 
   
a c 
 ac 
 bd 
 
 (b  d ) 
 
 ac 
Then, u + v W.
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)
3. To show kuW.

Let k be a scalar,

 a   ka 
 b   kb 
ku  k     
 b   (kb) 
   
  
a ka 

Then, kuW.

Therefore, W is a subspace of R4.

3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)

Show that the set W of all polynomials of the form

a  bx  bx 2  ax3
is a subspace of vector space P3.


1. W is nonempty since;

p0 W (if a=b=0)

p0  0  0 x  0 x 2  0 x3

2. To show (p(x) + q(x)) in W.

3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)

Let p( x)  a  bx  bx 2  ax3
q( x)  c  dx  dx 2  cx3
p( x)+ q( x)  (a  c)  (b  d ) x  (b  d ) x 2  (a  c) x3
p( x)+ q( x) W .
3. To show kp(x) in W.

kp( x)  ka  (kb) x  (kb) x2  (ka) x3

then, kp( x) W .

Then, W is a subspace of P3.

3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)

Let W be the set of all 2x2 matrices of the form

 a a  1
0 b 

Is W is a subspace of vector space M22?

Note that each matrix
Since 0 0 in W has the property
0  W , entry a12 is one more
 0 0  than its entry a11.

Then, W is not a subspace of M22.

3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)

Let W be the set of symmetries nxn matrices. Show that W is a subspace of

(Hint: AW then AT= A.)


1. 0 W since 0T  0.

2. To show A+BW for A, B in W.

Let A, BW.
AT = A
BT = B
3.2 Vector Spaces
3.2.2 Subspace of Vector Space (cont.)
(A + B)T = AT + BT
= A + B.
(A+B) is symmetric.
Therefore, (A+B) in W.

3. Let c be a scalar, A in W.
(cA)T = cAT
= (cA)
(cA) is symmetric.
Thus, (cA) in W.
Therefore, W is a subspace of Mnn.
3.2 Vector Spaces
Exercises: (Subspace of Vector Space)

1.Verify that W is a subspace of vector space V. In each case, assume that V has
the standard operations.

i. W is the set of all 22 matrices of the form

ii. W is the set of all 32 matrices of the form

2.Which of the following sets are subspaces of P3. (Show your steps)




Answer: Subspace – 2(i), (ii) (iii) – not subspace since 0C

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