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Lean6™ Leanmap.

Six Sigma for Excel Quality Processes Navigating to Results

Crosby's 14-step quality improvement process

1 Management commitment Make this crystal clear to all in deed as well in words
2 Quality improvement team Setup Quality Improvement Teams (QIT) with people from all departments.
3 Quality measurement Determine status of non-conformance through-out the organization.
4 Cost of quality Estimate Cost Of Non-Conformance (CONC) to pinpoint opportunities.
5 Quality awareness Provide means of raising personal concern for quality in ALL employees.
6 Corrective Action Develop systematic means of resolving forever, concerns found in previous steps
7 Right first time planning Plan for company-wide first-time quality (Zero Defect Philosophy)
8 Quality education & training Train everyone in Quality Improvement Process (QIP)
9 Launch right first time As the company performance standard
10 Goal setting Encourage self-setting of Quality Improvement (QI) goals.
11 Error cause removal (ECR) Ensure reporting of inhibitors to error-free work and timely response.
12 Recognition Show appreciation of those participating.
13 Quality council participation Form liaison body.
14 Do it all over again It is a never-ending process.

Juran's six stages of quality planning

1 Identify the customers at each stage of the process.
2 Determine customer needs and expectations.
3 Develop product/service features that meet customer's needs, specifications and expectations.
4 Set quality goals to meet customer and supplier needs at minimum combined cost.
5 Develop resources to provide the needed product/service features.
6 Ensure resources are capable of meeting quality goals under operating conditions - right the first time.

Juran's seven stages of control

1. Choose control parameters - what to control DEFINE
2. Define unit of measure.
3. Establish standards of performance.
4. Create methods of measurement.
5. Measure performance. CONTROL Six MEASURE
6. Interpret the results: actual vs. standard/target. Sigma
7. Take action on the difference.
The Deming PDCA circle
1 Plan: Project theme IMPROVE ANALYZE
2 Do: analyze situation, new thinking, counter-measures
3 Check: effectiveness
4 Act: set standards, future plans

Deming's 14 obligations Deming's chain reaction

1 Create constancy of purpose for continual improvement 1 Improve quality
2 Adopt to new philosophy 2 Improve productivity
3 Cease dependence on mass inspection to achieve quality 3 Decrease cost
4 End practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone 4 Decrease price
5 Improve constantly and forever every activity in the company 5 Increase market
6 Institute modern methods of training. 6 Stay in business
7 Institute positive approach to supervision. 7 Provide more jobs
8 Drive out fear.
9 Break down barriers. Six Sigma improvement cycle
10 Stop exhortation: provide read-map. 1 Define: state the problem
11 Eliminate work-standards that prescribe quotas alone. 2 Measure: collect data
12 Remove barriers that impede pride of workmanship. 3 Analyze: identify root causes
13 Institute a vigorous program of self-improvement. 4 Improve: eliminate root causes
14 Create a structure to push the above points relentlessly. 5 Control: stabilize/control performance

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