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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy, India.

Sri Bhaskar Bhavan & Mayuri Bhavan, Vijayawada
Sec: Sr.ICON-ALL (SBB-IPL-IC & STAR-1A) Date: 06-12-2019
Environmental chemistry Chemistry Assignment
01. Eutrophication of a lake means, it :
1) is low in nutrients 2) is high in nutrients
3) has ahigh temperature 4) has excess amount of organic matter
02. Lack of oxygen at high altitude produces :
1) bends 2) anoxia 3) asthma 4) artificial respire
03. A fertile soil is likely to have a pH of:
1)3 2)9 3) 6-7 4) 14
04. Rain containing dissolved air pollutants like oxides of S, N and C are referred to as :
1) artificial rain 2) acid rain 3) hails 4) none of these
05. Which of the following metals is not a pollutant ?
1) Mercury 2) arsenic 3) lead 4) aluminium
06. It is dangerous to leave the car engine running in a closed garage, because it may
cause serious pollution due to poisoning by emission of
1) CO 2 2) CO 3) unburnt petrol 4) SO 2
07. Mercury is emitted into air by :
1) burning coal 2) burning garbage 3) Coal fire 4)steam Engine
08. Which of the following is not greenhouse gas ?
1) CO 2 2) CFCs 3) CH 4 4) CH3Br vapour
09. Highly toxic gas which causes headache, visual difficulty, paralysis and even death :
1) CO 2 2) O 3 3) CO 4) All of these
10. Aerobic oxidation is caused by :
1) Aerobic bacteria in presence of excess of oxygen
2) Anaerobic bacteria in presence of insufficient oxygen
3) aerobic bacteria in the absence of oxygen
4) both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria in any condition
11. Sulphur dioxide present in the industrial chimney exhaust causes .
1) respiratory and lung disease
2) reduction in plant’s productivity owing to acid rain
3) corrosion of building materials 4) all of the above
12. Lead exhausted in the atmosphere by automobiles using leaded petrol (i.e,
tetraethyllead for improving octane number) is a lethal air pollutant, which cause :
1) paralysis of muscles and loss of appetile
2) nervous depression 3) gastritis and diarrhea 4) all of the above
13. Carbonaceous particles having size less than 10−6 m are called :
1) grill 2) aggregates 3) aerosols 4) smoke
Jee-Main_2020 (Jan-Month)_Final Revision Schedule Assignments
14. The principal gas evolved from sludge digestion tank is :
1) CO 2) CO 2 3) CH 4 4) N 2
15. Main pollutants released from iron and steel industry is:
1) CO, CO2 and SO2 2) No, SO3 and H2 S
3) CO2 ,H2S and NO2 4) CO2 , NO2 and SO3
16. London smog is found in:
1) summer during day time 2) summer during morning time
3) winter during morning time 4) Summer during night time
17. The size of particulate of H 2SO 4 fog lies in the range :
1) 5 − 100 nm 2) 100 − 500 nm 3) 500 − 1000 nm 4) 1000 − 10000 nm
18. White lung cancer is caused by
1) asbestos 2) silica 3) textiles 4) paper
19. Minimata disease is caused due to the presence of …… water
1) Cd 2) Pb 3) As 4) Hg
20. In antarctica, ozone depletion is due to the formation of the following compound:
1) acrolein 2) PAN 3) SO 2 and SO3 4) Chlorine nitrate 5) formaldehyde
21. Which of the following acts as rocket propellants ?
1) Liq.H 2 + Liq.O 2 2) Liq.N 2 + Liq.O 2
3) Liq.H 2 + Liq.N 2 4) Liq.O 2 + Liq.Argon
22 Transition metals form complexes in their zero oxidation state. The example of the
above fact is :
1) Mn 2 ( CO)10 2) Cu ( NH3 )4  Cl2 3) Zn 2  Fe ( CN ) 6  4) Ag ( NH3 )2  OH
23. Photochemical smog occurs in warm, dry and sunny climate. One of the following is
not amongst the components of photochemical smog, identify it.
1) NO 2 2) O 3 3) SO 2 4) Unsaturated hydrocarbon
24. Which of the following statements is not true about classical smog ?
1) Its main components are produced by the action of sunlight on emissions of
automobiles and factories. 2) Produced in cold and humid climate
3) It contains compounds of reducing nature
4) It contains smoke, fog and sulphur dioxide.
25. Which of the following statements is wrong ?
1) Ozone is not responsible for greenhouse effect.
2) Ozone can oxidize sulphur dioxide present in the atmosphere to sulphur trioxide
3) Ozone hole is thinning of ozone layer present in stratosphere.
4) Ozone is produced in upper stratosphere by the action of UV rays on oxygen.
26. Which of the following statements about photochemical smog is wrong ?
1) It has high concentration of oxidizing agents.
2) It has low concentration of oxidizing agent
3) It can be controlled by controlling the release of NO 2 , hydrocarbons, ozone etc.
4) Plantation of some plants like pinus helps in controlling photochemical smog.

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Jee-Main_2020 (Jan-Month)_Final Revision Schedule Assignments
27. The pollutants which come directly in the air from source are called primary pollutants.
Primary pollutants are sometimes converted into secondary pollutants. Which of the
following belongs to secondary air pollutants ?
1) CO 2) Hydrocarbon 3) Peroxyacetyl nitrate 4) NO
28. Which of the following practices will not come under green chemistry ?
1) If possible, making use of soap made of vegetable oils instead of using synthetic
2) Using H 2O 2 for bleaching purpose instead of using chlorine based bleaching agents.
3) Using bicycle for traveling small distances instead of using petrol/diesel based
4) Using plastic cans for neatly storing substances.
29. Phosphate containing fertilizers cause water pollution. Addition of such compounds in
water bodies causes _____________
1) enhanced growth of algae
2) decrease in amount of dissolved oxygen in water
3) deposition of calcium phosphate 4) Increase in fish population
30. Match the terms given in Column I with the compounds given in Column II.
Column I Column II
1) Acid rain 1) CHCl2 − CHF2
2) Photochemical smog 2) CO
3) Combination with haemoglobin 3) CO 2
4) Depletion of ozone layer 4) SO 2
5) Unsaturated hydrocarbons
31. Match the pollutant(s) in Column I with the effect(s) in Column II
Column I Column II
1) Oxides of sulphur 1)Global warning
2)Nitrogen dioxide 2) Damage to kidney
3)Carbon dioxide 3) Blue baby syndrome
4) Nitrate in drinking water 4) Respiratory disease
E) Lead 5) Red haze in traffic and congested
32. Match the activity given in Column I with the type of pollution created by it given in
Column II.
Column I Column II
A) Releasing gases to the atmosphere 1) Water pollution
After burning waste material
Containing Sulphur
B) Using carbamates as pesticides 2) Photochemical smog, damage
to plant life, corrosion to
building material, induce
breathing problems, water
C) Using synthetic detergents for 3) Damaging ozone layer
Washing clothes
D) Releasing gases produced by 4) May cause nerve diseases in
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Jee-Main_2020 (Jan-Month)_Final Revision Schedule Assignments
human Automobiles and factories
in the Atmosphere
E) Using chlorofluorocarbon compounds 5) Classical smog, acid rain,
for cleaning computer parts. water pollution Induce
breathing problems, damage to
builidings, corrosion of
33. Match the pollutants given in Column I with their effects given in Column II.
Column I Column II
1) Phosphate fertilizers in water 1) BOD level of water increases
2) Methane in air 2) Acid rain
3) Synthetic detergents in water 3) Global warming
4) Nitrogen oxides in air 4) Eutrophication
34. Assertion (1) : The pH of acid rain is less than 5.6
Reason (R) : Carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere dissolves in rain water and forms
carbonic acid.
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
3) Both A and R are not correct. 4) A is not correct but R is correct.
35. Assertion (1): If BOD level of water in a reservoir is less than 5 ppm it is highly polluted.
Reason(R) : High biological oxygen demand means low activity of bacteria in water.
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
3) Both A and R are not true 4) A is not correct but R is correct.
36. The size of particulates of H2SO4 fog lies in the range
1)5 – 100 nm 2)100 – 500 nm 3)500 – 1000 nm 4)1000 – 10,000 nm
37. Photochemical smog is formed in
1) summer during morning time 2) summer during day time
3) winter during morning time 4) winter during day time
38. Which of the following statement is false?
1) London smog is oxidising in nature
2) London smog contains H2SO4 droplets
3) London smog is formed in winter
4)London smog causes bronchitis
39. The gas/es involved in the formation of photochemical fog are
1)CO2 2) SO2 3)NO 4) none of these
40. The smog is essentially caused by the presence of
1)O2 and O3 2)O2 and N2 3)Oxidise of sulphur and nitrogen 4)O3 and N2
41. Which one of the following is responsible of depletion of ozone layer in the upper
strata of the atmosphere?
1)pohyhalogens 2)Ferrocene 3)Fullerences 4)Freons
42 Pollutant of automobile exhausts that affects nervous system/produces mental
diseases is
1)Mercury 2)Lead 3)Nitrogen dioxide 4)Sulphur dioxide

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Jee-Main_2020 (Jan-Month)_Final Revision Schedule Assignments
43 . Most hazardous metal pollutant of automobile exhaust is
1)Mercury 2)Cadmium 3)Lead 4)Copper
44. The pollutant released in Bhopal gas tragedy was:
1) Ammonia 2)Methyl isocyanate 3)Mustard gas 4)Nitrous oxide
45. Acid rain is due to:
1) formation of oxides of sulphur 2)formation of oxides of nitrogen
3)formation of H2SO4 and HNO3 4)All of these
46. Which is not a source of pollution?
1)Forest fire 2)Coal fire 3)Volcanoes 4)Dust storm
47. Which of the following will increase the BOD of water supply?
1)CO2 2)O3 3)H2O 4)C2H5OH
48. A considerable part of the harmful U.V. radiation of the sun does not reach the
surface of earth because above the earth’s atmosphere, there is a layer of
1)CO2 2)O3 3)N2 4)O2
49. Which of the following process does not increase the amount of CO2 in atmosphere?
1)Decay of animals 2)Breathing
3)Photosynthesis 4)Burning of petrol
50. Which of the following is not a vehicular pollutant?
1)CO 2)NO2 3)Particulate matter 4)Hydrocarbons

1) 4 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2 5) 4 6) 2 7) 2 8) 4 9) 3 10) 1

11) 4 12) 4 13) 4 14) 3 15) 1 16) 3 17) 3 18) 3 19) 4 20) 4

21) 1 22) 1 23) 3 24) 1 25) 1 26) 2 27) 3 28) 4 29) 12 30)

31) 32) 33) 34) 2 35) 3 36) 3 37) 2 38) 1 39) 3 40) 3

41) 4 42) 2 43) 3 44) 2 45) 4 46) 4 47) 4 48) 2 49) 3 50) 4

30. 31.
32. 33.

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