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PLO Assignment 4


1. Describe an organizational situation in which you faced substantial difficulty (for

example, you were fired (not laid off, fired), you were demoted, you failed to get a job or
a promotion you wanted and thought you deserved, you were embarrassed or lost face
because of some situation, etc.).
2.     What did you do that contributed to the problems you experienced? To what extent
were the obstacles and difficulties the result of chance events over which you had no
3.     Based on the course material, what would you do differently if you encountered the
same situation today? In other words, what is the learning or what are the ideas that
have emerged in the class that you would use to help you in similar situations?

So, I worked as a Business Consultant with EBSCO Information services, handling IEEE
products for Maharashtra, where I used to sell the IEEE subscriptions to the Engineering Institutes
in Maharashtra. We were on a probation for 6 months, after which we could be given permanent
designations. I had a Business manager who was from Mumbai and I worked from my Home, Pune. I
visited 110 engineering institutes in Maharashtra, sold many subscriptions in colleges, got renewal
subscriptions, But I was not given a permanent position and my probation got extended after 6
months. This was a huge disappointment, given the efforts I put in to get new clients on board and
achieving significantly.
I did not maintain proper relationship with my Business manager who handled me
directly, he used to come to Pune once on a wee, where I meet him. He was were street smart, very
strict and had qualification not more than me. I was a B. Tech from NIT and I felt I was more
competent and smarter than him, especially when he used to give me lectures on how to sell. He
was the sole person who evaluated me on success parameters, as our HQ was in Delhi, Safdarjung. I
though in the weekly calls with the Head Sales manager who sits on Delhi, where we used to tell
out targets achieved this week, my work would be spoken and taken care of. However, I did not
realize that my manager had all bad things to say about me to the sales manager. About my attitude,
coming late to meetings etc. I got to know this from a colleague in Delhi. I had total control, if I had
spoken nicely to him, asked him for guidance, ask for suggestions, ask his opinions and just listen and
nod to what he said. I just had to face him once a week, I could have handled it much better had I
read Pfeffer. The situation was 100 percent in my control.
I would have built stronger ties with my boss, built a network with the office in Delhi weak ties
could have helped me about what he is saying to the Sales manager about me. I would have built a
network with HRs there, with the Sales manager I would have had a weak tie for sure. Where I
could have emailed him my progress every week and keep him on loop.

I would use, Ingratiation with my Manager, as he was high on ego and I would have benefited a lot.
I had observed him getting elated after some of my smart friends did use ingratiation on him. Which
did help them. I should have praised him for his huge experience in sales, asked for suggestions how
to pitch, etc.

I was of the opinion that my strong performance would be sole criterion on which I would be
evaluated post 6 months by EBSCO. I should have built ties with HR to know how the evaluation
system works in EBSCO. I would have diagnosed where the power lied, that is with the Sales
manager in Delhi. I would have definitely ingratiated him when we visited Delhi every month for
sales meets.

I would have built internal contacts in sales meets monthly in Delhi, maintained them by calling
them frequently how their sales were going, births day calls etc. Used the internal contacts to know
about Evaluation process, diagnose where power lied to decide our probation. I should have bult a
brokerage position somehow, by connecting my Manager and Sales Manager every week.

I had the resources like new clients contact info, which were not in our MIS, but found by me
through my external networks. But the mistake I did was I gave all my contacts to my Manager
whenever I found them. I should have kept these contacts with mw, and just get sales done and
show that to our Sales manager in Delhi and could have impressed him directly. This way I could
have those scarce resources of new client contacts, which would have given me power and
respect. I could have become a brokerage between new clients and EBSCO.

I could have used the networking, Impression management principles, made right connections
inside and would have diagnosed earlier where the power lied to be successful. But now I have
Pfeffer and the amazing articles from PLO, I am glad to have taken this course. Future is waiting and
I would be ready to incorporate the Pfeffer suggestions at all possible junctures of corporate life.

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