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Microsoft Word (H.W)

Information Technology

Section A
1. Open Microsoft word and type the following paragraph:

Ben’s hobby is playing all kinds of games. He likes hopscotch the most
because he always wins. Ben likes 2 run and jump. He likes playing

2. Give the title “Jill and Ben’s hobbies” at the top of the paragraph.

3. Move the last line before the sentence Ben likes to run and jump.

4. Change these words:

Find this word New word

leapfrog marbles
2 two
likes enjoys

5. Add these three sentences at the end of the paragraph.

Jill’s hobby is dancing. She practices every Saturday. She dreams of

being a ballet dancer when she grows up.

6. Change the full stop after dancing to a comma, make sure the following word
starts with small letter after comma.

7. Save your work using the file name “Hobbies” inside your folder.
Section B

1. Find and open your document Hobbies.doc from the desktop again.

2. Copy these words “dancing” , “playing” and paste it at the bottom of your

3. There are different kinds of hobbies like singing, dancing, playing, reading books.

Can you write down which one is your hobby and why you like it most?

4. Spellcheck and correct your document.

5. Type your Name and Class in the same document.

6. Save your work as “Hobbies-2” inside your folder.

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