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Good night, today we are going to talk

about Sustainable Development

With my colleagues Yuly, Sergio, Fred, Bryan and Sandra. From the Public Accounting
program on Colombian Economic Development

Sustainable Development handles four important aspects that are:

Economic well-being, Economic Growth, Looking after Natural Resources and Social
All this focused on sustainability.

In this conceptual map we have two important aspects:

what is the definition of Sustainable Development and what does it encompass with
globalization .
As for the definition according to the World Commission for Environment and
Development, the ONU body, in 1987, it defines it as the need of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own.
What does this mean? That we have to take care of our natural resources so that the next
generations can also enjoy them.

For there to be Sustainable Development, it must guarantee the balance between Social
Welfare, Economic Growth and Care for the Environment.

The economic growth speaks of the PIB of each nation.

Social welfare is everything that guarantees the quality of life of individuals
such as public services, access to health, education, food and others.

Caring for the environment

This aspect is very important since companies as individuals have to generate
environmental responsibility.
What does it mean?
Take care of our natural resources such as water, the environment, nature, generate policies
in which companies contribute to recycling programs and we as members of this world, we
have to take great care of our natural resources such as water, light to that other people are
not going to be affected over time and likewise industrial development does not end all
natural resources.

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