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Summerbridge Hong Kong 2019 Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Chris Course: Date:

Pop Culture Studies July 3, 2019
Aim/Objective: Students will be able to . . .
Intro to Asian Pop Culture (3) – Korean Popular Culture
Key Vocabulary:
- Korean Popular Music
- Reality Show
- Drama – a tv show that makes you feel more excited, sad, and emotional!
Materials Needed and Physical Classroom Prep:
- Construction paper
- Markers
- Prep Venn Diagram and terms for venn diagrams
Procedure: Time:
Do Now/Hook: (I need help.)
- Idea 1: Venn Diagram Activity ~8mins
- Project on screen a big Venn Diagram with Western VS Asian
Popular culture
- Give students different words (i.e. band names, singers, shows,
terms) and have them decide where to stick it
- Students come up one by one

Direct Instruction/Modeling:
- When I say Korean Popular Culture, what do you think?
- KPop Music? Yes that’s part of one  what are your favorite
groups, singers, songs?
- Dramas?
- Reality Shows?
- Focusing on real people
- Models? ~5mins

We will focus on:

- Reality Show
- A reality show is not like a movie where people practice and act
out what happens. A reality show is happening in real life and what
happens is actually happening because of the people in the shows
do! ~10mins
- Exist outside of Korean culture. There are reality shows
everywhere, but the ones in Korea are some of the better known
ones because of all their supporters and fans
- Because a lot of people like Korean Reality Shows, it is popular.
- K-Pop music
- Very unique to Korea
- Dance moves that look really good and together
- Songs and music videos that use a lot of colors and bright effects
- From Korea, but also very international. Kpop embodies Korea but
at the same time also other places aroundthe world
- Source:
culture //
Summerbridge Hong Kong 2019 Lesson Plan Template

is-kpop-history-explained //

Student Practice/Application:
- Activity: 4 Corners
- Taking music from dramas, and Korean reality shows and just ~13mins
normal kpop shongs have students listen to music and decide the
where they came from (from a drama, from a reality show, just a
kpop song by itself, or not kpop)
- How this activity works, I will play a snippit of a song, and the
students have to decide where that song fits. If they think it is from
a reality show, they go to the reality show side, if they think its
from a drama, they go to the drama corner, kpop songkpop song
corner, etc.
- After each round/deciding on the corners, we will then discuss why
they think it is from such a medium
Wrap up/Closure:
- In Asian popular culture, Korean Pop Culture is one of the most
well known cultures around the world
- Do you want to know how Kpop became so popular?
- We will continue to talk and discuss about Korean pop culture fans
next time and how it became so popular around the world !
Clean Up ~5mins



Relevance to SB Goals:
_X_ English Language Development:
_X_ Love of Learning:
_X_ Building Confidence:

Plan for Upcoming Days:

Next lesson we will

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