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An important event in my life

In my life an important event was my college's annual

sports & prize giving ceremony. It took place with a very
furnished planning. The main organizing team include the
very talented, hard working students & teachers of my
college. The invited guests of that event were the
parents, colleagues of students & some high class
personnels of our district for instance deputy chairman
Mr. Moniruzzaman, the founder & managing director of
thermax group Mr. Abdul Kadar Molla. The large portion
of spectators in the event were the local people. The
event started at 10:am morning. The campus of our
college was decorated on nature them to promote the
green environment slogan among the event attendees.
During audiences arrival one of a very good observation
& security team monitored each & every person coming
in the event for surveillance purpose. Anyways the event
started with the recitation of Holy Quran & a warmful
greeting speech of our honorable principle. After that the
main attractions of the event started. A group of student
demonstrated a very mesmerizing frisk. Students who
were supposed to participate in several games & sports
did very well. The audience including the guests enjoyed
so much. Finally at the end of the event came. The chief
guest delivered the respective prizes to the winners &
ended the event with a motivating speech of his life. All
the attendees were so pleased by the performance of
managerial, food & beverage, decorator & cleaning,
entertainers etc.

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