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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting June 16, 2020

Present: Lee Alexander, Pete Fernandes, Sharon Hecht, Susan Johnston, Chance Riggins, Judy
Seyb and Paul Terrio.

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm. The minutes of the May meeting
were approved on a motion by Pete, seconded by Chance.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul presented a Treasurer’s Report. He has moved the checking account
from Busey Bank to the Central Illinois Credit Union in order to avoid inactivity fees and issues
with logging in to the Busey website. Paul announced that he will be moving from the
neighborhood later this summer and will have to resign as treasurer. Susan asked the board
members to consider volunteering for the position, and we will select a new treasurer at the
July meeting.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Susan will send out postcards to homeowners reminding them
to mow the commons area. Sharon talked with Country Arbors Nursery about the redbud tree
that needs to be replaced behind 4016 Danbury. This will likely be done in the fall. The
homeowner wants input on this, which should be fine. Sharon also talked with Mike Rice about
the dead tree behind Jim’s home. It will be removed in the next few weeks. The large tree
stump in the commons at 1404 Glenshire. Needs to be ground out. Nick can do the work when
he has enough jobs lined up to rent the grinder. The Board decided not to ask the 4014
Danbury homeowner to move the boat stored in the commons. The boat is out of the lake and
upside down against her fence, not collecting water.

Susan reports that she and her husband have sprayed the lake several times to control the
algae. Dye has been applied once and will be applied a second time soon. They walked around
the lake to collect the remnants of the goose nests. She will get in contact with the Boy Scouts
to see if they will come to the lake for a cleanup after the 4th of July.

The board discussed the maintenance of the planting bed on the northwest corner of the lake.
New plants or shrubs would update that bed. Paul moved to give Sharon a budget of $200 to
purchase materials. Pete seconded, and the motion was carried. Sharon will make the
purchases and work with Vicki to install them. When the planting has been done, Pete can
water the new materials as they get established. Susan will help if needed.

Website: Lee reports he will be posting minutes from the October and May meetings. No
activity has been detected on the website.

The next meeting will be held on July 21st at 6:30 pm in Sharon’s driveway.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 pm.

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