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Glenshire Lake & Commons Board Meeting July 19, 2019

Present: Susan Johnston, Sharon Hecht, Lee Alexander, Clark Ahlden, Chance Riggins,
Jim Kaiser, Pete Fernandes
Recording: Susan Johnston
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the June 18th meeting were approved on a
motion by Sharon, seconded by Pete.
Lake Assessments: There is no update on the dues for 1510 Glenshire. We will watch
as the house eventually is sold and revisit the issue at that time.
Lake and Commons Maintenance: Susan reported that the lake looks good. She and
husband Jim Cowley have applied dye twice and sprayed four times for algae and
weeds. Pete reported that there were 3 dead fish in the water near his property.
(After the meeting Jim Cowley took two of the fish off a stringer and buried all three on
his and Susan’s property.)
Sharon talked to the homeowners at 1406 Glenshire about the vole problem, and they
report that the voles are gone after the treatment they paid for. They spent a total of
$250, and $100 of this was for the commons area near the large rock behind 1404
Glenshire. On a motion by Pete, seconded by Clark, the Board voted to reimburse the
sisters with a check for $100 for treatment of the commons area. Susan will ask Paul
to prepare a check and give it to Sharon, who will the deliver it and thank the
The broken-down bench behind 4012 Danbury is gone. There are still remnants of
goose nests around the lake, and Sharon will instruct Vicki to remove those. Sharon is
following up with Country Arbors regarding the ailing redbud tree. The tree has a 5-
year warranty.
Scouts: The boy scout troop came out on July 5th and did a cleanup around the lake,
picking up the remains of fireworks and other trash and debris. Judy provide them
with some potted plants for their own butterfly gardens.
New Neighbors: None.
New Business: Judy sent a message through Susan that Gary Rockwell, the painter
who worked on the docks last year, can come back in the fall to apply a sealer coat to
extend the coating system life, at a cost of $150 for both docks. Jim moved to approve
the purchase. Pete seconded, and the motion carried.
The members present are in favor of doing another backyard cookout for the lake
residents. It will be on a Sunday afternoon in September, at 4 pm. We will work out
the remaining details at the next meeting.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on August 20th, at Sharon’s home at 6:30
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

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