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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting October 6, 2020

Present: Clark Ahlden, Lee Alexander, Pete Fernandes, Sharon Hecht, Susan Johnston, Chance
Riggins, and Judy Seyb.

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:27 pm. The minutes of the September
10th meeting were approved on a motion by Clark, seconded by Lee.

Election of Officers: Pete moved to keep the slate of current officers. Jim seconded, and the
motion passed. Susan Johnston remains as President, Sharon Hecht Vice President, Chance
Riggins as Treasurer, and Judy Seyb as Secretary.

Annual Budget: Jim moved to keep the budget the same as last year, keeping the dues at $220
per property. Pete seconded, and the motion carried.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Sharon and Susan will shop for a new tree for the 1404
Glenshire commons area. Evergreen removal by Pete and Susan’s husband Jim will be delayed
until the spring.

Website: Lee will post the approved minutes from the September meeting.

Boy Scouts: The boy scout troop did not come to help with lake cleanup this year at all due to
the pandemic. We have kept in contact and hope to see them next year.

New Business: Susan will send out the annual assessment letters December 1st. Judy and
Susan visited the two new families and left them with welcome packets.

The next meeting will be the annual meeting held on March 16th, 2021.

Susan adjourned the meeting at 6:49 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Judy Seyb

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