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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting April 27, 2021

Present: Clark Ahlden, Lee Alexander, Pete Fernandes, Sharon Hecht, Susan Johnston, and Judy

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The minutes of the March 16th
2021 were approved on a motion by Clark, seconded by Pete.

Update on Dues Paid: Susan reported that there the last two outstanding dues checks have
been received

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer was not present to provide a report.

Addling of Goose Eggs: On April 3rd, and again on April 17th, a group of Board and family
members walked around the lake to addle goose eggs. We will check at least one more time
for any new eggs.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Under Sharon’s supervision, the landscape worker Vicki planted
hostas in the commons by the 1404 Glenshire property. The removal of unsightly evergreens
shrubs at that property and at 4010 Danbury is still planned. We are monitoring the health of
the tree at the 4016 Danbury property commons. The tree at 1410 Glenshire commons
appears to be dying.

Lake Maintenance: Susan and her husband added the first dye treatment to the lake.

Website: Lee reports no activity on the site. He requests new lake photos to be submitted to
him for use on the site.

Boy Scouts: Susan was in touch with scoutmaster Chris. They are not meeting yet, but he will
stay in touch as the troop becomes active again.

New Business: Susan has researched the status of this Association as a nonprofit corporation in
Illinois and discovered that the status has become inactive. In order to reestablish the
corporation, paperwork must be filed with the State and some fees paid. Pete moved to
proceed with the reactivation process. Clark seconded, and the motion was carried. Susan will
organize the paperwork and ask Chance to submit the package under his name as the
Registered Agent.

Susan will print and mail postcards to remind homeowners of their responsibility for mowing
and taking care of weeds in the common areas on the lake shore.
Next Meeting: The meeting dates will for the remainder of the year will be moved to another
day in consideration of members schedules and obligations. A new meeting day will be
announced for May.

Susan adjourned the meeting at 7:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Judy Seyb

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