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Winding process can be defined as the transfer of

spinning yarn from one package to another large package
(cone, spool, pirn etc). On the other hand it can be defined
as the transfer of yarn from ring bobbin, hanks etc into a
convenient form of package containing considerable long
length of yarn. A process accumulating yarn on a package
to facilitate the next process is called winding.

Winding Requirements
 Minimum fault: During winding always should be
observed if yam fault become less. (To minimize the
yam faults).
 No damage of yarn: There is a dame of yarn i.e. the
yarn must not be damaged in any way in the winding
 Easy unwinding: Yarn to be wound so that it can be
unwound easily.
 Suitable size and shape of the package: Size and
shape should be proper.
 Economical condition: The package size should be
controlled the particular economic requirements.
 Avoid excess loosened and tightness: Should be
taken care.
 Cheap cost of the package: The package should be
cheap. Above all the process must be profitable.
Objectives of Winding
Elimination of disturbing yarn faults such as long thick
places, long thin places, short thin places and short thick

 To get the continuous length of yarn on cones for

weaving process.
 To wax the yarn during the winding process.
 To get the high efficiency of the machine, that is high
production level.

Winding Calculation
Slub – catcher settings:

1. Fixed Blade = Carded – (2.0 to 2.5) x Diameter

Combed – (1.5 to 2.0) x Diameter.
2. Oscillating Blade = Smooth micro-set – 25% more than
3. Serrated Blade = 100% more than the above.
4. Electronic yarn clearer = 3 cm x 3 Diameter

For Blended yarn = 10 to 15% more settings

Yarn clearer efficiency = 100 present (Faults removed )/(Faults


Knot factor = (Total Breaks during winding(at faults))/No of

Breaks due to objectional faults
Retained splice strength = Strength of spliced joint * 100
/Strength of parent yarn

Winding Tension = 0.1 x Single strength in grams

Optimum spindles / winder N = (4.8 * Y)/S OR

Expected efficiency E = 4500 * Y / (S * N(12 + 98))

Expected production P = (13 Y/(12+98) * C)/winder per 8 hrs in kg

Y = Length / Bobbin (meters.) B = breaks per bobbin

S = Winding speed (meters./min) C = English count

What is the formula of production efficiency?

 The efficiency formula is used for measuring batch production
efficiency and workers' production efficiency. The efficiency is the
work output from an operation, divided by work input from the same
operation, and expressed as a percentage. The general
formula for calculating efficiency is: (Work output /work input) X 100
 If you consider work input and output in 'minute', the
efficiency formula would be like this - the ratio of total standard
minutes produced and total minutes spent on the work.

I am working in the apparel manufacturing sector. In a garment

manufacturing factory, we calculate line efficiency every day to
check and measure their line performance. We use the following
formula for calculating efficiency.
Efficiency % = (Total minutes produced X 100)/(Total hours
worked X 60)
In the above formula, 60 is multiplied to convert hours into
minutes and 100 is multiplied to express in percentage.

In the second formula, instead of calculating minutes, we are

considering produced garment as output and production target for
the given hours as input. the production traget is calculated from
the garment SAM. The below formula is used for calculating
production target.

 Production target per hour (@100 Efficiency) = (60/Operation


1. In case of cotton,
Production Calculation of Winding (per hour) ,

   Surface speed of winding drum (yds/min) × 60 × Number of

drum × Efficiency × Waste
...………………...………… (Lbs/hr)
                                              840 × Yarn count


   Quantity of yarn per spindle(yds/min) × 60 × Number of

spindle × Efficiency × Waste
…....……………….…………… (Lbs/hr)
                                           840 × Yarn count


= Quantity of yarn per spindle(yds/min) × 60 × 8 × Number of

spindle (spindle)

Find out the production per 8hrs of an Auto cone winding
machine from the following data:
 Drum Speed: 2400 R.p.m
 Dia of Drum: 3 Inch
 Yarn Count: 30s
 Efficiency : 68%

   Surface speed of winding drum (yds/min) × 60 ×8 × Number

of drum × Efficiency
= ………………………………………………………………....
………………………… (Lbs/8hrs)
                                           36 × 840 × Yarn count

   3.14 × 3 × 2400 × 60 × 8 × 68
= ……………………………………………. (Lbs/8hrs)
         36 × 840 × 30 × 100

= 8.13 (Lbs/8hrs)

So, Production/spindle/8hrs is 8.13lbs.

2. In Case of Jute,
Production Calculation of Winding (per hour) ,

   Surface speed of winding roller (inch/min) × 60 × count ×

Number of spindle × Efficiency
= …………………………………………………………………
……....……………………… (lbs)
                                                      36 × 14400

Find out the production per shift of a Spool winding machine
from the following data:
 Number of spindle: 20
 Surface speed of winding roller = 165 yds/min

   Surface speed of winding roller (yds/min) × 60 × count ×

Number of spindle
………...………… (spindle)

   165 × 60 ×8 × 20
=…………………………… (spindle)

=110 (spindle)

So, Production/spindle/shift is 110

3. In Case of Tex System,

Production Calculation of Winding (per hour) ,

 Surface speed of winding roller (cm/min) × 60 × Count ×

Number of spindle × Efficiency
                                                              100 × 1000

Machine Efficiency,

       Actual Production

= ………………………………… ×100
   Calculated Production

Find out the calculated production per shift of a winding
machine from the following data:
 Actual production: 90 spindle
 Number of spindle: 20
 Efficiency: 80%
Calculated production per shift,

    Actual production

= …………………………

   90 × 100
= …………….

= 112.50 spindle

So, Calculated production per shift is 112.50 spindle.

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