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Lipa City 

Online Final Examination in General Chemistry

2 Semester, SY 2019 – 2020     


TRUE or FALSE.  For each of the following items, encode T at the end of the statement if
the statement is true and encode F if otherwise.  (1 point each)

1. The atom is considered as the building block of matter. T
2. The Indivisible Atomic Theory regards the atom
as the smallest particle of matter. T
3. As a concentration of mass, the nucleus consists of three types
of sub-atomic particles.   F
4. Both x-rays and radioactive particles are forms of nuclear radiation.   F
5. The Quantum Mechanical Theory describes the nucleus and 
energy levels as regions of the atomic structure.  T
6. The Periodic Table arranges elements based on both physical
and chemical properties.` F
7. Elements in the Periodic Table are primarily arranged in terms 
of increasing atomic numbers.   T
8. Atomic Number is equal to the number of neutrons in an atom.  F  
9. Transition elements are either metallic or non-metallic.   T
10. Noble Gases are classified as Representative Elements. F

ESSAY.  Answer the following question concisely.  Encode your answer on the space
below the question and limit your answer to 10 sentences only. 
Are you in favor of tapping nuclear energy as a source of electrical power in the
Philippines?  Explain your position on the basis of energy efficiency and public safety.  (10
As a Filipino, I will stand with tapping another Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the
Philippines. Our country spent a lot of money for electricity thus we don’t have to remain with
this kind of situation, educate ourselves for the idea of having nuclear energy. If we will look at
the science, nuclear power is the cleanest, safest and cheapest way to make electricity. Some
researchers shown, the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is a clean air energy source and doesn’t
produce greenhouse gasses and global warming. Perhaps, no need to burn coal produces no
deadly air pollution. The more electricity we used, the fewer people lived in property. NPP’s are
generally cheaper to operate in the long run because of their cheaper fuel, start-up costs are
significantly higher compared to fossil-fuel based power plants. This is the time for the
Philippines to decide to become an advanced country in the Asia for energy efficiency. An
appropriate way to use this power provider will not allow enriching uranium that will avoid the
fossil bombs which many people are scared of. Therefore, I am pro to the idea of adding
Nuclear Power Plant but I will consider the decision of Department of Energy because they
study more about energy efficiency and public safety of the million Filipinos.

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