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Chapter five discussed all about the “The Challenges of Middle and Late

Adolescence”. In this chapter, I can say that it really fit us teenager because commonly at
our age we experienced middle and late adolescence. This topic has a great impact to us for
it helps on how to face challenges during adolescence.
I’ve learned that these are the challenges a middle and a late adolescent may be
experiencing. First is attitudes and behavior toward sexuality and sexual relationships. This
is really one of the challenges most teenagers faces. We need to learn how to face this
challenge because some other people have early pregnancy because they did not know
what the consequences may be. While this is often to engage in, there is a danger of losing
control over one’s sexual drives which inevitably end up in lifetime regrets. So as an
adolescents we should know our limits in terms of sexual expressions and should be
responsible enough to see the result of their behaviors. Next is academic concerns.
Nowadays students are more concern about their grades because they think their parents
will be disappointed if they see their child’s grade is not satisfying to look at. But we should
always remember that grades don’t define a person alone.
Another challenge in middle and late adolescence is group belongingness. As an
adolescent we often want to belong or be part of a group. But we should be responsible
enough to avoid some organization or groups that adhere to violence and other anti-social
behaviors because we are responsible for our own welfare, family and friends. Healthy and
wholesome organizations respect the individuality of each person and would therefore not
lure him into doing something that goes against time-honored human values. That’s why
we should be wise in choosing were we should belong.
Other challenges are, health and nutrition, developing or regaining self-esteem,
roles, material poverty, absentee parents, career choices, relationships, last would be
values and beliefs. We must give attention to these challenges because you might
encounter this being part of the middle and late adolescents. For having knowledge about
this, can help us find a solution when facing these challenges. Attitudes plays an important
in facing these challenges. If these challenges are taken as necessary stepping stones
toward greater maturity, the adolescent can then transition more smoothly to adulthood
with more confidence and self-esteem.
We cannot escape this challenges because it is in nature. But we can do something
in order to deal the challenge in a positive way.

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