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Justification answers to "why" whereas

explanation is knowing "why" as well as
"how"- to what extent do you agree to this
statement? (150 words)
I agree to this statement to a great extent this is because justification is basically a
shortened version of explanation. The way I see it. Justification is only explaining
something and why it happened or is there. Explanation not only covers justification. It
also goes beyond that. Justification is used in an argument to only inform the other
person why something is right or in order. Explanation is used to inform the other person
about the topic in depth. Explanation covers both the Hows and Whys. Explanation not
only proves a point but also gives in depth information about it in two aspects both How
and Why. Justification only justifies their end of the point and one aspect of it which is
If a person is trying to argue over whether an impact January signing such as Bruno
Fernandes turned Manchester Uniteds season around and whether he was the only
reason for Uniteds stellar finish. A justification would be just the amount of points won
after Brunos arrival and his statistics.However looking into it and in explanation, all the
improved numbers of other key players and the change in tactics as well as team
selection would show that while Bruno had a major impact the whole team played better
and the manager and the other players also deserve credit. This shows that explanation
is more in depth than justification and provides a bigger picture.

2. How often our morals and ethics plays a

role when we assess someone's
justification? (150 words)
A persons justification depends on how they feel towards the certain topic and what they
think is right and wrong. A person may per se justify violence if they feel that what the
other person said or did was against his moral code and violence would be his way of
maintaining his moral code. In the case of ethics, while eating meat to a non vegetarian
may not be against their ethics it may be against a vegetarians ethics. Justification is
also mainly emotional so a persons ethics and morals are a major part of their
judgement and in turn their justification.
Only time ethics and morals aren’t part of their justification is when they are trying to
prove a logical point in which there are actual statistics present like the one presented
above. In this judgement if the facts are looked into then the point can be proved and
ethics and morals don’t play a role.

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