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Name: Ahmad Farouq Bin Omar

Matric number: 911212045225001

Telephone number: 0193285061

E-mail address:

PROGRAMME: Bachelor Of Education (Teaching Of English As A Second Language) With Honours

Faculty: Faculty Of Education And Language

Learning Centre: Seremban



Task 1 (a) 3

Task 1 (b) 4-6

Task 2 7-9


TASK 1 (a)

1 (b)

Gender equality will be achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and
opportunities in all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision making.
When it comes with these issue most of us think that men are more power than a women.
Basically both gender man and woman play an important role in all aspect in our life. Both
gender man and woman contribute equally towards the successful of our country. Both gender
man and woman need each other to achieve something. Gender equality is a human right.
Woman is entitled to live with dignity and with freedom from want and from fear. Gender
equality is also a condition for advancing development. Women contribute to the health and
productivity of whole families and communities, and they improve prospects for the next
generation. For man, they contribute to improve and to be a leader toward what women had
done. Women and man can work together to achieve a better result in life.

The word gender describes the roles and responsibilities that societies consider
appropriate for men and women. Gender equality means that men and women have equal
power and equal opportunities in education, financial independence, and personal
development. Both genders can take part in all activity and both genders can be a leader if
they are qualified. For example in a family both gender lead toward the harmony of the
family. Man contributed as a leader in a family and woman contribute as an assistant toward
their husband. From that, the family will become harmony and they can face as many as
obstacle that appeared. Besides, women's position in economic and political also becomes the
issue nowadays. Though women comprise more than 50% of the world's population, they
only own 2% of the position and power in economic and political fields. We should give
women chance to hold a position in both fields economic and political. They can share and
give a good outcome and to improve the economic and political fields. Throughout the world,
women perform long hours of unpaid domestic work such as doing household. They do not
get a salary for doing household. That is why doing household is not a job for a women only
but both gender have to do the household together. like Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen, and
Cecily reverse gender role stereotypes by exercising power and control over the opposite sex.
There should be no discrimination among the gender. Both genders should have equality in all
part in this life. In some places, women still do not have rights to own land or to inherit
property, earn income and free from job discrimination. Although the female characters in
Earnest exercise power briefly, they also conform to many female stereotypes ultimately

ensuring that the play upholds traditional gender roles instead of challenging or changing

In education, gender equality also becomes the most popular topic. Equality in
education is an important issue as gender equality becomes the issue to improve education for
both men and women. The important goal of providing better education for women does not
mean neglecting or ignore men education. it is mean that both gender should get an equal
education and equal knowledge and chance to assert themselves. By putting men and women
on an equal level in education, the relatively increased valuing of women will also benefit
men by helping them in sort of strengths, capabilities and contributions in education and help
to become successful together. It may also help to decrease the pressure many men feel to
conform to the traditional roles, behaviors and ways of thinking. Then, the stereotypes may be
counteracted and eliminated, so education will be more gender balanced and they will be no
biases issue appeared. For boys and girls, sitting in the same classroom, reading the same
textbook, listening to the same teacher, received the same knowledge and input boys and girls
receive the same educations. But in fact, during school, girls perform equal to or better than
boys on nearly every part or aspect of achievement. But after both boy and girl graduate high
school or college, girls have fallen behind. That is why we need to have gender equality since
childhood until they becomes adult. We need to make sure both gender received an equality in
all part in this world. We noticed that man act as a leader but as a leader they need an assistant
to achieve the goal. That is why both gender play an important role and gender equality are
very important.

Gender equality is achieved when both gender are able to access and enjoy the same
rewards, same advantages and opportunities regardless of whether they are a woman or a
man. As we can see women continue to earn less than men, are less likely to advance their
careers as far as men, and are more likely to stay at the same place at their workplace. They
feel comfortable as long as they can effort to buy their need and utilities. Besides, at the work
place their boss tend to give opportunity to the man because of their mind set said that it is
easily to work with men compare to woman. When it comes to gender equality in the
workplace, the research on its economic benefits is clear. Equality can enhance profits and
enhance reputation of the company. When both gender given the same opportunity, the
possibility for the company to become successful become higher. The progress of women in
the workplace so far are not enough. Women are not given much opportunity to hold a
position in executive positions and most of the executive position given to man. As a

manager, we should give the opportunity to hold a position in the company based on talent
and the way of our worker work and not based on the gender.

Task 2:

Life's Brief Candle by William Shakespeare

In the poem Life's Brief Candle by William Shakespeare, the main character in the play
"Macbeth" deals with the situation where he finds out that his wife, Lady Macbeth is dead.
The news of Lady Macbeth's death makes him feel regret and he is give up with his life.
Macbeth realized that life is too short and meaningless.

Subject matter in this Life’s Brief Candle by William Shakespeare is the poem relates to the
tragic moments that happen in life. The subject of the poem is death. Life is too short or brief
just like the candle. The candle can only burn for a fixed period of time and after the period of
time the candle will die. The poem told us about death. Death is unpredictable. Death can
happen to all of us without consider about our age. Boys, girls, woman and man all of us will
meet death. No one can live forever, when the time comes, all of us will have to meet the end
of life.

The themes of this Life’s Brief Candle poem by William Shakespeare are first life is brief like
a flickering candle blowing in the wind. The flame on the candle can extinguish anytime in a
blink of an eye. Second theme is life is meaningless. Nobody realizes the important of life.
Our life can be taken away anytime anywhere. The persona also says we chase our dreams
and ambition and goal so badly and desperately that in the end, it did’t really matter after we
die. The next theme is life is unpredictable. No one can live forever as one's lifetime is
limited. Death is unpredictable, and it can happen anytime and anywhere. Nobody know when
they will die. Death comes without given a single hint. The persona is saying how time moves
really slow until it reaches the end without knowing when our time will come.

The device that use in this Life’s Brief Candle poem first is symbolism. For example the word
candle used to replace the word life. Then, in this poem William Shakespeare also use the
word “Out of the brief candle” .This word symbolize of death or the end of life. The language
and style for this poem is this poem is written in free verse. This poem is written in one stanza
and has only ten lines. There is no fixed stanza form and in length. Certain literary devices are
used to make this poem more interesting such as repetition, symbol, and metaphor. For
example poet change the word life to sentence "is likened to walking shadow" that mean life
is short, a "tale" that mean story, and "a poor player" that give mean the audience will forget
the player or actor on the stage or in our life. The poet also used imagery language and style

in this poem. For example Sense of touch in line two "creeps in this petty pace", Sense of
sight in line six "a walking shadow" and Sense of hearing in line nine "full of sound and

Frances Cornford’s The Watch

This poem is about how the poet uses the sound of the pace of words to imitate the subject of
the poem that is a watch that just ticks, ticks, ticks, ticks forward every day and all the time.
The watch will not stop ticking and she feel it really frustrating wait for the death. It told us
that a person has become overcome by the watch, has become the watch, and follow the
ticking of the watch until the end of life. The subject of this poem also told us about tiredness
and illness. In Life's Brief Candle the poet use candle to symbolize the life and in The Watch
poem the poet use watch to symbolize about our life. The poet also told us that she is
frustrating wait for the death.

The theme of The Watch by Frances Cornford poem is sickness unto death. She makes it
sound as if she is likely ill, she “wakened on her hot, hard bed”. She feels like the time for her
death are too long and it is tiredness to waiting for her death. The pain is deeper in her bones
and she is ailing “I am so sick, so sick, and so sick.” But time and the ticking of the watch just
moves forward, forward. Compare to theme of Life’s Brief Candle, this poem theme is more
to waiting for the death to come. She fell tired and frustrated waiting for her death day by day
followed by the ticking of the watch.

The language and style for this poem is this poem is written in sonnet form that is the
spenserian sonnet. This poem is written in one stanza and has only ten lines. As we can see
the poem is following the rhythm and it makes the poem interesting to read. Compare to poem
Life’s Brief Candle, it used free verse form and the poem is not in rhythm. The poet used
repetition to express her fell of tiredness and illness. For example we can see the poet keep
repeating the word ‘I’m so sick, so sick, so sick’ that mean she is very illness and she is very
tired to wait. The poet also use the word ‘o death, come quick, come quick, come quick’ to
tells us that she is frustrated and can’t hold it anymore. The poet stressed the word many time
to make us understand that the person can’t hold longer anymore. The rhyme of this poem is
fixed and interesting to read it. For example we can see in this poem, ‘I wakened on my hot,
hard bed’, ‘Upon the pillow lay my head’ the rhyme are fixed and easy for us to recognized
the word. The word used also not too difficult for us to understand because it use

straightforward word and sentence. This poem also told us how she feel and the frustration
she is experiencing existing between life and death.


2. (2002). Gender inequality, cooperation and environmental sustainability. SFI working
paper. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Santa Fe Institute.
3. (2010). Gender and Green Governance: The Political Economy of Women’s Presence
Within and Beyond Community Forestry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7. Crescentia Morais, Grace Kay (2008). Light on Lit Selected Poems & Short Stories
Form 1, Pearson Longman, 33 - 35.
Andrew Ng Hock Soon, Dr The Chee Seng, Dr Wan Roselezam Wan Yahya


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