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Transactional writing mat

Planning – initial response to Form: signal this to the Paragraphing Cohesion

question: examiner straight away: Variety – short and long  Discourse markers throughout
1. What is the purpose of your paragraphs – ALWAYS think  Connectives
writing? Newspaper: heading, sub- about the shape of your writing  Adverbials
2. Who is the audience? heading, picture box, quotation  Parallel structures
3. What perspective are you box, caption One sentence paragraph  Echoing from one paragraph
going to adopt? Letter: address, date, Dear…, to the next
yours sincerely, yours faithfully, Have one section that is bullet-  Lexical repetition
first person pointed  Opening and closing linked
Planning: SADOC plan Speech: title, first person, time Sentence starts Sentence lengths / types
reference, bullet points, use of  -ing starts (running, shouting, Short sentence
S Spider leg What is your
anaphora, sub-headings creeping) One word sentence
main idea?
Guidebook: heading, sub-  Prepositional starts (next to, Multi-clause sentence
(You need
headings, picture box, quotation beside, above) Imperative sentence
box, bullet points  Adverbial starts (clearly, Interrogative sentence
A Add detail How will you
successfully, obviously) Exclamatory sentence
develop this
 Connective starts Sentence containing a list
idea in three
(Furthermore, Also, On the
different ways
other hand)
to ensure your
 -Ed starts (shouted, blended)
writing is
Engaging openings: Stylistic devices Punctuation
Anecdote Full stops and capital letters
D Device What devices
1. Anecdote vs Flip Anecdote: Facts / opinions throughout
will you use?
Statistics Question mark
O Order What order
Imagine a world vs Now Rhetorical questions Exclamation mark
will your
imagine a world. Tricolons / triples Speech mark
paragraphs go
Repetition Commas in a list
in? (Strongest
2. Reference to a recent news Contrast Commas to mark clauses
– first and last)
event (doesn’t have to be real Emotive words Dashes
C Connectiv What
but should be realistic!). Epizeuxis Parenthesis
e discourse
Quote a reliable source Colon to introduce a list
marker will
A rhetorical question or a Forecful phrases Colon to introduce a quote from a
you use?
statistic. Exaggeration (hyperbole) reliable source
(NEVER use
Criticse the opposition Semi-colon
An emotive statement of intent Appeal to pathos, logos and ethos Ellipsis
/ call for action. Inverted commas for irony

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