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Results and Discussions

A. Findings

1. Profile of Grade 3 Pupils in Mathematics

Table 1

First Grading Period Scholastic Percentage

Rating (%)
80-84 6 15.00
75-79 30 75.00
74 and below 4 10.00
Total 40 100.00

Table 1 presents the scholastic rating of Grade 3 pupils in Mathematics during the First

Grading period. The table includes first grading period scholastic rating, number and percentage.

As presented in the table, out of forty pupils-respondents, six or 15 per cent got a rating of 80-84,

thirty or 75 per cent got a rating of 75-79 and four or 10 per cent got a rating of 74 and below.

This finding implies that only 90 percent of the respondents got passing grades in Mathematics 3.

However, most of them got very poor grades. The finding holds true because Mathematics is one

of the major subjects that needs focus and concentration. Since, it requires ample time and effort

to learn this subject, pupils could not cope with the lesson especially that they don’t have proper

study habit.

2. The different Pupils’ Factors/Attitudes Affecting Poor Performance in Mathematics

Table 2 provides for the different Pupils’ Factors/Attitudes toward Mathematics subject. The

table includes different Pupils’ Factors/Attitudes and weighted mean. As provided in the table,

Improper study habits had a weighted mean of 3.65, lack of solving motivation had a weighted
mean of 3.5 and lack of numeracy skills had a weighted mean of 3.35, were interpreted as


Table 2


Different Pupils’ Factors/Attitudes Weighted Mean Descriptive Rating

1. Poor interest in Mathematics 2.65 Often
2. Improper study habits 3.65 Always
3. Lack of numeracy skills 3.35 Always
4. Pupils attitudes 3.05 Often
5. Lack of Mathematical understanding 2.95 Often
6. Inability to do solve and answer the
3.2 Often
modules in Mathematics
7. Not ready to learn Mathematics 2.25 Sometimes
8. Lack of solving motivation 3.5 Always
9. Lack of parental interest/Guidance 2.3 Sometimes
Average Weighted Mean 2.99 Often

Inability to do solve and answer the modules had a weighted mean of 3.2, pupils attitudes had

a weighted mean of 3.05, lack of solving motivation had a weighted mean of 2.95, poor interest

in Mathematics had a weighted mean of 2.65 all were interpreted as “often”. Lack of parental

interest/guidance had a weighted mean of 2.3, and not ready to learn Mathematics had a

weighted mean of 2.25, both were interpreted as “sometimes”. The average weighted mean was

2.99, interpreted as “often”. This means that generally speaking, different pupils’

factors/attitudes toward Mathematics subject are often evident which could redound to the poor

performance of pupils in the National Achievement Test.

Specifically speaking, it can be observed that of the nine different pupils’ factors/attitudes,

“improper study habits” got the highest weighted mean. Absenteeism of answering weekly

modules and taking the subject for granted results to improper study habits. “Lack of solving

motivation” also belongs to this category. This supports the findings in the aforementioned table
where there is a need to provide more doable modules for Mathematics. “Lack of numeracy

skill” is another topmost different pupils’ factors/attitudes. This is so because it appears that

numeracy is an area relative difficulty and that progress with more complex mathematical

understanding is slow. Pupils should then be advised to enrich their mathematical understanding

and numeracy skills for them to understand fully well the Mathematics.

3. Recommendations/Suggestions

Table 3



Recommendations/ Suggestions Rank

1. Answer the Modules Weekly 1
2. Have time management for studying 2
3. Proper motivation from teachers 6
4. Give modules that are doable 4
5. Encourage multi-lingual approach 8
6. Construct models and concept mapping 9
7. Teacher should know the capabilities and interests of the pupils 7
8. Provision of adequate Mathematics resources 3
9. Encourage teachers to attend Mathematics Webinar 10
10. Implement activities in Mathematics Modules 11
11. Pupils should solve and manipulate the numbers 5

Table 3 indicates the recommendations/suggestions offered by Grade 3 Mathematics

pupils. The table includes the recommendations/suggestions and rank. As indicated in the table,

answer the modules weekly ranked 1, have time management for studying ranked 2, , provision

of adequate Mathematics Resources ranked 3, give modules that are doable ranked 4, pupils

should solve and manipulate numbers ranked 5, proper motivation from teachers ranked 6,

teacher should know the capabilities and interests of the pupils ranked 7, encourage multi-lingual

approach ranked 8, construct models and concept mapping ranked 9, encourage teachers to
attend Mathematics Webinar ranked 10, and implement activities in Mathematics modules

ranked 11.

This finding gives us an idea that answering the modules weekly is very important for pupils.

True enough, Mathematics subject is not as easy as other subjects, the fact that this can be

learned with the love of numbers and needs proper guidance by the Parent- teacher.

In order to improve the poor performance in Mathematics, pupils and teachers should take into

consideration the aforementioned suggestions/ recommendations, giving priority to those with

higher ranks. These suggestions/recommendations, if implemented will contribute to the increase

of performance in numeracy of all pupils in particular, and the whole.

Computations of the Statistical Treatment of the Data

I- Computations on the Frequency and Percentage on Scholastic Rating of Grade 3 Pupils in

Mathematics during their First Grading Period


P=R/N x 100


P = Percentage
R = Number of Respondents
N = Total number of Respondents

a. 80-84

Percentage = 6__ x 100


= 15.00%

b. 75-79

Percentage = 30__ x 100


= 75.00%

c. 74 and below

Percentage = 4__ x 100


= 10.00%

II - Computation on the Weighted Mean of different pupils’ factors/attitudes that Affect the Poor
Performance in Mathematics.


Mw = ƩPx/Ʃf
Mw = the weighted mean
ƩPx = the sum of the product of the weight
f = the frequency
x = the weight
Ʃf = the sum of frequency

1. Poor interest in Mathematics


=2.65 OFTEN

2. Improper study habits


=3.65 ALWAYS

3. Lack of numeracy skills


=3.35 ALWAYS

4. Pupils attitudes


=3.05 OFTEN

5. Lack of Mathematical understanding


=2.95 OFTEN

6. Inability to do solve and answer the modules


=3.2 OFTEN
7. Not ready to learn Mathematics



8. Lack of solving motivation



9. Lack of parental interest/Guidance



Summary on the Computation of the Weighted Mean on different pupils’ factors/attitudes that
Affect the Poor Performance in Mathematics

= 2.65 + 3.65+3.35+3.05+2.95+3.2+2.25+3.5+2.3

= 2.99 OFTEN

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