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Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 175-196, 1992 0895-9811/92 $5.00+ .

Printed in Great Britain © 1992 Pergamon Press Lid
& Earth Sciences & Resources Institute

Uplift, subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva

Basin, Colombia, Part 2: Influence on fluvial deposition
in the Miocene Gigante Formation
A. M . V A N D E R WIEL, .I G. D. V A N D E N B E R G H , 2 and E. H. H E B E D A *.3
iAgriculturalUniversity ofWageningen, Department of SoilScience and Geology, Duivendaa110, 6700 A A
Wageningen, The Netherlands; 2UniversityofUtrecht, InstituteforEarth Sciences,Budapestlaan 4, 3508
T A Utrecht, The Netherlands; 3Free University,InstituteforEarth Sciences,IsotopeLaboratory, De
Boelelaan 1085, 1081 H V Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Received October 1991; Revision Accepted January 1992)
Abstract---The fluvialand volcaniclasticdepositsofthe Miocene Gigante Formation ofthe southern Neiva
Basin record the transition from fuvial deposition to a type of sedimentation strongly influenced by
volcanic activity of the Central Cordillera volcanic arc. The lower part of the formation, reflectingthe
influence of uplift of the Central Cordillera to the south and west of the basin, consists of mixed-load
sediments depositedby a braided riversystem. In middle Miocene times, thisbraided,north-flowingpaleo.
Magdalena River was forced eastward by coalescingvolcanic aprons that probably originated along the
frontof a reactivated thrust fault. Sedimentation processeson these aprons were dominated by debrisflows
and hyperconcentrated flows as well as by unconfined sheetfloods on the more proximal parts of the aprons
and by unconfined and confined sheetfloods and overbank deposition on the distal parts of the aprons
grading into the alluvial plain. Average sedimentation rates on the volcanic aprons measured between 0.36
and 0.42 ram/year. When volcanism abated, the paleo-Magdalena River returned to its former course.
During this period, fluvial deposition was influenced by renewed uplift of the Garz6n Massif to the east of
the basin.
Resumen--Los dep6sitos fluviales y volcanocl~sticos de la Formaci6n Gigante de edad Mioceno en la parte
sur de la cuenca de Neiva, registran la transicibn de la sedimentacibn fluvial hacia un tipo de sedimentaci6n
que estuvo fuertemente infuenciado por la actividad volcanica del arco volc~nico de la Cordillera Central.
La sedimentaci6n de la parte inferior de la formaci6n estuvo determinada por el levantamiento de la
Cordillera Central, y trajo como resultado el dep6sito de sedimentos de grano fino y grueso mediante un
sistema fluvial trenzado. En el Mioceno medio ests paleo-rio Magdalena que corria hacia el norte, fue
forzado a adquirir una posici6n m~s hacia el oriente. Este fen6meno fue causado pot abanicos volc~nicos
coalescentes que probablemente tuvieron su origen a lo largo de una falla de cabalgamiento reactivada. La
sedimentaci6n en la parte proximal de estos abanicos tuvo lugar principalmente por medio de flujos de lodo
y de flujos hiper concentrados, ast como por medio de flujos laminares. En la parte distal, y e n la llanura
aluvial la depositaci6n tuvo tugar por medio de flujos laminares canalizados y no canalizados asi como pot
medio de sedimentos de desborde. Los promedios de velocidad de sedimentaci6n en los abanicos volcanicos
miden entre 0.36 y 0.42 mm/a~o. Cuando el volcanismo adquiri6 dimensiones menos catastrSficas, el paleo-
rio Magdalena recuper6 su posici6n inicial. Durante este ttltimo periodo, la sedimentaci6n fluvial estuvo
influenciada pot una nueva fase del levantamiento del Macizo de Garz6n al este de la cuenea.

INTRODUCTION lift of the two cordilleras and activity of the Central

Cordillera volcanic arc.
THIS IS THE SECOND of two articleson the influence of Very little is known of the influence of volcanism
uplift and volcanism on the sedimentation patterns on distal sedimentation processes in fluvial basins.
and infillof a fluvial basin (this issue, p. 161). The A number of publications have appeared (e.g.,
southern Neiva Basin in Colombia, located between Mathisen and Vondra, 1983; Smith, 1987a,b), but
the Central Cordillera and the Garz6n Massif (the the field is still relatively unexplored. The southern
southernmost extension of the Eastern Cordillera of Neiva Basin is well suited for such a study because a
the Colombian Andes (Fig. 1), is filled with some period of relative quiescence, during which the flu-
2600 meters of Neogene fluvial and volcaniclastic vial sediments of the Honda and lower Gigante
sediments. These sediments formed as a result of up- Formations were deposited, was followed by a period
of intense volcanism, during which a 800-950 meter
thickness of distal volcaniclastics was deposited in
the basin.
*Address allcorrespondence and reprintrequeststo Dr. A. Comparison of the fluvial deposits and the vol-
Marian van der Wiel, AgriculturalUniversity ofWageningen,
Department ofSoilScience and Geology, P. O. Box 37, 6700 A A
caniclastic deposits of the Gigante Formation on the
Wageningen, The Netherlands; telephone [31] (8370) 84145; one hand, and of the lateral variations between the
telefax[31](8370) 82419; telexN L 45917; volcaniclastics on the other hand, leads to new in-
**Present address forE. H. Hebeda: Ringstrasse 10, Parsberg sights regarding depositional processes in distal
D-8433, FRG. settings during periods of intense volcanism and the

176 A . M . VAN DER WIEL, (~. D. VAN DEN BERGH, a n d E. H, HEBEDA

7,,o 76 o 7~o 72o 7oo


.~-~ ~ S, NEIVA BASIN )
["7 Studyarea )
. A.~./_~F._~~
-'-- ~oo~ ,'

1 '(/2
p " /i g ,


pj j /
/ /



/ i
0I J I I I

~' ~" / LEGEND

K / III, Positionof stratigraphica[section


Fig. 1. Geologic map of the southern Neiva Basin indicating the distribution of the members of the Gigante Formation, main
structures, and locations of stratigraphic sections.
Uplift, subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 177

ways in which fluvial processes are affected by vol- younger sedimentary succession consists of a se-
canism. quence of Neogene fluvial and volcaniclastic sedi-
ments that reflect uplift of the Central Cordillera
and the Garz6n Massif and activity of the Central
GEOLOGIC S E T T I N G Cordillera volcanic arc (Van Houten and Travis,
1968; Van Houten, 1976).
In this paper we report the results of a geologic The study area (Fig. 1) is in southern part of the
study of the southern Neiva Basin. The southern- basin, covering some 900 km2. The Neogene se-
most part of the Upper Magdalena Valley, the Neiva quence has a m a x i m u m thickness of some 2600
Basin is a NE/SW-trending basin. To the east it is meters there and includes the Miocene Honda (Well-
bounded by the Precambrian Garz6n Massif, a large man, 1968, 1970) and Gigante (Howe, 1969) Forma-
regional basement upliftthat forms the southermost tions as well as younger deposits.
extension of the Eastern Cordillera (Figs. 1 and 2).
The main fault separating the basin from the Garz6n
Massif is the Garz6n-Algeciras Fault, a Laramide- THE GIGANTE F O R M A T I O N
style high-angle reverse fault• To the west, the
Neiva Basin is separated from the Central Cordille- Stratigraphy
ra by a series of westward-dipping thrusts belonging
to the C h u s m a fault system, a late Eocene-Oligocene The Gigante Formation is conformable over the
fold and thrust belt. South of the basin, the Central Honda Formation in the southern Neiva Basin. The
and Eastern Cordilleras merge to form a single Neiva Member, the basal member of the Gigante
mountain chain. To the north, the Neiva Basin is Formation, interfingers with the Honda Formation
separated from the coeval Girardot Basin by the in many places.
Natagaima intrabasinal fault (Van Houten and The thickness of the Gigante Formation varies
Travis, 1968). from 800 meters in the north (where the top of the
Within the Neiva Basin, two eastward-thinning formation is probably eroded) to 900-950 meters in
sedimentary successions overlie the pre-Cretaceous the south of the basin• The formation m a y be sub-
basement rocks (Butler and Schamel, 1988). The divided into three members: 1) the +_150-meter-
older sedimentary succession, consisting of marine thick lower Neiva Member, consisting of interbedded
Cretaceous and continental Paleocene to Oligocene polymict orthoconglomerates, pebbly sandstones,
rocks (Kroonenberg and Diederix, 1982), is sepa- sandstones, and associated red-brown mudstones;
rated from the younger Neogene succession by an 2) the 580 to 670-meter-thick middle Los Altares
angular unconformity related to the main phase of Member, consisting mainly of volcaniclastic sand-
movement on the Chusma fault system (Fig. 2). The stones with intercalations of pebbly sandstones, con-

/ Chusma Fault System / 5arz6n - Al.geciras Fault
I /
Central C0rdi[[era / F0ld and Thrust Belt // S Neiva Basin 3arzbn
/I // Massif

0 .. v ~ • ~-.~ ' " - " "" • o

I!ii !ii !iiiiiiiiii

o 0 o
0 " "
O o .. .~' ,'.
o o ,0 o ..... :~ • = .= == ~ •

A A' A"
Upper Miocene to Recent (Gigante Formation and younger deposits)
Miocene (Honda Formation)
? Upper Eocene to Otigocene /Lower Miocene ? (Gualanday Group}
[::.: : ~ = ' - . ' . J Lower Cretaceous to Paleocene
Jurassic intrusives 1
other pre- Cretaceous rocks I pre- Cretaceous basement

Fig. 2. Schematic profilethrough the Central Cordillera,the foreland fold and thrust belt,the Neiva Basin, and the Garz6n Massif;
data based on map by Kroonenberg and Diederix (1982), sectionsand geologic map by Butler (1983),and resultsof the present field
work. The position of A'-A" is indicated in Fig. 1; A-A' is located farther to the W N W .
178 A . M . VAN DER W]EL, G. D. VAN DEN BERGH, a n d E. H. HEBED.,~

glomerates, volcanic deposits, and fine-grained sedi- Radiometric Age Determinations

ments; and 3) the upper Garz6n Member, consisting
of polymict orthoconglomerates with some volcani- Twelve 5-kg samples of volcanic and volcani-
clastic intercalations (Figs. 3 and 4). clastic rocks of the Gigante Formation were collected
Formerly described as a separate formation by for K-Ar mineral age determinations at different
Howe (1969, 1974), the Neiva Member was included locations within the study area (Table 1;~
in the Gigante Formation by Van der Wiel (1991). K content was determined by flame photometry
At several locations, it interfingers with the over- with a Li internal standard and cesium chloride-
lying Los Altares Member. The interfingering aluminum nitrate buffer. Ar was extracted in a
becomes extreme in the south of the area, where the glass vacuum apparatus and determined by isotope
formation is thickest and where typical Neiva con- dilution under static conditions in a Varian GD-150
glomerates are found as high as 500 meters in the mass-spectrometer. The analytical accuracy (lo) is
stratigraphic column (Fig. 4). believed to be within 1.0% for K and 2% for radio-
The Garz6n Member is at least 250 meters thick genic Ar. These estimated overall limits of relative
in the center of the basin (the top is not exposed) but error are the sum of the known sources of possible
diminishes to the north to some 70 meters thick in systematic error and the precision of the total
the Quebrada Guandinosita section (Fig. 4). Farther analytical procedures.
north, it is buried by younger sediments. In the The Neiva Member could not be dated because
south of the study area, the member is only about suitable volcanic material was not available. K-Ar
130 meters thick. This is at least partly due to age determinations on biotite and hornblende gave
erosion following folding and faulting of the region. average ages of 8.0 Ma for the base and 6.4 Ma for
The member is referred to as the "Ceibas conglo- the top of the Los Altares Member. The exact ages
merate" by Beltr~n and Gallo (1968) and Howe and their position in the stratigraphy are indicated
(1969; see also Fig. 3). in Fig. 4. The ages correspond to a zircon fission-
In the north of the area, the Gigante Formation track age of 7.8+0.5 Ma for the base of the Los
is unconformably overlain by the Las Vueltas Altares Member given by Takemura and Danhara
formation which consists of at least 300 meters of {1983) and a K-Ar age of 8.5___0.4 Ma given by Van
poorly sorted and rounded erosional material shed Houten (1976). The youngest age recorded in the
from the Garz6n Massif (Fig. 3). Folding of the Garz6n Member is a zircon fission-track age of
basinal sediments took place during deposition of 6.4_+2.4 Ma (Fig. 4, Seciton XII). The top of the
this formation; younger deposits are undeformed and Garzon Member has been removed by erosion but is
rest horizontally on top of the older formations. thought to be less than 6 Ma old.

EPOCH/ AGE subdivision used in subdivision used

present artide by other ENVIRONMENT OROGENESIS
Formation IMbr./Sequence authors
EUATERNARY younger votcanic deposits Fluvial / I
---- 7
and terraces Volcanic ~
- - i

PLIOCENE Las Vuettas Fluviat J

-- - - - - 7 - - _ _

6arz6n Mbr.
[eibas [ongL
(Betfr~n & 5at[o
_+6.4 V
Gigante Los Attares 5iganfe Ftuvia[ / [ 13arz6n Massif
Formation Member Formafion Volcanic A I

(Howe,1969,1974) N I

± 8.0- Neiva Fro.
I i
Neiva Mbr.
(Howe,1969,197/,) I
Sequence D I
Formation I UPLIFT
Sequence C [. [ordittera

Fig. 3. Subdivision of the Gigante Formation in the southern Neiva Basin

Uplift,subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 179

6.4 _+2,4-
silty clay
silt M% RS5 900 -

6.6 .' (Xll)

sandy silt
pebbly sand
i / 1 / 1 / / ss ~
congo l merate,
debris flow deposit 700
FT~ 0gnimbrite deposit
6.2 _+0 . 4 - ~
Ff~ pumice (lasts, rounded F F sw MW179
7.2.D 7.2 -*0,2
p-~ pumciedasts, angular
tuff 600
F~ claypebbles (]tJto
rootLetsendpateosot O

mudcrackedsurface E
F~Fe iron pan 0.119i5
76 +-
toad casts Q~

F---I non- erosional contact

F~ erosional contact 7.0 ± 01 - - ~
inclined accretionary F ...... !
not exposed interval
I----IF small fault
I-- 300-
- Fe MW1~6
F 83± o.s-

F__~F . . . . . ?-

RS- O,Bt

Honda Fm
QGf ~ ~LD- A
(1) OGs (XlII A)

Fig. 4. S t r a t i g r a p h i c s e c t i o n s of t h e G i g a n t e F o r m a t i o n a n d K - A r a g e s ; sections locations s h o w n in Fig. 1.


Table I. K-Ar mineral data for the Gigante Formation

Section K 40Arrad 40Aratm Calculated A g e
Sample & Member Mineral ( p p m wt) ( p p b wt) (% 40Artot) (Ma Jr lo)

MWl04 Q. Guandinosita Biotite 7.01 3.83 49 ~ 9 ~. (t i

Los Altares 7.01 3.88 5]
MW 105 Q. Guandinosita Biotite 6.30 3.25 88 7.7 _+. 0.3
Los Altares 6.24 3.44 88
MW 110 Q. Guandinosita Biotite 6.70 3.27 70 7.0 ± 0.1
Los Altares 6.70 3.23 73
MW 126 Q. Guandinosita Hornblende 0,58 0.25 91 6.2 ± 0.4
GarzSn 0.58 0.24 95
MW 146 Q. la Honda Biotite 7.12 4.24 44 8.3 ± 0.8
Los Attares 7.11 3.96 42
MW 154 Q. la Honda Biotite 6.73 3.42 63 7.2 ± 0.2
Los Altares 6.67 3.33 72
MW 157 Q. la Honda Biotite 6.59 3.14 50 6.6 ± 0.4
Garz6h 6.61 2.92 46
MW 202 La L a g u n a Biotite 6.58 3.46 71 7.5 ± 0.2
Los Altares 6.58 3.37 76
MW 179 Q Jagualito Biotite 6.71 3.32 74 7.2 ± 0.2
Los Altares 6.71 3.42 76
MW 195 Q. las D a m a s Biotite 6.53 3.45 71 7.6 ± 0.1
Los Altares 6.57 3.42 70
MW 206 Exposure 280 Biotite 7.04 3.89 37 8.0 ± 0.l
Los Altares 7.07 3.98 42
MW 542 Q. E 1 A r r a y a n Hornblende 0.42 0.22 77 7.3 ± 0.3
Los Altares 0.4] 0.21 93

Petrology and Provenance A r e a s o f the FACIES TYPES AND FACIES

Sandstones a n d Conglomerates ASSOCIATIONS

Although the conglomerates of the upper part of The stratigraphy and facies of the Gigante For-
the Honda Formation consist of about 60% Creta- mation are interpreted from 13 sections measured
ceous chert and quartz pebbles, these rocks make up throughout the region, detailed stratigraphic and
a much smaller percentage of the overlying Neiva structural mapping, and copious paleocurrent data.
Member. In the Neiva Member, Triassic/Jurassic The most important sections, together with associa-
volcanic pebbles predominate, and some 5-10% ted radiometric age determinations, are given in Fig.
pebbles are found, originating from the products of 4.
contemporaneous volcanism. The deposits may be described in terms of litho-
The conglomerate composition of the Neiva facies codes that are based mainly on the codes for
Member is very constant throughout the basin. The braided river systems introduced by Miall (1977,
clast composition and the very low proportion of 1978) and Rust (1978) ,and partly on the codes used
metamorphic clasts from the Garz6n Massif indicate by Mathisen and Vondra (1983) and Smith (1987a)
that the conglomerates must have originated from for volcaniclastic and volcanic deposits. The classifi-
the Central Cordillera. In the Los Altares Member, cation of the latter two kinds of deposits was slightly
pebbles from contemporaneous volcanism constitute modified. The lithofacies codes used here are listed
the most important fraction. These dacitic and an- in Table 2.
desitic clasts form about 40-60% of the total. In the The sediments of the three members of the
Garz6n Member, the portion of metamorphic clasts Gigante Formation may be divided into the follow-
from the Garz6n Massif increases drastically - - up to ing six major lithofacies associations, using the
27% in the center of the basin, indicating increased aforementioned lithofacies codes. These associations
erosion of the massif. are listed in Table 3.
The sandstones of the Gigante Formation may
be classified mainly as volcanic arenites, with the
exception of those of the Neiva Member, which Overbank Facies Association (I)
should be classified as subarkoses (Folk, 1968). Thin
sections of the sandy lithosomes of the Los Altares Facies of this association are Fm and F1, with
Member indicate a complete dominance of typical minor Sh, S1, Sr, and Pp. The association is formed
first-cycle sandstones, with poorly rounded and by mudstones, silty mudstones, and siltstones that
sorted grains consisting of unweathered volcanic may be intercalated with usually less than 2-meter-
fragments and crystals, resulting from contempo- thick beds of fine- to medium-grained sandstones
raneous volcanism. These volcanic sandstones were showing climbing ripple and other types of ripple
formed directly or indirectly as a result of activity of lamination, parallel lamination, trough crossbed-
the Central Cordillera volcanic arc. ding, and low-angle trough crossbedding. The facies
Uplift,subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 181

Table 2. Lithofacies of the Gigante Formation.

(Note) Lithofaeies Sedimentary Structures Interpretation

Gins (1) Gravel, massive, matrix supported, None, normal, reverse (often coarse- Debris flows and mudflows
very poorly sorted, clasts may be tail) grading
angular to rounded

Gin(b) (3) Gravel, massive or crudely bedded, Horizontal bedding, gravel imbrica- Channel lag,longitudinalbars
clast supported tion

Gm(a) (3) Gravel, massive, abundant sand No imbrication Coarse-grained hyperconcentrated

matrix, largely clast supported, flow deposits; rapid deposition both
poorly sorted, subangular to from suspension and by traction
rounded clasts

Gt (1) Gravel, stratified Large-scale trough crossbeds Channel fill

Gi (3) Gravel, stratified Low-angle (5-20°) inclined strati- Lateral accretion surfaces
fication, sets to 6 m thick

St (1) Sand, medium to very coarse,may Trough crossbeds, single or grouped Dunes (lower flow regime)
be pebbly

Sp (1) Sand, medium to very coarse,may Planar crossbeds, single or grouped Transverse bars, sand waves (lower
be pebbly flow regime)

S1 (1) Sand, fine to coarse Low-angle (< 10°)crossbeds Scour fills, antidunes

Sr (1) Sand, very fine to medium grained Ripple marks and ripplecross- Ripples: bar-top, secondary channel,
lamination of alltypes floodplain (lower flow regime)

Ss (1) Sand, fine to coarse, may be pebbly, Broad, shallow scours, includingeta Scour fills
may contain intraclasts cross-stratification

Sh (1) Sand, medium to very coarse,may Parallel lamination, plane bedding Planar bed flow (lower and upper flow
be pebbly regime)

Sh(g) (4) Silt, sand, very fine to very coarse, Plane bedding and very low-angle Hyperconcentrated flow; long-
may be pebbly, may contain (< I0°)bedding, normally graded, wavelength dunes
pumice-pebble streaks may fineupward to silt

Sh(m) (4) Sand, fineto very coarse,may be Parallel strata (0.5-5.0 m thick), Planar bed flow (upper flow regime),
pebbly laterally discontinuousover 1-5 m, sheetflood deposits
gradational contacts between
coarse and fine strata

FI (1) Sand (very fine to fine), silt, mud Ripple marks, plane lamination, Deposit of waning floods, overbank
convolute bedding, burrows, plant deposits

Fm (1) Silt,clay Massive Overbank or drape deposits

Pp (2) Mottling in sand, silt,or mud, Pedogenic features Paleosol

clay ironstones

Tins (2) Tuff-breccia,massive, matrix May show normal grading of lithics Pyroclastic flow (ignimbrite)
supported and reverse grading of pumice

Ta (3) Tuff, well sorted Massive or horizontal bedding, may Pyroclasticfall(air-falltuff)

show evidence of burrowing or root

Tr (2) Tuff, well sorted, may be clayey Massive or (cross)stratified Reworked tuff
Notes: 1) After Miall (1977,1978); 2) after Mathisen and Vondra (1983); 3) after Smith (1987);this paper.

Table 3. Lithofacies associations of the Gigante Formation

Facies Domina~t
Association Facies Minor Facies Interpretation

I Fro, FI Sh, S1, Sr, Pp Overbank deposits

II Gin(b), S1 Gi, Gt, Sh, Sp, Ss Conglomeratic fluvial channel deposits
IIIa Sp, St, Gin(b) Sh, SI, Ss Sandy fluvial channel deposits (lower-flowregime)
IIIb Sh, S1 Sp, St, Sr Sandy fluvial channel deposits (upper-flow regime)
IV Sh(m), Sh, S1 Unconfined sheetflood deposits
V Gins, Sh(g) Gin(a) Debris flow and hyperconcentrated flow deposits
VI Tins Ta, Tr, Sh, S1 Ignimbrites and air-fall tuff deposits

association consists both of massive mud- and silt- by reactivation surfaces and originated during high-
stone intervals and of thin interbedded mud, silt, stage flow (Rust, 1975, 1978; Boothroyd and Ashley,
and sand deposits. Pieces of wood, leaf impressions, 1975; Miall 1977, 1978), whereas the intercalated
evidence of burrowing, plant roots, convolute bed- horizontally bedded thin sandstones (Sh) represent
ding, and the presence of gypsum crystals or gypsum deposition during waning flow conditions
layers are all typical for the overbank deposits

Sandy Channel Facies Association (III)

Conglomeratic Fluvial Channel Facies
Association (II) Subassociation Dominated by Sp and St
(IIIa). Facies Sp and St are dominant, and Sh, S1,
Facies Gm(b) dominates in this association, with Ss, and Gm(b) are less common. Facies Gm(b) is
minor Gt, Gi, and Gp. Intercalated sandstone lenses found as channel lag at the base of the pebbly
and beds exhibit facies Sh, S1, Sp, and Ss. The con- sandstone bodies. These pebbly sandstones often
glomerates of this facies association are crudely hori- fine upward to medium sand exhibiting planar
zontally stratified or massive and clast supported. crossbedding, trough crossbedding, or horizontal
Clasts are generally well rounded and moderately lamination (Fig. 6). The conglomeratic base of the
sorted. Maximum clast size varies from medium sand bodies may contain silt or clay intraclasts. The
gravel to boulders. The conglomerates are often im- beds usually have scouring basal contacts with
bricated and occur in banks of 1-15 meters, sepa- underlying deposits and vary in thickness from 0.5
rated by thin lenses of horizontally bedded or low- to 7.5 meters. Facies Sp is formed by migration of
angle crossbedded sand (Fig. 5). In some places, the transverse or linguoid bars in shallow water under
sand intercalations show solitary or grouped planar lower-flow conditions (Smith, 1970); facies St is
crossbeds. formed by sinuous-crested dunes under lower-flow
The conglomerates mostly occur in multistoried conditions (Harms and Fahnestock, 1965).
sequences up to 40 meters thick. These sequences
usually have sharp, flat basal contacts with the Subassociation Dominated by Sh and S1
underlying sediments, but internally the contacts (IIIb). Sh and S1 are dominant, and Sp, St, Sr, and
are scouring. Channel depths vary between 1 and Gm(b) form minor facies. Channel sequences of 10-
15 meters; channel widths reach 100 meters in the 13 meters are most common. Individual beds are
largest conglomeratic channels. between 1 and 6 meters thick. The largest sandy
The horizontally bedded or massive, often imbri- channel encountered had a width of over 100 meters
cated, conglomerates (facies Gm(b)) may be inter- (Fig. 7). The sand bodies may have convex down-
preted as superimposed longitudinal bars separated ward, scouring basal contacts or flat non-scouring

Fig. 5. Imbricated conglomerates of facies GM(b) and intercalated sandstone lenses of facies Sh in the Los Altares Member,
Quebrada la Honda, belonging to facies association II; view is toward the NNE; hammer is about 30 cm long.
Uplift, subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 183

bases; loadcasts may be present. The medium to the great similarityto sheetflooddeposits on alluvial
very coarse sand is poorly rounded and poorly to fans (Bull, 1972; Nilsen, 1982), indicate that the
moderately sorted. Pebbles are present as channel sediments were deposited by unconfined or broadly
lags (facies Gin(b)), as thin pebble stringers, or confined sheetfloods under upper-flow conditions in
scattered throughout the sand. Pebbly sandstones very shallow water.
are common. The widespread occurrence of facies Sh
and S1 indicates that deposition took place under
shallow upper-flow regime conditions, Sh being Debris.Flow and Hyperconcentrated.Flow
deposited as horizontally bedded sand and S1 as Facies Association (V)
shallow scour fills (McKee et al., 1967; Miall, 1978;
Rust, 1978). This facies association comprises debris-fow
deposits (Gms) with intercalatedhyperconcentrated-
flow deposits (Gm(a) and Sh(g)). The debris-flow
Sandy Unconfined Facies Association (IV) deposits consist of massive matrix-supported conglo-
merates that are ungraded or exhibit normal or
This association is characterized by facies Sh(m), reverse grading. Grading is often of the coarse-tail
Sh, and Sl. The deposits show rapid alternations of type. The m a x i m u m size of most clasts is 5-25 cm,
discontinuous layers of horizontally stratified to but outsizeboulders up to 2.5 meters in diameter are
crudely horizontally bedded and very low-angle also present. The clasts are angular to subrounded
crossbedded sandstone and pebbly sandstones. The and m a y consist almost entirely of dacite and
coarser layers m a y consist either of very coarse to andesite fragments. However, some very polymict
pebbly sandstone or of conglomerate. The finer debris-flow deposits were encountered, containing
layers are mostly medium to very coarse sand. The up to 48% Paleozoic schist fragments. The deposits
deposits have non-erosional basal contacts; internal usually have sharp planar basal contacts. Some-
contacts are usually not very erosive either. Indi- times these contacts are irregular and scour under-
vidual layers vary from 1 to 13 meters in thickness lying sediments.
and extend laterally over hundreds of meters. No Most debris-flow deposits have a limited thick-
consistent grading is found in the deposits. Bedding ness of 1-2 meters, but some very thick debris flows,
is visible due to segregation of granule-rich and over 17 meters, were also encountered. Often, the
sand-rich horizons (Fig. 8). This segregation is due debris-flow deposits are found associated with de-
to deposition under upper-flow regime conditions posits of hyperconcentrated flows (facies Sh(g) and
(Blair, 1987). Gm(a)), in some places in single-story couplets, at
The great lateral extent and lack of scouring other locations in multistory sequences up to 70
basal contacts with underlying deposits, as well as meters thick. In the latter case, both sandy and

Fig. 6. Trough crossbedding in pebbly sandstones and sandstones of the Garz6n Member, Quebrada la Honda, belonging to facies
subassociation Ilia;view is toward the N N W .

Fig. 7. Large channel in the Los Altares Member, filled with horizontally bedded deposits of subassociation IIIb; wew is toward the
ENE; seated man is about 1.2 m high.

Fig. 8. Unconfined sheetflood deposits of facies association IV, underlain by a debris-flow deposit of facies association V; Quebrada
Guandinosita, view is toward the NE.

gravelly hyperconcentrated-flow deposits may be deposits are usually normally graded, and the
present. The sandy hyperconcentrated-flow deposits thinnest deposits (<- 1 m) often fine upward to a silt-
have thicknesses varying between < 1 and 1.7 me- rich top. Similar deposits have been described by
ters, and the gravelly deposits occur in beds up to 3 Ballance (1984) as subaqueous gravity flow deposits,
meters thick. The sandy hyperconcentrated-flow these were reinterpretated by Smith (1986) as
Uplift, subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 185

Fig. 9. Crude horizontal stratificationwith pumice streaks in the Los Altares Member, Quebrada Guandinosita section,belonging
to faciesassociation V; view is toward the N N E ; lens cap is _ 5 cam in diameter.

Fig. 10. Three superimposed ignimbrite deposits showing a clear differentiation into a basal layer, and a main body with a lithic
concentration zone (LCZ) at the base and a pumice concentration zone (PCZ) at the top; Quebrada la Honda, view is toward the N.

resulting from rapid deposition of hyperconcentrated Pierson and Scott (1985; see also Fig. 9). The sandy
flows under conditions of waning flow energy. The deposits show a faint horizontal stratification, but
top of the hyperconcentrated-flow deposits may be the gravels (facies Gin(a)) are massive. Both sandy
pumice-enriched, and thin pumice or gravel lenses and gravelly deposits contain littlematrix. Sorting
are often present at various levels, as described by of the sandy deposits and the gravels is poor. Basal
SAF_~ 5[2--E
5arz6n Member
Los Attares Member
Neiva Member Potrerittos
n number of measurements
R correlation coefficient ,,
N / --1

5igante - •,r-. ," "-x f .

• J \,

' ~r~

] ~.~ .- ~, =0.95 k.

Y i.. R:o.96"
I L~--'.,.
\--" /
~~' ""t ~
~ n-25
''R--089 i
" / '~.~:~n:6Oq~ i..,.-,--~.L~ "'...-'~

."""X....."~'1 ~ ~ /
f" ~'~'k .,/.~'~"/
~ f A n=50 n=50 .~ ¢
R:o93 .-.,..

I \~ f'"


r~~ ~ n=6
• n=5/+ '"~
~::::::'> R=0.89 .~ _./x. N

"~'v.~ "~" k.,~. x" 1=7 ')

n=9 ~/'~ l. ~--o.9 ~
R=0.93 X.L.~.. 7


Fig. 11. Paleocurrent directions of hte different members of the Gigante Formation. Pebble imbrication measurements can be
recognized by the greater number of measurements (20 -< n -< 50), whereas the foreset measurements are characterized by a much
lower number of measurements (4 -< n -< 13). The width of the fans equals 20 (in degrees).
Uplift, subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 187

contacts of both sandy and gravelly deposits are Ta, the air-fall tuff facies, consists of fine-
mostly planar, and the deposits generally extend grained, crudely horizontally stratified tuff with al-
over several hundreds of meters. ternating layers of pumice clasts and phenocrysts.
Tr, the reworked air-fall tuff facies, consists of cross-
bedded or low-angle crossbedded tuff.
Ignimbrite and Air.Fall Tuff Facies Association
This association comprises the facies Tins, Ta,
and Tr. Facies Tins consists of massive matrix- Deposits of the Gigante Formation are described
supported tuffbreccias deposited by pyroclasticflows here in terms of the six different facies associations.
(ignimbrites). Most deposits have thicknesses of The depositional environments of the three members
about 1 meter, but some are up to 4.5 meters thick. have been reconstructed on the basis of these asso-
They have planar, non-scoured bases and consist of ciations. The results of paleocurrent direction mea-
pumice clasts of up to 40 cm and rock fragments of up surements are shown in Fig. 11. Pebble imbrication
to 5 cm in a matrix of dacitic glass. None of the ig- (dip of the ab-plane) and planar and trough cross-
nimbrites is welded. bedding were measured. The Neiva and GarzSn
Most of the ignimbrites are completely undiffer- Members show paleocurrent directions to the north;
entiated, and pumice clasts and lithic fragments are the Los Altares Member shows paleocurrents fan-
evenly distributed over the whole lithosome. In ning outward from a number of centers in an east-
some fine-grained deposits, well-sorted and well- ward direction. In the Neiva and Garz6n Members,
rounded pumice pebbles occur in laterally dis- the variance in paleocurrent directions between beds
continuous lenses, and the breccias show a crude is very low. The northward paleocurrent directions
bedding. Most ignimbrites are strongly enriched in of the Neiva Member are in contrast to eastward
lithics, especially lithics of comagmatic origin, but directions presented by Howe (1974) but were veri-
xenoliths are found as well. Thin sections show that fied by remeasurement.
the deposits are often crystal enriched and somewhat
fines depleted.
At only one location (Fig. 10) were three suc- Neiva Member
cessive tuff breccias found that show a clear differen-
tiation into a basal layer, a lithic concentration zone The Neiva Member is characterized by the con-
(LCZ) at the base of the main body, and a pumice glomeratic fluvial channel facies association (II), the
concentration zone (PCZ) at the top of the main body sandy channel facies association (IIIa and IIIb), and
of the deposit (Sparks et al., 1973; Freundt and the overbank facies association (Table 4). Howe
Schmincke, 1986). No surge deposits or dust layers (1974) remarked with regard to these deposits that
were encountered. the internal sequence of facies within the lithologic

Table 4. Abundances of facies associations of the different

members of the Gigante Formation.
Member Dominant Facies Associations Minor Facies Associations
Neiva II I, IIIa

Los Altares I, IIIb, IV, V II, VI

(depending on distality of section)

Garz6n II, IV I, IIIa, V, VI

T a b l e 5. Ratio o f g r a v e l l y c h a n n e l d e p o s i t s , s a n d y c h a n n e l deposits,
a n d o v e r b a n k d e p o s i t s , as well a s m a x i m u m clast size o f t h e
c o n g l o m e r a t e s , in different s e c t i o n s o f t h e N e i v a M e m b e r .
Overbank Sandy Gravel @ Avg. @Max.
Deposits Deposits Deposits Congl. Congl.
Section (%) (%) (%) (cm) (cm)
Quebrada Las Damas 29.8 27.1 43.1 18.1 45

Cuchilla del Tigre 31.9 28.8 39.3 19.3 25

Quebrada La Guandinosa 24.7 29.3 46.0 15.2 30

Quebrada Guandinosita 27.4 29.8 42.8 13.1 30

188 A . M . VAN DER WIEI., [~. D. VAN DEN BERGH, and E. H. HEBEDA

units varies greatly, a lack of' cyclicity prevails, and vertical aggradation was rapid and constanL There.
it is impossible to trace any single unit throughout is no evidence for periods of nondeposition.
the basin. Although this is true, it appears that the Thick intercalations of overbank deposits were
ratio overbank deposits/sandy channel deposits; once thought to be unusual in the braided environ-
gravelly channel deposits remains very constant ment. However, a high proportion (~f overbank
throughout the basin (Table 5~, assuming that un- deposits need not be related to high-sinuosity sys-
exposed parts of the stratigraphic column represent tems but may be linked to, among others, climatic
overbank deposits. and orogenic factors (Schumm, 1968; Baker, 1978;
Thick sequences of massive, often imbricated, Friend, 1978; McLean and Jerzykiewicz, 1978:
multistoried conglomerates alternate with units of Bridge and Leeder, 1979).
floodplain deposits and sequences of intercalated
conglomerates and sandstones belonging to both of
the sandy fluvial channel facies subassociations. Los Altares Member
Channel depths of the conglomerates vary between l
and 15 meters; channel widths are up to 100 meters The relative abundance of the different facies
in the largest conglomeratic channels. The maxi- associations in the Los Altares Member depends on
mum and average clast size of the conglomerates the position of the stratigraphic section within the
decrease in a south-north direction (Table 5). The basin. In fact, all facies associations are present in
mudstone intervals of the Neiva Member are often variable proportions (Table 4). Although most sand-
badly exposed or covered by vegetation. The mud- stone and conglomerate banks seem to form resis-
stones are red-brown and lack mottles; paleosol tant, laterally extensive sheets that vary little in
development is also lacking. thickness, and many of the individual banks can be
The high proportion of horizontally bedded and followed over several hundreds of meters in scarp
imbricated gravel, lack of debris-flow and hyper- facies of hogbacks along strike, Van Houten and
concentrated-flow deposits, consistent paleocurrent Travis (1968) already noted that these banks are in
directions to the north, and diminution of maximum fact composed of "complexly lensing deposits." The
and average conglomerate pebble size in a south- lack of marker beds makes it difficult to correlate
north direction (Table 5) all suggest deposition by a one section with another.
north-flowing proximal braided river system. The In the Quebrada Guandinosita section, the
river system that deposited the Neiva Member re- debris-flow and hyperconcentrated-flow facies asso-
sembles both gravelly and sandy braided river ciation (V) and the sandy unconfined facies associa-
systems described by Rust (1975, 1978), Boothroyd tion (IV) are dominant. Farther to the southeast,
and Ashley (1975), and Cant (1978). The occurrence both the sandy unconfined facies association (IV) and
of sandy, gravelly, and overbank deposits points to the sandy channel facies subassociation (HIb) are
deposition by a mixed-load river (terminology after important, and the amount of overbank deposits
Schumm, 1968). (facies association I) increases.
The abrupt coarsening upward of the Neiva The lower part of the Quebrada Guandinosita
Member relative to the underlying Honda Forma- section contains several thick series of superimposed
tion suggests that the braided river system de- volcanic debris-flow deposits. In the middle of the
veloped as a result of uplift in the source area (i.e., section, debris-flow deposits are associated with de-
the Central Cordillera). The northward paleocur- posits of hyperconcentrated flows (facies Sh(g) and
rent directions and the diminution of the material to Gm(a)) in multistory sequences up to 70 meters
the north suggest that the southern part of the thick. Some of the gravels of facies Gm(a) consist
Central Cordillera was uplifted the most, possibly entirely of one or two angular clast types (andesite
the area where this cordillera merges with the and/or dacite), contain very little matrix, and are
Eastern Cordillera. This area is underlain mainly well sorted. These gravels, described by Howe (1969)
by Triassic/Jurassic volcanics and intrusives, which as volcanic pebblestones, may have been deposited
accords with the composition of the Neiva conglo- by grain flows.
merates. Uplift of this southern region may have The upper part of the Quebrada Guandinosita
resulted in a slight northward tilting of the basin. section and the Quebrada la Honda section contain
This would explain why paleocurrent directions single-story units of debris-flow deposits, with or
measured in the eastern part of the basin are also to without related hyperconcentrated-flow deposits;
the north; due to tilting of the basin, small braided multistory sequences are lacking.
rivers coming from the east joined with the paleo- Mudstones are very scarce in the Quebrada
Magdalena River under a low angle. Guandinosita section. The thickness of the mud-
The relatively high proportion of overbank de- stone intervals varies between 1 and 6 meters. On
posits may be accounted for by assuming that infill of the other hand, mudstones make up 26% of the total
the basin due to the pulse of uplift kept pace with section in the Quebrada la Honda. In the lower part
subsidence and compaction, resulting in preserva- of the Los Altares Member, the mudstones are red-
tion of the channel deposits and part of the overbank brown, without mottles. Higher up in the member,
deposits. This accords with the lack of pedogenic they are usually greyish-white. Few paleosols are
features in the floodplain deposits, suggesting that developed in the mudstones.
Uplift,subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 189

Conglomerates belonging to facies Gm(b) of the canic debris on the slopes of the volcanoes as a result
fluvial facies association are mostly found in rela- of heavy rainfall.
tively thin multistory sequences of 10 meters or less No consistent differences in mineralogical com-
in the lower part of the Quebrada Guandinosita position were found to exist between volcaniclastic
section. The thickness of the beds varies between 2 sandstones from the sandy fluvial channel infills of
and 8 meters, and the basal contacts are mostly subassociation IIIb and the sheetflood deposits.
planar or slightly scouring. In some of the more Blair (1987) described sheetflood deposits of the
southerly sections (e.g., the Quebrada Jagualito Roaring River alluvial fan in Colorado that are un-
section, Fig. 4), thick, up to 25 meters, multistoried confined in proximal reaches but become chan-
conglomeratic sequences are present. These se- nelized distally. The proximal deposits consist of
quences often exhibit scouring basal contacts. Indi- sand and pebbly sand in (discontinuous) horizontal
vidual beds have m a x i m u m thicknesses of 8.5 or slightly inclined beds in which granule-rich and
meters, and their clasts m a y be larger than the sand-rich horizons are segregated from having been
clasts in the northerly sections -- the m a x i m u m deposited under upper-flow regime conditions. The
clast sizebeing 80 cm. distal channelized deposits show vertically and lat-
In both the Quebrada Guandinosita and the erally varying sets of trough crossbedded, ripple-
Quebrada la Honda, thin ignimbrites are found bedded, and planar crossbedded sand and pebbly
scattered throughout the upper part of the Los Al- sand deposited under lower-flow regime conditions.
tares Member, as are the air-falltufts and reworked Although the sandy channel deposits of the Los
air-falltufts. Altares Member show relatively greater amounts of
The fanning paleocurrent directions, predomin- facies Sh and S1 than the Roaring River fan, partial
ance of debris-flow and hyperconcentrated-flow de- rechannelization probably played a role here as well.
posits, and widespread occurrence of facies Sh and This would explain the similarities between the
Sl, both in sandy channels and as unconfined sheet- channel sandstones and the unconfined sandstone
flood deposits, all point to alluvial fan deposition. deposits: both types of sandstones are, in fact, sheet-
Also, the great variations from one stratigraphic flood deposits, but the first type was rechannelized
section to another, with respect to relative abun- and the second type was deposited without confine-
dances of facies associations as well as overall grain ment. Furthermore, it would explain the predomin-
size, and the fact that individual banks cannot be ance of unconfined sheetflood deposits in the
correlated from one section to another, are charac- Quebrada Guandinosita section, located on the mid-
teristic of alluvial fan deposits (Bull, 1972; Nilsen, fan, and the approximately equal proportions of
1982). The volcanic pebblestones that are found unconfined and rechannelized sheetflood deposits in
associated with the debris-flowdeposits m a y perhaps the Quebrada la Honda section, which was deposited
be interpreted as sieve-lobedeposits. on a more distal part of an apron where partial re-
W h e n the relative abundances of the facies asso- channelization had taken place (Fig. 13).
ciations found in the Quebrada Guandinosita and An explanation for the difference in distality
Quebrada la Honda sections are plotted against may be that the Quebrada Guandinosita section is
position within the stratigraphy (Fig. 12, top), the located much nearer to the Dina Thrust, the eastern-
differences between the sections are clearly visible. most fault of the Chusma fault system (see section on
The comparison suggests that the Q.Guandinosita geologic setting), than the Quebrada la Honda sec-
section was deposited on the more proximal part of tion (Figs. 1, 2, and 13). This fault forms the western
an alluvialfan, because it is dominated by sediments boundary of the southern Neiva Basin (Butler,
from the debris-flow and hyperconcentrated-flow 1983). Along the fault the Honda Formation,
facies association, by a greater number of conglo- underlying the Gigante Formation, is juxtaposed
meratic channels, and by unconfined sheetflood de- against the Jurassic SaldaSa Formation. As the
posits. The Quebrada la Honda deposits were SaldaSa Formation is far more resistant to erosion
deposited more distally,as indicated by the greater than the Honda Formation, it is likely that a high
amount of overbank deposits and the lack of debris- was present along the east side of the fault. The Los
flow deposits (Bull, 1972; Nilsen, 1982). A compari- Altares rivers may then have entered the southern
son of Fig. 12 (top) with the Hornelen Basin in Neiva Basin at reentrants along the fault, forming
Norway (Gloppen and Steel, 1981) suggests that the volcanic aprons at those points (Fig. 13).
deposits of the Quebrada Guandinosita were laid Nonmarine volcaniclastic sedimentation is char-
down in middle fan reaches, whereas the sediments acterized by the rapid production of vast volumes of
of the Quebrada la Honda were deposited in a distal easily erodible material over irregular time inter-
fan setting. vals, combined with nonuniform rates of sediment
The very high percentage of fresh volcanic erosion (Vessell and Davies, 1981). In the northern
matter in both the conglomerates and the sandstones part of the basin, some of the events resulting in the
(see section on petrology) points to a volcanic origin deposition of the Los Altares Member probably pro-
of the material aggrading on these fans -- i.e.,to duced enough sediment to force the north-flowing
deposition on volcanic aprons resulting directlyfrom trunk river, the paleo-Magdalena, to flow farther to
volcanic eruptions or from mobilization of loose vol- the east, close to the GarzSn-Algeciras Fault which

O. Guandinosita O. La Honda
8hn 5arz6n
\ / x
il 600

Section (m)

' "'i':::':':"l


' I ~ I ' I = ] i "

0 20 ~0 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
cumutative (%) cumutative (%)
r===l Overbank facies associafion
0,. I3uandinosita Cong[omeratic fiuviat channet facies assoc~ahon
Sandy channel facies association
Sandy unconfined factes assoclafion
Age( F ~ D e b r i s Mow and hyperconcentrated
flow facies associafion
Ignimbrife and air-fa[[ ruff facies association

~. La Honda

" ~ : ~ :::::.:.. 7.5

I I ' I ~ 'I ' I

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 ~0 60 80 100
cumutative (%) cumutafive (%)

Fig. 12. Top: Cumulative percentages of the different facies associations found in the Gigante Formation, plotted against position
within the stratigraphic column. Percentages were calculated over 50-meter intervals of the stratigraphic sections and plotted in
the middle of the interval. For each subsequent calculation, an overlap of 25 meters with the underlying interval was taken.
Bottom: Cumulative percentages of the different facies associations of the Gigante Formation plotted against interpolated ages.

delimits the basin from the Garz6n Massif. In this type conglomerates is found above the contact be-
northern region, the deposits of the Los Altares tween the two members, suggesting that the paleo-
Member are coarse grained and proximal, and no Magdalena River probably flowed farther to the east.
interfingering of volcaniclastic deposits with Neiva- Unfortunately, this cannot be checked, because the
Uplift, subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 191

area directly west of the fault is covered by younger can be considered as the younger deposits of the
sediments. paleo-Magdalena River, the main difference from
In the stratigraphic column from the southern the Neiva Member being that the Garz6n conglomer-
part of the basin (Quebrada las Damas), inter- ates contain a much higher share of metamorphic
fingering of the Neiva and Altares Members is found clasts originating from the Garz6n Massif (see sec-
up to 500 meters above the base of the Neiva tion on provenance areas and petrology). Appar-
Member. In this part of the basin, the volcaniclastic ently, the massif began to be upliftedduring deposi-
deposits of the Los Altares Member are much thin- tion of the Garz6n Member, and erosional products
ner and finer grained, and deposition was deter- from the rising massif entered the fuvial system.
mined by sheetfloods and floodplain aggradation The lower proportion of overbank sediments in the
(Fig. 4). This environment represents a very distal Garz6n Member, as compared with the Neiva M e m -
setting where deposition on volcanic aprons graded ber, may be attributed to the greater amount of
into alluvial plain deposition. Apparently, vol- coarse material entering the basin as a result of up-
canism had less influence on the sedimentation pro- lift of the massif. Uplift culminated during deposi-
cesses at this location and, during deposition of the tion of the overlying Las Vueltas formation, which
Los Altares Member, Neiva-type conglomerates consists entirely of coarse alluvial fan material ero-
were deposited simultaneously by the major trunk ded from the massif (see section on stratigraphy).
river (Fig. 13). In the east of the region, the conglomerates of
The contact between the two members is poorly the Garz6n Member are dominated by components
exposed in the middle of the basin, but interfingering derived from the east. However, east-derived mater-
is found a few kilometers west of the Garz6n-Alge- ial from the massif and west-derived volcaniclastics
ciras Fault, indicating that the paleo-Magdalena are both found in the center of the basin. The pre-
River here also deviated from its original course and sence of thin ignimbrites and debris-flow intercala-
flowed close to the Garz6n Massif. Farther to the tions, and the occurrence of thick sheetflooddeposits
west, fine-grained volcaniclastic,multistoried sheet- consisting almost entirelyof fresh volcanic material,
flood deposits are found intercalated with con- indicate that the influence of volcanism of the Cen-
glomeratic fluvial channel deposits and overbank tral Cordillera was stillsignificant,although not as
deposits (Fig. 4: Quebrada Jagualito section, Rio much as during deposition of the Los Altares M e m -
Magdalena section). The channel deposits probably ber. The greater number of paleosols in the Garz6n
represent channels on the distalparts of the volcanic Member probably reflectsthe diminishing influence
aprons grading into the alluvialplain. Grain size of of volcanism on sedimentation (Smith, 1987b) and
the deposits is intermediate between the coarse- thus longer pauses in sedimentation between periods
grained deposits found in the Quebrada Guandino- of rapid aggradation. The somewhat reduced vol-
sita and the fine-grained deposits in the south. canic input on the one hand, and erosion of the up-
lifting Garz6n Massif on the other, probably forced
the paleo-Magdalena River back to its original
Garzdn Member position in the center of the basin (Fig. 13).
The Garz6n Member is essentially a strike out-
Like the Neiva Member, the Garz6n Member is crop. The lack of outcrops farther to the west pre-
characterized predominantly by the conglomeratic cludes an interpretation of the paleoenvironment of
fluvial channel facies association (If)and the sheet- this area. Therefore, it remains uncertain whether
flood deposits of association IV (Table 4). The con- volcanic aprons were stillpresent in this area, albeit
glomerates of the Garz6n Member contain coarser much reduced in size,or whether braided channels,
clasts than the underlying members, including a transporting volcanic material and erosional pro-
boulder 2.5 meters in diameter. The long axis of most ducts from the Central Cordillera to the major
clasts however, is less than 50 cm. The conglomer- north-flowing trunk river, flowed on an alluvial
ates occur in multistory sequences up to 40 meters plain where sedimentation was dominated by over-
thick. Individual beds are up to 15 meters thick. bank deposition and sheetflood events. The frst
Deposits of the fluvial channel facies association option is depicted in Fig. 13.
alternate with deposits of the sheetflood facies asso-
ciation. The latter are characterized by horizontally
bedded or low-angle crossbedded blue-grey sand- DISCUSSION
stone beds consisting almost entirely of andesitic
and dacitic volcanic fragments. Paleosols are de- The locationof the ancient former volcanoes that
veloped in some of the sandstone bodies (faciesPp). produced the volcanic and volcaniclasticdeposits of
Furthermore, some thin ignimbrite and debris-flow the Gigante Formation is unknown. Davies et al.
intercalationsare found in the member. (1978) reported characteristicsof fluvial sediments,
The Garz6n M e m b e r m a y be interpreted as hav- channel forms, and flow conditions for the fluvial
ing been deposited by a north-flowing braided river systems draining the Fuego Volcano in Guatemala.
system on the basis of the same criteria used for They divided the river systems into three segments:
determining the paleoenvironment of the Neiva the volcanic highlands, a transition region, and the
Member. In fact,the deposits of the Garz6n Member coastal plain. The characteristicsof the Los Altares
79-8 Ma 8.0-6.4 Ma 6i/+- < i

Eocene- 0 h go c e n e / M,oc e n~ /'~--~7 ~ --~--1~.

Fold and Thrusf Belt / >--~=

rT,.~ -.

..... - U - - ~
// -- <

0 10 km
l i I Al[uvia{ fans/volcanlc aprons ~ Gravel bars ~ Thrusf fau[f

Fig. 13. Reconstruction showing the shifting course of the paleo-Magdalena River during the deposition of the three members of the Gigante Formation:
QGt, Quebrada Guandinosita section; Q1H, Quebrada la Honda section.
Uplift, subsidence, and volcanism in the southern Neiva Basin, Colombia, Part 2 193

deposits are broadly comparable to those of the sedi- Guandinosita section and 0.42 mm/yr in the Que-
ments from the transition region, which were brada la Honda section.
deposited at a distance of 30-40 k m from the crater. • The sections probably represent different vol-
In the case of the Gigante Formation, however, the canic aprons, because periods of intense volcani-
former volcanoes were probably located further from clastic sedimentation do not coincide. This accords
the southern Neiva Basin, perhaps 50-60 k m distant. with the paleocurrent patterns given in Fig. 11,
This would place the former eruptive centers exactly which seem to indicatedifferentfan systems.
within the present-day main belt of andesitic strato- • Main ignimbrite deposition started at approxi-
volcanoes. Considering that during the 1985 erup- mately the same time in both sections. Ignimbrite
tion of the Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia, the debris deposits on both aprons may have been derived from
flows traveled 60-90 k m (Naranjo et al. 1986), this the same ignimbrite eruption phases. It has been
would stillbe a realisticassumption. noted that three types of ignimbrite deposits are
Unfortunately, more proximal deposits of Gigan- present: undifferentiated deposits with very large
te age are either lacking or buried under younger pumice clasts; deposits showing a clear tripartite
volcanic deposits. A n exception is found in one small division into a LCZ, a main body, and a PCZ; and
stratigraphic section in the Quebrada el Array~in, 15 thin, crudely horizontally bedded ignimbrite de-
k m southwest of La Plata, consisting of volcani- posits with thin pumice lenses. Similar differences
clastic deposits very similar to the Los Altares de- within a single deposit have been described by
posits. The deposits are coarser grained than the Walker et al. (1980, 1981) and Wilson and Walker
deposits of the southern Neiva Basin. A K-At deter- (1982) as occurring in the Taupo ignimbrite in N e w
mination on hornblende from an ignimbritic inter- Zealand and by Schumacher and Schmincke (1990)
calation gave an age of 7.3 + 0.3 M a (Table 1, sample for the Laacher See Volcano ignimbrites. These
M W 542). This section probably represents a more differences are interpreted by the latter as lateral
proximal equivalent of the Los Altares Member. facies changes. According to them, the bedded de-
Part of the volcaniclastic material produced in the posits represent a facies developed on the higher
proximal areas was probably transported to the parts of the original topography, and the massive
southern Neiva Basin by an ancestral Rio P~ez and deposits and deposits with a tripartite division
other tributaries of the paleo-Magdalena. Similar represent a facies developed in the valleys. A de-
processes have been described by Vessell and Davies tailed study of the ignimbrite deposits of the Gigante
(1981) in Guatemala where, during a three-year Formation, however, is needed to determine whether
period, 5% of all ejecta and 12% of the glowing the differences between the deposits are lateral fa-
avalanche deposits on the flanks of the Fuego Vol- cies changes within the same ignimbrite or resulted
cano were remobilized by debris flows in proximal from differentignimbrite eruptions.
reaches. Almost at the same time, large quantities The following observations on the Quebrada
of sediment were introduced into the stream sys- Guandinosita section are also of interest:
tems, resulting in rapidly aggrading braided bed- • In the lower part of the section, confined sheet-
load channels in which deposition occurred mainly flood and overbank deposits are replaced by channel
through flash floods. The authors estimate that it conglomerates, debris flow, and unconfined sheet-
takes 20-30 years for most of the loose debris from a flood deposits. This replacement probably reflects
single eruption to be removed from the flanks of the the gradual basinward extension of the volcanic
volcano. apron due to increasing volcanic activity.
Comparison of the age of the base of the Los • The two intervals characterized by intense vol-
Altares M e m b e r at the Quebrada Guandinosita and caniclastic sedimentation are approximately equal
Quebrada la Honda sections with a K-At mineral in duration: they lasted about 0.5 re.y.each.
age of 8.0+0.1 M a from the southwest part of the • A more or less regular alternation of channel de-
basin (Table 1, sample M W 206), shows that the age posits and overbank deposits is visible in Fig. 12
of the contact between the Los Altares and Neiva (bottom). This alternation probably represents lat-
Members is 8 Ma. The age of the contact between eral shiftingof the channels on the fan.
the Los Altares and Garz6n Members is +_6.4 Ma.
These average ages and the intermediate K-Ar ages
from the Quebrada Guandinosita and Quebrada La PALEOGEOGRAPHIC RECONSTRUCTION
Honda sections were used to calculate average sedi- AND CONCLUSIONS
ment accumulation rates for both sections. These
rates were used in turn to construct Fig. 12 (bottom) During deposition of the Neiva Member, uplift of
from Fig. 12 (top);the cumulative percentages of the the southern part of the Central Cordillera resulted
different facies associations of the Gigante Forma- in deposition of polymict pebble conglomerates,
tion are plotted against the intrapolated ages. The sandstones, and mudstenes in the southern Neiva
timing of sedimentologic changes in both sections Basin. The basin floor may have been tilted slightly
can then be compared, leading to the following con- to the north. The river forming the deposits was a
clusions: braided north-flowing paleo-Magdalena River, fed
• Sedimentation rates for the period between 8 predominantly from the south, and to a lesserextent
and 6.4 M a averaged 0.36 mm/yr in the Quebrada from the west, by small alluvial fans and braided

tributaries (Fig. 13, left). Deposition took place During deposition of the Garz6n Member vol-
mainly on longitudinal bars under upper-flow re- canism abated somewhat, as shown by the develop-
gime conditions and by sheetfloods. The channel belt ment of paleosols in the sandy overbank deposits and
was probably rather wide - - channels being sepa- renewed deposition of large volumes of pebble con-
rated by bars and areas where floodplain deposition glomerates with northward paleocurrent directions.
took place. Apparently, the braided paleo-Magdalena River re-
Volcanism became much more intense during occupied its former course (Fig. 13, right). The con-
deposition of the Los Altares Member, and eruptions glomerates have an eastern provenance in part,
of andesitic and dacitic material resulted in the indicating that erosional products of the rising
formation of large, partly coalescing volcanic aprons Garzbn Massif entered the southern Neiva Basin.
along the reactivated former thrust front of the Fluvial sedimentation was interrupted at times by
Central Cordillera (Fig. 13, middle). At first, vol- the influx of great quantities of blue-grey sands of
canic activity resulted mostly in the formation of sheetflood origin and occasionally by a debris flow or
volcanic debris flows and sheetfloods, but gradually, ignimbrite, which probably spread out from the
as eruptions became more explosive, ignimbrites and much reduced volcanic aprons in the west over the
air-fall tephra were deposited as well. The Miocene alluvial plain and into the main river s y s t e m
eruptive centers were probably located 15-20 km
west of La Plata, along the present chain of large
andesitic stratovolcanoes.
The large volcanic aprons in the north and
center of the southern Neiva Basin forced the paleo-
Acknowledgments--This work was carried out with financial
Magdalena River to flow farther to the east. In the
support from the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of
south, volcanic influence on sedimentation seems to Tropical Research (WOTRO). Sincere thanks are due to Mr. P. G.
have been more restricted, either because of the M. Versteeg for drawing the figures. We are obligedto Prof. H.-U.
greater distance to the fault front from which the Schmincke and Dr. A. Freundt for their valuable comments and
aprons spread outward into the basin, or because the help with interpreting some of the thin sections. We would like to
Miocene eruptive centers were located too far to the thank Dr. P. A. M. Andriessen for fission-track age determination
on a sample from the upper part of Road Section Garz6n. Also, we
north. Because of the limited volcanic influence in are grateful to Dr. S. Salamanca for the Spanish translation of the
the south, the paleo-Magdalena River kept its ori- abstract. In Colombia, we would like to thank the CIAF for
ginal course during deposition of the Los Altares placing their facilities at our disposal and Mr. J. M. Carillo for his
Member, and Neiva conglomerates interfinger with driving and his assistance in the field.
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